Ryan's Love

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Authors: Charlie Dillard

Tags: #love, #boston, #series, #interracial love, #irish love

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s Love

(Book 2 in the Callahan Family

Charlie A.

Copyright 2014 By
Charlie A.

Smashwords Edition


Love Is All We Need....!


Chapter 1 (


t believe that its been four years since

ve been back home. It

s been a long,
lonely, and dangerous road while I

ve been gone.

m a Boston boy at heart; but when I was fresh out of
high school, I hopped on the first train out of here and went into
the Marines. Now don

t get me wrong my
life was nothing less than perfect. My mom and dad were very
attentive to us boys as we grew up. They did everything for us
kids, and gave us anything we wanted or needed. They were also a
very good examples as parents and for a view of what a marriage was
to be like. They never raised their voices at us or each other. I
only ever saw complete devotion for each other in their eyes. Right
before my grandpa died, when I was 16, he told me the whole story
of how my mom and father met; and how they had the truest love that
he has ever seen in a couple. Growing up I always thought that if I
ever settled down, the love would have to be like that for me to
have even a remote chance at happiness.


m here at the airport waiting for my goofy kid brother
Killian to pick me up so I can go surprise mom at the office. No
one but Killian knew I was coming home. Don

t ask me why I
chose him to keep my home coming a secret. I think it was just the
fact that he was the one who answered the phone that day when I
called home. I guess I could have taken a cab to the office without
anyone knowing, but I really want to take a long shower before I go
downtown to see everyone.

Ryan sweetheart, please don

t cry. Everything
will be ok,

a fully dressed soldier says to a beautiful crying
young lady.


m brought out of my thoughts and my head instantly
snaps around to an all to familiar sight. A soldier leaving and his
family agonizing about it.

James I don

t want to see you
get hurt.

Girl, you know that I

m going to be

But..but, last time you almost got

the young girl cried.

looks as if her heart is breaking, as she watches her husband or
boyfriend walk down the jetway to his plane. The farther away he
gets the more her knees droop to the floor. I know I

t but it seems like my feet have a mind of their
own and are walking towards her. I don

t know what

m going to say or do once I get closer to her, but I

t seem to stop myself.

When I
am finally right next to her, my thighs almost touching her back,
she feels me there and turns around and looks up at me with the
saddest greenest eyes I

ve ever seen. She

t say a word; she just looked up at me with tears
continuously flowing down her beautiful pained face, blinking and
wiping them away. I was momentarily stunned speechless at how
gorgeous she was. Her shifting on her knees made me realize I came
over to help her out.

Miss is there anything that I can help you with,

I say putting my hand
out for her to grab a hold of.

She glances down at my hand then
back up at me and slowly shakes her head no.

least let me help you up off the floor,

I say with my hand
still out-stretched.

She placed her small hand in mine
and I carefully gathered her up off of the floor, so she was
standing up and almost chest to chest with me.

She was so small. Her head came up
to my shoulders. Her eyes were wide and teary. She smelled
something like wildflowers; and her hair was in a long braid down
the back of her. Resting perfectly right below her bottom. Which I
have to say looks nice and plump.


t realize that I was staring so much until she let out
a nervous chuckle and barely eeked out,

Um thank

Thank me,

I say?

She is
looking up at me with nervous eyes and say,

Yes thank you for
helping me up. I feel so stupid for acting the way I


t say that I understand how she feels, but I know that
it has to be hard to see someone you love go off and away to face
death on a daily basis. So I guess I can at least

problem darling. I couldn

t not help a
beautiful lady even if she is crying after her

I say absent-mindedly smoothing my hands down her

She shivers under my touch and I
quickly snatch my hands from her arms.


my guy,

she says.

Just as I was about to ask her who
it was, when I hear my name being called.

Ryan, there you are,

my brother Killian calls out as he is
jogging down the airport to me.

I hear
the girl say,

Your name is Ryan?


s your name?

name is Ryan too,

she says with her head down and slightly to the

Ryan, what are you doing. We have to hurry and get to the
office, everyone is there waiting for you,

my brother says while
giving me a hug.

Killian. Thanks for coming to pick me up, but I

d like to
get a quick shower before we go,

I ask, not really caring what his
answer will be.

I could see him thinking, when Ryan
crosses my mind. I turn back around to where she was standing and
she was gone.

and I didn

t even get the chance to ask for her number. Damn
Killian. I mean I know its not his fault he came right as I was
going to ask her, I just can

t get the picture of
her soft cinnamon skin out of my head.

on Ryan. Let

s get on home

he says with his arm around my shoulder, leading me out of
the airport and to the car.

The sunshine was the first thing
that hit my face as I walk out of the airport and to the

its good to be home,

I say as we both climb into the

know. It

s good to have you back. It

t the same with you gone,

Killian says.

I glance over at him and smile then
place my head back on the headrest and close my eyes as we drive

Ryan, wake up. We


Killian says shaking me, waking me up from my

barely open my eyes and he is rushing me off into the house and to
the shower. Telling me that he will be waiting in the car. He gave
me 10 minutes, then he said he

d be in with the
bucket of ice. I laughed at that last one, because I know that

ll do it. He

s done it to me
plenty of times growing up when he was mad at me for something or
other. So I got myself into gear and quickly wash under the spray
of the steaming shower water. It was only when I was washing my
hands that the thought of the beautiful Ryan from the airport came
to mind; and my manhood quickly sprang to life at the thought of
her sweet curves. I began to stroke myself as I thought about how
soft her skin was, and how soft her thighs have to be. I near came
at that thought but was interrupted by banging on the bathroom

Bang Bang Bang

playing with yourself and get the hell out of the

Killian says through the bathroom door.


He sure knows how to spoil things. I
know I have to get my own place. There is no way that I can go back
to living with a group of people again. No matter how much I love


m coming,

I mumble as I hurry and finish washing and climb
out the shower, quickly drying off and throwing on a pair of
chinos, a white t-shirt and a pair of Adiddas. I was too tired to
look for anything more polished.

When I burst thru the front door,
Killian was already in the car waiting for me to get in. I did
without a word.

When the door closed he looked at me
and smiled, shook his head, then we were off to the office

enough we were pulling out to the all too familiar Callahan &
Callahan office building downtown. It was massive as well as very
lustrous. I used to love coming down here with Dad when I was a
kid, but I all but ran from it when I grew up. It was good work but
it was too much like settling down, and I wasn

t ready to
do that.

followed my brother into the building and up to my

conference room. I think my brother told them
that there was a meeting with an important client. So everyone
should be in there waiting for it to start.

Hello Ryan, is everyone in there

I hear my bother say.

I look up to ask him what the hell
he was talking about when I see that girl that I met at the

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