The Bad Boy (9 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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When I made it
inside without any more interruptions, I made my way for the center
of the party where I knew Conner would be. Waiting. For me. I
spotted him at the beer pong table and thought how typical of him.
That was his favorite game and I shouldn’t have been surprised to
see him winning.  

I stayed to the
side waiting for the game to be over. I didn’t want any rumor’s
going around that we were back together and I know if people saw us
being ‘friendly’ with each other, then things would spread. It is
high school after all.

The game seemed
to be going on for forever and I started scanning the party and my
eyes stopped at the make shift dance floor. Really it was the huge
living room but all the furniture was moved into a different room
and a DJ was controlling the music.

What stopped me
though was a couple who were dancing and getting pretty close. I
let a smile form on my lips as Hailey danced with the guy. I
couldn’t make out his face because the lighting for the living-room
wasn’t working with my angle and the boy was wearing a hood. But I
know that was Hailey because she would be the only girl I know to
wear a dress that hot pink.

I would have to
ask her later who the mystery guy is.

Bringing my
attention back to Conner, I was relieved and also disappointed that
the game ended. Relived because I was getting bored just
standing around. Disappointed because now I have to face him. I
would have just walked away from the game and found him later but I
know if he had to come and find me, there would be a scene and I
didn’t want that.

I caught his eye
and he smiled at me. Memories of that smile when we’re dating came
into my mind and for a second I forgot he was sick in the head and
just looked at him as the Conner I thought I knew. The sweet,
non-cheating, loving Conner. Then I snapped back into it because I
needed to be alert. I couldn’t have him start something with me at
a party.

I sent him a look
that said follow me and headed in the direction of the kitchen.
Where all the alcohol was stored. Shots were the easiest way to get
him drunk and I could do it in less than ten minutes because I knew
his weakness. Jack Daniels.

I closed the door
behind us making sure nobody saw us come in here. When I felt okay,
that nobody saw I grabbed the Jack and got to work. I wanted to
have fun tonight and Conner wasn’t going to help me accomplish

Emilie, why so fast with the alcohol?” He asked coming up next
to me. I stilled for a second before relaxing. I can’t show him I’m
scared. “Why not a kiss first?”

Bile rose in my
throat at the thought of kissing him and I lifted up the shot glass
that was filled to the rim with Jack and kissed the rim before
bringing it to Conner’s lips and tilting it back. “You’ve been
kissed.” When the glass was empty, I filled it again and handed it
off to him.

aren’t you taking any?” He asked downing the shot. I gave him
another one and then took one of my own.

it takes more alcohol to affect you and little to affect me. But I
want us both drunk so you need more than me.” I rushed out before
putting my finger on the bottom of his shot glass and pushing it
towards his lips.

already had two beers though, I don’t need so much.” He took the
shot anyway and I quickly grabbed the bottle pretending I just
refilled my glass. Taking his, I refilled it and gave it back to
him smiling.

have some fun Conner.” I clanked our glasses and actually took the
shot this time because he was watching.

I looked at my
phone and smiled. Eight minutes. Knew I could do it in less than
ten. I capped the bottle and put the shot glasses in the sick.
Conner was leaning heavily against the counter, his eyes dropping.
He was going to have a serious hangover tomorrow.

I stumbled over
to him, pretending I was drunk and gave him a dopey smile. I had to
play off like I was drunk because no matter how far gone Conner
was, he always remembered the next day. I didn’t want him catching
on that I got him drunk, so as I stumbled over with a stupid look
on my face I leaned against the counter. “I haven’t been this drunk
in a long time.” I slurred hanging my head like it weighed more
than I could handle.

the best feeling ever. So numb.” Conner mumbled sliding down to the
floor. I quickly caught onto his arm and hauled him up.

okay?” I asked smiling like it was funny that he was half up and
half on the floor. I just found it annoying that he wouldn’t just
pass out and I could drag him upstairs to one of the bedrooms and
leave him there.

He swayed his
head from side to side and then grinned at me. “Numb.” Okay, I
might have gone a little over board with the shots. He had to of
had more than just two beers before we did shots.

I got him on his
feet and wrapped an arm around his waist steadying him. I had
gone to that house enough times for parties that I knew there
was a staircase that led from the kitchen to the upstairs and I
wouldn’t have to pass everyone.

Taking the stairs
slowly because Conner’s weight was a lot to handle, I finally made
it to the top and opened up a spare bedroom. Louis is going to be
so happy to find Conner here in the morning, I thought to myself as
I laid him down on the bed.  

Making sure that
his face was hanging off the bed and that there was a garbage bin
beside, I went to leave but something caught my arm. “Where are you
going Emilie, you are supposed to stay with me at all

I bit my lip and
wanted to hit myself and then Conner. How can he still be
functioning with all the alcohol in him? I heard people coming up
the stairs and panicked.

sorry I hit you the other day. I really didn’t mean too. You know I
love you right?” Conner lifted his head up a little so he was
looking at me. It must have been a struggle for him because it fell
two seconds later.  

I heard voices
now and tried to free myself from Conner but he kept holding on.
“Conner you need to let go.” I cried trying to un-clasp his hand
from mine. He wouldn’t budge.

don’t get why you won’t stay with me. We love each other and you
are supposed to be by my side twenty-four seven if you love me.” Oh
God, he was rambling. The voices were getting closer and my heart
beat was picking up.

Conner you need to stop talking now!” I didn’t want anyone to
hear what was coming out of his mouth and since he was drunk he
wouldn’t shut up.

never meant to cheat on you either. That girl did come onto me.”
His eyes were opening and closing like he was trying to stay awake.
“I was so dizzy when it happened. I started feeling dizzy after
that last drink that the girl got me.”

My body froze
completely at his words and I looked down at him to see his eyes
closed and his mouth open. He passed out. But my mind was running
through what he said. He felt dizzy after the drink the girl gave
him. Was he actually telling the truth when he said he was taken
advantage of?

Emilie?” My head shot towards the door and my heart sank
further. Jared was standing there with a girl behind him looking
right at Conner and me.  Of all people it had to be him to see
this and he was sober so it wasn’t like I could just say ‘you’re
drunk. I’m not Emilie'.

found him drunk in the kitchen and brought him up here because I
couldn’t just leave him.” It was the only thing I could think of on
the spot and it sounded pretty reasonable.

Jared nodded and
then said something to the girl behind him. She looked into the
room one more time and then vanished back from the way she came. “I
didn’t mean to ruin you getting laid tonight.” I laughed

He smirked
walking into the room. “It’s all good.” I nodded glad he wasn’t
mad. “I’ve already fucked her before. Nothing special.” I let my
head fall back in annoyance. He just had to ruin it.

you just get his hand off of me?” I asked not knowing how Conner
can still have a grip on me when he is wasted and passed

Jared pulled
Conner’s hand off of me and let it drop onto the floor since half
of Conner’s body was on the bed and the other half was hanging off.
“Well I think twice for one night is my limit.”

I was rubbing my
wrist as Jared said that and gave him a confused look. “What do you

Saving your ass. That’s twice now.” He said holding up two
fingers to indicate the ‘twice’.

I ran a hand
through my hair. “Sorry I’m ruining your night aren’t I?” I laughed
sheepishly making my way out of the room. Jared stepped out of it
into the hallway and I closed it behind me only leaving a little
crack of it open just in case Conner woke up there would be a
little light shining from the hallway so he could see. “Thanks
though.” I looked up at Jared gratefully.

Jamming his hands
in his jean pocket’s he smirked. “You owe me now.”

I crossed my arms
over my chest and raised my eyebrows. “And what do you want Mr.
Savior?” I mocked.

kiss you.”

With the music
blasting from downstairs and people talking, I thought I heard him
wrong. Then I felt stupid because he was only about a foot away
from me and it was quiet upstairs. That only meant one thing then.
I couldn’t help the surprised look that overcame my face. The
question was no longer, ‘did I hear it him right?’ but ‘did he
really just ask me that?’

My answer was
immediate. “No.” I started walking towards the stairs when Jared
gripped my wrist and pulled me back into the semi dark

Where are you going?”

I need more
alcohol, I thought to myself. Then I rejected that thought because
if I was intoxicated I would probably have thrown myself at Jared.
I wouldn’t lie, I was attracted to him but I definitely didn’t feel
anything for him and I don’t want our weird friendship thingy to be

going back to the party. I mean that is the reason why I came.” I
said a little snippy. I couldn’t help myself. Why would Jared want
to kiss me? Was he really being so nice to me and goofing off with
me just so we could hook up? I didn’t want to read to much into it
so I dropped my thoughts and tried to move around him

He put a hand on
my shoulder and stopped my get away. “You can’t just give me that
short answer and leave. Explain.”

I gave him a
dirty look. “What do I need to explain? I said no because I don’t
want too.” I shook my head and pushed his hand off of me which he
let me do. “I shouldn’t even be explaining myself,” I looked him in
the eye, “because I don’t need too.”

What’s so wrong with kissing me?”

Were we really
going to fight about this when my abusive ex is the room right
behind us? Jared didn’t know that though so I guess we were. “Look,
I just got out of a relationship, I just started talking to you, I
just started accepting you as a friend and,” I was gritting my
teeth by this part, “I just want to go back to the damn party and
have fun.”

Jared bit his lip
trying to hold back a smile and that just infuriated me more. “You
are hot when you are feisty.” He moved closer to me and placed his
hands on my hips. Our chests were flushed together. I could smell
the axe cologne he was wearing.

aren’t getting anything out of me Jared. Not now and not ever.” I
spoke with confidence lowering my eyes to his lips to see they were
millimeters away from mine.

seem so sure of that Emilie. So then why are you staring at my
lips?” The humor in his voice wasn’t hidden.

have a thing for lips.”

Jared and I both
made weird faces at that statement and then started laughing. That
had to be the dumbest thing I had ever said. I pushed myself away
from him and smiled at him. He was shaking his head and ran a hand
through his hair.

are weird, you know that.”

I shrugged still
laughing a little. “And you’re a jerk.”


I winked at him
and then poked his chest. “I won’t kiss you because you are my

He cut me off by
placing a hand over my now stilled lips. “You are considering me
your friend now?”

I wrapped my
fingers around his hand and took it off my mouth. “Yes. I will
probably regret it later but yes for right now we are

He raised an
eyebrow. “Don’t I have a say in if we are friends or

I put a finger to his lips to shut him up. “Now since we are
friends, kissing you would be weird and I don’t want that from you.
So, I have a way to thank you for ‘saving’ me tonight.”


Excuse me?” I asked dropping my finger that was tingling from
the breath that blew on it when he talked.

saved you twice.” He corrected smirking. I felt my hand twitch to
slap him but held it back.

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