The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z (28 page)

BOOK: The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z
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‘What’s the rush?’ he whispers, ‘We’ve got all night.’

I relax and soon my body is ready to release once again. This is how it continues, all night long.



We wake, limbs tangled together.

‘Hey there,’ Gabe says.

‘Hey back at you.’ I reply.

‘So, what are your plans for today?’

‘Ronnie’s coming out. Oh shit I forgot to tell you that yesterday.’

‘Well you had other things to think about,’ he starts stroking me between my legs.

‘Yes well she’s coming out around five, so I need to do some food shopping, get things ready. I’m afraid,’ I look at him and bite my lip, ‘I probably won’t be able to see you for a couple of days, just whilst she settles in.’

‘Well in that case,’ he states. ‘I’m going to call Lorraine and get her to cancel all today’s appointments. I’m spending today helping you shop, very quickly I might add. Imagine you’ve won a trolley dash and think that fast because then I’m going to spend all the rest of the time shagging you and making sure I get the next few days worth in.’

I punch him in the arm.

‘And I’m starting right now.’ He pushes me onto my back and makes love to me again.


We get back to my apartment and he helps me put the shopping away.

‘Hey, fancy a video show?’ I ask, ‘There are just three more left.’

‘Oh, like you even need to ask. A horny Stella, suits me.’ He pulls me by the arm. ‘Do you know, since I found out Sam wasn’t mine, it’s like a huge weight’s been lifted. I’m not tied down and I’m free to romance a hot woman.’

I cast a cautious glance towards the carrier bag on the dining room table.

We sit in front of the video, all thoughts of actually seeing something on it have been overridden by our desire to ride each other, so when a young blonde man appears on screen, I kind of feel a bit sick.

Facing the camera, ready to get his groove on, is none other than a much younger Harry Taylor.

Harry Taylor who has been in the very same rehab facility as my best friend.

Oh my fucking God.








Chapter 8


I turn away, covering my mouth.

‘Gabe. It’s Harry.’

‘It can’t be, surely not. Turn it back on, let me look again.’

I can’t watch, but a second look on Gabe’s part confirms my worst fears.

‘Jesus Christ. He’s on my father’s shit list. How long’s he been doing his dirty work? He only looks about seventeen there.’

‘Turn it off Gabe. I can’t watch anymore.’ I feel a wave of nausea overtake me and run to the bathroom, getting there just in time before I lose my breakfast. Gabe follows me and passes me a cloth to wipe my mouth.

‘You okay?’

‘I think so.’

‘It’s the shock. Go and lie down a while, I need to see what’s on the rest of the tape.’

I lie on top of the bed for a while, curled up with my hand on my stomach. If there’s a baby in there I won’t ever let anything bad happen to them. That man, would be my potential child’s grandfather. The thought makes me feel sick again, I fight to keep down the bile that rises in my throat. Shock or exhaustion overwhelms and I fall asleep.

Gabe comes into the bedroom later. ‘Harry’s “story” on the tape was he gave up his virginity to a more experienced, older woman. I’d bet every one of those tapes is someone my father knows. A box full of ammunition.’

I walk Gabe back through to the lounge.

‘Gabe we need to check the two other tapes.’

The next is Gabe with Issy. Gabe just extracts the tape and puts it in his pocket.

‘I’m not going to watch that. I’m sure it’s not the only copy but it’s the original at least.’

‘Oh Gabe.’

He interrupts,‘Right the last one.

The last video shows a particularly young looking girl and an older gentleman. It’s all about her deflowering and it makes me feel sick. Then Issy comes on scene.

‘Oh my God it’s the video that crucified Issy, she was made to do things with that girl. Apparently the girl killed herself. I’ve got her name somewhere, so I can look into it further.’

Gabe switches it off. ‘I think we’ve seen all we need to see. We’ve got to stop him Stella.’

I go into my purse for the piece of paper.

‘Here it is, Sheree Kewley.’

Gabe’s face blanches.

‘What? What is it Gabe?’

‘You know the Judge’s daughter that Harry supposedly got pregnant? That’s Robyn Kewley, daughter of Judge Kevan Kewley. His eldest daughter died of an overdose a few years ago.

‘I don’t believe this. Oh my God.’

Gabe’s jaw sets, ‘We need to speak to Robyn Kewley. She could be the key to my father’s undoing.’


The intercom buzzes and for a second I think Henry has forgotten to text and Ronnie is here, until the tones of Arnold Gregory come through.

‘Let me up please Stella, I think it’s time the three of us had a little chat.’

Oh fuck.

Arnie stalks in like a predatory panther.

‘Well, I really didn’t want it to come to this, but you two just can’t leave well enough alone, can you? So I’m here in person to tell you to back off.’

‘Not a chance,’ I spit.

‘Feisty little thing aren’t you? I’ll give you that. Take after your father, mind you look what happened to him. Terrible accident that.’

My mind feels like it tips sideways as Arnie’s words sink in. My father’s accident. Not an accident? Why would Arnie hurt my father?

‘What, wh ..’ I can’t finish the sentence, I need to sit down before the floor comes up to meet me.

‘Stella.’ Gabe grabs me by the arms and helps me steady.

‘Is it money you want? I can give you more than you ever dreamt of. You, and this despicable traitor of a son of mine can go off and live happily ever after; though I think the cries of a squawking baby might put him off. Thought you’d dodged a bullet with Samuel, hey son?’

‘What the fuck are you talking about now Father?’

‘Hah, hasn’t she told you? She had quite the little shopping day yesterday, didn’t you Stella? A pregnancy test and then a walk around a few baby stores where she couldn’t resist buying a cute little outfit and a teddy.’

It was true, I hadn’t been able to resist, indulging in my fantasy that this baby might be real.

Gabe looks like he’s been shot, ‘Is this true Stella?’

‘Well, I -,’

He doesn’t let me finish. ‘Fucking hell, you’re pregnant and all through last night and today you could have told me and you haven’t said a word? No more secrets we said. We’re obviously not on the same page.’

‘Gabe, I -’

He holds his hand up to me. ‘Save it.’ He walks to the door, stopping to face his father on the way out. ‘I will wipe that smug grin off your fucking evil face if it’s the last thing I do.’ Then he’s gone.

‘Love you son,’ Arnie yells after him.

My teeth grind together. ‘You think you’re such a player Arnie, but I will destroy you. My stepfather isn’t a good man, but you, you’re a sick psycho. I’ll take great delight in destroying you.’

‘Watch your mouth Stella, it’s going to get you in trouble one of these days. If you carry on I’ll have no choice but to release Gabe’s tape. He’ll be a laughing stock. So will Issy. She has a lovely little set up, it would be awful to destroy it. I’ve never been the slightest bit paternal so I don’t give a shit what happens to any of them.’

‘Maybe it’d have been different if you’d have had little girls?’

He smacks me straight across the mouth, my head vibrates backwards, the pain is intense. My lip splits and I feel a warm trickle down my face, I lick the blood up, tasting the iron. I have to sit on the floor as I feel dizzy.

‘Hit a nerve?’

He walks towards me and leans over grabbing me by the throat,‘I’ll give you one last chance to quieten that mouth of yours you little bitch, otherwise I can see a tragic accident from the top of the stairs in your future.’

I gasp for breath and look up at him, cut and defeated. Whereas I once had nothing to lose, I’m now helpless until I’ve done that test and know for sure. I nod.

‘What was that? I can’t hear you?’

‘I’ll stop.’I croak.

‘Good girl.’

He leaves the apartment. I get up, shaking and rubbing my throat.

Then I pick up the pregnancy test.









S to X, Y, Z.





S TO X, Y, Z.








Chapter 1


I clean up the blood from my split lip, wincing, whilst I wait for the minutes to pass. The test rests on the side of the bath.

He fucking left me. It’s a pattern that seems destined to repeat. I love you, you leave me.

Time’s up. I pick up the test.

I study it for minutes, before tears start to run down my cheeks. I wipe them away and go to lay on the bed, where I stare into space.


I meet Ronnie outside the apartment building at five.

She takes note of my bruised mouth, ‘What the fuck happened?’

I embrace her in a hug. ‘Let’s get inside and I’ll explain.’

‘I was going to argue to stay in my own apartment, but looking at you, I think I just changed my mind.’

I squeeze her even harder. ‘It shouldn’t be that I need you as much as you need me, I’m supposed to be looking after you.’

‘Let’s just view it as girly time. Now cheer up or my Dad will take me back home with him.’

Her dad brings her suitcase around and bids us farewell, giving my face a strange look as I smile at him, but saying nothing other than to call him if he’s needed.

As we walk past the coffee shop and automatically peer in, I see Col pressed up against the counter being snogged by Suzanne. Of all the times.

‘Oh Ronnie.’

She huffs, ‘Well wouldn’t you look at that? He has a cock after all, who knew?’

‘I’m sure it’s nothing serious.’

‘I don’t care, I’m having a little break from boys and their toys.’

‘Come on,’ I grab her arm, ‘It’s just us two girls right now; let’s go and get a drink of water instead.

‘Yes,’ Ronnie sighs, ‘I have to be on my very best behaviour where alcohol is concerned right now.’

‘Me too,’ I mumble under my breath, ‘Me too.’


‘Jesus, there’s a bedroom here, when did that happen?’

I lean against the door, ‘I changed it especially for you. It took hours, lady so don’t mess it up.’

Ronnie starts to check the bed. ‘There’s just one thing before I commit to staying here.’

‘Oh yes, what’s that Madam, looking for bed bugs?’

‘I’m just checking I have the same awesome mattress you have, so I’m not going to be like the Princess and the Pea. Oh I do, that’s me sorted.’ She gets into the bed. ‘I’ll have a sparkling mineral water please.’

‘Looks like the Princess is alive and well to me. I think you’ll find it’s tap water here, lady. I’ll get you it this once and then you can move your petite derriere and get your own.’

‘This establishment sucks big, hairy balls.’

‘No, it doesn’t, we’re off men.’

I get us some water and then I return and pass Ronnie the stick.

‘Uhm, what the FUCKING hell?’

‘Ronnie, you’re holding it from the side I peed on.’

‘Euurggh, God almighty, what did you pass it to me for then? I don’t do watersports. You’re pregnant? Are you shitting me?’

‘Nope,’ I say, looking at the test again, then I burst into tears once more.

‘Oh Stella, what the fuck did he do now, apart from knocking you up? I tell you what, this is probably going to be a long story. Let’s order a Chinese and you can tell me whilst we’re waiting, only I’m bloody starving.’


Ronnie opens the door to the deliveryman. Except it isn’t.

I hear her voice, ‘Oh Gabe, you’ve cocked up this time. What were you thinking?’

‘I need to see her.’ I can hear the desperation in his tone.

‘I can’t allow that right now, she’s in a bad way.’

He pleads. ‘I can make it all right, don’t you see? STELLA,’ he shouts, ‘I was in shock, I shouldn’t have left. I need to see you,

What transpires next could be sheer rage or pregnancy hormones. I don’t know. All I see, as if I’ve departed my own body, is that I fly into the lounge, to the doorway, past Ronnie and I attack Gabe, slapping him in the face, my nails raking down his cheek.


BOOK: The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z
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