The Beach House (4 page)

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Authors: JT Harding

Tags: #lesbian, #threesome, #anal sex, #oral sex, #lactation

BOOK: The Beach House
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“Take my panties off, honey,” she said.

He tugged the skimpy cotton, a wave of heat
rising against his face as he revealed her sex. Jenni lifted one
leg, freeing the panties on one side, letting them hang from her
knee on the other.

She put her fingers against her labia and
opened her pussy. “Here… I want you right here.”

Paul glanced up at her, eyes wide, followed
her directions. His breath fluttered warm on her bush. His lips
touched her on one side, kissed her like he had kissed her

“Use your tongue.”

Paul pushed between her slit, extending his
tongue inside. He was clumsy, unsure what to do, but it was okay
because his inexperience excited Jenni and when the tremble started
she tried to hold back, not wanting to come yet, wanting to make
this last.

“Here,” she said, pushing her fingers down
beside his face. She pressed against her clitoris, showing him how
hard and fat it was protruding from beneath its hood. “Kiss me
here, Paul. Girls really like being kissed here.”

He moved his attention to the new target,
pulled her clitoris between his lips, added his tongue.

“Oh yes, honey… are you sure you haven’t
done this before?”

“Nn-uhn,” he grunted, and Jenni smiled.

“Well, you’re gonna make some girls real
happy real soon, baby. Real happy.”

He pulled her clit deep into his mouth, his
fingers joining the mix, pushing a little roughly between her
thighs, two fingers entering her and Jenni felt the time arrive
when she was incapable of holding back any longer.

“Yeah, go on honey, do me now,” she gasped.
It had been years since anyone had done this for her. Mark
considered the act to be filthy, said more than once he couldn’t
understand why any man would want to do something as perverted and
gross. Paul was doing great though, so good for his first time, so,
so good…

Jenni pushed up against his face, pushing
hard and fast, riding against his mouth, making his fingers slip
and move inside her. She reached down and grabbed his free hand,
placed it on her breast, pulled at her other nipple herself as the
peak started deep inside and grew fast.

“Oh, yes!” Paul sucked her clitoris harder
and faster as she rode against him, for a moment the world spinning
away from her, spinning far away before coming back with a bang and
she cried out, riding the wave until sated.

Her body went slack, still tremored with
twitches and shivers. Jenni grabbed Paul’s hair, tugging him up,
not caring if she hurt him, pulling him up to kiss her.

“Thanks, honey,” she said into his

“Thank you,” he said, the perfect gentleman.
“That was… something else.”

“It surely was,” Jenni said, planting kisses
on his lips and cheeks, “and we ain’t done yet.”

He looked at her. “Are we going to?”

She nodded.

“What about… uh, precautions?”

“All taken care of,” she said. After her
swim Jenni had taken her cap, the one she rarely used, and inserted
the device inside herself.

Paul looked down at her. Jenni reached for
his beautiful cock and circled the thick shaft.

“I think I can last a little longer this
time,” Paul said, and his sudden seriousness made her break up.

“Oh God, honey, I like the sound of that.
Come on, I’m ready.” She wrapped her legs around his narrow waist,
her hand still on his cock, guiding him to the moistness of her
entrance. The thick head of his cock touched her, resting against
the engorged lips of her pussy and she pushed against him. Paul
wasn’t experienced enough to tease, and Jenni didn’t want to draw
this out. As he entered her Jenni clasped her heels against his
back and pulled him deep inside.

She examined his face as he sank into her,
watched the way his pupils bloomed. He stared back at her, the shy
boy gone, the start of a confident man growing and Jenni
experienced a huge wave of affection for him, so glad she could do
this for him. Do this for herself as well… probably, she thought,
if I’m being honest, mostly for myself.

“Go on,” she said. “Hard. I want you to fuck
me hard.” The coarseness of her words excited them both.

moved against
her, working solidly, his cock extending so deep inside she
wondered where it reached but still trying to impale herself even
harder onto him. Already the urge had blossomed from a pinpoint
inside and Jenni knew this was going to be fast again. The pinprick
grew as Paul pounded into her. Sweat gathered on his chin and
dripped to her breasts. His fists dug into the sofa either side of
her waist and she loved the concentration on his face, loved the
fact he was close to coming, the idea exciting her even more.

“Fuck me,” she whispered, drawing her lips
up to his ear. “I want you to fuck me, honey.”

She didn’t think he could move any faster
but somehow he managed and his cock became a constant thrum inside
her, touching every nerve ending she had, trembling hard as the joy
cascaded through her body.

“Yes,” she gasped. “Do me, babe, do me like

He grunted, Jenni ready too, the first spasm
erupting and becoming a flood deep inside, tipping her beyond
pleasure and into chaos, crying out and gripping his shoulders,
biting his arm, jerking and trembling against him, his entire naked
body pressed against hers and still she couldn’t get enough of

When he finally brought her back to reality
by drawing away Jenni glanced down to find his cock still hard.

“Do we have time?” he asked.

Jenni rolled over, leaning her arms on the
sofa and lifting her ass high into the air.

“This way,” she said, and Paul lodged
himself between her legs. His hands gripped her waist and confident
now he guided himself home, pressing deep between her thighs, his
cock once more filling her pussy.

This time was slower, their movements
gentler, more loving. The first times had been all wild lust and
passion, this was soft and filled with affection. Paul worked
himself inside her, a fast learner, his belly slapping against her
ass on each stroke, and Jenny reached back and pulled her cheeks
apart, knowing she was displaying her asshole to him, wanting to
display herself. He stroked her back, touching the valley running
along her spine, held her ass, gripping her cheeks tight inside his
hands. Jenni pushed back harder, wanting him to do something but
not wanting to ask him, shy herself now at what she needed him to
do. He leaned over and kissed her back, reached beneath and cradled
her breast in his palm, so full she overflowed his hand. He gripped
her hips again, working himself deeper. He ran a finger along her
spine and down along the crack of her ass and Jenni reached back
and parted herself again. His fingertip touched her budded asshole
and she twitched.

Jenni felt Paul hesitate as he realized how
sensitive this spot was for her. His finger returned and Jenni put
her head down and grunted. “Yes, honey… touch me right there.” She
said the words, spoke them aloud, allowing her need into the

Paul touched her again, and this time his
finger returned slick with his saliva. He pressed, lightly at
first, as though uncertain, but when she offered no resistance the
pressure increased and his finger invaded her most taboo of places.
As though a signal had been given their slow love making increased
in pace. Paul pounded harder and faster. His finger probed deeper
into her ass. Jenni pushed back against him, ready again,
encouraging him on. She peaked, tipped over and still when she came
back he had not come and she thrilled because it wasn’t finished,
grunting at him, not words but her meaning clear and he pounded
harder, his finger popping free of her ass so he could grip both
hands on her hips, needing to work harder, deeper, and Jenni heard
him breathing hoarsely, the tension in his body peaking and he
cried out, emptying inside her again, so young, so much potential,
filling her once more and his climax triggered her own and she
pressed her curled up fists into the cushions and bit on her bottom



It was after five when Kate and Tim returned. The
living room was tidy, all the plates and glasses dried and put
away, but Jenni feared the house still stank of their lovemaking,
would give them both away. Instead of coming inside they called
Paul out.

Jenni joined them on the porch, hanging
back, and Kate shot her a probing, questioning glance but Jenni
kept her expression neutral.

“Happy birthday, Paul.” Tim disappeared
around the side of the house, appearing a moment later pulling a
trolley of some kind. As more came into view a small sailing dinghy
emerged, second hand but refurbished, the nylon sail furled tight,
all the rigging ready to go.

“What?” Paul’s mouth hung open.

Jenni gazed at him, a warm glow tingling
inside. This is some birthday, she thought. Her body ached,
satisfied; maybe satisfied for another year or two.

“Grams, Grampa, what… this is too much…”

“Well, we thought you might be able to catch
Jenni with this,” Tim said, and he cast the same questioning glance
at her and she wondered if what they had done showed on their
faces, in the way they held their bodies. She never did find out if
they guessed what had gone on, not for sure.

Paul insisted she go sailing, and she went
with him but made him bring her back in time to return home before
Mark finished work. Paul stayed another twelve days before he had
to fly west, and Jenni met him almost every single one of those
days, going out on the water in his neat little dinghy, and each
day they sailed far out, as far as Sedge island where they anchored
and Jenni taught him other ways to please a woman, showed him what
a woman can do for a man.

She feared tears when he left, from her as
well as him, but he had matured over these few weeks, and Jenni
liked to think she had helped. After he had gone the glow kindled
inside by him lasted months. She was convinced Kate and Tim knew,
but if they did nothing was ever mentioned, and she never once
caught any hint of judgment.

Jenni expected Paul to return the year
after, but he didn’t turn up. She asked Kate and Tim casually what
he was doing, and discovered, over weeks, he had found a girlfriend
and it was serious. They were engaged, planned to marry when they
finished college. Jenni wasn’t sure how she felt about the news.
Happy for Paul, but happiness tinged with an undercurrent of
jealousy. Then, eventually, she laughed at herself. What had she
expected anyway? He was going to come back like a love-torn puppy
dog and follow her around forever? She wouldn’t have wanted that
anyway, would have been scared if something like that happened.

That summer of two years earlier faded. The
houses closed up one by one. Winter storms arrived and Jenni’s
husband withdrew even further into himself. Jenni tried to be a
good wife, tried to offer sympathy because she knew things were
hard on Mark. He had taken over the small auto-repair business
started by his father, and at first everything had gone well.
Gradually, over time, Jenni picked up things were getting tougher.
New cars needed new equipment to fix them. Mark complained that
everything was controlled by computers these days. Foreign crap was
forcing out good American cars. He could fix anything built before
the turn of the century, but now people were taking their vehicles
to the big outfits on the mainland. He was left with the old trucks
and cars, Fords and Chryslers he knew all about. He kept his head
above water changing tires, topping up oil and selling gas. But it
was not clear he would be able to do that for ever. If Mark had
confided in her, offered a little more response when she tried to
help life might have been different. Instead he retreated into
himself, into drink and his buddies, losers all of them but they
shared his world view, a small world that encompassed little
outside of the island.

Jenni knew another summer would arrive,
perhaps bringing another chance to grasp at happiness. This was her
life. This was the way it always had been, the way she believed it
always would be, and she was learning how to make the best of

She had no intimation this summer that was
almost over would be different. The young couple staying in the end
house with their new baby fascinated her. The woman in particular
was hot, something about her radiating sexual energy. Jenni had
never experienced sex with another woman, not real sex. She had
messed around in high school, everyone had, but something about
this woman intrigued her, lighting a spark inside which took her
thoughts in strange new directions.

Chapter 4

Joe was standing at the kitchen window drinking a
of water when Kim came up behind him and slipped her arms
round his waist.

“What you looking at, old timer?” Her chin
rested against his shoulder, eyes peering above.

“That woman again. The same one I saw
yesterday coming out from next door.”

“Am I not enough for you anymore?”

Joe pushed his butt back against her,
hearing the laugh in her voice. “You know the answer to that. I was
curious, that’s all.”

Kim slid around Joe’s body, gaining a better
view. The woman was walking out from the ocean, pushing dark hair
back from her face. She walked stiffly until her legs were clear of
the surf, more elegantly as she reached the wet sand scudded by sea
foam. Kim narrowed her eyes, trying to see the distant figure more

“Oh my God, Joe.”

He turned his head. “What?”

“She is gorgeous. You didn’t tell me she was
beautiful!” Her voice was low, sounding a little shocked.

“I didn’t get a good look at her yesterday,
only her back.”

“Well, you can see her now – see a whole lot
of her in that bikini – and she’s stunning. Completely

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