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Malaysian Family Life Surveys, 1976±1977 and 1988±1989 (MFLS)

The MFLS was conducted by RAND as a set of representative household and community surveys. These surveys collected detailed information on such issues as family structure, fertility, economic status, education, and migration. Some of the 1988±9 survey was collected as panel data. or ICPSR


Encuesta Nacional de la Dinamica Demografica 1992 [National Survey of

Population Dynamics] (ENADID)

ENADID provides comprehensive national data on the Mexican population. It is located in the Data Archive in the Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin and the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Data Base, but may be available only to account holders at those universities. Contact information is provided.

Encuesta Nacional De Empleo Urban (ENEU)

ENEU provides national employment data for the country of Mexico. It is located in the Data Archive in the Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin and 476

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the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Data Base, but may be available only to

account holders at those universities. Contact information is provided.

Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia, e Informatica (INEGI)

INEGI provides geographic, economic, and demographic information about Mexico,

and coordinates the Informatic Development Programme. The site provides access to a catalogue of products. This catalogue, however, is available only in Spanish.


CentER Savings Survey (formerly known as the VSB Panel [Dutch Socio-

Economic Panel Study]), Netherlands

The VSB Project conducts research on household decision-making and savings patterns.

VSB includes panel data on Dutch households (DSEP), which are similar to PSID data and include around 5,000 households in every wave. Starting in 1993, the VSB

also includes the VSB Savings Panel of 3,000 households, 2,000 of which form a

representative sample of the Dutch population and 1,000 of which are from the top 10

percent income bracket. Research is conducted by economists and psychologists.

Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)

The CBS collects, processes, and analyzes statistical data pertaining to the Netherlands.

Statistical results are available in published form.

Economy Data Archives (Econdata)

Econdata is a database of national and regional economic studies, both those which are a part of the main Steinmetz Archive (Dutch Social Science Data Archive) and those registered with the Steinmetz Archive.

Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA)

LASA, begun in 1992 by the Netherlands Institute of Gerontology, is an interdisciplinary, longitudinal study used to develop and evaluate policy in the field of aging. The main topics addressed in this study include autonomy and quality of life (functioning) of older persons. The sample, obtained from the cross-sectional NESTOR study, is constructed to reflect the national distribution of urbanization and population density in the Netherlands.

Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services (NIWI)

NIWI collects and registers social science data, and mediates the acquisition of that data by researchers. NIWI provides access to the Econdata and Steinmetz Archives and the History Data Archives (NHDA).

Data Resources on the World Wide Web


Steinmetz Archive

The Dutch Social Science Data Archive collects, documents, processes, and distributes Dutch and international social science data to interested researchers. The archive holds 2,000 data sets, including collections of public opinion polls, election studies, and the Continuous Social Survey.


SocioSite, established at the University of Amsterdam, is a comprehensive resource to hundreds of web sites that are sociological in nature. Web site links are categorized according to subject matter, and are often accompanied by a short description. SocioSite also provides links to course syllabi, online journals, libraries, data archives, sociology departments, research centers and associations, publishers, newsgroups, and mailing lists.

New Zealand

New Zealand Social Research Data Archives (NZSRDA)

Located in Massey University, the NZSRDA collects, cleans, documents, and preserves social, political, and economic data. It includes over 33 New Zealand data sets, as well as international data sets. Data access is limited to academic researchers.

New Zealand Election Study

The New Zealand Election Study provides an analysis of political behavior over five successive New Zealand elections. It focuses on democratic processes during a period of social and economic change and a transition between electoral systems. The web site includes a list of publications and working papers.


Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD)

The NSD, directed under the Research Council of Norway, is a national research center that maintains access for researchers to social science data and services. Data available through the NSD include: the Commune Database, census tract information, the Criminal Justice Archive, the Nordic Database on Regional Time Series (1950±90), a Polling Archive, the Norwegian Survey Archive, the Census Databank, the KIRUT Database,

and data on the political system. This site also has a clickable map with links to other data archives around the world.

Norwegian Historical Data Centre (NHDC)

Located at the University of Tromsù, the NHDC strives to provide a national Norwegian population register for the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The NHDC has compu-478

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terized census data from 1865 to the present linked with eighteenth- and nineteenth-century parish registers. Data are available as hard copy and on floppy disk, and statistics are available on the Internet.

Statistics Norway

Statistics Norway collects, analyzes, and disseminates Norwegian statistical information.

The web site includes selected statistics by subject, weekly bulletin updates, and information about publications utilizing these statistical data.


The Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutritional Survey (CLHNS)

Conducted as a joint effort between researchers in the United States and the Philippines, the CLHNS is an ongoing study of a cohort of Filipino women who gave birth to a child between May 1, 1983 and April 30, 1984. The first follow-up, in 1991±2, included information on a total of 2,260 children. The study addresses issues of infant feeding patterns, as well as other health, demographic, and nutritional outcomes. The 1983±4

data are available on CD-ROM free of charge, and the 1991±2 follow-up data

are available via FTP on the Internet. Copies of questionnaires and codebooks are also available via the Internet.


Euro-Asian Bank of Social Data (DB)

Formerly the All-Union Data Bank, the Euro-Asian Bank of Social Data archives and disseminates machine-readable data on sociological research projects conducted in the USSR/Russia. The DB now stores a comprehensive collection of 25 years of empirical social research, covering a wide range of topics.

Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS)

This web site seeks to provide easy access to public use data on Russia. The RLMS, which began in 1992, is an interdisciplinary series of nationally representative surveys studying the impact of economic reforms on the health and economic welfare of the Russian Federation. Researchers on the project include economists, statisticians, sociologists, nutritionists, and public health scholars from the USA and Russia. Data are currently available for four series (1992±4), and can be obtained in SAS format through anonymous FTP or on diskette. Documentation is available over the Internet in Adobe Acrobat format.

Data Resources on the World Wide Web



Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

The Statistical Office collects, analyzes, and provides statistical data to researchers interested in the Republic of Slovenia. Data are available on tape or diskette.

South Africa

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA)

Stats SA collects, analyzes and provides statistical data to researchers interested in South Africa. Statistical releases and reports, as well as economic indicators and time-series data, are available from the site.

South African Data Archive (SADA)

SADA was established in 1993 to provide and promote the use of domestic and international social science data and documentation. It is a member of IASSIST, IFDO, and the ICPSR. The Archive includes political science, election, criminology, demography, sociology, economic, business, education, history, health, psychology, and census data. A listing of data holdings is available online, as is a listing of other relevant archives.

Archive data can be obtained through FTP, on diskette, or in some cases on CD-ROM, and are available in ASCII or SPSS format. Researchers are charged for the direct costs of the data delivery.


AnaÂlisis SocioloÂgicos EconoÂmicos y PolõÂticos, SA (ASEP)

One of Spain's leading public opinion institutes, ASEP provides researchers with data and documentation from their public opinion surveys. The data bank at ASEP includes more than 120 national studies conducted since 1986. ASEP is also participating in numerous international projects, such as the World Values Survey, the International Social Survey Program (ISSP), and the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Data on CD-ROM can be ordered online. Prices vary. This website is only available in Spanish. However, many of the CD-ROMs include both Spanish and English translations.

Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas (CIS)

The CIS, a state agency attached to the Office of the Presidency, was established to conduct surveys in an attempt to study Spanish society. Over 1,200 social and political public opinion surveys are available in the CIS data bank. Surveys include monthly barometer polls, monographic surveys, regional and municipal surveys, electoral surveys, and international surveys. Data can be purchased in tabular form or in raw form and are available to all Spanish citizens. Other interested researchers can contact the CIS.


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Karolinska Institutet

Sweden's only medical university, the Karolinska Institutet strongly emphasizes medical research and maintains the Karolinska Institutet Library (KIB), the country's largest medical library and national resource library for medicine, ontology, and care sciences.

This site contains a research database, which provides researchers with descriptions of ongoing projects, and links to project leaders and published results.

National Archives of Sweden

The National Archives of Sweden, located in Stockholm, have established the National Archival Database (NAD), which provides individuals with information regarding the state. NAD includes the National Registry of Private Archives, which is available on CD-ROM and will soon be available via the Internet. This web site also includes links to regional and military archives. Access to archival information is public, unless otherwise stated in the Act of Secrecy.

Social Citizenship Indicator Program (SCIP)

Located at the Swedish Institute for Social Research at Stockholm University, SCIP

provides data for comparative research in the areas of social policy, standard of living, and labor market research. The web site also provides free access to working papers and publications.

Statistics Sweden (SCB)

The Statistics Sweden web site provides a wonderful, comprehensive listing of links to the public authorities responsible for disseminating official Swedish statistics. Additionally, this site provides useful links for statistical information pertaining to Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, Oceania, and South America, and information collected by international organizations.

Swedish Social Sciences Data Service (SSD)

An independent service at the University of Goteborg, the SSD collects, processes, and archives Swedish and international data from over 130 countries. The Archive includes social science survey and statistical data, and provides thorough documentation. However, all documentation is in Swedish. Data can be requested by e-mail. Non-Swedish researchers should contact the Data Archive representative in their home country (IFDO

Archives, ICPSR, IRSS, ISSR-UCLA). Each data set costs US$25.

Data Resources on the World Wide Web




SIDOS acts as the Swiss information and data archival service for the social sciences. This site, offered in English, French, and German, provides information regarding data access, links to other resources, and SIDOS news updates.

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