The Bad Boy (2 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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I felt Conner tense and then sent a smug
smile at Jared. “It was a mistake and I was taken advantage of. So
why don’t you take your little prissy ass and get away from my
girl?” The threat was clear in Conner’s voice but did he not forget
Jared always took action? Hence, why he was always getting in
trouble for fights? My stomach went queasy.


Then what Conner said hit me. I looked up at him
with a confused expression. Did he say he was taken advantage of
and that I forgave him? I don’t remember any of that when I was
yelling at him. I pulled his arm off of me and moved away from both
boys giving them disgusted looks.

I started with
Conner. “I never forgave you and you were the one who had the girl
pinned up against the wall not the other way around.” I then turned
to Jared. “You, I would like it if you would just stop bugging me
and saying things that I don’t want nor need to hear.” I clutched
my books tighter to my chest and walked backwards to where I needed
to be going. “Both of you just please stay away from


Conner went to say something but I held my hand up
and shook my head. “I think it’s better if you don’t say anything.
I think you showed it enough Friday night.” I quickly spun on my
heel and walked down the hallway.




Last period came and as I sat in my seat I let out
a huge breath of relief when no other drama was brought my way.
Hailey kept talking about the town fair and how awesome it was
going to be. They even had a kissing booth which made her even
happier. She didn’t know any of the boys or girls who would run the
booths but in her words, “They wouldn’t get anyone ugly to work
them! Duh!” I mean she did have a point.


I laid my head down on the desk and closed my
eyes. I was exhausted from the no sleep I got this weekend and then
the two boys who I couldn’t seem to shake off. A thump sent me
jolting up and I glanced down to the desk to see a book bag—a man’s
book bag. My eyes shot up and I thought I was going to faint. How
in the hell—?



Missed me?” Jared smirked pulling out the chair
and plopping himself in it like he owned the world. And I say that
because then he put his feet up on the double desk—the one we were
now sharing—and rested his arms behind his head leaning back. “I
know I missed you.” He added in a wink.



I thought I asked you to stay away!” It wasn’t
even a question but me getting fed up with this kid. This is the
fourth time today he has been up my ass and I’m getting pissed


He leaned closer to me and smirked. “Sweetie even
if I wanted to stay away from you, its school and I have to go to


Damn, he had a point. He smirked bigger when he
realized he caught me. “But you aren’t part of this class! It’s
November and you never once have been in this class.” I crossed my
arms over my shoulders and sent my own smug look. But he just had
to go and ruin it.


He dropped his feet from the desk top and put the
chair back on all fours. He brought his face closer to mine and
looked me right in the eyes. It was a good thing I was sitting
because my knees were going weak by that point. “I got switched to
this class baby doll and so far I am enjoying it.” I didn’t miss
the way his eyes ranked up and down my body.



Just keep it in your pants.” I scowled facing
forward again wondering where the teacher was.



I would like to keep it in your pants though.” He
breathed in my ear making me shiver not just from the heat but from
his words. Snapping out of it, I pushed him away and gave him a
warning look. The teacher then walked in and called the class to

I have good news!” We all raised our eyebrows at him. Nothing to do
with English class could be good unless he was telling us it was
canceled. “You are going to have to do a project.” Everyone
groaned. “But! You guys are going to have partners.” That made
people a little happier.


Well until he opened his mouth again. “Your
partner’s will be the people you are sitting next too.” I slowly
turned my head to see Jared smirking at me.


He looked me up and down with hungry eyes. “Oh
yeah, I think you will be a good partner.” I knew there was
something else he was going to say and was proved right when he
spoke again. “In my bed.”


Yeah, I knew it.


Have you ever had
that one
you could never shake off? If you insulted
them, they would just laugh it off. If you told them to leave
you alone, they would just be around more and longer? I have never
had that problem up until now. That
for me


Jared McKingsley.


I never had so much hatred for one person in my
life but Jared somehow nailed it.



You’re coming over at six.” I stopped doing my
locker combination and looked at Jared with a raised eyebrow. Did
he really think telling me to do something was actually going to
make me do it?


I shook my head. “No. We can work at the local
library where there are people around. I don’t want to be anywhere
alone with you.” I opened my locker and pulled out my bag. It was
time to go home and all I could think about was going straight to
bed. Too bad, I had to start the English project with



Why are you scared to be alone with me?” He
leaned against the row of lockers crossing one ankle over the
other. “I don’t bite. Hard.” I rolled my eyes and started walking
to the front doors of the school.



That’s why I don’t want to be alone with you.” I
snapped back giving him a dirty look. He seemed surprised by my
attitude but quickly changed it so he was smirking at


He grabbed my hand and tugged pulling me into
his chest. My whole body froze as our chests made contact and I
swear the whole parking lot full of students froze to watch us. “I
bet if I got you alone, you would definitely want to be alone with
me again.”


The cockiness in his voice made me want to gag.
“You know when people are this cocky; they usually don’t have
anything to show for.” I looked down through the little space that
was between us indicating his crotch.


Jared laughed. “I can show you that I have a


I put my hand over his mouth as my eyes went wide.
“Don’t even finish that or I will finish you! God, are all guys so
perverted?” I pulled away from him and started walking to my car.
Talking about his… down there area was not something I wanted to
do, even if I was the one who kind of started it.


An arm was slung around my shoulders. “I’ll meet
you at the library in twenty minutes. I have some things I need to
check up on.”



Whatever Jared but don’t expect me to do all the
work!” I snapped and shoved his arm off my shoulder. He gave me a
wicked grin and wink before jogging over to his bike. Oh, I don’t
mean like a bicycle. No, I mean a street bike. Damn, bad

One hour. That’s
how long I have been waiting. My patience was slipping and I
already broke two pencils from being so aggravated. I knew this was
going to happen! He’s probably having sex with some girl or getting
high. I told him I wasn’t doing all the work!


I slammed my book shut and started packing up all
my stuff. I had the beginning of the project started but there was
no way I was going to be sitting here any longer and doing more of
the project by myself.


I moved away from the table and just as I was
rounding the corner I smacked right into someone. Or should I say
Jared. His hair was messy like someone was running their hands
through it a million times. His shirt was crinkled but the weird
part was it looked like it had a dirt smudge on it.


Did he just have sex in the dirt?


I was about to voice my question when he spoke up.
“Sorry. Something came up.” That’s when I noticed his lip had a cut
on it and he looked pissed. I don’t think it was a hook-up. And if
it was then it must have ended with the girl biting his lip and
throwing dirt at him and poor Jared getting pissed. But I doubt



Did you really get into a fight over helping me
project?” I didn’t hide the irritation in my


His fist clenched and his jaw twitched. On reflex,
I took a step back clutching my book to my chest. “This type of
fight, I would pick over anything any day.” His teeth were clenched
so tight, I’m surprised he got the words out so clearly.



Okay.” I said looking down at the ground. I had
never seen him so serious before and it made me feel a little
awkward, truthfully. To end the weird moment, I pulled out some
papers from my bag and handed them over to him. “Do research on
these topics tonight and I’ll call it even.”


Taking the papers, he scanned through them and
then nodded. We stood there for a little bit longer just staring at
each other. “Well, I’m just going to go. I, uh, have other things
to get done. Bye.” I skidded around him and was relieved when he
didn’t make a move to touch me or keep talking to me.


But I could feel his burning gaze on me the whole
time until I was out of his sight.

I was late.
Beyond late.


I pushed through the school doors, trying to get
all of my stuff organized all the while making sure I didn’t run
into anyone. This morning was just not mine. I spent all of last
night thinking about Jared.
I just couldn’t get him
out of my head and that face he had when I yelled at him for
getting into a fight.
‘This type of fight, I would pick over
anything any day.’
I shivered at his words that held a meaning,
I couldn’t figure out.



Hey Emilie!” I quickly waved a hand to the girl
who greeted me still stuffing things in my bag.



Hi Emilie.” A friend of mine from class said
smiling at me. I said hi back to him as I moved passed him and
everyone else to get to my locker.


More people said hi and I answered back as nicely
as I could without snapping. Me with no sleep isn’t the best
combination and I didn’t want to take it out on these people. All
they were doing was saying hi.


The bell rang indicating first period and the
hallways emptied. Great now I was extremely late. I ran the rest of
the way to my locker and smacked right into it. God, I really
needed sleep. I put in the combination and pulled but my locker
wouldn’t budge.


Shit! It better not be stuck! I pulled again but
nothing happened. Damn! I yanked on it with both my hands and it
swung open making me stumble back and drop my bag… making
everything fall out. Today is just not my day.


I knelt down and started picking up all my stuff
while grumbling to myself. This is all Jared’s fault anyway. Making
me think of him all night.
Yeah, that’s definitely his
“Need some help?” You know that saying ‘speak of the
devil and he shall appear’? Well this would have fit in perfectly…
if it wasn’t for the fact that it was a different devil.



No.” I snapped keeping my head down. He already
helped enough.



Don’t be like that Emilie.” I felt him kneel down
next to me and I stiffened. Why was he bothering me? I thought he
was done with me when he sucked face with that other girl? “You
know you will always need me.”


Is this boy stupid? I snapped my head in his
direction giving him an incredulous look. “You have got to be
kidding me!” I snatched the rest of my stuff and stood up. Conner
stood up slowly giving me a confused look. “Where in your mind did
you get the idea that I need you?” This guy was


He cocked his head to the side giving me smile.
What? Why is he smiling?
“Babe it’s obvious that without me,
you wouldn’t be who you are.”


I have never been so insulted in my whole life.
Where the hell was all this coming from anyway? The years that I
was with Conner he was never this full of himself! Did he really
think that of me? Was I a project or something for him?

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