Tessa's Temptation (12 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Tessa's Temptation
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“She has you now,” May said. “That’s a big part of her transformation. You make her happy so please don’t do anything to change that.”

“I won’t.”

“You’ve never done well with serious relationships.” She shook her finger at him. “I’ve been around a long time. You know I’m right.”

“This is different.”

“At first, I agreed with you when you were trying to fight Tessa off. I saw the conflict, the fleeting glances and the way you wanted to care for her. I thought it was a dangerous situation brewing.”

“And now what do you think?”

“I think she was made for you.” She got up from the chair, picking up her bag. “Just don’t hurt her. She doesn’t deserve it.”

“Thanks, May.”

“I told you, it’s my job.”

“Tessa wasn’t your job, but you stepped in and helped her through a difficult time. I’ll never be able to repay you for that.”

“You just keep that girl happy. That’s enough payment for me.” She walked out of the study and called back to him, “See you in the morning.”

“Good night, Miss May.” He
smiled when he thought about how fond May had grown toward Tessa. His girl was easy to fall for. She’d managed to wrap him around her little finger in a matter of weeks.

About twenty minutes later, Chase heard Tessa come in through the garage and down the hall to his study. She was home sooner than he’d expected.

“Chase.” She stood in the doorway, her jacket still on and her cheeks red from the cool afternoon air.

“Hey, beautiful.” He
grinned. “I’m just about done in here.”

“Something… happened.”

“What?” He got up from his desk and met her where she leaned against the doorframe. “Are you okay?” He titled her chin, noting her red eyes. “You’ve been crying. What’s wrong?”

“It’s the car.”

“Were you in an accident?” He touched her all over looking for damage. “Are you hurt?”

She shook her head as the tears flowed down her cheeks. “I wasn’t in an accident… but—”

“Hey.” He wiped her tear soaked face. “It’s okay. As long as you’re not hurt, nothing else matters. Did it get hit on campus?”

“Can you just come to the garage and I’ll show you?”

“Sure.” He took her hand as they walked back to the garage.

“I feel awful. Someone keyed it,” she said as he opened the door and walked down the steps to where the car was parked. “I parked it in the same place I always do,” she sobbed. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why someone would do this.”

Chase surveyed the damage, trying to contain his rage over what some asshole had etched into the side of her car.


Why would someone do that
“That’s horrible,” he said.

“I know.” She took a breath to calm herself. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?” How could she possibly think he would blame her for this?

“Because you let me borrow your car – a very
car – and now it’s ruined.”

“It’s not ruined. The auto body shop can buff that out.” He ran his fingers over the deep scratches. “And repaint it. No big deal.”

“You’re sure?” He heard the relief in her voice.

“I’m positive.” He took her hand. “As long as you’re okay I don’t care about this.”

“You’re not mad?”

“I’m mad someone did this but I’m not mad at you.” He pressed her against the car and kissed her. “This isn’t your fault.”

“Of all the cars to pick, they had to go after that one.” She glanced back at the derogatory slur keyed into the driver’s side door. “I’m guessing it was a pissed off girlfriend who got the wrong car or something.”

“A pissed off girlfriend?” He thought for a moment.
Would Audra stoop this low?

“Or an ex-girlfriend.” She shrugged. “Either way they got the wrong car.”

She wouldn’t dare.

“It could have been a random idiot too,” Tess said. “I’m just glad you’re not upset.”

“It’s a car. It can be replaced. When I saw your face I thought something had happened to
.” He ran his hand down her soft face. “
can’t be replaced.”

“I’m fine.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “It’s just been a long, crappy day.”

“You’re here with me now.” He stroked her hair. “I’ll make it better.”

“You always do.”

“Come on.” He took her hand. “May’s left chicken parm’ for us. Let’s eat and then we’ll watch a movie.”

“Cuddle time?”

“Is there any other time?” He needed to get Audra out of his head. Surely she wouldn’t have done something like this. But it was a possibility.

“Thank you.” She kissed his cheek.


“Being you.”




Chapter Fourteen


“She’ll need a rental car too,” Chase told Allison, his assistant. “Her car will be in the shop for a few days.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Allison said. “Anything specific?”

“Something reliable.” He wrote down Tessa’s cell number on a note pad. “Why don’t you just call her and work it out with her? That would probably be the easiest thing to do. She’s easy going so she won’t give you any trouble. Let her have whatever she wants.”

“Thanks.” She took the pad from him. “I’ll call her now.”

“Great.” Chase glanced at his watch. “Did that package come from Seth yet?”

“Not yet, but I’ll go check the front desk.” As she headed for the door she practically ran into Audra.

“Is this what you’re looking for?” She held up the thick envelope the messenger had dropped off. “I found it at the front desk.”

,” Chase said, completely disregarding the fact that Audra had brought it. “Let me know what you and Tessa come up with.”

“I will.” Allison hurried out of the office, closing the door behind her.

“What did Seth Anders send you?” Audra asked as she settled into the chair across from his desk. “I thought
was your attorney.”

“You are.” He held out his hand for the package. “My
attorney. Seth handles any personal transaction I make. Those I want to keep separate from the firm.”

“What about Tessa’s father? I helped you with that. His situation had nothing to do with the firm.”

That was true. At the time he had no idea he’d get involved with Tessa so he didn’t see the harm in having Audra help him. Now that he was seeing Tessa, he didn’t think it was appropriate to have Audra involved in his personal affairs especially when they concerned Tessa.

“You did a wonderful job with that but since then I’ve decided to have two separate attorneys to handle things for me. It keeps everything in order.”

“You always consult me before you sign anything.”

“I haven’t signed anything.” He took the envelope from her and placed it in his top drawer. “It’s an old property out by a lake. It’s been foreclosed on and I want to buy it.”


“It has sentimental value.” He didn’t want to discuss this with her. If she hadn’t intercepted that package she wouldn’t be interrogating him now. “It’s a good price for a large piece of land that I hope to build a summer home on one day.”

“Since when? You’ve never mentioned wanting a house on a lake. Ocean view in the Caribbean yes, but a lake in Massachusetts?”

“Aspirations change.”
People change. They can fall for a captivating redhead in the blink of an eye and never know what hit them...
“I spent some time there as a teenager. It left a lasting impression on me. When I found out it was on the market I inquired. I want this property.”

“Well, let me know if you want me to contact Seth and see if he needs my assistance.”

“That won’t be necessary but thank you.” He didn’t need or want Audra’s help in this deal. If all went according to plan, he hoped this would be Tessa’s Christmas present. Something he could share with her in the future.

“Whatever you want.” Audra tightened her lips in disapproval. “Why is Allison renting cars?”

“You don’t miss much, do you?”

“I heard you talking before I came in. I didn’t think it was a personal conversation. If it was you should have closed the door.”

“Tessa’s car is in the shop. She needs a rental for a few days.”

“Oh, I hope she didn’t get into an accident or anything.”

Audra sounded less than sincere
“No, just vandalism by some idiot.” Chase studied Audra’s expression. “It’s nothing that can’t be fixed.”

“That’s terrible. People have nothing better to do these days.” She rose from the chair. “I have some contracts to go over. I’ll put them on your desk before I leave.”

“Thanks.” He couldn’t accuse her. He had no proof. Keying a car wasn’t exactly her style but she hadn’t been the same lately. He’d have to keep an eye on her.

“Good luck on that property,” she said as she left his office.

Once she was gone, Chase pulled the envelope back out of his desk and reviewed the papers. It was a solid deal. Almost a steal. He’d be a fool not to purchase the property. This was an opportunity for Tessa to get back a piece of her childhood that she remembered as a happy time. She’d said the cabin was a place filled with good memories. It was also where they had met, even if the two of them were very young and couldn’t possibly know their paths would cross fifteen years later.

He picked up the phone and dialed Seth. There was no way he could pass up this opportunity.




Chase switched on the gas fireplace in the bedroom while Tess tossed some pillows down on the floor. They’d spent the day hiking the property and had a quiet picnic down by the stream. Once the sun set, the temperature dropped. They both wanted to spend a lazy Saturday night cuddled in front of the fire. She liked the idea of an intimate evening in their bedroom.

He grabbed a fluffy throw from the edge of the bed. May had announced the nights were getting cooler and left an extra one out for them. Sitting on the floor, he leaned against the chair and spread his legs so she could sit between them.
Cuddle time!

She dropped down in front of him and situated herself between his thighs with her back to his chest. He draped the blanket over her to keep her warm. He was so attentive when it came to her.

“You don’t have enough clothes on.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him.

“Are you seriously complaining?” She had on flannel pants and a tank top. It wasn’t as if her pajamas stayed on very long once they crawled into bed anyway. “We’re by the fire. I’m not going to freeze to death.”

“I can turn up the heat if you get chilly.”

“I know you can.” She leaned her head back against his shoulder. “It’s one of your best qualities.”

“Always my little temptress, aren’t you?” He kissed the top of her head. “Your hair smells good. New shampoo?”

“May gave it to me. She said her daughter uses it all the time.”

“She can’t wait for you to meet her family. She’s really looking forward to having us on Thanksgiving.”

“You eat with them every year?” May had invited them to spend Thanksgiving with her family. For years it had been just Tessa and her dad. Sometimes they ate with her aunt’s family but they hadn’t in the past two years. She was looking forward to a big dinner with a lot of people like on all of those television shows she watched every year. The only thing missing would be her dad.

“Every other year.  I like being with them when my mother is in France. I could eat with relatives and I have friends who always offer, but May is family. I grew up with her kids so it just seems right to spend the holiday with them. I’m glad you’re coming with me this year.”

“Me too
.” She sighed. The holiday season had never been very easy for her. Her mother rarely even called. Sometimes she and her dad would go to a diner because it was less of a hassle than all the work of cooking such a big dinner for just the two of them.

“You sound down.” He held her tighter. “What’s wrong?”

“I just feel bad I won’t be with my dad. I’ve never spent a holiday without him.”

“I know, sweetheart. I don’t think his doctors will release him before December. I’ve asked.”

“You have?” She turned to look at him.

“I thought maybe he could come with us but I don’t think it’s going to happen.” He touched her cheek. “I even offered to hire a personal nurse for the hours he’d be with us.”

“You did that?”

“I’ll do anything to make you smile, but I’m sorry I couldn’t make that happen. They have him on a strict wellness plan and they don’t want any break from his schedule.”

“It’s not your fault. He’s making so much progress at the new place.” Her dad loved his room. He’d put up a couple of pictures from the internet and it was downright cheery; and the staff took such good care of him. “They even have him starting to use a walker a little each day. The last place didn’t think that would even happen.”

“When I saw how little progress he had made from the time of the accident to when I visited him that first time, I knew he was in the wrong place. Now he’ll be home in time for Christmas. I’ll make that work no matter what.”

“Yeah.” She nodded but a sense of dread had been looming inside her ever since she learned of her dad’s pending discharge date. “Except we don’t have a home.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Because it’s true.” She looked down at her hands. Their future living arrangements had been on her mind for a few days. “My dad asked you to take me in while he recovered.”

“Sweetheart, just because your dad is getting released in December doesn’t mean he’s recovered. He still has many months of physical therapy ahead of him.”

“I know.” Ever since the doctors told her they were working to discharge him she’d been stressed. Taking care of him would become her full time job once he was no longer there.

“What’s wrong?” He took her hand in his. “I thought you’d be happy he’d be home for Christmas.”

“Where are we going to go?” As thrilled as she was for her dad’s recovery, she felt like her life with Chase would come crashing down. “When he gets out everything will change.”

“Are you seriously asking me that question? Where do you think he’s going to go?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll have to take care of him.”

“He’ll come and stay here with us.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “We have plenty of room.”

“You want my dad to move in here?” That seemed a little too close for comfort, especially with all the sex she and Chase had. Having her father in the same house while she was in bed with Chase creeped her out.

“When I designed this house I included an in-law suite – what used to be called servants’ quarters. I always thought it was such a charming set-up, so I added the space off the kitchen.” He continued to move his hand through her hair, calming her. “It has a bedroom, living room, small kitchen and a full bath. It’s perfect for your dad. There’s even a separate entrance around the side of the house.”

“I knew there was an area back there but I didn’t know what it was used for.” She’d been in his home since August and she still hadn’t explored the entire house. “May said you store things there. I thought it was like a storage room.”

“I haven’t really done anything with it. I included it in the design because it added value to the house, especially in this neighborhood. I’m glad I did because now we can have your dad close to you but we won’t feel like he’s too close.” He winked. “If you know what I mean.”

“You really would do anything for him, wouldn’t you?”

“Not just him, sweetheart.” He guided her mouth to his. “I’d do anything for you. As long as you’re smiling it’s all good.”

“You’re too good to be true.” She pressed her lips to his. “Thank you. I’ve been worrying about what would happen once he was released.”

“You never have to worry about anything ever again. I’m going to take care of you from now on. I meant it when I said you were mine. Not just in bed.” He kissed her, slipping his tongue inside her mouth, taking his time to explore her. “I’m never going to let you hurt again. It’s time to let go of the past. You’re not alone anymore.”

“In my heart I know that, but my head is a little more stubborn.”

She wasn’t used to having so much support. It wasn’t as if her dad had neglected her, but he had his own problems and didn’t always pay attention to everything she needed. When it mattered most he managed to make sure she was taken care of. He’d sent her to Chase and she was certain that was exactly where she belonged.

“I’ll spend the rest of my life convincing your head, as long as I know I have your heart.” He kissed her neck, tickling his fingers under the hem of her tank top. “I do have your heart, don’t I Tessa?”

“You do.” Could this really be happening to her? When they were close and he looked at her with that intensity, there was no place for her to hide. Physical was easy; sex and making him want every inch of her was the fun part. Falling for him was a slippery slope that she couldn’t even slow down. It was all too much sometimes. He wanted all of her.

She lifted her arms so he could pull her shirt over her head. The heat from his touch spread across her bare chest, creating a burn that coursed through her body. She lay back on the pillows as he took in her exposed breasts. The hunger in his eyes told her everything she needed to know.

“Let’s get these off too.” He reached for the waistband of her pajama bottoms and slid them down her legs. “Do you know how perfect you are
? Naked and ready for me?”

“I’m always ready for you.”

He took her hand and rested it on her breast, circling her fingers over her aroused nipple.

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