That Summer (Part One) (9 page)

Read That Summer (Part One) Online

Authors: Lauren Crossley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: That Summer (Part One)
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I’m sorry.” I whisper, lowering my gaze.

the hell would you be sorry?” She snaps, shaking me roughly.

I… I know that…” I trail off, tempted to say what I know but deciding against
it at the last moment.

doesn’t need to know that I know the truth. I don’t want to be vindictive and
if I inform her about what I know… that’s exactly what I would be.

know what?” She demands harshly.

really does look worried. That confident and brazen expression on her face has
vanished and it’s been replaced by concern and doubt.

know that Cole should be with someone like you. You’re everything I’m not and I
promise not to come between you two anymore. Cole just felt sorry for me,
that’s all it was. He stopped Jonathan from hurting me but that’s all there is
to it.”

can scarcely believe the words which are coming out of my mouth. I’m not even
sure if I believe them or not, all I care about is leaving here in one piece.
Nothing else matters.

moistens her lips and nods her head, appearing pleased.

I don’t want to have to have this conversation with you again. Watch your back,
slut. I’ll be watching.”

grabs hold of my chin, forcing me to look up at her. Her blue eyes are piercing
and seem to be able to see right through me. I try to keep my mind blank, just
in case she can read my thoughts. The thoughts I have about Cole.

she does next amazes me. She reaches in her bag and pulls out her pink
lip-gloss, evenly applying it in the mirror which is now behind me.

loves this lip-gloss.” She says seductively, glancing at me out of the corner
of her eye. “He said it tastes so sweet on his lips but not as sweet as me, if
you know what I mean. He couldn’t get enough of it and who was I to deny him?”

eyes widen and I can’t breathe, picturing Cole and her together and in such an
intimate way is crucifying. I’ve never experience pain like it and I don’t know
whether I should claw her eyes out or throw up.

walks out before I have chance to decide between the two. I’m left alone in the
girl’s bathroom, fighting back my tears and gasping for air. I can’t help from
wondering if I have been the world’s greatest idiot. Maybe even Cole is
laughing at me. Last night could have been one big joke to him, a disgusting
prank orchestrated by him and his friends to humiliate me even more.

was a fool to think that he would be here to protect me. I let my guard down
and allowed myself to become vulnerable. I make a vow that I will not make that
mistake again… from now on the only person I’m going to take care of is myself.
Everyone but Lisa can go to hell, especially Cole.

managed to make it into the cafeteria just in time. Lisa was waiting for me
with an anxious expression on her face, scanning the crowd for me. I briefly
told her about my altercation with Louise in the toilets, failing to mention
the fact that Cole had already told me about the night he spent with her when
he called out my name. I’m incredibly embarrassed and uncomfortable when it
comes to talking about it any further and decided to try and put the whole
thing behind me.

and I ate our lunch together before we went off to our separate classes. She
was furious about the way I had been treated by the Principal as well as the
students and threatened to destroy anyone who made a single comment about me.
This made me smile because I could not imagine Lisa being violent towards
anyone. She’s far too gentle and kind-hearted.

somehow manage to get through the rest of my day, avoiding the jealous groups
of girls who seem to be wherever I go, whispering and gossiping in front of me
as though my actual presence isn’t important to them. By the time the final
bell goes, I cannot wait to get out of here. I feel as though I’m slowly
suffocating inside these walls and need to be outside so I can get some fresh
air inside my lungs.

made plans to meet Lisa outside the main entrance where we will head over to
her car so she can give me a lift home. At lunchtime she managed to convince me
that we should hang out later on tonight, watching movies and sharing popcorn.
At first I didn’t know whether I would be in the right mood or not but finally
acquiesced and agreed. Lisa has been such an amazing friend to me, the least I
can do is spend a girly evening with her.

of the victimisation I’ve experienced all day, I decide to hide out in an empty
classroom until the majority of people have gone home. It’s absolute bliss to
be able to walk through the empty hallways without being on the receiving end
of pointed looks and venomous remarks. It’s enough to convince me that I should
stay behind every night this week just so I can get to my locker in peace.
Nothing has been done about what’s written on it and I can only wait and see if
I’ll be provided with a new one by tomorrow.

is waiting for me at the entrance with a smile on her face. I already told her
about my decision to stay behind, desperate to avoid everyone and she was more
than happy to wait for me. Like I said, she’s the best friend I could ever ask
for and I will never go a single day without appreciating everything she has
done for me.

asking you how you are a stupid question?” She smiles weakly, nudging me in a
playful manner.

not stupid and I guess I’m feeling… tired. I feel as though I could sleep for
an entire month and still feel exhausted.” I yawn, joining her as we slowly
head across the carpark towards Lisa’s car.

not surprised. I bet you didn’t get much sleep last night, did you?”

think I got a total of two hours.” I admit, raking my fingers through my hair.

Serena. You shouldn’t have even come into school today.”

right. She shouldn’t.”

both whirl around at the exact same time and inhale sharply.


are you doing here?” I demand coldly, folding my arms across my chest.

do you mind making your own way home tonight? I really need to speak to Serena
on her own.” He directs his question towards my best friend, ignoring my own as
he waits for her response.

really don’t feel comfortable leaving right now. You have no idea what sort of
day she’s had and we made plans to hang out tonight.” Lisa responds firmly,
clearly not impressed with Cole or his suggestion that she go on without me.

does she mean? Are you ok? Nothing bad happened, right?”

takes a step closer towards me with an angry look on his face. The concern he
has for me can be heard in his voice as he centres his focus on my eyes,
watching me closely. “What happened, Serena? Tell me.”

do you think happened? She’s been the target of every single comment that’s been
made today and none of them were good. The Principal made her feel like
was the one who got arrested yesterday afternoon and Louise threatened her. Oh,
she’s also had the word ‘whore’ scrawled all over her locker. The same word
she’s been called fifty times today!” Lisa yells, pointing an accusing finger
at Cole.

Serena, is this true? Tell me it isn’t.”

first he appears hurt, his sadness and sorrow causing his shoulders to collapse
and his head to fall.

it’s true.” I murmur softly, wiping a lone tear off my cheek which had begun to

second he notices my pain his anger reignites. His fury is explosive and
intimidating, reminding me how thankful I am to not be the one on the receiving
end of it.

Louise hurt you?”

I mean… yes. She… she slapped me but-”

? You didn’t tell me that bit!” Lisa exclaims, interrupting our
conversation by placing herself between us.

fucking hit you?!” Cole growls, pushing my friend to the side so he can stand
right in front of me.

you both stop it? The last thing I want to do right now is relive the hideous
day I’ve just had.” I whimper, covering my heated face with my hands.

I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. Come here.” Cole interjects, gently prising my
hands away. “Look at me, Serena.”

do as he asks, gazing up at the most magnificent face I have ever seen. His
brown eyes are enough to make my heart race and my insides melt as he stands
within such close proximity to myself.

promised me.” I whisper, moistening my lips. “You promised that none of this
would happen and I believed you.”

I meant everything I said to you last night. I didn’t know that my suspension
from school would start today. I thought I would be here and have time to warn
everyone what the consequences will be if they were to insult you. I was called
in for a meeting with the Principal first thing and was told my two week
suspension was to start straight away. Before school started I tried to make
sure that the people I thought might bother you were fully aware of what would
happen to them if they did. Obviously, I didn’t threaten the girls but I told
some of my friends to make sure they didn’t say anything to you. I swear to God
I was absolutely certain it would all be ok for you or I would never have stayed
away, fuck what my suspension says.”

a prolonged silence between the three of us as I try to digest everything he’s
just said to me. I’m more confused than ever and don’t know how to process the
amount of things that have happened in such a short space of time.

I’m going to leave you two alone.” Lisa announces quietly. “I’m sorry about the
way I spoke to you, Cole. I didn’t know you… anyway, I’m going to go and leave
you to talk. Serena, is that ok with you?”

Thank you, Lisa.” I offer her a weak smile, giving my consent for her to leave

sure you call me later on. I want to know that you’re ok.”


Cole turns away from me and walks over to her. “Thanks for taking care of her
today. You’re a good friend.”

face lights up when she hears his praise, proof that no female can resist
Cole’s charms, not even Lisa.

make sure that you take care of her tonight or I’ll be forced to hunt you down and
kick your ass.” She jokes, pointing her finger at him again.

chuckles softly as he watches Lisa get in her car and drive away, leaving us
alone together. He closes the distance between us and wraps his muscular arms
around my waist.

I missed you.” He whispers softly, inhaling deeply as he places a delicate kiss
on my forehead.

they didn’t exclude you?” I ask, choosing to remain cool and detached as I push
him away from me.

looks hurt for a split second before he changes his expression, trying to act
life my aloof manner didn’t bruise him.

had a meeting with that smug bastard they call our Principal first thing this
morning. The second I walked into his office I knew he wasn’t going to give me
a chance to explain it all to him. All he cared about was the fact that
Jonathan had dropped the charges against me and the police will no longer be
involved. He’s suspended me for two weeks and then I’m on probation for the
rest of the year. I’m out of here if I put a single foot wrong. I can’t even
get a detention without the threat of being kicked out looming over me.”

sorry, Cole.”

you dare apologise to me. You have no reason to be sorry.” He says firmly,
stroking his finger down the side of my jawline.

try to ignore the exquisite sensation his touch ignites, fighting my own
arousal as well as the yearning I have for him to do more.

saw the Headmaster as well.” I inform him. “He wanted to hear my own version of
what happened and I told him the truth. I tried to explain things to him and
told him that you helped me but he didn’t want to know.”

worry about it, ok? This whole place can go to hell for all I care.” He
complains bitterly, glaring at the building behind us.

door to the main entrance opens as several members of staff make their way out
of school. Cole quickly grabs hold of my hand and pulls me in the opposite
direction, out of the car park and away from our teacher’s prying eyes.

are we going?” I inquire, struggling to keep up with Cole’s speedy footsteps.


where is that?”

place.” He answers simply.

won’t your mum be at home?”

don’t care if she is.” He responds dismissively. “But I doubt she’ll actually
be there. My mum is pretty much like yours, Serena. She’s never home.”


walk in silence for the next few minutes, making our way down several streets
and avenues until we stop outside a nondescript and unremarkable looking house.
I watch Cole as he reaches inside his back pocket, presumably for his front
door key.

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