Read That Summer (Part One) Online

Authors: Lauren Crossley

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

That Summer (Part One) (12 page)

BOOK: That Summer (Part One)
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it’s ok. I’m not going to do anything to you that you won’t enjoy and if you
tell me to stop, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” He assures me, placing
one of his hands on the top of my left thigh. “Now, open your legs for me so I
can see what’s mine. I want to see you.
of you, Serena.”

stay still for several moments before I give into his request, allowing him to
separate my legs slowly.

hear him inhale sharply before he groans, cursing under his breath when I let
my legs fall apart in front of him.

Serena.” He murmurs, almost to himself. “You are truly perfect. Just look at
how wet you are for me already.”

flinch when one of his fingers makes contact with my bare skin, catching the
moisture between my legs. I hear the sound of his lips tasting me as tastes his
finger and he moans loudly.

taste even better than I first imagined.” He growls deeply, gently placing his
hand over my mouth as he settles in-between my legs.

cries of pleasure are smothered by his hand as his buries his face in the
middle of my open thighs. My body writhes and arches off the bed as I pull
against my restraints, craving more of this exquisite sensation. My volume
increases as my mouth falls open beneath the safety of his hand as I spread my
legs even wider for him.

it, baby.” He encourages me. “Let go. Give it all up to me, don’t hold back.”

words are my undoing as I raise my legs, exposing the most intimate part of
myself to him even more. Cole inhales sharply, clearly taken aback by my wanton
behaviour, as well as being extraordinarily turned on but it.

good girl is soaking wet for me. She’s soaking wet for this tongue and my mouth
on her pussy, tasting her warm juices as I make her come.”

God, Cole.” I whimper, thrashing my head back and forth across my pillow.

fear of my mum being disturbed and walking in here to catch us is still at the
back of my mind, causing me to feel some concern when it comes to how loud I’m
being but that doesn’t mean I care enough to stop.  

could make me bring an end to this.

like that?” He taunts me, pulling away from me on purpose.

Please don’t stop.” I plead with him, longing to have my hands free so I could
at least remove my blindfold and see him.

me.” He demands harshly. “Beg me to keep on tasting you and I will.”

normal circumstances, I would never even think about begging someone to do anything
but for some unfathomable reason, every ounce of pride I once had has long
gone. I simply don’t care what I have to do, I’m willing to do anything if it
will guarantee that Cole continues what he’s doing to me.

Please, Cole. Don’t stop. I’ll do anything… just please don’t stop what you’re

it, Serena. Tell me in black and white terms what it is you want from me.”

your mouth… your tongue on me. Taste me, make me come. I’m begging you.”

I realise what’s happening, Cole flips me onto my stomach, forcing me up onto
my knees with the lower half of my body left up in the air. My face is pressed
against my pillow as he grabs my hips, forcing my ass into the position he most

can’t believe I’m letting him do this to me. I cannot believe I’ve actually
given my consent and allowed myself to be tied to my own bed and blindfolded.
However, what shocks and amazes me beyond any of this is the fact that I’m
enjoying it. I’ve never experienced anything like this before and I doubt I
ever will again. It’s as though I’ve been liberated and released from the
constraints of what I once was and even though I’m tied up and under Cole’s
control… I’ve never felt so free.


you look incredible.” He mutters, caressing the skin of my behind gently. “I’m
really going to enjoy this and so are you. I bet you’ve never had your pussy
eaten from behind, have you? I bet you’ve never had your pussy licked at all,
huh? That’s what makes you so special, Serena. You’re untouched and flawless,
innocent and

grab onto the metal headboard in front of me, holding onto it with all the
strength I can gather, eager to support my weight and maintain the position
Cole has place me in.

tongue finds its way between my legs once more, devouring me as though he’s
starving. His forceful hands squeeze my ass, pulling me against his mouth
before he pushes me away, making sure I maintain a steady rhythm moving back
and forth against him.

use the pillow to stifle my moans, burrowing my face against it as I struggle
to quieten my cries of pleasure. Cole refuses to let up on his ardent movements
behind me, forcing me to open up for him so he can slip his tongue all the way
inside, delighting in the moisture I involuntarily release from my body and
onto his tongue.

hips shoot forward of their own accord when his hand strikes my ass. The sting
from his blow causes a surge of excitement to soar through me, leaving me
startled and unsettled when it comes to the knowledge that the small slap I
just received turned me on.

baby… I could spank this sweet ass all day. Would you like that?”


thought you were such a good girl, Green. Never in a million years did I
imagine you would enjoy something like this. I guess you being bent over right
in front of me turns you on just as much as it does me.” He scornfully laughs
and spanks me once more, this time on the other cheek, no doubt leaving a large
red handprint on my fair skin.

for me, Serena. Come in my mouth and all over my face, baby. I need to taste
you, I want you all over my tongue and on my lips.”

muffled screams are smothered by my pillow as I do exactly as he asks and
circle my hips against his greedy mouth, bouncing up and down whilst his tongue
is inside me. I arch my back, offering myself to him in a brazen, uninhibited
manner. I simply don’t care about anything but this. I no longer care if we’re
caught, I don’t care if my mum walks in or hears me from her room, I just don’t

grabs onto my thighs, sinking his fingers into them as he encourages me to move
forward and then back onto his tongue. The warmth of it consumes me as it
glides across my folds and then inside me, demanding that I give him what he

my body and my control to him is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, as well as
being the easiest. It’s somewhat difficult for me to give this part of myself
so freely, a part I have cherished for nearly eighteen years. My virginity is
something I value, it’s not something I will throw away for anybody.

least that’s what I used to say.

Cole, it is different. It’s as though all of my rationality has disappeared,
evaporating into thin air right in front of me. I no longer care about anything
but him and the breath-taking, unforgettable moment we’re creating between us.

orgasm is explosive, astonishing and beyond anything I have ever experienced. I
throw my head back, reminding myself to stay absolutely silent as the exquisite
sensations course through my body, igniting something deep down inside of me
that I have never known.

demands that I give him everything I have, plunging his tongue inside me over
and over again, using his mouth to caress the softness of my folds as he
encourages me to grind my burning core all over him. He devours my sweetness,
refusing to stop until he is convinced I am satisfied and can give him no more
of my sweet essence he is craving.

collapse onto my stomach, breathing heavily as I try and catch my breath. Cole
reaches over and gently unties my wrists before he removes my blindfold,
placing a soft kiss on the centre of my forehead.

lays down beside me, staring up at my ceiling in deep contemplation. I can’t
help watching him, wondering what he must be thinking about and wishing I could
see all the way inside his head.

only when I shiver that his attention is drawn back towards me.

you cold?” He asks, turning over on his side so he can face me directly.

little.” I admit, wrapping my arms around my naked chest subconsciously.

hide from me, Green. Don’t ever try to conceal yourself from me.”

illustrate his point, he uncrosses my arms, exposing my breasts to him.

wasn’t trying to-”

I have to go.” He adds, cutting me off mid-sentence.

I repeat timidly.

do you even know what time it is?”

tone of voice is so casual and unaffected, it hurts me to think that what just
happened between us meant nothing to him and I can’t stop myself from thinking
that I might have just been the world’s greatest idiot.

I guess I lost track of it as soon as I let you in.” I confess, rubbing my
tired eyes as I sit up in bed.

2.45.” He responds, glancing at his phone which he removes from the back pocket
of his jeans.

I see.” I murmur softly, lowering my gaze from his.

your phone?”

here.” I say, reaching for my mobile.

where I left it before I fell asleep and I can’t help from noticing that I have
a new text message waiting to be read. I realise it can only be from Lisa replying
to the one I sent her before I went to bed and decide to take a quick look at
it. Before I get a chance to do so, Cole grabs the phone out of my hand and
ignores my protests when I demand he give it back.

is texting you at this time?” He growls, turning his back on me so he can look
through my phone without being disturbed.

only Lisa!” I yell, grappling with him as I attempt to get my phone back from
him. “She sent me that message hours ago but I fell asleep and didn’t read it.”

knows why I’m explaining myself to him. He’s the last person I should be trying
to reason with and my indignation knows no limits as I struggle to understand
how he can keep my own possession from me.

won’t mind me reading it then, will you?” He says contemptuously. “If it really
is just a message from Lisa.”

pushes me away from him so I can’t see what he’s doing and several seconds pass
before he reluctantly hands my phone back to me. He doesn’t say a word and I
know it’s because he’s read Lisa’s message.

now?” I snap, snatching it away from him.

sorry.” He mumbles, lowering his head.

it.” I grumble, reaching for the pyjama top I discarded when we first came up
to my bedroom.

are you doing?”

does it look like? I’m getting dressed.” I reply bitterly.

I tell you to put your clothes back on?”

you don’t own me.” I remind him. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

on top of me in an instant as he pushes me back down onto the bed, pinning me
in place so I can’t wriggle out from under him.

that’s just it, Green. I
own you now. I own every single inch of you
and this delectable little body of yours. I also owned your pussy when I made
you come in my mouth” He whispers, breathing heavily right against my ear.

disgusting.” I remark scathingly, trying to turn my face away from him.

I?” He sneers darkly. “You weren’t saying that a few minutes ago when you were all
over my tongue.”

it.” I beg him, squirming in discomfort at the tone of his voice.

hope that he will stop taunting me and leave before he realises that I’m
actually getting turned on all over again. I hate myself for being aroused by
something like this, especially when he isn’t even being nice to me right now.
What the hell is wrong with me?

getting wet again, aren’t you?” He says knowingly, “That pussy is screaming out
for me already and it’s only been a few minutes since I tongue-fucked you.”

don’t know whether he expects me to answer him or not. Instead, I decide to
challenge him directly, glaring up at him in fury.

you realise what you’re doing?” I ask him coldly. “All you’re making me want to
do right now is run away from you. You told me you wanted us to be together but
everything you’ve done to me so far goes against everything you’ve said to me.
If you want to push me away, you’re going the right way about it.”

freezes right above me before he slowly relinquishes his hold on my trembling
body. I watch the realisation of what he’s just done dawn on him as he cradles
his head in his hands.

I-I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” He groans, repeating the same apology to
me over and over again.

BOOK: That Summer (Part One)
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