Tessa's Temptation (19 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Tessa's Temptation
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“Audra,” Chase said. “Why don’t you ask Tanner to take you home now?”

“Why? Am I embarrassing you?”

“Not at all.” Chase extended his hand for Tess, dismissing Audra. “I promised you dancing.”

“Now?” The only time Tess had ever danced was in the kitchen. She had no idea if she could do it for real.

“Right now.” He pulled out her chair and without another word to Audra he led her to the dance floor.

“What’s up with your attorney?” Tess didn’t like the way the two of them interacted with one another. It was strained and seemed uncomfortable for people who worked so closely with each other day after day.

“Ignore her. She’s had too much to drink and has been nothing but a thorn in my side all night.”

“I think she’s hot for you.” Tess looked in Audra’s direction, noting how the intoxicated woman couldn’t take her gaze away from Chase. She looked obsessed with him.

“The only one I’m hot for is about to dance with me.” He took her hand in his and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Just like we did in the kitchen.”

“As long as you lead I’ll be fine.” She inched closer to him, excitement flooding her insides. Another first to share with him. “I’m dancing with the most sought after man in the room.”

“How appropriate.” He spun her around. “I’m dancing with the most talked about woman of the evening. People can’t stopping staring at you.” He pulled her close to him. “Not that I can blame them. Everyone wants to know who you are.”

“I know exactly who I am.” Lifting her head, she focused on his mouth, craving his lips on hers.

“Who would that be?” His warm breath caressed her lips when he spoke. “Tell me.”


He didn’t say anything more as he swayed her to the music, staring into her eyes with a dark intensity usually reserved for the bedroom. He held her tight. The music seemed to fade into the background and the other couples disappeared from her peripheral vision. There was nothing but the two of them. Her heart raced with anticipation as he twirled and dipped her like he had in the kitchen. As she leaned back, supported only by his strong hold she looked up at him. When he brought her back to him, a warmth settled inside her and her legs became unsteady.

“I feel lightheaded,” she whispered. “Maybe it’s the champagne or the dancing?”

“Do you want to stop?”

“No.” She never wanted to stop. She didn’t want this night to end. When he kissed her temple, a different kind of heat coursed through her system. “Everything feels light, my feet, my head, my heart...”

“There’s something I’ve needed to tell you for quite some time.” He brushed his lips across hers before continuing. “I’m not even sure when it happened. It could have been that night I found you sleeping in my bed, or maybe in the backyard when I said I couldn’t fight what was happening between us. I’ve always been weak when it comes to you.”

“Weak doesn’t have to be bad when it’s right.” They were barely moving but her head was spinning as if he was twirling her all over the room. “What do you want to tell me?”

“I’ve never given myself to anyone before.” His fingers danced down her spine. “I’ve never wanted to. Never needed to.”

“You’re cautious. I have enough impulse for both of us.”

“I’ve been careful with you. Guarded and restrained because I don’t want to hurt you. I didn’t want to promise you something I couldn’t deliver.”

“I don’t think you’re very restrained, Mr. Carlisle. And you’ve made good on every one of your promises and then some.” How could he ever think he couldn’t deliver? He’d been her protector, her lover and her friend. No one had ever been there for her the way he had.

“I don’t want to screw up with you.” He kissed her, slow and soft. “You have my heart. You have the ability to absolutely shatter it. I’ve never given anyone that kind of power before. I need you to know that.”

“I would never do anything to hurt you.” She pressed her lips to his, knowing she had to tell him what she should have told him that day they danced in the kitchen. “I love you.” She didn’t mean to blurt it out but she had to let him know.

“You do?” He smiled.

“My love may be the only thing I can give you but you can have it all.”

He stopped moving to the music and gently took her face in his hands. His expression was softer and he looked relieved.

“I love you too, Tessa Burke. With everything I am.” He lowered his lips to hers and whispered, “I love you so much. That’s what I wanted to tell you but as always you beat me to it.”

As their lips connected the music stopped, but neither seemed to care. He deepened the bond, tangling his fingers in her hair and holding her in place as he explored her mouth with his tongue. She sighed when his erection pressed against the sheer material of her gown. Gripping his jacket she pulled him closer to her. The sound of applause and whistles brought them crashing back to reality.

Chase opened his eyes and grinned as he broke their kiss.

“Oops.” She giggled.

He guided her off the dance floor, nodding and waving to the delighted crowd. Tess followed close behind. A sense of pride filled her knowing she was the only woman he would ever want.

“You two make a gorgeous couple,” the mayor’s wife said as they made their way across the ballroom.

He loves me!

“Are you ready to go home with me?” He kissed her hand as they walked into the lobby. “I need to show you just how much I love you.”

“I’ll go anywhere with you.”




Chapter Twenty-one


Chase went straight to their bedroom with Tess close behind him. He removed his jacket and tie. Even in the dimly lit room she couldn’t take her gaze away from him as he took off his watch and placed it with his wallet on the dresser. Next came his cufflinks and then he stepped out of his shoes. Every action calculated and slow, designed to be an appetizer for her. He paused to look at her, taking in the fairytale her appearance spoke tonight, before he took her clothes off. Her stomach fluttered and her pulse raced as she waited for him to touch her.

“Turn around,” he commanded. “I’ll unzip you.”

“You’re not wasting any time, are you?” She turned so her back was toward him, waiting for him to undress her.

“I’m in no rush.” He lowered the zipper as he kissed the back of her neck. “But knowing you didn’t have anything on under this dress has made me extremely aroused.” He traced a path down her spine. “Once I get you out of it, I need you to do something for me.”


“I want this night to last.” He moved her to face him. “I want to remember it. Savor it.”

“I do too.” She unbuttoned his shirt. “You told me you loved me tonight. I’ll never forget that for as long as I live.” She tugged at the shirt, freeing it from his waistband. “What do you want me to do for you?” She looked up at him. “Tell me.”

“Let’s get you out of that dress first.” Once he slipped the shimmery material from her she was left in nothing but the necklace and her shoes. “Step out of your gown, princess, but leave the shoes on.”

She did as he asked.

“You have a way of driving me insane when we’re intimate,” he admitted.

“Isn’t that the point?” She unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it from his broad shoulders. “I like when you’re stark raving mad. So lost in what you’re doing to me that you forget anything else exists.”

“That’s exactly how I feel when we’re together.”

He placed his hand on her bare back and led her to the oversized chair in the corner of the room. The full moon beamed through the floor length windows, providing the only light in the room. It was enough for her to see him, to know how fierce his eyes were, to feel what he wanted. There was a sexual charge that flowed between them. She shivered in anticipation of what he had in store for her.

“About my request.” He pushed on her shoulders. “It’s going to require you to be on your knees.”

“One of my favorite places to be when we’re together.” She dropped to the floor. “That’s when you’re totally at my mercy.”

“I won’t deny that.” He unbuckled his belt. “As I said, I want this to last and the only way to ensure that is for you to take the edge off.”

“I can definitely do that.” She looked up at him and smiled as she pulled his pants and boxers down his legs. “Let me show you.” She leaned forward, taking his length in her hand and running her tongue around the tip, tasting the salty essence that had escaped through his slit.

His moans and hisses were all the reward she needed as she took his cock deep into her mouth, relaxing her throat and feeling all of him. Wasting no time, she cupped his balls in her palm, bobbing her head back and forth, delighting in what she was doing to him. With each pass of her tongue she felt him unraveling, slipping into a blissful gratification.

“That’s my girl.” He freed her hair from the barrette before threading his fingers through her tresses, setting the pace he wanted her to take. It was fast and unrelenting. Thrusting his hips, he held her still. She used his thighs to steady herself, releasing his cock from her hand and letting him find his release. “Your mouth is delectable.”

As he slowed his movements, he tightened his hold on her hair. His leg muscles stiffened just before the warmth of his climax flooded her mouth. His juices mixed with her saliva as she swallowed everything he gave her.

“Oh, baby, that was amazing.” He released her hair and rubbed her scalp as he relaxed in her mouth.

She leaned back and looked up at him. His crooked grin told her he was more than satisfied. “Let me help you out of these.” He stepped out of his pants and boxers before slipping his socks off so he was completely naked and ready for a long night of pleasure.

“Come here.” He hooked his hands under her arms and brought her up to meet his lust-filled gaze. “Now it’s your turn.”

“I’m ready.”

“Good.” He sat down on the chair, bringing her to stand between his legs. The head of his dick glistened with come as it rested on his impressive abs. “You better take those shoes off now. As hot as they are, I don’t want them puncturing my lungs.”

“Your lungs?” She stepped back and kicked off the ridiculously high heels. “Where exactly are my feet going to be?”

“I’m going to have you in every possible position imaginable tonight.” He pulled her back to him; this time her knees on either side of his thighs. “But first I’m going to taste you.” He tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her face to his. She couldn’t keep up with his furious demands. His lips on hers, his hands on her naked flesh, his tongue claiming her. All of it brought her arousal to the brim. She thought her body might explode from the fire he built with just his kisses.

“Slide up here for me.” He directed her to move up and over his face.

This is new.
The heat of his breath caressed her bare mound. She was still very sensitive down there after her waxing session so any sensation sent her into overdrive. “Hold on to the back of the chair.” He grasped her calves and pressed her legs farther apart. As she gripped the chair, he took her hips in his hands and guided her to his mouth.

“Ah...” she moaned when he swiped his tongue in a long, slow line. “Oh, my...” He darted the tip of his tongue inside her as he spread her open with his fingers. He licked all around her hot center before sucking her clit into his mouth.

“Move your hips into my face,” he whispered. “Let me fuck you with my mouth.”

“Like this?” She rocked her lower body into him, feeling his tongue move in and out of her with each downward thrust.

“Just like that, princess.” He added his fingers, sliding them deep inside her as he focused his tongue on her most intimate of areas.

Her arousal dripped down her thighs as her nipples peaked in anticipation of her climax. The tremors of ecstasy traveled though her, settling in her core. Every nerve ending in her body was tuned to what he was doing to her. When he squeezed her bottom in his hands and held her pussy tight against his face, she lost it. Spiraling out of control, she shook as he brought her to release. Holding her still for a few seconds he kissed her mound before sliding her back down so she was almost at eye level with him. She rested there with her wet sex spread open on his hard stomach. Slick with the evidence of what he had just done to her.

He pushed her hair to the side, kissing her neck as he traced his fingertips in lazy circles over her nipples. “Moments like this stay with me for days.” He grinned as he rubbed the undersides of her breasts with the back of his hand. “It’s the little things that drive me wild, Tessa. All the simple details that others might think insignificant, but nothing is trivial when it comes to you.”

“Like what?”

“When you come down in the morning for breakfast and you wince when you sit because of what we’ve shared the night before. You’re so cute when you try to hide it from me but I know.”

“You know everything.” She blushed because there were many days when she was pleasantly sore from their evening activities.

“Early in the morning when the sunlight first streams through the windows, I watch you sleep. You’re a vision.” He kissed her softly, her flavor still on his lips. “When I’m having a stressful day I think about you, cuddled by my side, warm, soft and naked. I count the hours until I can get back to you. To us.”

“Being in your arms keeps me centered.”

“Our walks down by the stream are some of my most calming moments. We don’t even have to talk. With your hand in mine, I watch you taking in the autumn leaves and the evening air. I see everything through your eyes and I realize all that I’ve taken for granted.”

“You’ve always had so much. I can understand why you didn’t notice everything.” It wasn’t his fault. He’d had everything he could ever want from the day he was born. How could he know what it was like to have nothing?

“You’re making me appreciate everything. For the first time in my life I recognize all of life’s beauty. The way your face lights up when you see a butterfly land on the bench.” He kissed a path from her jaw to her ear. “Your eyes sparkle when you see the early morning frost on the lawn. You giggle when I tickle you. I’ve never met anyone like you.”

“I’m glad.” She bit her lip when he kissed the space behind her ear. “I’m a one of a kind.”

“You have no idea.” His fingers traveled down the length of her spine. “There are no limits to what I can give you.”

“You’re the most generous man I’ve ever met and I don’t just mean with your money.” There was so much more to him than his net worth. “Your time, your thoughtfulness. You spoil me. You’re so sincere and you care about so many people. When you came into my life, I had no idea just how profound an impact you would have on me. There are days when I still don’t understand how the universe dropped you into my world.”

“Do you know what my only perk ever needs to be when it comes to us?”

She shook her head, too taken by his words this evening. As if confessing his love for her wasn’t enough, the things he said tonight in the intimacy of their bedroom were declarations most women could only dream of.

“Having the knowledge that an extraordinary woman like you loves me completely and unconditionally.”

“You should be very secure in that knowledge.” She leaned into his lips. “Because I know with a hundred percent certainty that I’m going to love you for the rest of my life.”

“That’s a long time, sweetheart.” He aligned their lower bodies, getting ready to enter her and become one. “I’m not an easy man to deal with.”

“You’re everything I’ve been waiting for.” She raised her hips, taking his shaft in her hand and lowering herself onto him. “Chase...”

“That’s it, baby, nice and slow. Let me feel you.”

“Slow...” she mumbled, “can be a good thing.”

“Sometimes.” He took her face between his hands as he moved inside her. “Slow can be wonderful.”

After a few moments, the talking ceased and the passion took over. He interlocked their fingers as he moved inside her. Their unhurried rhythm mirrored their soft, tender kisses. No urgency in their actions as their bodies validated their love and commitment to one another.

“Look at me,” he whispered.

She lifted her head and opened her eyes, staring into his.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, losing herself in him. There would only ever be him.

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