Tell Me You Love Me (11 page)

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Authors: Kayla Perrin

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Tell Me You Love Me
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Granted, Sheldon had been the wrong choice, but not for the reasons they might believe. Besides, wasn’t she entitled to make her own mistakes?

Tyanna watched her mother’s animated face as she spoke about little Michelle, how she knew her young grandchild was going to grow up to be a
doctor or a scientist or a world-renowned surgeon.

Tyanna bit back the urge to smirk. Oh, her mother’s panties would get all tangled in a knot if she knew what was going through Tyanna’s mind right now. And maybe it was a little bit crazy. But she was determined to do it. Somewhere during the previous hour, she had decided that she wanted to see Sheldon.

And quench her thirst.

But after the last time she’d spoken to him, she didn’t figure she was his favorite person. At the very least, she had given him a loud and clear message. She had pushed him away big time, told him over and over again that she wasn’t interested in resuming a sexual relationship with him, yet that was exactly what she planned on doing now.

If she called him, she was sure she would fumble her words. She would sound like an idiot, which wouldn’t work. So if she was going to do this—convince him to spend the night with her—she would have to convince him she was serious.

And she figured the best way to do that was to surprise him.

Tyanna had tuned out the current conversation, so she wasn’t sure what had caused the outburst of laughter. And she didn’t want to know.

She pushed her chair back and stood. “Um, I’ve got to get going.’’

Her mother looked at her, surprised. So did
everyone else. “I’m not feeling very well,” she quickly added. “I think I’m coming down with something.”

Her mother looked at her with concern. “Oh?’’

“Yeah. I figure I should go home and lie down.’’

“You can always rest here,” Roberta suggested.

“No, I’d rather not,” Tyanna told her mother. She rounded the table and kissed her mother on the cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” She waved as she started to step backward. “Bye, y’all.’’

“Take care of yourself,” Charlene said.

“I will.’’

There was a round of good-byes, then Tyanna entered the house through the patio doors.

She had gotten all the way to the front door before she realized that if she was going to head to Sheldon’s place, she needed a peace offering. Whirling around, she scurried to the kitchen as quietly as she could, looked for something—anything—and saw the sweet-potato pie her mother had made cooling on the counter. She grabbed it.

Tyanna threw a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure no one had seen her. Later, she would apologize for taking the dessert.

Her father was standing, refilling wine glasses, obscuring everyone’s view.

Perfect. Tyanna hustled the pie out the front door.

She sure hoped Sheldon would like it.


Her heart rate accelerated.

It’s just a need
, she told herself as she headed toward her car.
A physical need. Once you’ve satisfied it, you will feel a lot better.

And hopefully get Sheldon out of her system.

Sheldon opened the door and got the shock of his life.

A slow smile spread across his lips as a feeling of warmth spread through his body.

There was no doubt about it. Tyanna was absolutely beautiful. The sight of her before him, wearing a cute floral dress that hung to just above her knees, stole his breath.

He couldn’t believe she was really here.

On his doorstep.

With a sweet-potato pie, no less. His favorite.

Wonders never ceased.


“Hi.” She looked up at him with those incredible brown eyes of hers.

He couldn’t wipe the smile off his lips for the life of him. “What are you doing here?’’

“Oh, um.” She moved her weight from one foot to the other. “Weren’t you the one who suggested we get together from time to time?’’


“And I wasn’t against that. So you don’t have to look at me as if you think my spaceship is parked outside.’’

“Actually, you gave me the impression I was smothering you.’’

She flashed him a sheepish grin. “I did say I’d get in touch with you when I was ready.’’

“That you did. Guess I’m one of those guys who has to see something to believe it. I just didn’t expect you, and you haven’t called.’’

“I was in the neighborhood, so I didn’t bother to call. I figured I’d say hi to your mother.’’

“The pie’s for her?’’

“For both of you, actually.” Tyanna peered around Sheldon. “Is she here?’’

Sheldon shook his head. “It’s Sunday evening. She’s at church.’’


“You still want to come in?’’

“Sure.” Tyanna spoke a little too quickly, and she prayed that had come off as casual rather than desperate.

Sheldon stood back and held the door wide for Tyanna to enter. Smiling nervously, she extended the pie. “Here you go. It’s fresh.’’

Lowering his nose, Sheldon inhaled the enticing aroma. “Mmm.” His eyes met hers. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I felt like baking,” she lied.

Sheldon threw his head back and laughed.

made this? Are you the same woman who used to burn cookies?’’

“All right. So I didn’t make it. But I didn’t buy it, either. My mother made it, and I remembered how much you liked sweet-potato pie.’’

Her mother. The mention of her family made Sheldon’s stomach lurch. “You told her you were bringing this for me?’’

“Not exactly.” Pride shone in Tyanna’s eyes. “I just took it.’’

Sheldon smiled. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.’’

“You are such a bad influence on me,” Tyanna joked.

“Do your parents know I’m back in town?’’


“And what did they say?’’

“I don’t really want to talk about that.’’

Sheldon studied her, but her expression didn’t give anything away. It didn’t have to. He could imagine what had been said about him in the Calhoun household.

“What do you want to do?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I was figuring maybe we could hang out. How long will your mother be at church?’’

Sheldon raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Just where was she going with this? “I don’t know. Another hour or so. Long enough for you?’’

She seemed nervous and folded her arms under her breasts. God, what breasts. The scrap of
material she wore barely covered them. She shrugged, then nervously looked away.

“Why, Miss Calhoun, whatever do you have in mind?’’

“I…” She couldn’t get her words out.

Sheldon angled his head to the side as he looked at her. “I’m not quite sure how to read you, Tyanna. Would I be accurate if I said I was getting a certain…
from you?’’

“Yes,” she answered without hesitation. Then, “I know, you’ll think I’m crazy…”

“Actually, I’m thinking that if we’re on the same page here, then an hour or two won’t be nearly long enough.’’

She met his eyes then, a smile playing on her lips. “I can head home now.’’

“I’ll follow you.’’


Tyanna didn’t give herself a hard time for her decision on the drive home. What the hell. She was an adult, and if she wanted to make love to Sheldon, it certainly wasn’t illegal.

Have sex
, she corrected herself. There was a difference between making love and having sex, and what she and Sheldon were about to do was make up for a year’s lost time without physical contact. At least she hoped so.

Tyanna parked in her spot, and Sheldon drove past her to pull into the visitors parking area. She got out of her car and debated walking toward him. Instead, she lingered by her car, deciding to
wait for him to come to her. Yes, she wanted him, but she didn’t want to appear too eager.

Tyanna walked to the front of her building to wait for Sheldon there. He got out of his Explorer and jogged all the way to her. Something about that touched Tyanna’s heart—the fact that he wanted to be with her so badly that he had to run, not walk.

He placed his hand on the small of her back as he stopped beside her. Tyanna smiled up at him.

“You ready?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah.’’


The moment Sheldon was in the apartment behind Tyanna, he closed the door with his foot and swept her into his arms.

There was no need for small talk. No need to beat around the bush. They both wanted the same thing, and it had been one helluva long year for both of them to have gone without it.

“Come here,” Sheldon whispered.

Tyanna slipped her arms around his neck, and Sheldon brought his lips down against Tyanna’s.

Even he was surprised at how gentle he was, considering how fiercely he wanted her. He wanted to suck on her lips until she cried out for mercy, but instead, he softly suckled one side, then the other. With reverence, he ran his tongue along the outline of her mouth. Tyanna was like a precious jewel to be admired and respected.

Tyanna moaned softly, tightening her arms around him as she opened her mouth for him.
Sheldon slipped his tongue inside, flicked the tip over hers. Suckled the tip lightly as he ran his hands down Tyanna’s body.

When his fingers reached the soft flesh of her bottom, an electric jolt shot through his body. Suddenly he wanted her naked. He needed to feel her velvet skin against his body, run his tongue along her sweet flesh. He wanted to bury his face between her thighs.

Tyanna pressed her body tighter against him, wrapping her thighs around his leg. That was all the encouragement Sheldon needed to lift the hem of her dress. A long breath whooshed out of him as his fingers trailed up her thighs, then to her behind. Damn, she was wearing thong underwear.

He needed to get this dress off. Gathering the silky material into two fists, he lifted it, but it wouldn’t budge beyond her breasts.

“Zipper,” Tyanna told him on a ragged breath.

Sheldon’s hands fumbled with the back of the garment. He found the zipper and dragged it down. Then he nudged the material off her shoulders. The dress slipped to the floor. Tyanna stepped out of it, then looked up at Sheldon with a faint smile. Surprising him, she placed her hands on his chest and pushed him backward. His back hit the wall with a soft thud.

He raised an eyebrow as he looked down at her. “Oh, so you want it rough?’’

“I just want you,” she whispered, slipping her hands beneath his shirt. She pulled it over his
head and dropped it to the floor. Her lips met his for a quick kiss, then her tongue was on his skin, trailing down his neck, his chest. All the way down to his abdomen.

Tyanna’s hands worked the button on his jeans. She pulled the zipper down, then slipped her hands inside. With one hand, she felt the length of his erection, while she started to drag his jeans off with the other hand. Groaning his satisfaction, Sheldon tried to help her, but Tyanna smacked his hand away. She wrapped her fingers around the sides of his jeans and worked them down his thighs, her entire body sinking lower as she did.

Sheldon looked down. Clad in a black lacy bra and black thong, Tyanna was a vision right out of any guy’s fantasies. Her fingers were softly stroking the backs of his thighs, while she planted feathery kisses along their fronts. And with each kiss, her lips went higher, closer and closer to his aching erection.

“Oh, man,” Sheldon ground out.

She reached for his briefs and pulled them down. Then her hands were on him again, feeling the length of his hard penis, stroking him.

Shit, he was going to have an orgasm right here if she kept this up. Lowering himself, he gripped her shoulders and pulled her up. “Not so fast,” he whispered in her ear.

Then he scooped her into his arms. Tyanna nuzzled her nose into his neck as he carried her to the bedroom. There, he eased her down onto the
edge of her bed. Tyanna brushed her lips against his ear, then nibbled her way along his jaw to his mouth.

He kissed her urgently, their lips and tongues cemented together. Stretching his body out alongside hers, he skimmed his fingers along her smooth skin, up one thigh and over her hip, along her abdomen. He lightly fingered her navel ring. Then he was moving his hand higher, to her breast. He felt around for the bra’s fastener, but it wasn’t at the front.

“Take this off,” he told her.

Tyanna eased up and reached for the clasp of her bra on her back. As soon as it loosened, Sheldon gathered the lacy material and pulled it off.

For a moment, all he could do was look at her. Her breasts were beautiful, firm. Slowly, he trailed a finger around her areola, and instantly the nipple puckered and hardened at his touch.

“God, I’ve missed this.’’

Tyanna felt the groan rumble in his chest the moment before his lips closed around her nipple. Her eyes fluttered shut as a jolt of pleasure shot through her body. It had been so long that she’d forgotten just how good this felt. But it was the most amazing sensation, so delicious that she could lie on her back forever as Sheldon’s mouth and tongue licked and pulled and drove her wild.

She sucked in a sharp breath when his hand covered her through her panties, his mouth still at
her breast. The combination of his tongue on her nipple and his fingers on her nub was making her dizzy with myriad wonderful sensations.

“I know how much you love this,” Sheldon murmured. He sat up, positioning himself over her so that he could access her thong. He slipped the scrap of material over her hips. “But I know what else you like.’’

Tyanna gasped in pleasure as he spread her legs wide. She was as exposed as anyone could be, but even after all this time, she wasn’t shy with him. And as his gaze burned her skin, she felt more alive than she’d ever remembered.

“You’re just so beautiful,” he said as he lowered his face between her legs. “Man, I’ve missed this. Missed the taste of you…”

Tyanna’s hips lurched at the first flick of his tongue. Sheldon wrapped his arms around her legs, securing her in place. Lord help her, he was going to show no mercy to her.

A few more tongue flicks and gentle suckles and Tyanna’s body exploded. Her hips rocked and she panted as the best orgasm she remembered ever having slowly subsided. But still Sheldon didn’t let up, and she felt the sensations build within her again, like a coil tightening.

“Sheldon…” She whimpered, before the next wave of pleasure washed over her. She squeezed her legs around him, unsure how much more of this she could handle. It just felt too good.

Tyanna reached for him, and he slid his body
up hers, settling between her thighs. He looked down at her, satisfaction beaming in his eyes.

She couldn’t speak. Her breaths were too frantic. So she reached for him, gently palmed his cheek, then pulled his face down onto hers for a searing kiss.

Pulling her lips away, she whispered, “I need you inside me.’’

Tyanna slipped her hands between their bodies, found his erection, and guided it into her. She cried out as he filled her, and Sheldon released a moan of satisfaction.

For a moment, he stayed still, and Tyanna savored the feeling of him, knowing he was doing the same with her. A whole year, yet they still felt right together, like no time had passed.

Looking deeply in her eyes, Sheldon ran his hands over her hair, then slowly began to move. He picked up the pace, pulling out, plunging deep. With each thrust, Tyanna raised her hips to meet him.

“Lock your legs around me, baby.’’

She did. And the sensations of their movements became more intense as he reached even deeper inside her.

Tyanna trailed her fingers along his neck and over his head, reacquainting herself with the feel of him. Though she hadn’t forgotten. She had dreamed about him for months, keeping every memory of him alive.

But this was better than any dream.

Sheldon’s breathing grew more ragged, matching his more intense strokes. Tyanna knew he was close, and she was close too, so she wrapped her legs tighter around him, arched into him, then suckled the side of his neck while she ran her fingers up and down the backs of his thighs.

Suddenly Sheldon moaned loudly, driving himself into her as far as he could. And as his body tensed, as he went over the edge, he took her with him.


Tyanna and Sheldon spent the rest of the night in bed. They made love, rested, made love, rested and continued that routine until the sun came up.

Now, lying naked in bed together, Tyanna couldn’t help but smile. She had certainly quenched her thirst, and in grand style.

She opened her eyes and looked at Sheldon. They lay face to face. The steady flow of his breathing told her he was sleeping.

A mix of emotions flooded her this morning. Physically she was satisfied, but emotionally…Emotionally, she was a mess.

Sheldon was lying naked with her, as he had done so many times in the past, but this wasn’t the past. Their relationship was over, and Tyanna had no clue what the future held for them.

All she knew for sure was that sex wouldn’t solve anything, no matter how good it was.

Yesterday she had lied to herself. She had hon
estly thought that she could spend the night satisfying her body’s needs and keep her heart out of it. But from the moment he had settled between her legs and looked deeply into her eyes, she had realized differently. Having sex with Sheldon was simply something she couldn’t do for the sake of it. Her emotions would always be caught up in the act of their lovemaking.

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