The Beach House (16 page)

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Authors: JT Harding

Tags: #lesbian, #threesome, #anal sex, #oral sex, #lactation

BOOK: The Beach House
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“You’re in such big trouble,” Jenni said, no
soft edge to her voice now.

“I don’t think so.” Kim walked around the
bed, grabbed a handful of Jenni’s thick hair and kissed her hard.
Jenni tried to bite back and Kim pulled away.

“Let me loose,” Jenni said. “I need to pee
real bad. Would have served you right if I’d peed all over your

“Go ahead, I’d like to watch you.”

Jenni looked at Kim like she had lost her
mind. “Please.”

Kim nodded. “You’re not gonna do anything
stupid, are you? I was only playing.”

“Promise.” Jenni sounded subdued, worrying
Kim she had gone too far.

She reached to the top of the bed and pulled
the knot tying Jenni’s left arm. It came loose, the other end of
the silk still wrapping her wrist. Jenni reached over and released
the other arm herself. Kim went to the foot of the bed and untied
her feet. Jenni sat up, rubbing her wrists although they both knew
it was only a mock protest, the silk had been tied too loosely to

Jenni rolled off the bed and stood
instantly. In one quick move she gripped Kim’s arms and pushed her
back hard against the wall. Kim gave a small cry, convinced now she
gone too far. Jenni used her extra height and strength
to pin Kim to the wall and kissed her, Jenni’s tongue fighting into
her mouth. She dropped to her knees and lifted Kim’s leg, buried
her face against Kim’s pussy. She pulled the bikini bottoms aside
and Jenni’s tongue entered her and Kim’s knees weakened. Jenni
rocked back and rose to her full height in front of Kim, stood
beautiful and naked, unashamed.

“Two can play games,” she said, turning
away, then, “Fuck. What am I going to wear?”

Kim recovered her breath and laughed. “Take
something of mine from the wardrobe. I don’t know what’s going to
fit you but help yourself. I’m getting changed anyway.”

Jenni began flicking through the clothes in
the wardrobe, standing naked as Kim stood beside her also deciding
what to wear. She had only brought beach clothes, nothing fancy,
and finally settled on a loose linen dress that had seen better
days. She undressed until she was naked again and then buttoned the
dress up the front, leaving three buttons loose at the top,
deliberately neglecting any underwear. When she turned to Jenni the
other woman was staring at her hungrily.

“What?” Kim asked, blushing.

“You are so sexy,” Jenni said, and Kim
thought she was going to kiss her again. Instead Jenni turned to
the wardrobe and said, “Can I wear this?”

Kim turned to see she was holding up a dark
wine-red jersey one piece dress with no buttons or zips but enough
stretch to pull over a body. Kim swallowed, imagining how Jenni
would look in the dress, fearing Joe was unlikely to glance in her
direction all night. She nodded. “Sure.”

She sat on the bed and watched Jenni pull
the dress over her head and work it down over her naked body. Kim
knew the dress was tight on her, on Jenni it was positively
obscene. Hardly any curve or dip or crease of her body was not
outlined or cupped by the stretched material.

Jenni turned back to the bed and held her
arms out. “What do you think?”

Kim gave a nervous laugh. “If Joe doesn’t
screw you, I think I’m going to have to.”

Jenni looked down at herself. “Too

“Of course. But don’t change. Let’s scare
the hell out of him, shall we?”

Jenni looked up and Kim stared into her
eyes. This was no longer a game. Kim wasn’t sure if the resolution
would be reached tonight or not, but soon something was going to
break. Jenni would come into the fold of their arms. What happened
after that, well, that was for all of them to decide. Kim knew what
she wanted, but was afraid if she expressed her thoughts she would
scare this vision of loveliness away.

Kim broke the mood, standing and stepping
across to hug Jenni.

“You look stunning. Come on, let’s go
downstairs and pop Joe’s eyes out.”


Chapter 11

Dinner was a slow, relaxed affair scattered with
conversation both
light and deep. Joe drove into town to pick
up a take-out and they ate Chinese cooked well, opened fortune
cookies and laughed over the messages. Jenni pumped Joe to tell her
more about his work. She had never met anyone famous, intrigued
because Joe did not act as she expected famous people to. He told
her just because people recognized your name didn’t make you
different to anyone else. Except for the money. Jenni could tell
from the way he dismissed money he had reached the point where it
stopped being important – filthy rich.

Though arousal continued to pulse through
her veins, she felt good when the sexual tension in the kitchen
drained to a low ebb. Even so she knew she was going to have to
stop before getting home to bring herself off. Her pussy tingled
from being touched and kissed, and she knew her thighs were damp.
Jenni enjoyed the way Joe’s eyes ate up her figure in the jersey
dress. Her nipples were peaked and showed clearly and she leaned
forward so the soft cloth clung against her breasts, dipping into
her cleavage, displaying herself for him.

Ami sat in her highchair making sounds and
waving her arms, giving an occasional wail when she realized she
was missing out on something. Kim lifted her from the chair and
laid her to a breast, the cream linen dress perfect for the
occasion, requiring only two loosened buttons to expose her nipples
to the grasping infant.

Jenni drank more wine than she should, and
just after ten Kim said, “You know you don’t have to drive, Jen.
You can stay here.”

The implication of the words sat in the air
between all three.

Jenni shook her head. “I have to go. Mark’ll
be home by midnight. I’ll catch hell if I’m not back when he gets

There was nothing that needed to be said so
they all remained silent, a comfortable silence as though they had
known each other many years. Unspoken words filled the room,
untaken actions shimmered in the air, each of them hearing the same
thing, each aware of the bound emotion running through them.

Ami went to sleep against Kim and Joe pulled
her gently away and carried her upstairs to bed.

They moved out to the porch, the night warm
and dark, clouds obscuring the stars, light from the porch falling
out across the sand. Joe poured brandy into tumblers.

“I can’t drink this,” Jenni said. “If I get
stopped I’ll already get a DUI.”

“Flash ‘em your tits, that’ll get you off,”
Kim said.

“I hardly need to flash anything in this
dress.” Jenni deliberately pushed her breasts out, knowing the way
the cloth caressed them, watching as Joe looked, unable to help
himself. She put her quarter full glass on the bleached table and
stood. “I’d better go change.”

“Take the dress home,” Kim said. “Bring it
back tomorrow, or keep it if you want.”

“Will we see you tomorrow?” Joe asked,
trying for a casual tone.

“Maybe. If there’s a game on and Mark goes
over to his buddies. Let me see.”

“You know you’re welcome anytime,” Kim

“I know”

They walked with her across to the pickup
and before she opened the door Kim put her arms around Jenni and
kissed her on the mouth. When they parted Jenni saw Joe staring,
his eyes wide. She put her head on one side. “You want one of those
too, Joe?”

Joe glanced at his wife, nodding. “Here
comes divorce,” he muttered as he slipped his arms around Jenni’s
waist. He pulled her against him with surprising force, the air
escaping Jenni’s lungs as much from the animal presence of his body
as the embrace. He lowered his mouth to hers and she turned her
face up, welcoming him. His tongue sought hers and she parted her
lips in willing acceptance. Jenni felt Joe’s cock against her
belly, a stiff rod straining against his pants, and in the sheer
jersey dress Jenni felt almost naked against him. The kiss finally
broke and she knew her nipples had grown rigid; they tingled and
pulsed, but not as much as her pussy.

With a sigh she climbed into the cab and
started the engine. Jenni threw a single wave through the window as
she drove up the sandy track toward the spine of the island and
town. Once over the ridge she pulled onto grass at the side of the
road. Her body flamed, desperate for relief, and she tugged the hem
of the dress upward, gathering it around her waist. The smell of
her aching pussy filled the cab of the pickup and she knew she
didn’t need to worry about being disturbed because this was going
to take no time at all.

For a few seconds she hesitated, her hand
trembling over her stomach, stretching the moment until she could
wait no longer. She lowered her fingers to her pussy. God, she was
so wet, she could not remember when she had ever been this way
before. Her fingertip pressed against her clitoris, erect and proud
of its hood, dipped lower and she lifted her right leg over the
gearshift and plunged her fingers inside herself with a muffled
cry. She tugged at the dress again, above her breasts now, the
whole thing wrapped beneath her arms, cool air an electric charge
against her body.

“Yes,” she grunted, eyes closed, imagining
Joe leaning over her. She arched upward; her body curved tight and
instantly began to shake. She had never come so fast before, but
she had never been aroused for so long without relief. She cried
out again, opening her eyes, afraid someone might hear, knowing her
cry had been too loud but the night was dark, the sea grass hissing
softly all around. Jenni jerked again, trying to push her hand all
the way inside her pussy, managing four fingers, almost her whole
fist, wanting to curl around the quivering ache inside and hold
onto it forever.

Five full minutes passed before she
recovered enough to tug the dress back down and drive on.

By the time Mark came home, well after
midnight, Jenni had showered and changed into her nightdress. She
lay in bed reading. The book the other one of Joe’s and she felt a
moment’s anxiety Mark might see the cover and she closed it and put
it in the drawer of her nightstand.

“Did you have a good time?” she asked Mark
as he stumbled in. He’d obviously not worried as much as her about
driving with too much beer in him.

“Lost to fuckin’ Tony again. Don’t know how
he does it every fuckin’ time.”

Because he doesn’t get wasted, Jenni
thought, but said, “Never mind, Mark. You’ll get him next

Mark dropped his pants and stepped out of
them and Jenni saw his cock tenting his shorts. Not much, but then
he didn’t have much to tent them with. Unlike Joe. For a moment she
had a vivid image of Joe standing in the bedroom instead of Mark,
and knew if that was the case she would not feel the same disgust
she now did.

Mark had never believed much in foreplay. He
might have read about it once in Penthouse, but in the same
detached, uninterested way he read about places in Europe. Those
places existed, but they weren’t America so had nothing to do with

Jenni let him roll on top of her as he
released his cock. His leg parted hers and he fumbled for her
entrance. If only he kissed me during sex, Jenni thought, staring
past his shoulder at the ceiling, or touched me anywhere at all,
touched my breasts, touched my shoulder or neck. Mark entered her
quickly, Jenni’s earlier arousal still evident in the slickness of
her opening. Thankfully Mark was too drunk to notice or wonder why
she was so wet; or maybe he believed she really wanted him.

Mark started grunting almost at once, Jenni
hoping this would be mercifully short. But she discovered tonight
was one of those other nights that were becoming increasingly
common; Mark was humiliated after losing his game, Jenni a handy
punch bag, and so when his fist landed she rolled her head to one
side and pressed her eyes tight shut. Be quick, she prayed. Fuck me
and finish quickly.

This time Mark’s anger was worse than she
had ever known it, a merciless escalation taking place, perhaps
still banked up after finding Joe’s signature in the book. Gasping,
he closed his fingers around her neck and squeezed. Jenny tried to
push him away but he released one hand to punch her in the side
hard enough to leave a bruise in the morning. His hand came back
and he bit her shoulder, drawing blood. His fingers tightened, and
when Jenni tried to pull air into her lungs nothing came. The room
began to gray out and she heard Mark’s grunting fade, as if she was
being drawn from him, drifting away... drifting...

! The thought seared through her
brain. I finally find people who really like me and I’m going to be
killed in my bed. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Finish, she cried in her head. Finish and
let me live.

Through the dimness she heard a final loud
grunt and Mark jerked against her. Done. He rolled away and Jenni
finally drew in a gasp of air, her throat sore, her lungs aching.
She pulled her nightdress down but didn’t dare go clean up yet. She
lay listening to Mark’s breathing slow. Almost immediately he began
to snore, lying on his back with his mouth open.

Jenni slipped from the bed and went through
to the small bathroom, wiped herself clean with a damp washcloth
and splashed water on her face. Twice in one week, she thought,
trying to remember the last time Mark had instigated sex twice in a
month, let alone a week. Why now? She shook her head, knowing why.
Because he no longer cared what he did to her. Because his business
was going down the pan and he didn’t know how to stop it. Because
anger, not Jenni, offered him comfort.

She turned on the light above the mirror and
checked herself over. Finger marks showed red on her neck, but she
didn’t think they were going to bruise. Which was more than she
could say for her ribs. Already a shadow had formed and by morning
would be a deep blue. She would have to miss swimming tomorrow, or
at least skip swimming with Joe. No way was she going to let them
see what Mark had done to her.

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