The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z (26 page)

BOOK: The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z
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I’ve never been scared of the dark. Lights out at a Boarding School in the country took care of that. The lighting is adequate, but dim. I stand outside Arnie’s locked door and notice the key box and keypad to the right. It’s like you get on a holiday rental. What the fuck could the code be? I try for thirty minutes; one, two, three, four; ten, nine, eight, seven. Over and over again multiples of numbers. In sheer frustration I kick the door in such a temper that I hear a crack and the door moves. It’s so old and damp down here that the door has split. I jiggle it a little more and it gives and I’m in.

Other than the usual office equipment there are piles of boxes. I pull them down and start to go through them. After an hour of looking I hit on something. A small box of videotapes. They could be nothing, but it’s a lead. I stuff the videotapes in my bag and replace the box. I make sure I put everything away carefully and pull the door shut. It re-clicks and until Arnie himself comes back, no-one will be any the wiser.

Now all I need is a VCR to see what I have.

I get back to the hotel and find Gabe sitting up in bed. ‘Christ, how long’s it take to cash up?’

‘I found some videos, may be nothing but it’s worth a try. I just need a VCR.’

‘Oh I’m sure we can pick one up for next to nothing these days. We can sort that tomorrow. Now get in this bed.’

I smile and glide under the covers and into his arms.


I’m woken by the Hotel telephone ringing. Bleary eyed I pick it up. ‘Hello?’

‘Miss Mulroney. I have a Mr Jones on the line for you.’

‘Oh put him through,’ I put my hand over the phone and whisper to Gabe, ‘Ronnie’s dad, probably an update about her discharge.’

‘Okay.’ He turns over and starts to drift back off to sleep.

‘Hey Mr Jones.’

‘Stella. I’m sorry to call you when you’re over in the States but I thought you needed to know. Is someone with you?’

A chill travels up my spine and I feel cold with dread, ‘Er, yes, yes someone is with me. W-why do I need someone with me?’

Gabe turns around, looking at me with concerned eyes.

‘Stella love, Ronnie took an overdose. She’s in intensive care. I thought you’d want to know.’

‘Is she going to make it?’ I whisper.

‘Yes, thank God but she’s very lucky that she was found in time. Usually residents aren’t checked on until the next day, but her Therapist stopped by with a plant she’d promised her. It’s a miracle really. I can’t understand it Stella,’ his voice breaks. ‘She seemed so happy.’

‘Yes she did. I only talked to her a couple of days ago; she was so excited to be discharged.’

‘Well something went wrong. I’ve not been able to speak to her yet, she’s sleeping it off. I know it’s a big ask but is there anyway you’d come back? You’re the only person who’s ever got through to her.’

‘I’ll be on the first flight out of here. Please keep me informed if anything changes.’

‘I will. Once again I’m sorry to have had to do this by phone.’

There’s nothing else to say, so we end the call.

My knees begin to fail me and I sit shaking on the bed,‘Oh my God, my God,’ I look at Gabe wide-eyed, ‘Why would she do this? She was so happy Gabe, it doesn’t make any sense.’

‘Perhaps it was just bravado Stella. Maybe she told you what you wanted to hear?’

‘No. I know my friend, she wouldn’t do this.’

‘She has been erratic lately.’

I grab his arm firmly,‘She still wouldn’t kill herself.’

‘Okay, okay I’ll book us a flight back to London. You feel okay to get your things together?’

I pack in a daze.

‘I’ve booked us a flight. It leaves in just over three hours, so we need to hurry up and get checked out.’

‘Thank you.’ I kiss his cheek.

Gabe goes to settle the bill. I pick up my phone and take the American sim I’d finally got around to buying out and replace it with my British one. It beeps several times as a few messages come through. I scroll down them and there I find another text from stellasnewfriend.

‘You were warned.’

Then I can’t get back fast enough and I wish I had wings as I realise my friend’s life is in danger and it’s all because of me.










Chapter 6


Gabe is furious as we fly back to England.

‘Why did you not tell me about these threats?’

‘I don’t know really, just tried to ignore them I suppose.’

‘Jesus, Stella, I thought you trusted me?’

‘I know. I really don’t know why I didn’t say anything, other than the first text came just before Samuel opened the door and yesterday, that guy knocked me over just before Issy declared Arnie was Sam’s dad.’

‘You could have told me later.’

‘I was at The Rodeo.’

‘Excuses, Stella, we went out for a meal. Look.’ He grabs my hand, ‘I get that you are used to doing things on your own. This isn’t easy for me either. But you’ve got to let me in. No secrets, okay?’

‘Okay.’ I drop my voice, ‘Gabe, I do want to do this, give us a try.’

‘Good,’ he leans over and brushes my cheek with his lips, ‘Then no more secrets.’

‘No more secrets, I get it. Gabe?’


‘Does that mean I’m your girlfriend?’

Gabe starts fidgeting, which makes me laugh.

The air hostess comes bearing refreshments and Gabe orders a whisky. I’m enjoying watching him squirm.

I lean over to him and whisper, ‘Well I figure I don’t need any more sexual training now. I think I’m experienced enough,’ I run my tongue around my lips in an overdramatic fashion, ‘but if I’m your girlfriend, then I suppose I could continue.’

Gabe thanks the hostess as she passes him his drink and sighs. ‘My
would like a packet of M&Ms,’ then he rolls his eyes at me, except when he turns his head I see a hint of a smile on his lips.


Frustratingly when I get home, it’s too late to visit Ronnie, but I’m assured she’s resting up and satisfactory. I call her father.

‘Listen, I know this sounds crazy, but I think someone may have slipped Ronnie something.’

‘That’s right Stella, it does sound crazy. I know it’s hard but you need to accept that she did this.’

‘Look, you said yourself I’m the one who gets through to her, right?’

There’s a pause, ‘Right.’

‘Don’t let her return to The Priory, please, I’m begging you. It’s not safe. Let her come home. I promise, I’ll look after her myself, she can stay with me for a few days.’

‘I don’t know ..’

‘If there’s any hint of her needing help, I’ll get straight in touch with you. You can have her re-admitted, but please, give me time to look into things and let me look after her. You know you can trust me.’

‘She needs to be in hospital.’

‘And she is. Leave her there until she recovers. But when she’s recovered from the overdose, let her come home. I’m going to go talk to her tomorrow, so I’ll know more about her state of mind then, but please don’t let anybody from the Priory other than that Therapist in to see her.’

‘What you are accusing them of seems very fanciful Stella.’

‘And I’m not that way, so that’s why you need to take me seriously.’

Another pause. ‘Alright. She can stay with you. We’ll see how it goes. See what tomorrow brings.’

‘Thank you.’

I then pick up my other mobile and call Peter, arranging to meet him in the usual place at five pm the next evening. I fully expect I’ll be followed, but I feel I have little choice.


As soon as visiting hours allow I walk into Ronnie’s room. She looks fine, if a little pale, but her spark has gone. She looks vulnerable, her head laid out on the pillow, hair fanned around.

‘Stella, I didn’t do it, I swear I didn’t.’

I sit on a chair at the side of her bed and grab her hand, ‘I know you didn’t.’

Her eyes widen, ‘You believe me? You don’t think I tried to top myself?’

‘No, I think you were deliberately medicated.’

Ronnie starts crying; huge, fat tears fall down her face. ‘No-one here believes me. Can you imagine what that’s been like? I was ready to go home,’ she wails, ‘now they’re talking about in-patient care.’

‘No, I’ve talked to your father. When you’re ready you’re staying with me.’



‘Oh my God, I’ve been so scared. After a while of people telling you that you’ve tried to kill yourself, you start to question yourself. I wondered if I lost my mind and actually did it.’

‘Who had access to your room that day, or night?’

‘Only the nursing staff and assistants. No-one else is allowed in your room.’

‘Well we have to work on the assumption that one of them is in bed with Arnie Gregory.’

‘What?’ says Ronnie.

I explain what’s been happening since we last spoke.

‘I’m so sorry Ronnie, I feel responsible for what’s happening to you.’

‘Stella, you’re not the one who’s tried to kill me, but do I need to tell the police? Do you think he’ll try again?’

‘I hope not, but we can’t go to the police, there’s no evidence. We need to start finding things and fast.’

‘Or you need to let it go,’ says Ronnie.

And as I look at her pale face I wonder if I’ll have to.


After leaving the hospital I visit a few second hand stores and finally find and purchase a VCR. Then I go to meet Peter.

‘Okay we did the honey traps?’


‘Mitch told our woman very firmly that he was happily married and not interested.’


‘He was very polite at basically telling her to eff off.’

‘And Arnie?’

‘He flirted with our woman, but again, not interested.’

‘Yeah, she’s probably too old.’


‘Never mind. I need to tell you something. I believe Arnie has been sending me warning messages, telling me to back off. He wouldn’t be doing that unless I was getting too near. Anyway he knows I’ve hired you and he was very amused by the fact he had a PI tailing yourself.’

Peter actually looks around.

‘I’m not sure I can do any more for you Stella. I can’t risk anything happening to my wife and baby.’

‘Look, just do one more task for me. I’ll pay you well and then I’ll let you go.’

‘What’s that?’

‘Get someone who looks really young to proposition him instead and see how that goes.’


I call for a coffee and to collect my fish back. Col isn’t there, but a woman who tells me she’s new and called Suzanne, passes me my fish back and tells me he’ll be back tomorrow. Entering my apartment I feel bone weary, but I send for a takeaway and connect up the video. There are about fifteen video cassettes; this could take a while.

I fast forward the first one, just a bog standard porno, nothing of note. I’m just putting the second in when the intercom goes. I buzz Gabe up and let him in.

‘Takeaways ordered and entertainment provided.’

‘The videos huh? Anything?’

‘Not yet but I’ve only watched one.’

The Pizza arrives and we eat it as we watch more of the tapes. Although we’re supposed to be watching them for evidence I can’t help the fact that the action is making me aroused. Looking at Gabe it’s obviously doing the same to him too. He shuffles closer and shoves his hand under my skirt.

‘Gabe we need to pay attention?’

‘How about a quickie, for Q?’

‘Oh all right then.’

I drag off my skirt and pants and he pushes me back on the sofa. His trousers are rough against my skin.

‘Get them off.’

‘Help me.’

‘I unzip him and pull down his trousers and his pants, his erection springing out.’

Gabe goes in his pocket and grabs a condom. ‘I totally planned on fucking you.’

He positions himself over me again and bites my neck and then he plunges straight into me.

‘Sorry, I just can’t wait today. I just fucking want you.’

The video has made me wet and I feel his warmth fill me up. Oh yes.

Gabe gives it to me quick and hard, ramming into me as if he can’t get enough. As I approach my climax he sticks his finger against my clit and rubs. It sends me spiralling over the edge.

‘Fuck yes.’

He carries on for another minute before he lowers himself onto me, kissing my neck again.

‘Oh I needed that, needed to be inside you.’

We lay there for a moment and then I make him go and get us some wine. There are a lot more videos to watch yet.

Five hours and three quickies later, I declare I can watch no more this evening. Tomorrow I intend to follow up on the leads that Issy gave me, see if I can find out anything and hopefully I’ll know how the trap went, as Peter has texted to tell me they were doing it this evening. I got the impression that Peter wanted this done with as soon as possible.

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