The Beach House (12 page)

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Authors: JT Harding

Tags: #lesbian, #threesome, #anal sex, #oral sex, #lactation

BOOK: The Beach House
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Kim stared back, watching how the white
toweling robe gaped at the front to expose the curve of Jenni’s
breast, more arousing because of the change of tone, deep tan
suddenly cut across where her bikini top had shaded her skin, the
main weight of her breast white. Jenni leaned forward, unconscious
perhaps of the way the neckline displayed her and Kim saw the
weight of her breasts shift, so much larger than her own, and she
wanted to suck on them, not in the way Ami suckled on her, but
something rawer, something wilder.

Ami’s feeding eased and Kim looked down as
her perfect daughter’s eyelids drooped and closed. She smiled and
pulled gently until Ami’s mouth unlatched from the nipple, enjoying
the rush of cool air against tender flesh. She lifted Ami to her
shoulder, not bothering to cover herself, because this was how they
were, this was what they did, not needing to cover their bodies in
front of each other, and even though there was a new person across
the table she was not going to change the way she did anything. She
circled Ami’s back with her hand until rewarded with a comically
loud burp, waited and received a second release of wind. Ami was a
limp rag now and Kim handed her across to Joe who took her without
a word and carried her upstairs to her cot.

Kim sat back and stared openly at Jenni. The
other woman flushed, caught out, her thoughts transparent.

“How does that feel? Feeding Ami?”


“Does it make you sore?”

Kim shook her head. “Tender. Sensitive. Not
sore, not really.”

Jenni stared at Kim’s breasts. Kim made no
move to cover herself, aware her nipples grew stiff beneath the
other woman’s gaze. When Jenni finally lifted her eyes Kim stared
back openly, trying to answer a question that had not been asked,
not out loud.

“Come here.” Kim patted the chair Joe had

Jenni looked at her. She hesitated, then
rose and came round the table, sat and allowed her gaze to focus on
the trails of milk running down Kim’s breasts.

“You can touch, if you want,” Kim said.

“What?” Jenni’s eyes shifted rapidly away.
“What do you mean?”

“You look like you want to touch my nipples.
You can, it’s okay if you want to.”

Jenni shook her head, long hair drying now
and falling back into natural curls that Kim was jealous of. “I
wondered... what it would be like.” Jenni’s voice was barely

“Try.” Kim’s voice sounded hoarse in her own

The flush on Jenni’s tanned cheeks deepened.
“I can’t.”

“I want you to.” The hoarseness grew in
Kim’s voice, wetness pooling between her legs. She pushed her chair
back and sat on the edge of the table facing Jenni, placed a hand
beneath each breast and lifted, gasping as the movement forced the
sensitive tips outward. The shape of her nipples had changed over
the months of feeding Ami. They had always stood proud, but now the
dark nipples peaked on a plump bed of areole which had filled more
as her breasts changed, becoming puffy and large so that her
breasts rose in multiple layers to their most sensitive peak.

Jenni’s hand lifted, rising toward them,
stopped and withdrew. “I can’t.”

“I want you to touch me.” Kim leaned
forward, offering herself.

Jenni’s eyes locked on her nipples,
observing as they stiffened, hardening even more than they already
were. Kim reached down and took Jenni’s hand, placed it against her
breast, allowed Jenni’s fingertip to lightly brush against the
nipple. The feeling was unbelievable, better than all her

“Please.” Kim leaned further toward

Jenni appeared mesmerized as she moved
closer, edging toward Kim’s perfect up-tilted breasts. Her lips
parted and Kim shivered as the other woman’s breath brushed warm
against her nipple. She released Jenni’s hand to slide her own
behind Jenni’s head, burying her fingers in the thick auburn

“Please,” Kim repeated, releasing an indrawn
cry as Jenni’s lips closed over her nipple. Jenni’s tongue flicked
out and tapped the stiff nub. Kim saw a trail of her milk on
Jenni’s tongue and shivered. “You have to suck them. Suck them hard
if you want my milk. You do want my milk, don’t you?”

Jenni nodded, unable to resist. Her lips
closed over Kim’s nipple again, this time closing tightly, the
suction building, soft and gentle, not like the demanding vacuum
Ami made. This was different, not serving the same purpose. Kim’s
breasts released their bounty and she felt Jenni draw milk into her
mouth. She drew Jenni’s wide mouth hard against her and allowed her
head to drop back. The sensation was electric, running through her
body, making her fingertips and toes tingle. Kim had no idea how
far things might have gone if Joe had not returned. She saw him
over Jenni’s shoulder, standing in the doorway, and wondered how
long he had been there. The lessening of pressure on the back of
Jenni’s head alerted her to some change and she pulled off Kim’s
nipple, saw her looking over her head and turned.

She jerked upright, flushing with
embarrassment at being found out, but Joe’s smile was so forgiving
her guilt appeared to instantly drain away.

“It looked like you were enjoying yourself,”
Joe said. “Both of you.”

“I was only...” Jenni started, but it was
obvious to all of them no excuse was going to work in this
situation, not with a line of Kim’s milk still trailing from the
corner of her mouth.

“Go on.” Joe walked across. Kim watched him
touch Jenni’s shoulder, slipping his fingers beneath the toweling
robe so they rested against her skin, urging Jenni back to her
breast. “I want to watch you do that again.”

Jenni made a noise deep inside her throat,
half objection and half need. Kim felt Jenni’s body vibrating
against hers, knowing exactly what was happening, exactly what she
wanted. She had never felt this way before, this raging need, not
just for Jenni but for Joe as well, and Kim believed Jenni was
experiencing the same raw passion, that she was theirs completely,
to do with as they wished. Kim knew Jenni wanted this as badly as
they did.

Joe lowered his head and rested his cheek
against Kim’s left breast, applied gentle pressure and Jenni
acceded to his will, her mouth latching back over Kim’s nipple. Kim
stiffened at Joe’s touch, smiled. He turned his head, still keeping
his eyes on Jenni, and placed his mouth over the other nipple.

Kim jerked and a tiny yelp escaped her lips,
the sensation of both sensitive nipples being drawn on almost too
much. She was trembling hard, close to climaxing. Joe’s hand snaked
inside her thigh, pushing her bikini briefs aside and dipping
inside her. She was melting, juices trailing down her thighs,
soaking Joe’s fingers. She bit hard on her lip, knowing this was
going too far, not yet ready to take the next inevitable step. She
grabbed Joe’s long hair in her fingers and pulled his head aside,
shook her head and as he looked up at her she mouthed the word,

He understood. Thank God, he understood. He
sat back and took the chair on the other side of the table where
Jenni had been.

Kim wrapped her fingers in Jenni’s thick
hair and drew her gently away. She came reluctantly, breast milk
trailing down her chin, and looked up at Kim.

“You have to leave me some for Ami,
sweetheart,” Kim said softly.

Jenni sat back, reaching behind to finding
her chair, composure ruffled. “Sorry. I was... getting carried

“I know.” Kim leaned down, lifted Jenni’s
face and kissed her lips, tasting her own milk, the sweetness
flooding her mouth. She kissed Jenni deeply, allowing the moment to
draw out, pulled back. “Soon,” she said, staring into the other
woman’s eyes, and Jenni nodded, recognizing the message being

It seemed to Kim as though she was melting;
she had never experienced such a welling of lust, burning hot in
her belly, spreading to her extremities. She wanted Jenni to bury
her face against her breasts again, wanted to kiss her neck and
stomach and lovely mouth. She wanted Joe’s hard body to be pounding
against her, and she believed this would come to pass, if she was
patient. She should show some restraint, but could find none. If
they wanted her now she was theirs, here in full view of the beach,
she would let them take her any way they wanted, completely

Jenni took a deep breath and sat back and
Kim mirrored the move. The mood shimmered and broke, falling

“Food’s going cold,” Joe said, and everyone



Joe and Kim walked Jenni across to her pickup. As
she opened the door she saw the copy of Joe’s book she was reading
still on the seat and reached across for it. Nervous all of a
sudden she turned and held it out to him. “I feel stupid, but would
you sign this for me, Joe?”

He looked down and laughed. “Sure.” He took
the book from her. “I haven’t got a pen.”

“Shit.” Jenni leaned back into the cab,
searching for something to write with. She found a ballpoint in the
side pocket, scribbled on her palm to check it still worked and
handed it to him.

Joe opened the front cover, looked sideways
in thought then wrote something inside. He closed the book and
handed it back to her. Jenni was too nervous to open it in front of
him to see what he had written.

“Thanks, Joe.”

“Anytime. Before we leave give me your
address and I’ll send you a copy of the new book.”

Jenni felt herself flush. She nodded and
climbed into the cab, knowing Joe and Kim were both watching her
ass and not caring – no, wrong, caring, caring a great deal. A
thrill coursed through her to know their eyes were on her.

All the time driving back to her house on the
far side of town, all the while she lugged the dirty laundry into
the lean-to on the side of the house, Jenni thought about what was
happening to her, wondering if she could go through with this
thing, ideas of what could be burning hot in her brain.

She laughed. Of course she would, much too
self-aware to know any other outcome was possible. It would not be
the first time she had taken relief outside of marriage, and she
experienced no guilt for that. Other opportunities had arisen, and
although she did not take all of them, some temptations she was
unable to resist. Perhaps if Mark had been more attentive, better
looking, smelled less or was around a little more temptation would
have been easier to resist.

It was not as if she fucked around all the
time, and never with anyone in town. Only occasionally, when
something sweet offered itself she was happy to succumb, to take
satisfaction for herself.

The first time had been three years after her
marriage to Mark, when it was more than obvious how things were
going to be. Paul had been the last, but before him there were
others. An older married man had attracted her strongly and she had
succumbed in the back of his Lexus while she was supposedly helping
him unload shopping. Two brothers, nineteen and twenty, older than
their age, experienced, who had taken her together one night, lying
out on the dunes, their hard bodies moon splashed and

Once, almost, another woman, a young wife
much like Kim who spent her days sunbathing while her husband
wandered the beach watching other women. Jenni had wanted to
succumb to her attraction, stopped not by reluctance to make love
to another woman but because the husband was never away long
enough. Jenni had seen a need in the woman’s eyes, knew she wanted
Jenni as much as Jenni wanted her. Vacations are short, summer’s
end, and Jenni chalked that one up on the nearly side of the

There were men in town who wanted her, but
she was reluctant to journey along that road. Despite the corrosion
of any love she might ever have felt for Mark, he was still her
husband, and in Jenni’s family that meant something. Or had, until
the last few years. When Mark starting hitting her she began to
consider whether divorce was not a better solution. Even then she
didn’t see how that could work. Where would she go? Her parents had
moved south, tired of the cold winters, and lived in Florida now.
She had a brother but he was on the west coast. All she had was
Mark and her house and the few friends Mark allowed, and those were
not real friends, not the kind of people she could go to for help
if things turned bad. The town, this island, was too small a place,
and Jenni lacked the courage to leave and start out on her own some
place new.

The island defined her, owned her and
trapped her.

Until now, perhaps.

Inside her own kitchen Jenni started
preparing dinner before remembering the book. She went out to the
pickup and brought it inside, opened the front cover and read what
Joe had written there.

For Jenni – the most beautiful mermaid in
the ocean

All my love XXX

Joe Fransiscus

His signature was scrawled, indecipherable.
It wasn’t the signature that caused her eyes to prick with sudden
tears, but the lines above. She held the book hard against her
breast, as if the book was the man.

Jenni put the book down and returned to
preparing Mark’s evening meal. He arrived at six, same as he did
almost every evening, never working overtime, never stopping on the
way home. He sat at the table without washing his hands, ate his
food in silence. A cold knot formed in Jenni’s gut. Mark’s moods
were well known to her, and she hoped he would pull out of this

Half way through the meal Mark went to the
fridge for a second beer, caught sight of the book on the worktop
and picked it up. Jenni’s blood chilled in her veins. She prayed
Mark would lose interest and replace the book, a knot twisting in
the pit of her stomach as he started to flick through the pages. He
looked at the picture inside the back cover, went to put the book
down, setting it on the edge of the worktop awkwardly and it fell
to the floor. Mark left the book. He would never pick up anything
as useless as a book, Jenni knew, but the way the book fell had
opened the front page and Mark stopped as he saw the words scrawled

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