Test of Magnitude (The Torian Reclamation) (39 page)

BOOK: Test of Magnitude (The Torian Reclamation)
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“Jack’s heart was aligned with wisdom,” Brandon said, more to himself than Nunon4.

“Yes,” Nunon4 said. “It was.”

They reached the hilltop and picked their way through the crowd towards the front. Everything was ready. On the very peak of the hill was Jack’s coffin, on top of a tall, silver, oval-shaped cylinder. Next to it was a small platform with a podium. Behind the platform stood a line of government and military officials, all wearing red shoulder pads, facing the audience. The chancellors from both planets were at the front of the line, which was nice. Then there were governors, including Stugin2 of Cardinal-4, and military representatives, including the High General, Olut6, and others.

Mip7, Perry, and the other humans who had participated in the rescue mission sat in the front row. They were surrounded by all the natives who were also part of the operation. Arkan9 and the six Chenel representatives were near the front as well. Many Sheen were also present, including Madkin3 from Landen. The other Earthlings, most of whom Brandon had not yet met, were sitting towards the rear, including Derek. Brandon noticed Derek was talking with one of them as he and Nunon4 passed through the audience.

The two of them worked their way to the platform and the crowd became silent. Brandon then stepped off the platform and took his place at the head of the line of standing officials. The High General bowed to Brandon as he arrived. Brandon only nodded in response. Nunon4 stepped in front of the podium and began speaking.

“Friends—and I feel I can call you all friends here today—another sad occasion befalls us as we properly close the life of one final victim of the recent attack on our star system. Thanks to the one whom we are gathered to honor, and his companions, this is the final tragedy of that horrible day. His name is Jack. And although he is a being of a foreign race, a race which many of you here are also members of, it has become clear in Tora to anyone paying attention lately that the presence of Earthlings among us has been a great benevolence upon our worlds.

“Indeed, it is specifically because of the heroics of Jack and his companions that we know with certainty this is the final tragedy inflicted upon us by the invasion. If it were not for their actions, we would still be suffering from great loss, and could rightfully expect the victim count to further increase. Make no mistake in your assessment of the events which transpired—the Earthling whose body now towers above us freely exchanged his life for many of ours, while answering a high call for help from beings he knew not. It would be an unjust reference not to label him as a martyr, perhaps one of the most important in all of Torian history.

“I knew Jack personally. I had the extreme pleasure of meeting him the night before he left on his mission, whereupon we discussed matters of the greatest importance.

“A being of many talents, Jack was skilled in art. He saw things in a way few are able to, and could translate his visions into beautiful expressions for others to enjoy. Yet his greatest talent was his heart’s natural attraction to wisdom. I shared with him the primary principles of Erob law, and he reacted with great enthusiasm, indicating a desire to spend time studying our ancient laws. He expressly accepted the great overriding principle with more vigor than most of the Torian youth do in the current age. I shall greatly mourn the lost opportunity to both instruct and learn from this Earthman.

“And then he went on to do something even more astounding, something not witnessed in Tora for many hundreds of years. He demonstrated his acceptance of the great overriding principle in an action which led to his own demise. Jack’s final act was one of compassion and great mercy, towards a multitude of alien beings which he personally knew nothing of, other than they appeared to be defenseless. This Earthman died in a pinnacle of wisdom which few of us could ever hope to attain. Oh, that we all had a heart so pure. Jack from Earth has set a new standard among the Sheen, and he will likely be referenced in our teachings for many generations. I will miss him.”

Brandon fought back tears as Nunon4 paused for a well-timed moment of silence. Brandon could see several humans in the back wiping their eyes, some of whom doubtless had barely even met Jack.

“This brings up an important point,” Nunon4 continued. “Jack and his companions voluntarily fought for a race of beings who wrongfully abducted them, and then kept them in cryonic preservation for decades. It would not be a breach of justice for all the resuscitated humans among us to consider all Torians their enemies. Is what we did to them so different than what the Azaarians did to us?

“Yet, Jack and his friends exhibited the advanced Erobian trait of forgiveness and joined to help us in our time of need. As we speak, hundreds more Earthlings remain in cryonic preservation, and the ones who are now living among us are all young males with no female companionship. Shall we allow this shameful condition to continue even another day? Will we not learn from this benevolent race of beings who show more regard for our ancient laws than we ourselves do?

“Brethren, we must guard our hearts and set them to seek wisdom—the wisdom of the old ways. This Earthman whose body is before us today has shown us the way. We must be careful not to cultivate hate in our hearts.

“What I say now will be news to most of you. An Azaarian delegacy arrived in our star system while the rescue mission was in process.”

There was a scuffle in the line next Brandon at those words. The High General, the Amulen Chancellor, and two of the other military officials began cursing under their breath and stepped out of line towards the platform. Olut6 came around in front of them and blocked their way, however. Rather than cause a scene, they got back into proper formation, but were not happy.

Nunon4 continued speaking. “The Azaarian delegacy understandably kept their distance, and remained at the outer edge of our system. The sole purpose of their visit was communication. The Azaarians wanted us to know they are currently fighting a civil war. The peaceful delegacy was from the traditional government, but the prior attacking force was from the rebels, who had apprehended the warships. This is why they could not return to their home planet after the attack.

“The division on Azaar came because of an infection, which the Azaarians alluded to in their communication. The Sheen now understand, through the aide of our prophet, that the infection was only able to spread because of an abandonment of Erob law in their society. What I tell you now is serious. The infection that divided Azaar is spreading out to other worlds, and has now touched Tora as well. We must return to our old ways with our whole hearts, if we are to fight it off, or our worlds may suffer the same fate. Let us not allow Jack’s great sacrifice to be in vain.”

Nunon4 stepped back from the podium. Most of the military commanders standing next to Brandon looked like they wanted to put him up on top of Jack’s coffin before lighting the match.

Brandon had other concerns, however. It was now his turn to talk.


* * *


There was murmuring throughout the audience as Brandon approached the podium. The information Nunon4 had delivered about the Azaarian communication was causing quite a stir. It was news to Brandon as well, and obviously considered classified military intelligence until just a moment ago. Brandon didn’t know how Nunon4 had come into possession of the knowledge, but he was glad he went public with it, as it didn’t seem like something that should be kept from the population.

Brandon waited for his audience to quiet down. They didn’t, however, so he started speaking anyway, in a deliberately loud and abrupt voice.

“This is a day of important considerations for all of us,” he began. The crowd noise only a abated little.

“The most important of these considerations is the life of the human whose body is now towering behind me.”

That did the trick. Suddenly you could hear crickets.

“My name is Brandon Foss, as many of you know. I regret that I have not yet had the opportunity to meet all of you, especially those of you seated towards the rear.” Brandon looked back at the area where most of the humans were. “I’ve been …busy.”

Soft laughter in places.

“I am glad to have gotten to know Jack. In the short time we had together, I feel I have made a true friend. As has already been mentioned, he possessed a beautiful heart that was demonstrated in many ways. In addition, he was smart, talented, and skillful. I’m proud to have had him in my crew.

“There were two critical decisions made during the battle we were engaged in which resulted in his death. The first, and most detrimental of those decisions, was made by me. The second was made by Jack. These two decisions cost Jack his life. Jack’s decision, however, spared the life of many beings who Jack did not perceive as a threat at the time.

“It would seem on the surface that Jack was incorrect in his assessment. But looking back now, I clearly see it was Jack who was right and I who was wrong. Jack was killed by the solitary shot of return fire given by the enemy warships, which was also the last shot fired by either side in the engagement. We were in a place we shouldn’t have been, which was the result of my bad decision. I am responsible for what happened to my friend, and I now have to live with it. This is not an easy thing for me to do.”

“It’s not your fault!” someone shouted from the rear. Other voices could be heard muttering agreements. Brandon ignored them and continued, although he began to feel slightly dizzy.

“Were we to do it over again, though, I’m afraid the same result would occur.”

Silence again.

“Because I hadn’t yet learned the lesson Jack would teach me. I find it cruelly tragic that through his death I became a better person. Had he lived, I’m certain we would have become close, and I would have learned all he had for me, eventually. But that is not what time and circumstance had in store for us. None of us can go back and change the events of the past. We can only go forward and attempt to live diligently based upon all we have learned thus far, wisely employing the information we do have, seeking to do the best we can, to become the best person we can be. In this regard, Jack was a highly accomplished person, and at such a young age as to be extraordinary.”

Brandon’s dizziness became worse and he grabbed hold of both sides of the podium to steady himself. His voice continued to speak, but they were no longer words Brandon had rehearsed or even planned to say. Brandon heard them as one hears another person speak.

“For it is not the display of talent, skill, or knowledge which profits a man; it is faring well when one’s character is tested. Words and even actions are cheap, but making difficult decisions in life, specifically ones with moral and ethical implications, is meaningful. These are the decisions which have magnitude. Such tests await us all. They are the true measure of our worth.

“And now the Torians will face a most important character test of their own, and not just the Torians, but all of us, and, in fact, all intelligent beings in this region of the galaxy. An evil comes to test us all. Decisions must be made by everyone, for wisdom or for folly, and many will choose folly—some without realizing what they are doing. In addition, many who are wise will stumble when they concede to act as host for folly for a short season, and will set their own snare by doing so. The peace of the Erobian era comes to an end and the stars around us begin to fall.”

Brandon started coming out of his dizzy spell and paused for a moment. All eyes were upon him. Many heads were now cocked, and the hilltop was silent. All you could hear was the rustle of the gentle breeze, which created a new part in Brandon’s hair as it distributed the grassy scent of the clover.

“I have failed my most recent character test, but Jack has passed his. I am still here, but Jack is gone. Is this an injustice? Who can say? Perhaps that is the way things are meant to be. Perhaps I must stay and apply what I have learned, and become a man of stronger character.

“The Sheen teach us that Erob law points to a continuance beyond this physical life, where one carries forward in the direction they were headed. In that case, Jack is surely headed to a place of wisdom and benevolence. I can only hope to follow in like manner when my time comes.”

Brandon was fully aware of himself again, and suddenly feeling fresh and reenergized. He knew he had done a good job with Jack’s eulogy, even if some of it had come from an unidentifiable inspiration. Now it was time for a little lobbying before stepping down.

“In my discussions with Jack,” Brandon continued, “he mentioned three things which he desired to see. The first was he wanted to live with the Sheen and study Erob law. The second was he wanted to see the rest of the humans in the Science Complex here on Amulen revived. Finally, he wanted the chance to go home again, back to Earth.

“Like many of you, I awoke on this planet from a cryonic preservation tank, after having been abducted and brought here as a science project, and then kept in a near-frozen coma for decades. Unlike the rest of you Earthlings, however, there were only two of us when I was revived.  We had a tougher time with it than you did, because there was strong opposition to our freedom and even our consciousness. Thanks to certain friends we have found here, and fortuitous circumstance, the rest of you who were subsequently resuscitated are now rescued from those tanks as well.

“We have chosen to help our captors, rather than rebel, and show them we are beings who possess …character. Six of us even went to war and fought on our captor’s behalf, and one of them now lies up there before us, having given his very life in the service of Tora.” Brandon then pointed up to Jack’s coffin and turned to face the military commanders and politicians who stood to his left. Several of them looked away sheepishly. He lowered his arm and faced the crowd again.

“At this time, there are still hundreds of our fellow Earthlings kept prisoner in those tanks at the Science Complex. Now, I was promised many more would be revived upon the completion of our mission at Milura, including an appropriate number of women. I expect that promise will be kept, as I have no reason to suspect it will not be. I have come to respect the leaders here in Tora, and know they are not evil beings, although the science projects which were responsible for our abductions were ill-conceived.”

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