Tell Me You Love Me (16 page)

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Authors: Kayla Perrin

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

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“You have?’’

She nodded. “I’ve been thinking a lot about us. The way things used to be. I…can’t seem to stop.’’

Sheldon’s chest rose and fell as he drew in and blew out a deep breath. “What are you saying?’’

“I guess I’m saying that I’m confused. About us. If what we had was real. If we can actually have a future. I loved the sex, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I wonder if that’s all there is to


“Yes, really. Haven’t you wondered the same thing?’’

Sheldon couldn’t dismiss her comment as being without merit. “When we dated before, my sole focus was on trying to nail Dino. You’ll remember that I spent a lot of time at the gym. I’d work my shift as a personal trainer, then work with Dino at the juice bar.’’

“I remember.”

“You think I didn’t want to do fun things with
you, like go to Disney World? Or even head to the Keys to swim with the dolphins, like you always said you wanted to do.’’

“I don’t know,” Tyanna replied honestly. They had gone to dinners and movies sometimes, but mostly they had rented movies to watch at home.

“I did want those things, Tyanna. And I’m sorry that I didn’t do them with you. But I was…I guess I was obsessed.”

Tyanna didn’t want her chest to fill with warmth, but it did. Just hearing that Sheldon had wanted to spend more time with her outside of the bedroom, developing a better relationship with her, made her tingle with happiness inside.

“Maybe I’m not the most romantic guy,” Sheldon said. “But then, I didn’t have the best example. My father was a complete ass.’’

“You never told me about him.’’

“Yeah, well, there’s not much to tell. Except he beat the crap out of my mother on a regular basis. Then he died, and I have to be honest, I knew we were all better off.’’

“Sheldon.” Tyanna sounded shocked.

“My family wasn’t the Brady Bunch, like yours, Tyanna. I have no doubt that Dwight headed on the wrong path because my father was never there for him. I tried to be, but it wasn’t the same. Besides, I’d moved out already, the first chance I got. I’ll never forgive myself for that.’’

“You can’t blame yourself.”

“That’s what my mother says. But it’s pretty
hard not to. Then, I could only think about my own peace of mind, how much I couldn’t stand being around my father, watching him abuse my mother. Especially because she always tolerated the abuse. Always forgave him. Always made excuses for him. It made me sick.’’

“I’m sorry,” Tyanna said.

“It’s not your fault. No need to apologize.”

“When you hurt, I hurt.’’

“Mmm.” But Sheldon’s eyes took on a faraway look, and Tyanna knew he was reliving the misery of his past.

Tyanna leaned forward and softly stroked Sheldon’s face. “Was that so hard?’’

He jerked his eyes to hers. “What?’’

“For you to share a bit of yourself with me? When we dated before, I always knew you were holding back, and I always sensed that you’d feel better if you just shared what was bothering you. But you never did.’’

Sheldon shrugged, his lips pulling into a tight line. “It’s something I try my best to forget. I don’t want to burden you with my baggage.” And he’d just started to realize over the last year how much baggage he carried around. The guilt over Dwight was the worst of it. He had found some solace working with troubled teens and trying to help them get their lives together—something he hadn’t been able to do for his brother.

Tyanna stroked his face again. “The fact that
you never told me anything—it made me feel like you never trusted me.’’

“I guess I can see that.’’

Tyanna sighed softly, knowing that tonight she had taken a greater step with Sheldon than she had before. He’d let her into his heart, even if just a little. She knew it wasn’t easy for him—she could tell by the tenseness in his jaw—but it was a start.

“Right now, I’m worried about my mother’s health,” Sheldon said. “But I’d like very much for us to do fun stuff. I just don’t know how much we’ll be able to do before this mess with Dino’s goons is straightened out.’’

“I don’t want to live my life in fear, Sheldon.’’

“Neither do I.’’

“We have to go to the police about everything. All the threats. What we suspect.’’

“Yeah. We’ll do that in the morning. Before you head to your parents for the video shoot. Okay?’’

Tyanna nodded. “Okay.’’

“And maybe tomorrow night, we can head to Gameworks and play video games.’’

A playful gleam lit up Sheldon’s eyes, and Tyanna couldn’t help chuckling. “You men. You’ll always remain boys at heart.’’

“Can you blame us?’’

She shook her head. “No.’’

Tyanna looked into Sheldon’s eyes, and something changed in that moment. It wasn’t just desire she was suddenly feeling for him, but something
deeper. She found herself saying, “Despite everything I’ve said, I know that I want you in my life—in some capacity.”

Pause, then, “Is that so?” He reached out and touched her mouth daintily with his thumb, then ran his thumb along the entire surface of her full lips.

Tyanna’s mouth parted slightly in soft invitation. And then as unexpected to her as it must have been to Sheldon, she took the tip of his thumb into her mouth, sucking it gently. As his eyes darkened with desire, she placed her hand on his, guiding his palm to her face.

Still holding his hand, Tyanna trailed Sheldon’s fingers down her neck languidly, then lower, until he was touching the soft mounds of her breasts. A low moan escaped her. What was it about Sheldon’s touch that made her body completely come alive? She wanted his hands on more of her. She lowered his hand so that it palmed the full roundness of her breast.

“Tyanna,” Sheldon whispered. “I didn’t think you’d want to do this again….”

She didn’t think so either. Not after how she’d chastised herself for falling into bed so easily with him. Hadn’t she told herself that if she and Sheldon were to have any type of future, she had to get past the appeal of the sex? And she needed him to completely trust her, open up to her.

Which he had finally started to do after oh so long. It felt good to know he was taking those
steps—like an aphrodisiac, making her want him fiercely.

“Just kiss me,” she said.

He brought his lips to hers and captured them in a dazzling kiss, while his fingers found the taut peak of her breast and gently stroked it from outside her workout top. Tyanna moaned softly against his lips; she felt Sheldon shiver.
God, yes
, she thought. The sexual appeal was there—no doubt always would be. She could try and fight it but that was a useless proposition.

With Sheldon’s free hand, he fingered her face while he kissed her. Light, skimming, electrifying touches. Dizzying sensations surged through her body. She couldn’t take this teasing any longer. She wanted to be naked with Sheldon right now.

Tyanna’s desire for Sheldon was actually making her light-headed. She slipped her arms around his neck. Goodness, he felt so familiar, so right. Tyanna moved backward on the sofa, pulling Sheldon on top of her. She couldn’t have stopped herself if she’d tried; she wanted him so badly.

She slipped her fingers between their bodies and found the buttons to Sheldon’s shirt. Sheldon eased up to give her better access, but his lips remained fastened to hers. Tyanna undid the buttons slowly, then pulled his shirt out of his pants. Hastily, she shoved the material off his shoulders. Sheldon sat up, took his shirt off, then tossed it aside.

Tyanna sucked in her breath at the sight of Sheldon’s beautiful masculine body. His hairless chest allowed her an unrestricted view of his dark, flat nipples. She wanted to touch them, to taste them. The muscles in his abdomen were rippled, the result of all his physical training. And he had a slim, firm waist.

Her eyes ventured lower. His erection was straining against his pants. The sight of it made electricity course through her veins. The man was so damn desirable, she could hardly stand it.

Tyanna positioned herself so that she could take one of Sheldon’s nipples into her mouth. She flicked out her tongue and ran circles around the small, taut peak. Sheldon shuddered, enjoying this sensation as much as he always had. Tyanna hadn’t forgotten what pleased him, what he liked. She heard him groan with increased sexual anticipation, and she closed her mouth around the nipple. With her teeth and her tongue she teased him.

She pulled away and reached for the bottom of her shirt. With both hands, she pulled it over her head. Her breasts bounced lightly once they were free.

Sheldon took in the sight of her, his eyes fogged with desire. Completely comfortable with her nakedness, Tyanna allowed him to regard her for several seconds, watching as his face grew taut with building passion. His gaze was so hot she felt as if it literally seared her skin. She ran her
tongue over her lips as she continued to grow hotter.

Sheldon reached out to touch her, but Tyanna pushed his hand away. As he gave her a confused look, Tyanna slowly pushed him away and eased herself out from under him. She stood in front of him, and he stared, mesmerized.

Tyanna pushed him backward on the sofa, then straddled him. She adjusted her body, positioning her chest at his face. She held his head in place as she rubbed her breasts over his face with aching tenderness. One breast, then the other. He tried to reach for her nipple, but she pulled it away from him with a smirk.


She continued to tease him, delighting in his growls of passion.

“Tyanna, please.’’

Finally, she guided one nipple into his mouth.

Spasms shook her body as he suckled her, the sensation so glorious she threw her head back and whimpered. Would his touch ever fail to excite her?

Tyanna looked down at him, getting a thrill from watching his mouth on her. As he met her gaze, Sheldon let her breast slip from his mouth. Tyanna moaned softly in protest. She didn’t want him to stop; she needed him desperately.

She urged her nipple toward his mouth again, but he braced his hands beneath her bottom, picked her up and stood with her in his arms.

“There should be a law against you teasing me the way you are,” he rasped.

“Is that so?’’

“Yes, dammit.’’

Ooh, she loved that she could do this to him. Make him mad with longing.

He began carrying her in the direction of her bedroom. “I’m going to have to punish you for your…your lack of mercy.’’

She locked her legs around his waist. “Oh, no.’’

“Someone’s gotta teach you that it’s not right to get a man hard and keep him waiting.’’

Tyanna’s whole body throbbed. She couldn’t wait to have Sheldon inside her, loving her the way he did best. “Is it too late to say I’m sorry?’’

“Way too late.’’

She flicked her tongue over his ear, then whispered, “Are you gonna give it to me good?’’

Sheldon lowered her onto the bed and lay on top of her. “Oh, you know it.’’

“Don’t you dare disappoint me.’’

“Baby, you know I won’t.’’

The next morning, Tyanna was out of bed by eight-thirty. While Sheldon continued to sleep, she busied herself in the kitchen making scrambled eggs and bacon. Thank goodness she’d done some grocery shopping. At least she had some food to feed Sheldon.

She brewed coffee, and for the second time in a week, the smell was heavenly. Today she definitely needed the caffeine. She had stayed up way too late with Sheldon, and she couldn’t afford to be tired today.

She was taking plates from the cupboard when she heard a sound behind her. Turning, she saw Sheldon, dressed only in his jeans.

She smiled. “Morning, sleepyhead.”

“Morning.” He approached her at the counter and gave her a soft peck on the lips. “Something definitely smells good.’’

“I decided to make some breakfast.” She opened a drawer and withdrew silverware. “I
figured I should do what I can to replenish your energy.’’

He moved to the stove and lifted the cover from the pan. “This is great. You are a godsend.’’

“I’ve got some whole-wheat bread. You want some toast?’’

“Why not?’’

Tyanna got a loaf of bread from the fridge and brought it back to the counter. Sheldon reached into the cupboard and took out two mugs.

“You have cream?” he asked.

“In the fridge.’’

While Tyanna popped bread into the toaster, Sheldon went to the fridge for the cream. He filled the two mugs with coffee.

“You want sugar?” he asked.

“Two spoons, please.’’

As if he hadn’t been gone for a year, Sheldon went right to the appropriate cupboard. It amazed her how easily they fell into the simple routine of getting breakfast on the table. She smiled. At times like this, she knew there was more to their relationship than a simple sexual attraction.

The plates of food and coffee on the table, Tyanna and Sheldon both sat. Tyanna took a sip from her mug of coffee and sighed with satisfaction.

“You needed that, hmm?” Sheldon asked.

She shot him a mock scowl. “That’s your fault. I didn’t expect to be up all night making hot, passionate love.’’


“No. But I do need to be wide awake for the video shoot.’’

Reaching out, Sheldon stroked her face. “You’ll be great.’’

“I sure hope so.’’

Tyanna picked up a piece of crisp bacon, while Sheldon scooped up some of the scrambled eggs. For the next several minutes, they ate in silence.

As Tyanna stood to get the carafe of coffee, she asked, “Do you want to stay here, or go with me to my parents’ place?’’

Sheldon’s lips slanted downward in a wry scowl. “Go to your parents’?”

“Yeah.” She stood and refilled both their mugs. “You can watch the filming of the video.’’

“You’re serious, aren’t you?’’


“I doubt your parents would be happy to see me.’’

Shrugging, Tyanna sat once again. She couldn’t argue with that, but she also didn’t particularly care. If Sheldon was going to be in her life in any capacity—and it seemed that he was—then her parents would simply have to accept that.

“If you want to come, come. Don’t worry about them.’’

“Naw. I’m gonna head home after we see the police. Make sure my mother is okay.’’

They finished eating and Tyanna cleared their breakfast plates. Sheldon joined her at the sink, washing the few items they’d used. As he reached
past her to put the last glass in the dish rack, he surprised Tyanna with a soft kiss on the lips.

Then he smiled at her, a warm, sweet smile, and Tyanna knew the kiss was all he wanted. It wasn’t going to lead to a wild and passionate coupling—which was good in the sense that they didn’t have time for it right now. But it was also good because it gave Tyanna a certain comfort level with him she hadn’t had before.

“You want to get in a shower with me?” Sheldon asked. “I promise I won’t make you late.’’

Looking up at him, she giggled. “Should I trust you?’’

“Absolutely, baby.’’

Minutes later, they were naked in the shower. Sheldon lathered up the sponge with soap and washed every part of her body. As he washed her backside, Tyanna braced her hands against the slick ceramic-tile wall. Her body was taut as she waited for his fingers to explore her curves and crevices….

But he didn’t. He was a perfect gentleman, simply doing the job he had promised to do.

Tyanna frowned at him as he passed her the sponge.

“What?” he asked, but his tone said he knew exactly why she was frowning.

“Nothing.” She poured a liberal amount of liquid soap onto the sponge and rubbed it in with her fingers. But it was her hand she used when she reached between his legs to wash him there.

Slowly, she ran her soap-slicked hand over him, stroking him to arousal.

“That’s not fair.” His breath was hot against her ear.


“No. You’re the one who said you had to get ready for your project.’’

She wrapped one arm around his neck as water sluiced over her back. “Yes, but I can spare a little time. What about you? Want a quickie in the shower?’’

“You don’t give a guy an easy choice.’’

She giggled as he spun her around. This time, his fingers roamed her body with a purpose very different from the one they’d had minutes before.


Sheldon rested his hand on the small of Tyanna’s back as they walked toward the front door of the Aventura Police Department closest to her apartment.

At the door, Tyanna halted.

Sheldon asked, “You okay?’’

She inhaled deeply and looked up at him. “Yes.’’

Sheldon gave Tyanna a quick kiss on the cheek, then opened the door. He followed Tyanna inside.

A wall and glass partition separated the front of the police station from the back, keeping civilians in the waiting area. A policewoman sat behind the glass. She watched Sheldon as he made his way toward her.

He spoke through the small hole in the partition. “Hi. My friend and I would like to speak with a detective.”

“What’s the problem?” the female cop asked.

“My friend was attacked last night. She already reported the incident, but there’s much more to the story. Someone is trying to kill us, and it has to do with a previous murder.’’

“All right. Have a seat for a moment. I’ll have someone come out and speak with you.’’

It took only a few minutes for a detective to come out and meet them. Sheldon and Tyanna stood to greet the man. He extended a hand, shaking first Sheldon’s, then Tyanna’s hand.

“I’m Detective Martin. How can I help you?’’

“My friend and I have a problem,” Sheldon answered without preamble. He filled Detective Martin in on the entire situation, starting with Dwight’s murder, Sheldon’s attempt to get information on Dino Benedetto, and the fact that someone now was threatening Sheldon’s life and the lives of those he cared about. “Last night, Tyanna was attacked outside her workplace, Jaguar Fitness,” Sheldon went on.

“I’m sure you’ll find the information on file,” Tyanna said. “I spoke with an Officer Daly.’’

Detective Martin nodded. “You think the two incidents are related.’’

“I’m sure of it,” Sheldon answered.

“I heard about Dino Benedetto’s death,” the detective said. “I know the guy was bad news.’’

“It’s obviously someone close to him who’s after us now,” Sheldon said. “The one known link is his former girlfriend, Leona. But there could be someone else. A family member, maybe.’’

“If we’re talking Dino Benedetto and the illegal operation you told me about, then I’m sure Miami-Dade handled this. They handle the more serious cases within Dade County.’’

“So we should talk to the Miami-Dade police?” Tyanna asked.

“No, that’s not necessary. You live in Aventura, and that’s where last night’s crime took place. I’ll consult with Miami-Dade, however, and see what kind of info they have on Dino’s associates and family in the area.’’

“What about arresting Leona?” Tyanna asked.

“I can’t simply arrest her,” Detective Martin answered. “Not without talking to her first. I’ll see what she says and go from there.” He paused. “Now, what I’ll need from both of you are sworn statements to the facts you’ve told me. I’ll get you the forms.’’

Detective Martin went to get the forms, then left Tyanna and Sheldon alone to write their statements. They finished before he returned, so Sheldon asked the cop at the main desk to call him back to the front.

“Thanks,” the detective said as he took the sworn statements from Sheldon and Tyanna. “That’ll be all for now. Of course, if anything else happens, please call me.’’

“Is that it?” Sheldon asked, somewhat surprised.

“For now. We’ll let you know if we find any hard evidence.”

Sheldon wanted to ask the detective more questions, like when he might possibly hear from him, but he already knew what the man would say. He also knew how hard it had been to find hard evidence on Dino, so he didn’t feel very hopeful right now.

“All right,” Sheldon said. He placed an arm across Tyanna’s shoulders. “We’ll wait to hear from you.’’

“Take care,” Detective Martin said.

Sheldon and Tyanna made their way outside. On the sidewalk, Sheldon glanced at Tyanna. “You’ve been pretty quiet.’’

“Just thinking about everything,” she said.

“I know you’re worried, but it’s in their hands now.” Sheldon and Tyanna walked to their cars, which were parked beside one another.

“I hope they put the fear of God into Leona and she tells them who she’s associating with.” In the meantime, Sheldon would call Maria and see if he could learn anything from her.

“I hope this is enough to scare them into stopping this bull,” Tyanna commented.

Sheldon stood with her while she dug her keys out of her purse. She unlocked and opened her car door.

Sheldon took her hands in his. “Have a great
day,” he told her. “I hope the shoot goes extremely well.’’

“Thanks. What are you going to do?’’

He paused a long moment before answering. “I would have told you before…But, I guess I wanted to know that I stand a chance in hell.’’

Tyanna perched her hands on her hips. “Is this something bad?” She kept her tone light, but already that feeling of disappointment that came from knowing Sheldon didn’t always include her in his life began to creep through her.

“It’s nothing bad. I…I went to a bunch of the police departments in the area.” When she didn’t reply, he added, “For application forms.’’

A slow smile spread across her face. “You want to be a cop?’’

He nodded.

“Wow. When did that happen?’’

“Somewhere along the line when I wanted to make Dino pay for what he did to my brother.” He paused. “Besides, I have to find something to do with this life of mine other than fitness. Something that will impress your parents.’’

He flashed a sweet smile, and Tyanna couldn’t help wondering what had gotten into him. Was he really hoping to impress her parents? She didn’t care if he worked as a personal trainer for the rest of his days, as long as he was happy. And it was a job he did well.

As if in answer to her question, he said, “I guess I’m feeling like you. I want a more chal
lenging career. Not that I don’t like being a trainer, but I can’t see myself doing that in ten years. I really love working with the kids, but I figure there’s a need for more sensitive cops out there to deal with them. Especially after how they handled Brian yesterday.” He shrugged. “That’s what’s been going through my mind.’’

Tyanna pressed a hand to Sheldon’s belly. “I think that’s great.’’

“We’ll see how it goes,” he said matter-of-factly. “Anyway, don’t you have to be going?’’

“Yeah. Please call me on my cell if anything happens, okay?’’


A cool breeze came off the ocean, mussing Tyanna’s hair. Sheldon brushed the tendrils away from her face.

His touch was gentle yet stimulating. Tyanna looked into his eyes. Did she see something there she hadn’t before? She wasn’t sure, but it stole her breath.

Just as gently as Sheldon had touched her, he lowered his face to hers and kissed her lips. Moaning softly, Tyanna slipped her arms around his neck. He was offering her sweet and sensitive and her body wanted hot and wild. She flicked her tongue over Sheldon’s and kissed him with building urgency.

A raw, wild sound rumbled in Sheldon’s chest, and he pulled away. Their lips made a soft suctioning sound.

“If you don’t get in that car in the next thirty seconds, you’re not going to make it to your parents’ place.’’

“I know, I know.’’

He stepped away from her, and she sulked playfully. “Call me when you’re finished,” he said. “I’ll come back and meet you. To make sure you’re okay, of course.’’

“Already preparing for your civic duty?’’

“You know it.” He winked. “And like I said, if you’re up to it, we can do something. Gameworks. Whatever.”

Tyanna smiled up at him. “All right. I’ll see you later.’’


As Tyanna drove to Wendy’s place, she couldn’t stop thinking of Sheldon. Her mind wandered from the danger they faced to the night they had shared together. And whenever she thought of the latter, she couldn’t keep a silly smile from forming on her face.

The attack last night had been terrifying, but her time spent with Sheldon had been exhilarating—like in the beginning, when she had started to fall in love with him. She had seen a glimpse of the vulnerable Sheldon again, the one she had always sensed whenever he shared with her some of his life’s pain. And again this morning, when he had opened up and told her about his dream to become a police officer. She knew he was making a concerted effort to share more
with her. Maybe he was simply one of those guys for whom it was pretty hard to open up.

Tyanna knew she was walking right back into dangerous territory with her former beau. If she fell for him again, it would be as intense as the first time. Maybe even more so.

So if he hurt her…

Tyanna pushed that thought out of her mind. There was no point jumping the gun. The first priority was to figure out how to deal with the current threat.

Wendy was standing outside the gate of her apartment complex when Tyanna pulled up. She even had the steps and mats beside her, which was quite the feat considering the distance from her unit to the gate.

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