The Bad Boy (6 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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On the right side of the room, there were two
doors both wide open. One was a bathroom and from what I could see
it had the whole set and was really fancy. The other door held a
walk in closet. Jared seemed to keep that fairly clean. The shoes
were lined up and the shirts all hung up and jeans


After going through his whole room, I looked at
him to see he was lying down on his bed his eyes fixed on me. “You
like it?”



I mean it’s alright.” I said giving off a
‘whatever’ expression as I sat down on the edge of his bed. Jared
rolled his eyes at me because anyone could see I was totally in
love with his room. I mean who wouldn’t be?



Yeah…” He said rolling off the bed and grabbing
our bags. “Let’s just get this project finished and then we can
have some real fun.” He winked throwing me my bag.


I caught it and narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m not
having sex with you Jared.” I bluntly said opening my bag and
pulling out the half-finished project.


He gave me a disgusted look. “Who said I wanted to
have sex with you? I meant we could go in the game room and


I let out a humorless laugh. “Sure you did. We
both know what you really meant perv.”


He leaned closer to me so our noses were touching.
“So what if I want to have sex with you? You’re hot and


I put my finger on his forehead and pushed hard on
it so distance was created between us. “I don’t think bang-able is
a word dummy.” 


He grabbed my finger and yanked me closer so our
noses were touching again. “Fine then you are fuckable.”


I smacked him on top of the head with my book
making him wince. “Still not a word douche.” He rubbed his head
glaring at me and I sent him a sweet smile. “Let’s get to work,
shall we?”



One day I will have you, Emilie. Know that.” He
said staring at me with determination in his eyes.


I skimmed through my text book nodding my head.
“Yeah, you will have me punching you in the face if you don’t drop
it.” I didn’t look up at him but I knew he was smirking at me.
Jared was a man whore, he loved a challenge. That was what I was
giving him, not that I was meaning too. But there was no way I was
going to have sex with him.


Funny how I said I would never ride a street bike
either and I did. And I liked, no, loved it.


Two hours later after almost finishing the
project, stopping Jared from feeling me up, and rejecting him
numerous times, we moved to the game room to chill out. My head was
hurting from so much work but I really needed to get a good grade
on the project and would deal with a tiny headache if I did

Just like the rest of Jared’s house, his game room
was beyond words. It had a plasma television equipped with many
video game systems, surround sound and a movie player. It had a
pool table, air hockey table, and foosball table. A snack bar fully
stocked with junk food, I never heard of before and fancy


Jared handed me a pool stick and chalked the top
for me. I gave him a ‘bring it on’ smile and pushed him out of the
way. I went to the other end of the pool table and bent over the
edge lining my stick up at the cue ball.


I pulled back and watched as the ball exploded in
all different directions sending three solids to easily fall into
the pockets. I looked up at him not moving from my position and
smugly said, “Did I forget to tell you that I’m a daddy’s



Lucky shot.” Was all he said but I could see it
in his eyes. He was impressed and a little taken back. I lined up
another shot and moved onto to the next one when the ball went
straight into the pocket.


A couple minutes later or less, I positioned my
stick behind the cue ball aiming for the winning ball but before I
shot, I looked up to my sulking opponent. “Don’t sulk sweetie, like
you said they were lucky shots.”


Without losing eye contact, I pulled the stick
back and shot it forward. I heard the collision of balls and then a
as the
eight ball went in. “But then again maybe you should be sulking
because I just kicked your ass.”


Jared dropped his stick as he looked across the
pool table in astonishment. The only balls left were the
all of them.
Jared didn’t get one shot in and just seeing him like this
made me want to take a picture. In fact, I quickly pulled out my
phone and put the camera on. “Smile!” I tapped the button and on my
phone screen popped up an image of Jared opened mouth staring at
the table.


He snapped out of it and sent me a death glare.
“Emilie give me that phone. Now.” I held back my smile and shook my
head. “Don’t make me hurt you.” He threatened walking



Yeah right!” I laughed in his face and ran away
right as he lunged at me. I dashed to the other side of the pool
table death gripping my phone to my chest. “You have to catch me
first big boy!” He moved to the right, and I went left but he faked
it and went to wrap his arms around me but I ducked last minute and
crawled underneath the pool table, dashing out of the room with
Jared hot on my tail.



You are just making this worse for yourself
Emile. Now when I get you, you are going to be in so much more
pain!” I looked behind me and stuck my tongue out at him. Bad idea.
I stumbled on a rug and lost my footing sending my body to the
floor and down the stairs.


It didn’t hurt too bad because I mostly skidded
down on my butt and back. I landed a blob in the foyer while my
phone skidded across to the front door. I looked back up the stairs
to see Jared storming down them. I pushed myself up and bolted for
the phone but was being held back.


Jared was holding my ankle and yanked me back
sending me to the floor again. He easily passed me and picked up my
phone. He wiggled it in his hand, bragging to me that he won. I was
laughing in my head as I got up from the floor.

Top of Form

Damn lock.” He muttered and like a ninja I jumped in front of
him and snipped the phone from his hands. But Jared quickly wrapped
his arms around me and we both lost our footing because they got
tangled with each other’s and we face planted to the


With super speed, Jared had me pinned down. My
arms held captive on each side of my face and my legs snuggled
between his while his hips straddled me. He had a gleam in his eye.
“Now why don’t you be a good girl and un-lock your phone, delete
the picture and I won’t hurt you. Too much.”


I leaned my head up, craning my neck. “Never
because I’m not a good girl.” I ended with a flirty smile and laid
my head back down on the ground, raising my chest more. Jared’s
eyes automatically shifted to my chest and I used it to my
advantage. I rolled us over so I was straddling him. His eyes went
wide and I blew him a kiss before springing up.


I screamed and put a hand to my chest as I noticed
the five people standing in the open doorway watching us with
curious faces. Jared’s family was the first thing that came to my
head. Did they see all of that? God, they probably thought I was a



I-uh-well… um hi.” I finally managed smoothing
down my hair and slipping my phone into the front pocket of my
jeans. “I am Emilie Grey. You must be Jared’s family. It’s nice to
meet you.”


A boy about ten stepped forward. He was dressed in
baggy clothing with a backwards hat on his head. He scanned me up
and down and looked behind me to who I only can assume was Jared.
“Nice pick man. Definitely bang-able.”


My mouth was agape as he walked passed me and
winked. I turned to Jared who was smirking and had his arms
crossed. “Told you it was a word.”



I’m sorry you have to excuse my son, he is going
through a weird stage.” A lady with a petite figure and Jared’s
same black hair stepped forward offering me her hand. She smiled.
“I’m Linda, Jared’s mother.”


I shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m Jared’s


She placed a hand on her husband’s arm and said
warmly, “This is my husband Rob.” He smiled at me which I returned
and then excused himself to go and deal with Timmy who I’m guessing
was the ten year old gangster. Linda followed him, leaving two
other boys left for me to meet.


I was introduced to Willis who was thirteen and
seemed pretty normal and not as rude as Timmy. Last was who had to
only be a couple years younger than Jared, Austin. He was dressed
in a uniform for some private school and with a shy nod, he ran up
the stairs.


I looked at Jared for an answer but his jaw was
clenched as he stared up at the stairs. Did him and his brother not
get along? I dropped it because it wasn’t my right to ask since
Jared and I were barely friends.


Linda poked her head into the foyer catching my
attention. “Are you staying for dinner dear?”

I went to Jared
for an answer because I had no idea if he wanted me too and I
didn’t want to upset him even more then he seemed if I said yes.
“Do you want too?” He asked.


I faced Linda again with a smile. “Love



Good.” She clapped her hands and then pointed to
the stairs aiming for Jared’s attention with her eyes. “Your
brother had a rough day today.” The looks they were sharing had a
secret message and I adverted my eyes to the floor because I
felt like I was intruding.


Twenty minutes later we were sitting at the table
with a huge bowl of pasta and an equal sized bowl of sauce next to
it. Everyone started off eating in silence until words were said
and then a tiny argument broke out which turned into a bigger



Well I want to be like Jared when I’m older not
Austin!” Timmy said pointing his fork at Jared and then Austin. By
this time I was slouched in my seat trying to pretend I wasn’t


Austin looked offended and didn’t say anything
just stirred his pasta around. In fact, he hadn’t eaten any since
dinner started. He must have had a really bad day today.


Jared slammed his fist down on the table. “Enough
Timmy! Stop being such an asshole.”


Obviously Timmy didn’t like that because the next
thing I knew pasta was being throw at Jared which hit him square in
the face.



I’m going to freakin' kill you!” Jared
screamed before lunging across the table and knocking Timmy off his
chair. Jared’s foot kicked two glasses as he went across the table
spilling water all over and some of it dripping onto me.


I pushed my chair back and stood up shocked from
what was occurring. Willis was cheering on Jared while Austin
bolted out of the room looking extremely upset. Linda and Rob were
trying to stop the fight but it didn’t seem to be


Jared was pulled up by his dad but he reacted
sending his dad to stumble back into the table. A dish fell off
landing on the side of the table I was on and feeling bad I bent
down to pick it up.

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