Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)
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Just a few months ago, things were so different. So simple. I never really had any worries, and lived life carefree. But things changed quickly after the accident. Jeremy and Lia didn’t belong in this new world of death and destruction. They weren’t safe around me anymore, and it broke my heart.

My insides were still trembling from the incident in the woods, but I dared not show it. Especially in front of them. I almost died today, but my friends would never know. They could

I wondered how those Fallen were able to get so close. I was glad that no one else entered the woods. Things could have ended much worse than it did. I couldn’t let anything happen to my friends. I wouldn’t allow it. I had to keep them close and safe, under the confines of the barrier until they returned home. But that was easier said than done. I guess I could pull the bear card. That would definitely keep Lia inside.

Kade wrapped his arm around me and pulled me against him. I grabbed his hand, interlacing my fingers through his, and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt his warm breath on my forehead as he pressed his cheek to the side of it, and I was instantly comforted.

Home wasn’t far, but he and I sat in silence - both of our minds reeling with unanswered questions. Although my world felt like it was falling apart, I knew he would be there to steady me.





Chapter 17


After dinner, plans were already set and I didn’t even have a say. All of the humans and I were going to Courtney’s room for movies. Kade graciously declined, saying I needed to spend time with them without distraction. I made him feel bad by giving the puppy dog eyes, but he was right. I only had a few more days with them.

Courtney had already set up popcorn, an assortment of candies, and a cooler of drinks leftover from the lake. Her room was just as spacious as mine was, and everything was set up on a big fluffy area rug in the center of the room.

On the wall hung a sixty inch flat screen television with surround sound. I didn’t even have a TV in my room, but I guess I didn’t need one. Courtney spent a lot of her free time here. She deserved it.

They decided on an all-night movie marathon, with none other than…dun-duh-duh-duuun… The Lord of the Rings trilogy.


We were all ordered to wear jammies, and bring our own pillows.

“Come on, Emma,” Lia said, patting the space beside her. She had on a Hello Kitty onesie. 

I smiled and plopped down as Courtney pressed play.

As soon as it started, the room shook.

“Whoa. This surround sound is awesome,” Jeremy yelled above the noise.

Courtney smiled and nodded.

The movie was playing, and as much as I tried to keep my head in the moment, it kept drifting away. As soon as an apple hit a character’s head, I suddenly wanted one. I knew there were big, crisp, juicy apples in the house, but they were all the way downstairs in the fridge. The popcorn was too buttery and left a weird film on the top of my mouth, and the candy wasn’t the kind of sweet I craved.

I mean, who has a party without peppermint candy canes?

I debated with myself for about five minutes because I didn’t want to make the long trip to the kitchen, but also didn’t want any snacks here either.

I stood, and Courtney pressed paused.

“I’m craving an apple. I’m going to the kitchen to get one. Anyone need anything?” I asked.

“An apple? Are you kidding me? Healthy snacks are not allowed on movie nights,” Lia said, shaking her head.

“Well, I’m craving one. So do you need anything, or not?”

It was a resounding no.

“Fine,” I said. “Courtney, please press play. I could practically recite this movie, word for word.”

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Positive,” I stressed.

“Alright,” she shrugged. She pressed play and the blast of volume made everyone jump. I heard them laughing as I made my way into the hall, shutting the door behind me.

I quickly made my way downstairs and headed for the kitchen. As I turned down the hall, I noticed the light was on, and then heard voices. I quietly snuck forward and peeked in. It was Thomas and Alexander. They were rummaging in the fridge.

“Hey guys,” I loudly announced.

They both popped up, and Alexander cracked his head on the fridge.  

“Ouch, dammit,” he cursed, rubbing his head.

“I’m so sorry!” I apologized. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“No, you didn’t scare us,” Thomas noted, with a smile. “You startled us.”

“Oh, okay. Well, I’m sorry for
you. So what are you guys doing in here?”

“Raiding the kitchen for food. Miss Lily said we could have whatever we wanted, and our place is empty,” Alexander said, grabbing plastic containers, filled with leftovers. “Muffins. Score!” he cheered, taking out a large baggie labeled blueberry muffins.

“Our place is empty because someone is constantly eating, every-second-of-every-day,” Thomas sighed. 

“Yeah, dude. You better cut that crap out,” Alexander said, heading to the cupboard and taking out a bag of chips and another bag of chocolate chip cookies. He placed it in their sack, which topped it off.

“So, what are you doing down here, Emma?” Thomas asked.

“I wanted an apple. The rest of them are upstairs having a movie marathon, and I just can’t seem to get into it.”

“I don’t blame you. You went through a lot today. I’m surprised you can still function at all,” Thomas said. He threw some peanuts into his mouth.

“It’s hard, but I think tomorrow will be worse,” I sighed.

“Why?” Alexander asked, chomping down on a cookie.

“Dude, funeral…” Thomas nudged him.

Alexander froze and turned to me with sad eyes. “Oh. I’m sorry, Emma. We might not be there, but our hearts will be with you.”

“Thank you so much. I just can’t wait until all of this is over.”

“We all can’t wait,” Thomas agreed, “for your and Alaine’s sake.”

I suddenly realized the reason they were here with us. It never really crossed my mind before. I mean, I knew they were here as Guardians on assignment, but that was it. They were only assigned. Once this mission was complete…it was over.

What would this house be like when they were all gone? No Dominic, Thomas, Alexander or Malachi? It would be empty. 

My heart wrenched, and sadness overtook me. They had become a huge part of my family - a vital part to my existence. They all helped to fill the void, and brought life to this place.

“So what will happen to all of you, once this is all over?” I asked.

“We’ll go back to Midway and wait for our next mission,” Thomas answered.

I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to fight my emotions.

“So how many more years before each of you get your wings?” I questioned.

They glanced at each other.

“Kade explained to me how it all works. I know about the coins, and the five hundred years.”

“I have two hundred and eighty-five more years of service,” Thomas smiled, and raked his fingers through is beach blonde hair.

“And I have three hundred and seventy-six years left,” Alexander added.

“He’s the baby,” Thomas nodded at him, patting his head.

“Dude, don’t rub your grimy hands in my silky hair. I just washed it,” Alexander huffed. His hair was almost the exact same raven color as Ethon’s, only Alexander was clean cut. 

I half-heartedly laughed at their banter. “I’m really going to miss you guys when you leave.”

“Yeah, no joke. There hasn’t been, nor will there ever be, another mission like this one. It has been my favorite mission by far,” Alexander said.

“Yeah, same here,” Thomas added. “We are usually sent out alone, to protect or watch over one soul at a time. Like how Kade was sent to protect you.”

“And I never even had a clue,” I whispered. 

“The mortals are never aware. But you’re lucky. If Kade was still an immortal, he’d also have to leave and return to Midway until his five hundred years were served,” Thomas added.

“Even if he was bonded?” I asked.

“Why? Are you planning on bonding with him?” Alexander asked, wiggling his brows.

“Alex, shut-up,” Thomas said, slapping his back. “The answer is yes, Emma. Even if he was bonded.

Thinking this new information over, I started to feel a little relief. “So, now that he is mortal…he will get to stay here, with no issues from above?”

“Yes,” they both replied.

I nodded. “Well, I guess I better get back up to the gang before they send down a search party.” I turned to leave and remembered something.

By the way, how is Samuel holding up?”

“He’s doing really well, but has been sleeping a lot because his wings are still healing. Especially after the long flight the other day. But in no time he’ll be good-as-new. He’ll probably be able to fly without pain in about a month.

“A whole month?” My heart twisted.

“Yeah, those damn Grimlocks did a number on him, but he’s living like a king. He hasn’t had modern amenities for a while, so he’s in hog heaven,” Thomas laughed. “Plus, Alaine has been spoiling him.”

“That’s good. I hope I’ll get a chance to see him soon,” I said.

“Well, he can’t come here with the barrier up, but you are free to come over and visit anytime you like. We’ve got you covered,” Thomas winked.

“Thank you,” I said. 

“Yeah, even the red-eyed demon is out and about, checking the area. We saw him take off on our way here,” Alexander added.

I smiled inside, but kept my expression blank and nodded. Ethon was their enemy. The son of Lucifer, who was now bonded to the one they were protecting. 

“Well, please tell Samuel I said hello.”

“We will,” Thomas said. “Hope you have a good night.”

Alex was back in the fridge. He peeked out and tossed me a large apple.

“Thank you both. For everything,” I said grasping it.

“It’s our duty and our pleasure,” Thomas winked.

“Yeah, what he said,” Alexander blurted, before shoving something crunchy into his mouth.

I smiled and followed behind them as they left, locking the door and clicking the light off. I stood in the dark and glanced into the night sky. The stars gently illuminated the labyrinth and the cottage.

I turned to leave, but gasped at a dark figure standing in the doorway.

“Don’t be afraid,” he whispered. I stretched my arm to turn on the light, but he stopped me. “Don’t. Leave it off.” The sound of his voice was so low, so alluring, it sent a rush of warm pricks through my body.

A smile crossed my face as I observed his perfect silhouette. I pressed my back to the door as he stalked closer, only stopping when his firm body was pressed tightly against mine, capturing me.

He put his hands up on either side of me, locking me in place. Then he leaned down, to kiss my neck, making a trail all the way up to my ear.

“What are you doing here in the dark, all alone?” His breath tickled my ear and sent shivers down my spine. Using one hand for support, Kade took the other and firmly grabbed my waist, pulling me against him. Placing his lips over mine, just enough to talk against them, he said, “Are you going to make me ask again?”

“I’m not alone,” I whispered. “Not anymore.”

He nipped at my bottom lip and then quickly pressed his mouth over mine. 

This was so unlike him, and it excited me. “Why are you here?”

“I come down here once in a while…” he punctuated with kisses, “…hoping to run into a girl I met a while back.” He sucked the bottom of my lip. “Have you seen her around?”

Parts of me started tingling, so I played along. “I don’t know,” I replied, kissing him back. “What does this girl look like?”

The heat between us was reaching boiling point, our bodies were now moving against each other of their own accord. Kade, nearly breathless said, “She’s young and beautiful. We met here, in this very kitchen. She couldn’t sleep, so I offered to use my magic on her. You see, I’m her Guardian, but I haven’t been able to find her.”

“Maybe she’s changed and you just don’t recognize her? If you’re her Guardian, I’m sure she needs you…badly.”

The last thread of his composure disintegrated and his mouth plunged into mine. I dropped my apple and my hands tangled in his hair, holding him against me. For a moment, we were tongues, teeth, and lips…pushing and fighting for dominance.

Kade’s powerful hands grabbed onto my hips, and his hard body pushed me forcefully into the door.


We both stopped and froze.

“What was that?” I said.

“Shhh…” He turned his head to look, and after a few long seconds, I could feel him start to laugh. “It was just the dishwasher door falling down. It must not have been closed properly.”

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