The Accidental Empire: Israel and the Birth of the Settlements, 1967-1977 (54 page)

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Authors: Gershom Gorenberg

Tags: #History, #Politics, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction

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The meaning of the denouement in Gaza would be determined only by its yet-to-be-written sequel. It could later be interpreted as the moment showing that the cost in tears and fury of dismantling settlements was too high to be paid again, on a grander scale, for evacuating the larger Israeli communities in the West Bank—or as the proof that settlements are indeed potentially temporary, and that the settlers had lost the support of the Israeli mainstream. It may be recorded as the act that revived peace efforts, or as the intermezzo before a new battle over the torn land. It did not yet answer the question posed to Israelis when the unexpected conquests of 1967 were fresh: What kind of Israel do you want? That answer still lay in the future.



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Hakibbutz Hame’uhad Archive (at Yad Tabenkin Archive, Ramat Efal)

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Israel State Archive (Jerusalem)

Jerusalem Municipal Archive

Kibbutz Gilgal Archive (Kibbutz Gilgal)

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library (Austin, Texas)

Merom Golan Archive (Merom Golan)

Midreshet Eretz Yisrael—Makhon Reshit (Eretz Yisrael Academy—Keddumim)

National Archives and Records Administration (College Park, Maryland)

Ofrah Archive (Ofrah)

Richard Nixon Library (Yorba Linda, California)

Yad Levi Eskhol (Jerusalem)

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