The Billionaires Mistress (22 page)

Read The Billionaires Mistress Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #love, #romantic, #love story, #sex, #romance, #adult, #sexual

BOOK: The Billionaires Mistress
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“I have to Ryan...........I just have please”.


Once more she had turned to look at him. This time her expression one of grim determination.


“Goodbye Ryan Trudeau” she had repeated, her eyes holding his.


Struggling to say the words he had held her look, the hurt now filling his eyes, Jenna almost faltering in her determined path.


“Good bye Jenna Long” he had finally said, his tone husky, heavy.


Rising to her feet Jenna had moved out of the French doors he had carried her through only an hour before, the tears streaming down her distraught face as she had walked stiffly back to her room.

Chapter Eight

Jenna had been relieved that Craig was not there, so relieved that she could curl up on the large bed and let all the hurt and pain once more wash over her, her heart breaking as she had sobbed, a long slow hurt animal sound leaving her.


She did not know how long she had lain like that, but it was only when completely exhausted she had fallen into a deep sleep that she had finally found relief from the heart rendering pain.


The next morning when she had woken, her head had pounded. Groaning, she had moved lethargically into the shower, every move so heavy, as she had allowed the stinging needles of the power jets to bring back some life to her weary body. The memory of saying goodbye to Ryan had once more seen the tears running down her face, and she had struggled so hard to keep things together.


Dressing she had smiled as Craig had slipped into the room, his timing perfect for the two of them to make the final breakfast. He had looked at her with real concern.


“ OK?” he had questioned, taking in her pale complexion, the dark circles around her eyes and the dejected way she sat.


“I...I’m fine” she had replied managing a wavering smile.


“I just have a headache” seeing as he had looked sympathetically at her before moving closer.


“Did I ever tell you Jenna that you are a lousy liar?” he had said softly, his arm moving around her shoulder as she had fallen against him the tears once more flowing freely.


Only after she had stopped sobbing, the heart rendering sounds tearing at her friend was she finally able to tell him about the events of the previous night, Craig looking at her with guilt.


“I knew I should have stayed........I should never have left you alone............never put you in that position”.


Jenna had shaken her head sadly.


“No strange as it sounds, it was better that way”.


Looking down at her hands clasped tightly before her she had whispered with little conviction.


“We needed we can both move on with our lives”, her eyes moving to his, begging him not to argue with her. Taking her hand he had pushed a handkerchief into it.


“Well you only need to make it through one more breakfast and the farewell drinks...........then you need never see him again...if that is what you really want”.


Jenna had felt the cold pain once more filling her at that thought as she had nodded her head, wiping the tears from her still reddened eyes, saying with grim determination.


“Yes.........just one more breakfast” looking at him with more of the old Jenna spirit.


“I can do this” she had said before rising.


Together the two had moved down to the breakfast room, Jenna relieved when Ryan had not shown up for the event. She herself had eaten very little, only managing a few mouthfuls of toast because of Craig’s worried comments and insistence, although struggling to swallow the soft bread.


After breakfast they had returned to their room to finish their packing, Jenna glad to have something to keep her mind occupied. They had then moved from the room, Craig carrying the luggage, which was placed in the foyer ready to be put into the relevant cars while they were attending the final drinks.


As though on automatic pilot, Jenna had found herself laughing and smiling with the many new friends they had made, promising to attend dinners and lunches to talk over plans, an excellent result for the two.


As the delegates had moved around the foyer all chatting noisily, Ryan had finally appeared, Jenna seeing how he too seemed pale and tired. However, his actions seemed to belie this as he had smiled warmly at the guests, mingling with them laughing and joking. Thankfully he had stayed away from her, Jenna relieved that he had accepted what had happened, even if this felt like a knife being turned in her stomach.


The weekend had Jenna could tell, been a huge success, with the many contractors mingling well with each other, most swapping details already discussing how their projects intertwined, arranging meetings.


Jenna wearing in a summer dress, the dress code for that morning definitely more casual, had tried her best not to stare at Ryan, wearing jeans and a casual shirt, looking composed and devastatingly handsome. Beside her Craig had squeezed her hand encouragingly.


“Are you sure you are doing the right thing Jenna?”


He had whispered bending close to her so that nobody else could hear, seeing as she had nodded, sighing sadly.


“This is the way it has to be Craig..........I can’t go through that again, I barely survived the first time”.


Her eyes quickly flicking over to where Ryan stood, seeing as one of his men had ran from one of the rooms, pulling the tall man to the side, his expression sombre, seeing as Ryan had frozen, his body language full of shock, before giving the man quick orders that nobody could hear. Standing with his back to the rest of the group he had been tense, seeming to need to take a moment to calm himself, Jenna frowning seeing as his hand had seemed to shake as he had ran it through his hair.


Turning slowly, he had faced the crowd, many like Jenna sensing that something was not right, seeing the look of shock on his face, the colour drained from him.


“Ladies and gentlemen” he had cried loudly over the noise, the sound stopping instantly.


“I am afraid that I can’t join you for the drinks, but please continue without me”, his voice less than steady, Jenna frowning, having never seen him look so upset before. One of the men closer to him had asked what was wrong, Ryan clearing his throat.


“There has been an brother was hurt”.


Jenna’s hands had flown to her mouth, her eyes round and full of panic as Ryan had looked straight at her, the panic and fear reflected in his also.


“I have to go” he had finished as the crowd had made noises of concern, his eyes still holding hers. Now there was a beseeching look to them as he had held out his hand.


“Jenna...” not having to finish the sentence as she had nodded her head, moving forward instantly to take it.


“Of course” had been her only response, as she had moved out of the house with him, both solely thinking of Tom.


The waiting car had rushed them to the nearby air field where a small plane had been waiting. Silently, and with purpose he had moved up the stairs guiding Jenna as they went. It was only when they were in the air that he had seemed to crumble, his head falling into his hands a low sound of pain leaving him. Throwing off her seat belt Jenna had moved to kneel before him, her hands pulling him into her arms holding him as his had moved around her.


“What happened?” she had asked, her voice so soft, hearing as he had groaned painfully, taking a few moments before he could talk.


“They were doing sound checks on the stage for tonight’s show........when part of the set collapsed. Tom was crushed under it”.


Jenna had gasped.


“Oh my God badly hurt is he?”


She had felt as he had squeezed her even harder to him.


“They had to give him CPR at the scene.........he stopped breathing”.


She had heard as his voice had faltered the fear so evident in his tone.


“God Jenna...if anything happens to him...”


She had made soft clucking soothing noises, holding him the whole time, her hands gently stroking his head like a mother to a hurt child.


“He is strong Ryan.........Tom is tougher than both of us”.


She had felt as he had nodded his head, fear and foreboding filling her too.


The journey had been a quick one, taking less than an hour; she had sat beside him, holding his hand as he had talked about growing up with Tom. Telling her stories of the two as she had smiled, staying silent instinctively knowing that he just needed to talk, Ryan holding her hand the whole time. On landing the two had instantly been met by yet another car which had whisked them away to the hospital Ryan cursing loudly seeing the throng of reporters all baying for a story.


As they had entered the emergency room having to push past the many paparazzi and news reporters they had been ushered to the private waiting room set up for Tom’s entourage. Standing in the corner, Tara had seemed so small, her lovely face streaked with tears as Ryan had moved over to her, quickly pulling her into his arms in a hug.


“How is he...what's going on?” he had asked as she had clung to him, once more breaking down into tears.


“He is stable Ryan” she had finally managed, Jenna seeing as he had closed his eyes with relief, feeling that same relief filling her too.


“But they don’t know if he has any internal bleeding. He is unconscious and with the doctors now”.


As Ryan had released Tara, Jenna had taken the other woman’s hand leading her over to a seat, talking softly to her as they had waited to hear more, Tara looking so scared and vulnerable as she had clutched at her hand, Jenna calmly repeating that he was out of danger and that he was too stubborn to come to any real harm, the final comment making the small woman beside her give a small chuckle, her eyes warm as she had hugged Jenna.


From the other side of the room Ryan had watched, feeling so relieved to have her there by his side. When he had first heard the news, she had been the only one he wanted to be with, her being there the only thing that had stopped him from running from the room the moment he had heard the news, so relieved when she had moved forward taking his hand. In the plane he had only managed to hold things together because of her arms around him, giving him some strength. Now she was looking after Tara, Ryan so thankful for her presence.


At that moment the doctor had moved into the waiting room, holding up his hand for silence as the group around had all rushed forward wanting to know what was going on.


Looking over at Tara he had given an encouraging smile.


“Tom is fine” seeing as the assembled group as one had all breathed a huge sighs of relief.


“He has a broken arm and concussion, so we will be keeping him here for a few days to keep an eye on him”.


“C..can we see him?” Tara had asked shakily, seeing as the Doctor had given her another smile.


“Just for a bit” his kindly response, before putting his hands up as the whole group had moved forward.


“Direct family only” he had stated, Jenna stopping as Tara and Ryan had moved forward. However, Ryan had turned moving back to her, and taking her hand pulled her in with him.


“Tom has always looked on you as a sister” he had said, his eyes looking so softly into hers, the relief on them obvious as Jenna had smiled warmly back at him.


In the private room, Tom had lain on the hospital bed, his arm in a splint, a big bandage on his head. He had looked sleepy, from the drugs given to him to help with the pain. As Tom had seen Tara, he had grinned at her, as she had rushed forward, fighting the desire to throw herself onto him. He had raised his uninjured arm, his thumb gently wiping away a tear from her face, his weak voice whispering gently to her.


“Don’t cry know me........takes a lot more stage to stop me”.


Tara had given a small giggle, her big eyes looking deeply into his, Jenna seeing the look of total devotion passing between them.


“Tom.........I was so scared........if anything.....” her voice had trailed off as another sob had wracked her. He had cupped her cheek gently, pulling her head down to kiss him, before looking so deeply into her eyes, his full of such depth.

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