Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)
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His eyes smiled at me. “You are wise beyond your years, Emma

I rolled my eyes at his corny pun. “My parents taught me well.”

“They would be so proud of you,” he said, brushing his fingers over my cheek.

Alaine walked back into the room. “Kade, are you alright?”

He nodded.

“Emma, could I speak to you for just a minute?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

Alaine and I walked over to the snack tables.

“I thought it was better to have your friends fly out from Fairbanks tomorrow morning. It’s less than an hour away, where Anchorage is hours.”

“That’s understandable.”

“The only downfall is, you won’t be able to see them off. It’s too huge of a risk.”

“Will they be safe?” I asked. That’s all I needed to know. If they would be safe, then I would have no problem letting them go.

“Yes. They are in no threat. I’ll send Courtney and Caleb with them, and Malachi and Dominic will also be going. I’m so sorry, but I just don’t want to take any more risks with you.”

“It’s alright. I know they’ll appreciate the fact they won’t have to get up early to make the long drive. I just don’t know what I’ll tell them.”

“I’ve already got that covered. I’ll tell them you will have a mandatory testing for advanced placement,” she said.

“That’ll work,” I agreed. “They definitely won’t question that, especially if it comes from you.”

“Good. It’s been arranged. I’ll go speak to Jeremy now,” she said.

“What time will they be leaving?”

“Their flight is at noon, so they will have to leave here by ten o’clock.”

“Alright, thank you.” My heart sank.

They would be leaving first thing in the morning, and the realization was crushing.

After Samuel and Ethon left, the party started to dissolve. I felt horrible the way it ended. I just couldn’t handle my bonded in the same room. They were like oil and water. Or maybe more like vinegar and baking soda.

Caleb and Lia looked happy tonight. Both of them gleaming with first love syndrome. Their faces were glowing, plastered with permanent smiles, their hands never separating. They were adorable.

Courtney was also taken with Jeremy. But I wasn’t sure if it was puppy love, or she was just amazed at how smart he was. She sat and listened to him, completely enthralled, which put him in his element. He had so much knowledge to share, and whenever he had the chance to share it, he was at his happiest.

The DJ finally called for the last dance.

“Jeremy and Emma! Get your booty’s out here!” Lia yelled.

I glanced at Kade and he smiled. “I never thought you’d ask.”

He led me to the dance floor, just as Jeremy walked Courtney out. I looked at my best friends. Our eyes all connected, and without a word, I knew this was our happiest moment. The three of us had been through a lot over the past three years. They had been my constant support, and now, they were here.

“Love you, girl,” Lia said, holding her pinky out to me.

“Love you back,” I replied, wrapping my pinky around hers. We would always be connected. She was my soul sister.

“And we love you too, Jeremy,” she smiled.

“Yes, we do,” I agreed.

Jeremy smiled, and pushed his glasses back on his nose. “The two of you irritate the hell out of me, but the feeling is mutual.”

Courtney wrapped her arms around Jeremy’s neck, and they both smiled at each other.

I held onto Kade and melted into his protective arms. This moment was magic. I wished I could press the freeze button and make it last. But time waits for no man. Mortal or immortal. 





Chapter 22

After the dance, all the rest of the Guardians left. The DJ quickly broke down his gear and had everything on his hand-cart in record time. I could tell he’d done this a lot. 

Alaine came and said goodnight before she snuck into her room.

The six of us remained, and slowly made our way down the hall and up the stairway.

“So what do you guys want to do tonight?” I asked.

“Hang out with all of you until the sun comes up,” Lia said.

“Another all-nighter?” I asked.

“It’s what we do best,” she replied throwing her arm around me.

“Yes, I know,” I said. “So whose room will we be raiding tonight?”

“Yours. No television. Tonight it’s all about us,” she replied.

“Fine,” I said.

When we reached the second level, Kade stopped.

“I think I’ll be sitting this one out.”

I turned and gave him a hug.

“Thank you for everything. I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.” He knew I needed some time alone with my friends.

“Goodnight everyone,” he waved. “I’ll see you all in the morning.”

“Goodnight Kade,” Lia chimed, and then the rest echoed.

Courtney, Caleb, and Jeremy went to their rooms, except for Lia. She stayed with me.

As we slipped in the room, I remembered something. “Hold on. I’ll be right back,” I told her.

“Go,” Lia urged.

I quickly dashed back down the stairs and saw Kade just entering his room.

“Wait!” I called after him.

He paused and turned back to me.

“I’ve got a rain check that hasn’t been redeemed, and I heard it expires at midnight.”

His eyes narrowed and a crooked grin adorned his face. “I can definitely take care of that,” he said.

I ran straight into his arms, and without hesitation and his beautiful mouth came down on mine, immediately taking possession. It was deep and passionate, and made the world around me spin. This was the perfect ending to this perfect night with him. When he pulled back, he had a smile cemented on his face. 

“That was some redemption,” I breathed, my head still spinning.

He laughed and gave me three last kisses before releasing me. “Goodnight Miss Wise.”

“Goodnight, Mr. Anders.”

He bowed his head, and gave me one last smile before ducking into his room.

I stumbled back to my room, dizzy, with a silly smile plastered to my face. Lia was lying on my bed.

“Uh-oh, someone’s love drunk,” she laughed. “Girl, I know how you feel. He just steps near me and my world spins. You’re so lucky. He looks as much in love with you as you are with him.”

“How would you know?”

“I’m your best friend. I know things.” She answered. “Plus, it’s so damn obvious. You two were meant for each other. My beautiful bestie finally found her Prince Charming. And there are no bitches and ho’s out here in the boonies to swipe him away. You are totally lucky.” We both burst into laughter. She stood up and straightened out her dress.

“Thank you for coming, Lia. I really needed you here.”

“Hey, that’s what friends are for.” She hugged me. “Now go get changed. The night is young!” she said, lifting her arm in the air as she walked out the door.

I made my way to the bathroom and slipped out of my gown, turning the page on this beautiful fairy tale moment. I wished I could have edited out the drama, but that was part of my never-ending adventure. I glanced at myself one last time, before washing away the remnants of the evening.

Somewhere during the beginning of the night I’d lost my mask, but I was already hiding behind my own mask.

I wished I could tell my friends my secret, but the risk was too great. If they breathed a word, or if the immortals found out, they would be in real danger.

If they ever found out, I knew they’d understand - well, maybe not at first. Let’s be serious. They would freak. After the initial shock wore off, Lia would probably hug me, and Jeremy would definitely ask a million questions of which I had no answers.

I smiled at the glimpse of what could have been.

About an hour later, the gang returned in their sleeping clothes with pillows. Courtney and Lia had raided the kitchen again for more snacks and drinks, which were put in the middle of the floor. Then, we sat in a circle and reminisced about our years together. The first time we met in the cafeteria. The countless sleepovers. The school dances we went stag to, and ended up dancing with ourselves and going home alone. Beach outings, picnics in the back yard, long study nights, close calls behind the wheel, weekend mall outings, movie marathon nights, and countless pillow fights.

The good, the bad, and the ugly. They were there. We were, and would always be, the Three Musketeers.

Courtney and Caleb shared a little about their years here, but they seemed more interested in our stories. Lia was the best at telling them. She was so animated, and made us all laugh.

In between stories, we played board games and cards. And a few hours before the sun came up, they all fell sound asleep. But my mind couldn’t rest. I smiled at the peaceful faces of my friends. In just a few short hours, they would be gone. At least I still had Courtney and Caleb to keep me grounded. 

I stood by the window, pulled back the curtain, and watched the darkened sky slowly begin to wake. I was mesmerized, watching the stars disappear, only to be replaced with a soft golden glow. Before long, brilliant shimmering rays spread above the mountain in the backdrop, illuminating our little spot in the world. It was breathtaking.

I closed my eyes. My pale skin was thirsty, drinking up the warm, liquid gold pouring through the window. It was strange how comforting the sun was. It felt like a warm hug, offering a new day filled with hope. A new page. A new story. A new adventure.

After only a few hours of sleep, the alarm blared loudly, making me jump. Jeremy and Courtney shot up, but Lia and Caleb didn’t budge. I swear I could even hear Lia snoring.

I walked over and clicked the alarm off. Now came the impossible task of waking Lia. She was not a morning person, to put it nicely. I could set off dynamite around her and she’d probably turn her head and fall back to sleep.

“I’m going to get ready,” Courtney said. She was still half-asleep when she dragged her pillow and her feet out the door.

Jeremy stretched, put on his glasses, and made his way to the bathroom. In a few minutes, he returned with a small cup filled with cold water. He was more than familiar with the risk he was taking, but it was usually the only way. She hated it, and he was in jeopardy of sustaining an injury. 

“Lia, if you don’t get up, I’m going to dump water on your face,” he loudly teased. She didn’t budge. “Second warning. Ice water
be applied to all sleeping persons.”

Caleb suddenly sat up. His hair was sticking up on one side, and pressed flat on the other.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” I giggled.

“Morning,” his voice cracked.

He glanced at Lia, and then up to Jeremy who was threatening her with the tilted glass.

“Wait. Let me leave first,” Caleb said, pulling himself up. “I don’t want to be here for this.”

“Good idea,” I said.

Caleb quickly stumbled out of the room.

“Lia!” Jeremy yelled. “Last chance. I’ve given you ample warning. You have three seconds!”

Lia snorted and started snoring again. I started laughing. “She hasn’t heard your threats. Jeremy, you are totally playing with fire.”

“I know,” he grinned. “Let the morning face-douche commence! In three, two, one…”

He tilted the cup, splashing it all over Lia’s face and pillow. She shot up, like a Mentos in a bottle of coke, and gasped. Her mouth was wide open and her eyes were empty, still trying to find their way back from her dream world.

I watched them quickly fill, becoming fully aware of what had just happened. Her eyes then narrowed in on Jeremy and the empty glass in his hand.

“You. Are.
!” She bellowed. Her face was dripping wet.

Before she could get up, Jeremy dropped the glass and sprinted out the door. I could hear his loud laughter, and then his door slam. Lia, enraged, roared as she chased after him.

“You will die before this day is over, Jeremy Needles. Do you hear me?” She marched back into my room, and I stood silent. She grabbed her pillow then glanced up to me, and without any emotion she said, “Good morning.”

“Good morning. I swear. I had nothing to do with that.”

She shook her head. “Do you know if we are sitting next to the exit door on the plane?”

“I’m not sure?” I shrugged.

“If we are, I’m going to pop that hatch and throw him out, preferably somewhere remote.” She then turned and walked out.

I laughed, because this was the norm.


Jeremy and Lia packed their things and brought their luggage down to the bottom of the stairs, then we all headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

Miss Lilly had another buffet set up with bacon, eggs, hash browns, pancakes, and an assortment of fruit and cereal. When we entered, Kade, Malachi, and Dominic were already seated and eating. Kade’s eyes sparkled as soon as they fixed on me.

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