Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)
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“A solution?” I questioned. I knew it would come with a price.

“Yes. With every problem, there is a solution, and I just so happen to have the solution to
particular problem.”

I glanced at Ethon, and he slowly shook his head like he had no clue of what was going on. But after talking to the Fallen under the floor, I wasn’t sure if I believed him.

“It’s simple, really. I will set you free, and allow everyone whom you love so dearly, to live. Samuel - your beloved Nephilim mother, Alaine - your Guardian,
all the others including the four mortals.”

Dammit to hell.
He positively knew about Alaine. I tried to keep my cool and steady my trembling limbs, but it was nearly impossible.

“But?” I knew there was a huge
coming up, and it terrified me. 

“But, I have one condition,” his eyes shrewdly looked me over. “When the time comes, you
choose Ethon. And until such time, you will not speak to anyone regarding this prearrangement. If you so much as breathe a word to
, they will die.”

“Screw you!” I screamed. The words automatically traveled from my mind and flew out my mouth.

Before I could blink, Lucifer flew at me like a flash, wrapped his powerful hand around my neck and squeezed until my breath seized completely. My feet were suddenly lifted off the floor, dangling helplessly. I tried to fight and loosen the grip of his long, strong fingers, but they were locked, and I couldn’t even gasp for air.

A heat, emanating from his hand, burned my neck. The edges of my vision started to blacken as I stole one last glance at my murderer. His glowering eyes burned bright with evil and ill intent, mixed with a twisted excitement and satisfaction.

My life flashed before my eyes as I struggled, suffocating.

I’m sorry.
I said to those who truly loved me. I had fought and had expired every ounce of will left in me. I was too weak and powerless to continue. I’d finally accepted my fate and felt my body go limp.

“Father! Stop. You’ll kill her!” I could barely hear Ethon’s pleading.

I suddenly felt an impact, and shortly after, Lucifer released his grip, tossing me across the room. I hit the ground and tumbled, gasping and coughing, trying to fill my lungs with valuable air.

As I watched through my tear-filled vision, Lucifer threw Ethon to the ground, and placed his knee on his chest. His eyes were burning with anger as he lifted his hand, ready to strike him.

“Father!” Ethon yelled, his arms shielding his face.

Lucifer hesitated, and suddenly snapped from his rage. He pushed himself back, off of his son. 

“Look what this bitch is doing, Ethon. She’s driving a wedge between us, drawing us apart.”

“She’s not the one driving the wedge, father,” Ethon answered.

I do is for us. Your lack of respect is a disgrace. It’s a dagger pushed into the depths of my heart. Don’t ever take my leniency as a sign of weakness. I will have no problem showing you where your place is, Ethon,” Lucifer roared.

Ethon stood, but didn’t say a word. He kept his head down, but I could see the deep crimson of anger burning within his eyes.

Lucifer’s attention shifted. His dangerous eyes fixed on me, almost intent on finding a reason to finish what he had started.

I wouldn’t give him the pleasure, so I kept quiet, praying for a chance to repay him. More than ever, I desired to survive until my transformation. Revenge and hatred would be the fuel to the fire burning deep within me. I promised myself I would be the hand of vengeance. 

“You will learn very quickly not to mess with me, girl. If it wasn’t for Ethon, you would already be dead. I will
leave here until you completely understand my terms. So, I will go over them once more for your safety, and the safety of the others around you.”

choose Ethon and seal the bond
your transformation, or everyone you love
die. Tell anyone about our arrangement, and
will die. It’s as simple as that. You can never hide anything from me. If you ever feel the urge to cry on someone’s shoulder, look them in the eyes and say goodbye, because it will be the last time you see them alive.”

“I may not be omnipotent, but I have ways of knowing all. I have secret eyes and ears everywhere, and they will notify me if you’ve spoken about our deal. It’s your choice. But choose wrong, and their blood will be on your hands.”

“So, in other words, I have no choice,” I stated.

“If that’s how you choose to see it,” he said, raising his hands out to the side with unconcern.

He had not one ounce of compassion, remorse, or sympathy. His face was rigid and exuded nothing more than pure evil. Now I knew exactly why he was cast from heaven. His charred heart was bereft of any good or moral values; leaving a sick, arrogant, immortal bastard. Being in his presence caused my heart to experience true hatred.

“Just say the two words - I agree - and I will leave this place.”

I glanced at Ethon, but his head was bowed. He couldn’t even look at me.

My world had come to a screeching halt. Everything I’d ever hoped for vanished. In an instant, I watched my future disintegrate, like grains of sand falling through my fingers. There was no way I would risk the lives of my loved ones. It wasn’t even an option.

I sucked in a deep breath. I was literally about to make a deal with the Devil, and would pay for it for the rest of my existence.

But they were worth it. Kade was worth it. And I could rest knowing they’d be safe. 

I lifted my head and faced him without fear.

“I agree.”

As the words left my mouth, so did my soul.

Ethon’s head rose. His brow was furrowed, and I could tell he realized what I was giving up.

He walked over to me and wrapped me in his arms. “I promise to do everything in my power to make you happy,” he whispered.

His words offered little comfort, because standing in the background, with a wicked grin on his face was the one who held our strings. He was our puppet master, playing with us to fulfill his own wicked desires. He knew my greatest weakness, and exactly which strings to tug in order to get what he wanted. He played his game too well.

Ethon could make promises, and they may be honest, but they were hollow. We would never live a happy life, as long as Lucifer was alive. We were but slaves to his will.

“There. Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Lucifer mocked. “I’ll be sure to keep my end of the bargain, and will be here when Lucian strikes. You just remember, you must be bonded to Ethon before your transformation.”

And that was it. As swiftly as a wisp of wind, Lucifer was gone, leaving behind him a whirlwind of destruction. He needed me to be bonded to Ethon
the transformation because he wanted to seal his position of power.

My eyes misted over and a beautiful face with hazel eyes came to mind. Even embraced within the arms of Ethon, I felt hollow. Betrayed. What hurt the most was I would eventually have to break Kade’s heart, and he would never know why.  

“I’m so sorry, Emma. I didn’t want you to be forced into a decision, but we will make the best of it. I promise to love you for the rest of our lives,” he whispered. I couldn’t help but wonder if Ethon had a hand in this.

A tear escaped and trailed down my cheek. But deep inside, I knew I would never allow the bond to strip my memories from me. I would
forget him.

What had started out as a quest to seek help, had quickly backfired. I shouldn’t have been surprised. We were dealing with the Deceiver. The Prince of Darkness. He was bound to find out sooner or later.

I quickly realized…I never really had a choice. I was always going to be the Devil’s pawn.

I closed my eyes, and then, a spark of awareness flashed through my mind. I had an epiphany. A way to possibly end all of this madness. It was a huge risk, and I wasn’t sure if it was even possible, but I was willing to try.

I would play the game, and play it well. I would let him think he had me. But in actuality…he didn’t. This was my destiny, and I wouldn’t let anyone, including the Devil himself, decide my fate.  

I opened my eyes as a new spark of hope ignited within me.

Little did the Devil know…two could play this game.

I was a dark horse.

And I was ready.  






The End


















Catch a sneak peek of:

Gilded Wings

Book 4

Hidden Wings Series




Sitting at the edge of a small lake, I am dipping my feet in and out of the crystal clear water; appreciating the magical weather. The sun is shining, and the sky is the most unbelievable blue. I was almost like a painting. The large tree behind me is providing perfect amount of shade. The grass beneath me is bright green, and feathery soft to the touch.

A few yards away, near the water’s edge, two beautiful, children play. Their dark hair glimmering in the sun. The little boy is being chased around by the older girl, their laughter filling the air, making me buzz with delight.

A large, strong hand finds mine and squeezes. Leaning back, I breathe in the heady scent of my bonded. My soul mate. He is lying beside me, with one arm behind his head.

“Are the little devils behaving themselves?” he asks.

I turn to face him and use my free hand to draw circles up and down his chest. “Yes. They seem to enjoy this place, almost as much as we do.”

“It’s a shame we haven’t flown here as a family more often.” Turning his head, his mesmerizing eyes lock onto mine in earnest. “We’ll have to remedy that in the future.”


My eyes popped open. I sat up, bewildered, not knowing if what I had just experienced was a dream, or a premonition. Whatever it was seemed so real. I rested my hand to my heart, and took a slow, steadying breath.

It couldn’t be real…could it?
















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