The Blackwell Companion to Sociology (114 page)

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Kathryn Harker

National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH)

The NSFH is a comprehensive survey of American family life. The survey interviewed a national probability sample of over 13,000 respondents in 1987±8. The sample was followed up in 1992±4, with interviews of the original respondent, the original spouse or cohabiting partner of the respondent, and the current spouse or partner of the respondent. In addition, interviews were conducted with a randomly selected child age 10±23

and with a parent of the respondent. This site provides online access to preliminary data from the second wave of the NSFH. Data is only available in FTP format at this time.

National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG)

The NSFG survey is based on interviews with a national sample of non-institutionalized American women aged 15±44 years. The purpose of the survey, conducted in 1973,

1976, 1982, 1988, 1990, and 1995, is to collect data on factors affecting pregnancy and women's health. Public-use data files can be purchased on CD-ROM (US$15±22) or tape (US$265±395). Documentation can be downloaded via FTP from this site.

Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), ISR at University of Michigan

The PSID is a longitudinal survey of a representative sample of US indviduals and families that has been conducted annually since 1968. The survey emphasizes the

dynamic aspects of economic and demographic behavior. Data and comprehensive

documentation are available to the public, distributed through the ICPSR on magnetic tape or via FTP online. Since 1987, data have also been available by CD-ROM.

Researchers are charged US$30 for CD-ROMs if they are affiliated with ICPSR member institutions, US$55 if they are associated with a non-ICPSR academic institution, and US$105 if they are non-academic. A PSID bibliography, newsletter, and SAS and SPSS

examples are also available online.

Population Index 1986±1998 (Volumes 52±64)

The Population Index serves as a primary reference tool for population literature searches. The index provides an annotated bibliography of recent books, journal articles, working papers, and other materials. The entire published database (1986±98) is available to perform online searches by author, subject, geographical region, or year of publication. This web site also provides helpful links to other population research sites.

Population Studies Center (PSC), University of Michigan

The PSC is an interdisciplinary center conducting both domestic and international research in the areas of fertility, family planning, marriage, inequality, migration, aging, and education. Studies can be located at this web page through a subject search.

Some of the major studies archived here are the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey, the World Fertility Surveys, and the China Health and Nutrition Survey.

Data Resources on the World Wide Web


Princeton University Office of Population Research Data Archive

This site contains descriptions of fertility data sets maintained by the OPR. Included are several studies on American fertility, European fertility decline, the World Fertility Survey (WHS), the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), and Chinese fertility

surveys. This site also contains links to the Latin American Development Archive at Johns Hopkins University and the Central American Population Program in San JoseÂ, Costa Rica.

Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

The Roper Center is the largest archive of public opinion data in the world, containing more than 12,500 studies conducted in over 75 countries. The Center provides machine-readable datasets, data analysis, customized searches, and access to POLL, an online database of data holdings and documentation. Academic and non-academic subscrip-tions to the Center's services are available, as is the purchase of ad hoc access to specific data sets or questions. This web site also provides links to other survey research organizations.

Sites Related to Demography and Population

This webpage, located at the Population Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin, contains links to demography and population-related sites. Included are links to population websites located outside of the United States and within Texas. Further, this page includes links to US government and international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.

Social Gerontology and the Aging Revolution

This web site provides links to helpful resources, references, academic programs, and research pertaining to aging and the elderly.

Social Security Online

The Social Security Administration's (SSA) homepage provides access to information regarding the SSA, electronic publications, and online direct services. Additionally, the site provides links to policy and research information and statistical publications and tables.

Sociometrics Data Archives

Sociometrics is a research and development firm specializing in social science research applications and the provision of public access to social science data. The Social Science Data Library includes nearly 350 data sets in several separate data archives: the Data Archive on Adolescent Pregnancy and Pregnancy Prevention (DAAPPP), the American


Kathryn Harker

Family Data Archive (AFDA), the Data Archive of Social Research on Aging (DASRA), the Maternal Drug Abuse Data Archive (MDA), the AIDS/STD Data Archive (AIDS),

and the Research Archive on Disability in the US (RADIUS). A Contextual Data Archive is also under construction. All studies have been selected by national panels of researchers for their technical quality and their utility. This web site also provides links to program archives for the public dissemination and replication of prevention programs in key health areas. Orders are placed online for a fee.

The State of the Nation's Cities: a Comprehensive Database on American

Cities and Suburbs

In 1996 the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) contracted with the Center for Urban Policy Research to assemble a database of 77 American cities and suburbs. In 1998, the database included information on over 3,000 variables, allowing easy comparability of indicators on employment, economic development, demographics, housing and land use, income and poverty, fiscal conditions, health, social and environmental indicators. Database and documentation are available in paper copy, as an ASCII file, a SPSS portable file, an Excel file, or a SAS file.

Survey of Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest-Old (AHEAD)

A Health and Retirement Study auxiliary study, AHEAD is a national panel study that focuses on the interplay of resources and late life health transitions. The sample includes individuals born in or before 1923 and any younger spouses, and includes oversamples of blacks, Hispanics, and Florida residents. Three waves of data collection have been conducted (1994, 1996, 1998). Public-release Wave I data are available on the web site to those who register for an account.

Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)

SIPP is a continuous series of nationally representative surveys begun in 1984. The purpose of these surveys is to collect information regarding income, labor force participation, government program participation and eligibility, and general demographic characteristics. It is used to measure the effectiveness of existing federal, state, and local programs, such as food stamps, to estimate future costs, and to provide information on American income distribution. Researchers can access the public-use data and documentation from the Census homepage.

UC Data, Data Archive and Technical Assistance

UC Data maintains an archive of over 2,000 computerized social science and health statistical data sets. The data sets cover topics such as public opinion, voting patterns, ethnic populations, income distribution, health and aging, and international relations.

The archive obtains data from the ICPSR, the National Center for Health Statistics, the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, and the Census. It is also the exclusive repository of the Mervin Fields' California Polls, a time-series social and political attitude data set. Data are available to University of California at Berkeley faculty, staff, and students on Data Resources on the World Wide Web


CD-ROM or tape cartridges. Outsiders may obtain access to data not offered elsewhere, such as the Mervin Fields' California Polls, for a fee.

The Urban Information Center (UIC)

The UIC is a special data center housed within the Campus Computing center at the University of Missouri's St Louis campus (UMSL). The UIC provides data processing expertise and promotes the application of demographic data to a wide variety of market-ing and planning problems. This web site provides free access to a variety of census and demographic data, some of which pertain to the entire USA and some of which pertain only to St Louis, Missouri, or Illinois.

The Urban Institute

The Urban Institute is a non-partisan policy research organization that investigates social and economic problems in the United States. The Institute's web site offers access to the latest research reports and publications, and information regarding upcoming events. It also provides links to the Institute's current research projects (in the areas of federalism, economics, social welfare, community building, and policy briefs) and related institutions/networks.

US Census Bureau

The Census Bureau's web page offers official census statistics. Researchers are able to extract data from the 1990 Census and from surveys like the Current Population Survey and the Survey of Income and Program Participation and obtain summary tables from the County and City Data Books and the Statistical Abstracts of the United States. Further, the site provides a link to the International Database (IDB), a computerized data bank containing statistical tables of demographic and socioeconomic data for all countries in the world.

Voice of the Shuttle: Gender Studies Page

This Gender Studies page provides links to general resources, women's studies and feminist theory, studies on homosexuality, information on men's movements, and


Wisconsin Longitudinal Studies (WLS)

The WLS is a long-term study of a men and women who graduated from Wisconsin high schools in 1957. Data were collected from a random sample of 10,317 respondents or their parents in 1957, 1964, 1975, and 1992 and a randomly selected sibling in 1977 and 1993. The data provide information on social background, aspirations, schooling, military service, family, labor market experiences, mental ability tests, etc. The study is representative of white, non-Hispanic Americans who have completed at least high school. Data are available via the Internet.


Kathryn Harker

1997 World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency

The World Factbook is prepared by the CIA for the use of government officials. It includes information regarding the flags, maps, and descriptions of foreign countries.


Economic Information Unit and Social Science Faculty's Data Archive


Maintained by the Social Science Faculty Council at the Universidad de la RepuÂblica since 1992, UISDP has collected and archived data and provided support for social researchers. The UISDP provides access to 72 data sets, and imposes no special limitations on foreign researchers.


Council of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA)

CESSDA promotes the acquisition, storage, and dissemination of social science machine-readable data throughout Europe. Its web page provides very easy access to over 30

major high quality social science data archives located throughout the world. CESSDA's web page also offers links to catalogues of member organizations and provides a central news forum about CESSDA activities.

Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) Population Activities Unit,

Population Aging

The Population Activities Unit is the only United Nations office specializing in European and North American population issues. The Unit promotes dialogue between policy-makers, government officials, and population experts on various facets of demographic change, coordinates region-wide activities to collect and share data, and disseminates findings to experts and policy-makers. The Unit is also involved in a project to collect cross-national comparative data to study the social and economic conditions of the elderly.

Eurodata Research Archive

A structure within the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), Eurodata supports comparative European research. The data archive focuses on socioeconomic and political data collected at the national and regional levels. This web site, available in both English and German, includes links to Eurodata publications, the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), the Luxembourg Employment Study (LES), the Panel

Comparability Project (PACO), and other major European social science organizations, data archives, and studies.

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