Test of Magnitude (The Torian Reclamation) (31 page)

BOOK: Test of Magnitude (The Torian Reclamation)
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The transport ship then brought them all back to Cardinal-4, where one last lecture was scheduled. This was to be the final briefing.

When they arrived, they found the assembly hall had been enlarged to accommodate a larger crowd. It was still packed full. All rescue mission participants were in attendance. Ground forces, landing craft pilots, conventional fighter pilots, transport ship crews, the mission control team on Cardinal-4; everyone who was part of the operation was there. This was one of those momentous occasions that precede major historical events. Brandon could tell everyone was on edge. You could just feel the energy in the room.

Commander Olut6 walked out onto the platform, followed by Governor Stugin2, a Sheen, and another official-looking native Brandon didn’t recognize. The Sheen was cloaked; the three natives all wore red shoulder pads. They stood side by side at the rear of the platform while a musical piece was played by a rather interesting four-piece marching band. Two of the wind instruments were exotic-looking; one was tantamount to a trombone with three bells on the end, and the only way Brandon could describe the other was as a piccolo with a tuba bell. The music sounded normal enough, but it had an obvious patriotic effect on the natives in the room, some of whom bowed their heads as it played.

“Who’s that with the commander?” Brandon asked Mip7.

“That’s the High General. Isn’t that Sheen Nunon4?”

Brandon looked closer at the Sheen, whose brightness began to dim now to his eyes.

“Yes, that’s Nunon4!”

The music stopped and the marching band left the stage. The High General stepped forward as a hush swept over the crowd. It became eerily silent. He stood there for a minute, surveying the scene, as if he were taking in the solemnity of the occasion. Finally, he spoke.

“Thirteen days ago, we were ruthlessly attacked by an unprovoked aggressor. The attack came without warning and without justifiable cause. Many Torian lives were lost. This magnificent space station we are all on—the pride of Torian accomplishment—was targeted in particular. Tremendous damage has been done to her, which may take years to repair, at great cost.

“One of our worlds was also invaded in the attack. Two cities had large areas reduced to rubble. Unarmed villagers were murdered with hand weapons outside their homes. In addition to all this, innocent civilian captives were taken prisoner and carried away.

“The perpetrators, as you all know by now, have been identified—but their motivations remain a mystery. They are a fellow member of the ancient Erob Coalition, something which now appears to have become meaningless. Moreover, they recently visited this station under the ruse of seeking to establish diplomatic relations.

“The question of how we should respond is inconveniently imposed upon us. How can we possibly attain a measure of restitution? Perhaps the only thing uglier than outright treachery is the prospect of engaging in interstellar war, especially in foreign space.

“In the new era we find ourselves thrust into, defending our home becomes our top priority. All our leaders are in agreement on this. Foreign policy will change, and new military defense systems will be implemented. We must become secure, and take active measures to keep ourselves safe in the future.

“But that doesn’t mean we simply ignore this provocation of war in the meantime. Our fellow Torians have been abducted, and we know where they are. As luck would have it, they appear to be in a position that is not currently secured by the enemy. A window of opportunity has opened for us. With new technology, new leadership, and even new friends…” he looked to the area where the humans were seated, “we can move to rescue them. We
move to rescue them, because our conscience and sense of duty leaves no alternative under the circumstances. You who are before me on the floor—the honor of righting the horrible wrong inflicted upon us is yours. Be of good courage, and get the job done. The eyes and hearts of all of Tora are upon you. Retrieve that which was taken from us.”

The general stepped back and the room erupted in cheering. Perry was on his feet, whooping and waving his fist in the air, along with several natives near him.

Nunon4 now stepped forward. The room eventually quieted again, but nowhere near as quickly or completely as it had when the general was in front.

“Friends,” he began. “My name is Nunon4. My home was destroyed in the attack. Good friends and neighbors were killed before my eyes. My son and I were fortunate not to have become casualties ourselves. But my closest companions have been heartlessly abducted by lawless fools.”

The room became perfectly silent again at those words.

“What the High General said is correct. A new era has begun, one which requires prudent steps be taken in order to keep that which we have all come to take for granted. Our liberty and prosperity is at stake. Wisdom demands the protection of valuables, especially those which cannot be replaced.

“Where law lapses, folly fills the void. In the current age, there are many who no longer consciously regard Erob law. Even so, I suspect most Torians still do regard it in their hearts, whether their mind acknowledges this or not. When total disregard of the law occurs, societies deteriorate into outright rebellion against wisdom. There is no other place to go, when that happens, than into the waiting embrace of folly. The law is the guide which steers us away from folly and keeps wisdom near. Acts of unprovoked aggression can only originate with those who have shunned the law’s guidance and have made folly their bedfellow. It is a tragedy, something to be greatly lamented, when witnessed.

“Therefore, we must be on guard as not to follow suit. Folly can be a well-camouflaged snare. We become dangerously close to it when we seek to correct it. Such acts must be performed with diligence and a pure heart, lest we become entangled in the same folly ourselves. A wise prophet once warned of dangerous imbalances that would come to us from space. Guard your hearts from such. More recently, a wise being has proclaimed that to repay evil with evil is only justice if it can be administered without hatred, and that all judges themselves face the constant danger of judgment.”

Brandon cocked his head at that statement.

Nunon4 continued. “Fellow Torians, be of good courage, and make wisdom your bedfellow. Retrieving that which was stolen is never wrong in and of itself. Taking measures to protect yourselves from that which is known to be dangerous is always wise, even when it incurs risk. In truth, not taking such measures would be folly. Do that which you are called to do, and do it diligently. My brethren and I feel you will be successful, not only on your current mission, but in all your struggles in life.”

Nunon4 stepped back. The room remained silent for a moment, but then someone began clapping. Another joined in, then another, until the entire room was unified in an orderly applause.

Governor Stugin2 stepped forward and spoke next.

“Cardinal-4 is only still here because of the skill and fortitude of those who defended it, many of whom are here in this room.” The governor looked over towards Brandon and Mip7 before continuing. “I never had the chance to thank you personally, so I do so now. Tomorrow, you set forth on a recovery operation. I only ask that while you are engaged, you conjure the same fortitude you had when you defended this station. Do that, and there is no question in my mind you will accomplish your mission and return safely.”

The governor stepped back and the room once again filled with the sound of applause, albeit softer and of a lesser duration than Nunon4 had received.

Finally, Olut6 came forward to speak.

“All right, listen up. These are the final details. As you know, the ITF1’s will take 29 hours to reach the Milura system, while the transport ships can make the trip in less than 22 hours. Therefore, all ITF1 squads will launch tomorrow at 1300. All ITF1 crewmembers are to be in the hangar and aboard the landing craft no later than 1200.

“The four transport ships making the trip will leave at 1900. The rendezvous point is now confirmed to be DM51, the fifth planet in the Milura system. It’s a very small, dead planet that should be of no interest to anyone. When the IFT1’s arrive, the transport ships should already be there.

“The final cargo configuration is this: Eight landing craft and twenty three conventional fighters. The specific cargo roster for each transport ship will be available on all onboard computer systems, and kept updated as the mission progresses.

“Squadron leader Lotus will make the call on the initial approach on Milura. Attack formations will be as practiced. Hit them fast, before they know you’re there. Take out the lasers first, and then the missile batteries if need be. Refrain from utterly destroying the enemy warships, at least until such time as the science staff on board the transport ships can confirm the hostages are all on the ground.

“Ascertain the level of defense the enemy is capable and willing to put up during your first few runs. When that is determined, Lotus crew will make the call as to when the transport ships should establish orbit.

“Transport ship science technicians, it will then be up to you to locate the hostages on Milura. Get the landing craft down to them as fast as you can. The conventional fighters will protect the transport ships and landing craft, and call for help from the ITF1’s if necessary.

“Ground troops, just do your thing. Call in the fighters when and if you need them. Round up the hostages and get them into the two designated transport ships quickly and safely. Always remember that in the public’s eyes, the success of our mission is directly correlated to the percentage of captives we bring home alive.

“When the hostages are safely on board, those two designated transport ships will immediately start the return journey. The ITF1’s will assess the situation at that point, and escort the remaining fighters back into the hangars. When all the fighters have re-docked and the remaining two transport ships are secured, all ITF1’s except for Aston crew will bug-out back to DM51 for dag recharging before initiating their own return trip. Aston will remain behind until the last transport ship is cleared away, and will then act at their discretion depending on the situation.

“That’s it. The complete battle plans are in your onboard computers. Get some sleep, boys. Tulros”

The room erupted in wild cheering once again. The four Torian leaders on the platform bowed and exited. Gradually, everyone began to clear out. Brandon and Mip7 stayed behind until the large room was only sparsely populated. Jack was sitting with his drawing pad in one of the chairs before the window, sketching a picture of the moored transport ship. Brandon gazed at the drawing from over his shoulder before speaking to him.

“That was a heck of a shot today, Jack. I think you put everybody in a good mood.”

“Thanks,” Jack replied without looking up. “Maybe I’ll end up doing the same thing to an enemy ship, huh?”

“Maybe, but I can think of two good reasons not to be overly-enthusiastic for the opportunity.”

“What’s the second reason?” Jack asked.

“Don’t you want to know the first reason?”

“I’m guessing it’s because of the possibility of hostages still being on board.”

“Yeah. You really are a bright kid, aren’t you? Well, the second reason has to do with some of the things Nunon4 was saying up there.”

“He was the Sheen, right? That’s the first one I’ve seen. I’d like to sketch one of them.”

“That can probably be arranged,” Brandon said. “I see he’s milling around in the room still, and will probably come over to talk to us.”

“Another friend of yours?”


“Those guys are interesting. They’re like monks or something, all religious and stuff, right?”

“Yeah,” Brandon said. “Kind of.”

“Do you believe in what they preach?” Jack asked.

“I don’t know that I consider it preaching. Everything I have heard them say makes perfect sense to me. They stress having balance in your life, and behaving in a morally responsible way.”

“That answers my question. You do believe in it.”

Brandon defended himself. “Do I believe in behaving responsibly and staying emotionally healthy? Yes, I do.”

Jack looked up from his drawing. “Well, let me ask you this, then. If we get confirmation that no hostages are on board, and I have a clear shot at the enemy vessel on a weak structural point, should I take it?”

“I think that depends on the situation,” Brandon said.

“Just for the sake of argument,” Jack said, “let’s say the ship is disabled and is no longer firing upon us, and we appear to be in no immediate danger, and all the hostages have already been rescued. We’re about to warp out, or distort out, or whatever they call this space bending thing, and I have a clear shot at blowing their ship to rubble like that freighter today. Should I do it?”

“Their warships are gigantic. Not like that little freighter. It’s extremely unlikely you can destroy it with your weapon.”

“Let’s just pretend that I can. Should I?

“It’s an interesting dilemma,” Brandon said. “You would be killing defenseless beings.”

“These defenseless beings came over here and killed some of your defenseless friends for no apparent reason, remember? And kidnapped others. And if their weapons were still working, you can probably assume they would be firing them at us.”

“Yes,” Brandon said. “When you put it like that, and remind me of what they did…”

Brandon felt a surge of anger rise within him, but then became suddenly dizzy. Images of the snakebite incident began flashing in his mind. The way the words on the rock had projected out, how his mouth and voice started proclaiming things he didn’t will them to, and Madkin3 later informing him that he had been reciting principles of Erob law.

“Venom,” Brandon said.

“What’s that?” Jack asked.

“Venom. It destroys, but can also provide insight. Invasive destruction is a venomous act. Venom breeds venom, and destruction…destruction. The victims of venom are prone to turn and commit venomous acts, and so the infection spreads.”

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