Tessa's Temptation (15 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Tessa's Temptation
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“I believe that was supposed to be my job tonight.”

“We’ll work on it next time.” He rammed forward, thrusting into her, making sure to sheath every inch of his length in her slick center.

“Oh...” She gripped the comforter beneath her as her back arched with pleasure. Her eyes were half-closed and her hair fanned out around her.

He took her small hips in his hands, holding her still so he could have his way with her. The sexy little noises she made each time he pulled out and reentered her only served to further diminish his wavering control. The harder he pounded into her the faster his climax approached. Logically he should slow down but there was no reasoning when it came to Tessa. No man could resist her. And he was no exception.

He focused his attention on her, watching as she moved her hands to her breasts and circled her fingertips over her aroused nipples. God, what this woman did to him.

“Chase,” she moaned. “I can’t get enough...”

“I know the feeling, but I can’t let you do my job.” He pulled out of her and flipped her onto her knees so he could touch more of her. “Are you close?”

“Yes.” She glanced at him over his shoulder. “Why did you stop?”

“So I could get my hands on those tits.” He kissed her hard before pressing down on the small of her back and pushing inside her again. “You’re so tight.” He snaked his hands up her stomach and squeezed her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples as he slammed forward, each thrust more violent than the last.

When her flesh clamped down around his cock, he could take no more. She screamed out his name, exhaling long and hard as he released within her core. His legs buckled under the intensity of the experience and he fell forward, trapping her between him and the mattress.

She giggled quietly.

“You think that’s funny?”

“I have this image of you with your pants wrapped around your ankles and your shoes and socks still on.” She laughed again. The sound warmed his heart. “Not at all the meticulous businessman who walked through the door thirty minutes ago.”

“I told you.” He rolled onto his side and pulled her onto his chest. “You have a way of making me forsake all rational behavior.”

doesn’t exist between us.” She kissed his shoulder. “It never did.”

“I don’t expect it ever will.” He stroked her hair. “But I’m okay with that.”

“Hmm...” She cuddled deeper into his hold. “As long as I can fall asleep like this every night, I don’t care about anything else.”

“It’s not time for bed, gorgeous girl.” He tugged on her hair. “The only thing that comes close to sex with you is May’s beef stew. The fact that I turned it down to ravish you speaks volumes.”

“Beef stew is up there with having sex with me?” She propped herself on her arm and stared at him incredulously. “Are you serious?”

“Extremely.” He grinned. “Wait until you taste it.”

“What are we waiting for?” She sat up. “I need to experience this. Maybe I’ll like it even better than sex,” she teased.

He grabbed her and pulled her back down on the bed, rolling on top of her. “I don’t think so.” He kissed her neck as he slid his hand down her stomach to her center. Running his fingers along her entrance, he coated them with their combined juices. “Just remember how you got this way.”

“That feels so good.” She rocked herself into his hand, causing his fingers to slip inside. “Maybe you better remind me again how much I like it when you make me come.”

“Such a naughty girl.” He continued to explore her. “I’ll make you come all night.”

No reasoning at all.
They were both starving. He should be feeding her not fingering her. But when she spread her legs for him, he lost all focus.

They had all night to eat.




Chapter Seventeen


As Tess got ready for bed, Chase watched the evening news. He’d worked later than usual tonight and missed dinner but she’d waited up for him. She didn’t like going to bed without him.

“I’ve been thinking about our conversation the other night.” He picked up the remote from the bed and turned off the TV.

“Which one?” She put on one of his pajama shirts because she liked being surrounded in his smell.

“The one where you said I do all the giving and you do all the taking.” He fluffed the pillows against the headboard and leaned into them. “It left me unsettled.”

“Oh, that.” She hadn’t meant to come off as ungrateful after everything he’d done for her and her dad, but there were times when she felt like she should be doing more. “I just meant that I’m used to pulling my weight. I’m not used to being...”

“Unemployed?” He laughed.

“Kind of.” She’d started babysitting neighborhood kids when she was twelve, working at local fast food joints when she was sixteen and waitressing just out of high school. “I’ve been working for years. It’s been great focusing on school, but I can go back to work.”

“In about a month your dad will be home. You won’t have to juggle your time between school and running to visit him. I’m going to hire a home healthcare aide and a physical therapist so he’ll be well taken care of.” He laced his fingers behind his head, giving her a nice view of his chest and abs. “I thought you might want to get a job.”

“Sure, I can start working again. I saw a sign on campus at the bookstore but I was thinking maybe a restaurant would be better because then I’d make tips.”

“I have a better idea.” He patted the bed. “Come join me. Let me tell you all about it.”

She crawled up next to him, resting her feet on his thighs. “Since I’m here...” She wiggled her toes because he gave the best massages.

“A foot rub?” He took one dainty foot in his strong hands and applied pressure to the ball of it. As he massaged, he continued, “There’s a real estate office that leases in my building.”

“Avalon Reality,” she recalled. “I’ve seen the signs.”

“You pay attention.” He grinned as he concentrated on her feet. “The owner, Zach Avalon, is looking for a part-time assistant. Someone who can answer phones and do some administrative work. It’s a good opportunity for someone thinking about going into real estate.” He looked up at her and smiled. “Know anyone who might be interested?”

“Seriously?” Was he kidding? A job with a realtor would be a dream come true.

“I spoke with him today and told him your interests. I thought maybe he’d have an internship or something. It’s only a few hours a week and it won’t start until January. I let him know you’re a full time student but I think this is a good fit for you.”

“I’ll get to work in a real agency? Where they actually buy and sell houses?”

“I think that’s what they do there.” He winked. “I told Zach we’ll arrange for you to meet with him soon to make sure this is something you want to do.”

“Are you kidding?” She climbed on top of him. “I’ll get to learn and see what goes on instead of just reading about it in class.”

“You’ll also be in my building every day, where I can keep an eye on you.” He pulled her down to kiss her. “Making sure no one else bothers you.”

“You’re awfully possessive, Mr. Carlisle.” She straddled his hips. “You already know I’m yours.”

“Knowing that makes my world much more interesting.” He ran his hands over her thighs. “You give me more than you realize, Tessa.”

“I didn’t mean to come off as a brat the other day when I said that stuff about you giving me so much.”

a brat.” He squeezed her legs. “But you’re
brat and I would do anything for you. Don’t feel like this relationship is one-sided because I’m in a better financial position than you are.”

“That’s an understatement.”

“It’s no secret I have money.” He moved his hands to rest on her hips. “More than I could ever spend. My father was extremely wealthy and I told you I’ve made some wise investments. My business is thriving. I’ve thrown years into making it the success it is, but during that time I’ve missed out on so much.”

“You don’t look like you’ve missed out on anything.” She looked around the bedroom. “You have everything.”

“Material things, sure. I know my life can be overwhelming for you because you grew up without this kind of luxury. The reality is, none of this matters if you don’t have someone to share it with. You may think I’m doing all the giving in this relationship but you couldn’t be more wrong.”

“I couldn’t?”

“You’ve given me a purpose. A reason to come home and enjoy the things I have. I’m a workaholic, but now I can slow down and appreciate what I’ve worked for. You’re helping me see there’s more to life than work. You’re my life, sweetheart.”

When he said things like that it made her head spin. She believed him, but it was all too much. Three months ago she was poor and hungry and now she had everything. Not just money, clothes and an expensive car. She could leave all of those things behind in a heartbeat if she had to. She’d never had anything of any financial value so if it all disappeared tomorrow she’d find a way to survive. It was Chase that she’d grown dependent upon. The way he treated and cared for her. If he went away, that was what she couldn’t handle.

“You don’t need to feel like you don’t give back.” He reached up and curled the ends of her hair around his finger. “I do the things I do for you because I want to. That’s all you need to know.”

“It just takes some getting used to.” She leaned into his hand. “I’m getting there.”

“Take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.” He tugged on her hair, guiding her to his lips. “Not ever.”

As he kissed her he reached up and turned off the lamp by the bed. The deeper the kiss, the harder his erection pressed against her. Her heart beat faster with each breath she took. His touch set her body on fire, and she found herself surrendering everything she had to him.

“Ready to go to sleep?” she whispered.

“No.” He rolled over so he was on top. Slipping his hand between their bodies, he pulled her panties down her legs. “I always sleep so much better after we’re together.”

“Make love to me, Chase.” She opened her legs for him as he slipped his pajama bottoms off. When he entered her she closed her eyes and lost herself in him. Nothing else mattered. She was his.




“You just keep rolling out that pie crust like I taught you,” May said. “You’ll get the hang of it.”

Tess wasn’t sure she’d ever get the hang of making homemade pies. Cookies, maybe, but pies were a lot harder.

“You work on that.” May picked up the rolling pin from where Tess had set it down and handed it back to her. “These will be your practice pies. By Thanksgiving you’ll be a pro.”

“If you say so.” Tess rolled out the dough. “How many people are you cooking for?”

“Oh, well let me think.” She pulled the large mixer from the walk-in pantry and plugged it in. “My sister’s family is coming too so we’re up to around twenty-five.”

“Twenty-five!” Tess couldn’t imagine eating with that many people. “Maybe you should ask Chase to let you have it here. How are you going to fit that many people around the dining room table?”

“We always manage to make it work,” she said. “I’ll have my boys move the sofa and chair into the garage for the day and set up a second table in the family room.”

“You’re really looking forward to this, aren’t you?” May had been talking about Thanksgiving dinner for almost a month. Chase said it was her favorite holiday. The more people the happier she was.

“I’m glad you’ll be with us this year.” She measured out the flour and dumped it into a mixing bowl. “I’m also happy Chase won’t be alone this holiday season.”

Tess was glad to be spending the holidays with him too. Her dad would be home for Christmas and the three of them could have a relaxing day together. May was already planning what she would prepare for them. She was going to Florida for a few days to visit her daughter’s family, but promised to make sure Chase and Tess were set up before she left.

“Hey.” Chase came into the kitchen. “Are you supposed to have that much flour on your face?” He tweaked her nose with his finger.

“I’m making pies,” she announced to him proudly. “I’m rolling the dough.”

“It’s adorable.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I can’t wait to taste them. It smells delicious.”

“Don’t distract her,” May chimed in. “We’re in the middle of a lesson.”

“Are you?” Chase nuzzled his face against her neck. “You smell really good too.”

When he kissed a path down her jaw to her lips, she abandoned the rolling pin and draped her arms over his shoulders.

“Chase.” May cleared her throat. “Get out of my kitchen.”

kitchen?” He snickered and Tess admired how boyish and carefree he looked. “The last time I checked
owned this house.”

“You might own the house, but I own the kitchen.” She put her hands on her hips. “And don’t you forget it.”

“She’s tough.” Tess laughed because she knew Chase would never challenge her. “You better get out of here and let me bake.”

“Fine.” He walked to the window, squinting out in the distance. “It’s a gorgeous day. I think I’ll head over to the driving range and hit a few golf balls.”

“That’s a good idea.” May set a large bowl in the automatic mixer. “Leave us alone.”

“Would you like to go to dinner tonight?” he asked, ignoring May.

“Yes.” Tess kissed his cheek.

“Where would you like to go?”

“Surprise me.” He always picked the best places to eat. “You’re good at that.”

The doorbell echoed through the house.

“Expecting someone?” May asked as she switched off the mixer.

“I don’t think so,” he answered. “Want me to get it?”

“No, you stay here and get her out of your system.” May pointed at Tess. “When I come back you better be out of here.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The doorbell chimed again.

“I’m coming!” May fussed as she made her way to the foyer.

“Well, now that she’s out of my hair.” Chase traced his finger across Tess’s lips. “Give me something to get through the afternoon. Tonight we’ll spend hours in bed doing all sorts of creative things to one another.”

“Can we skip dinner?”
Hell, could I skip the whole baking lesson?

“You’ll need nourishment for what I have planned.” His gaze swept over her body. “Hours.”

She had to squeeze her thighs together when she felt dampness flood her panties. How could she be expected to wait until after dinner for him to fill her?

“Remember that charity event I told you about that night I found you in my bed?” he asked.

“The one the weekend before Thanksgiving?” He hadn’t mentioned it since but he had promised to take her.

“Yeah, that one. A few people from my office are going. I hope you still want to join me.”

“That’s next weekend.”

He nodded.

“But I...” She paced the kitchen when she realized the preparation that must go into attending such an elaborate affair. “What would I wear?”

“It’s being taken care of.” He took her hand. “My mother knows this fabulous designer who does all of her dresses when she’s here. I set up an appointment for you to pick something out Monday afternoon.”

“You did?”

“I remember you saying you wanted to go to a ball. You’ll need a dress, Cinderella.”


“Well, I guess you’re more of an Ariel, aren’t you?” He tugged on her red locks.

“I want to be something more kick-ass.” She giggled. “Like a super hero.”

“Catwoman?” He shrugged. “She’s pretty hot.”

“Yeah, like her.”

“Whatever you want.” He smirked. “I figured a new dress was in order. Gina, the designer, will help you with anything you need. You can make an appointment at the salon to have you hair and nails done and whatever else you want.”

“Will we dance?”

“Of course.” He spun her around. “Do you like to dance?” He took hold of one of her hands and slid his other hand around her waist.

“I’ve never done it before.”

“Another first all for me.” He pulled her to his chest and twirled her around the kitchen. “You’re light on your feet.” He whirled her around but each time he brought her back to him he stared into her eyes. “You’re a natural.”

“I think it’s my partner.”

“Perhaps.” He continued to move across the hardwood floor, occasionally spinning her and then he dipped her. “You’re beautiful.” He held her there for a few seconds, his strong hand supporting her back. He would never let her fall.

Looking up into his intense blue eyes, she knew. She loved him with everything she had. Her breath caught in her throat and her cheeks went flush with the realization. Loving him was easy. She’d thought about her feelings for him many nights as she drifted to sleep in his warm embrace. The idea of being his consumed her when they were apart and gave her a sense of belonging when they were together. The passion in his eyes when he made love to her always left her wanting, craving... Now she knew what that ache was. That longing. She inhaled deeply as he brought her back to a standing position.

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