Teaching the Common Core Math Standards With Hands-On Activities, Grades 3-5 (96 page)

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Authors: Judith A. Muschla,Gary Robert Muschla,Erin Muschla-Berry

Tags: #Education, #Teaching Methods & Materials, #Mathematics, #General

BOOK: Teaching the Common Core Math Standards With Hands-On Activities, Grades 3-5
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Number and operations– Fractions (Grade 4): compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size; compare two fractions by creating common denominators or numerators; express a fraction with denominator 10 as equivalent fraction with denominator 100; multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction; understand a fraction as a sum of fractions; use decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100; use visual fraction models to explain equivalent fractions

Number and operations– Fractions (Grade 5): add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators; divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions; interpret fraction as division of the numerator by the denominator; interpret multiplication as scaling (resizing); multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers; multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction; solve word problems using equivalent fractions to add and subtract

Number and operations in Base Ten (Grade 3): fluently add and subtract within 1,000; multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10; rounding whole numbers to nearest 10 or

Number and operations in Base Ten (Grade 4): find whole-numbers quotients and remainders to perform multi-digit arithmetic; fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm; read, write, and compare multi-digit whole numbers; recognizing place value in a multi-digit whole number; use place value understanding to perform multi-digit arithmetic; use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place

Number and operations in Base Ten (Grade 5): charting patterns in powers of 10; find whole-number quotients of multi-digit whole numbers; fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using standard algorithm; perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals to hundredths; read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths; recognizing different values in a multi-digit number; use place value understanding to round decimals to any place

Number Cards form (Grade 5)

Number Clues form (Grade 5)

Number Form Cards (Grade 4)

Number Generator activity (Grade 4)

Number Scramble activity (Grade 3)

Numbers: composite; generating a pattern of; prime; visual fraction models or equations to multiply fractions and mixed.
See also
Whole numbers

Numbers Chain activity (Grade 4)

Numerical expressions: write and interpret symbols in; write numerical expression that record calculations and interpret


“One-degree angle” measurement

Operations and algebraic thinking (Grade 3): apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide; combining whole number groups; determining the unknown whole number in equation relating three whole numbers; identify and explain arithmetic patterns by using properties of operations; interpreting whole-number quotients of whole numbers; multiply and divide within 100; solving two-step word problems using the four operations; understanding division as an unknown-factor problem; word problems involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities

Operations and algebraic thinking (Grade 4): find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1– 100; generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule; interpret multiplication equation as a comparison; multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison; solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers

Operations and algebraic thinking (Grade 5): generating patterns and identifying relationships between corresponding terms; write and interpret symbols in numerical expressions

Organizing Quadrilaterals form (Grade 5)

Our Two Units of Measurement activity (Grade 4)


Packing Rectangular Prism activity (Grade 5)

Parallel lines: classifying two-dimensional figures based on presence of; definition of; draw and identify in two-dimensional figures

Parallelograms: rectangle subgroup of; rhombuses subgroup of; square as both a rhombus and rectangle

Parts of Figures, I form (Grade 3)

Parts of Figures, II form (Grade 3)

Patterns: charting powers of 10; generating a number or shape; generating and identifying relationships between corresponding terms; hundreds chart used to generate; identify and explain by using properties of operations; solving problems and identify and explain; Two-Step Equations

Pencil Lengths form (Grade 4)

Pencils and Line Plots activity (Grade 4)

Perimeter formula for rectangles

Perimeters: Measuring Rectangles activity (Grade 4); Perimeter and Finding Area activity (Grade 3); Perimeters and Areas of Rectangles form (Grade 3)

Perpendicular lines: classifying two-dimensional figures based on presence of; define coordination system by using axes or; definition of; draw and identify in two-dimensional figures

Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs activity (Grade 3)

Picture graphs (Grade 3)

Picture Pencils (Grade 4)

Piecing Together Division activity (Grade 5)

A Place for Zero: A Math Adventure

Place value: charting patterns in powers of 10; finding whole-number quotients and remainders using; fluently add and subtract within 1,000 using algorithms based on; generalizing understanding for multi-digit whole numbers; multiplying whole numbers using properties of operations and; place value, addition, and subtraction of decimals; read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths using; recognizing in multi-digit whole numbers; round multi-digit whole numbers to; rounding whole numbers by understanding; used to round decimals to any place

Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction of Decimals activity (Grade 5)

Placing Fractions on the Number Line activity (Grade 3)

Plane figures: measured by counting square units; recognizing area as attribute and using square units to measure

Points: definition of; draw and identify in two-dimensional figures; graphed in coordination system first quadrant to represent problems

Polygon Hierarchy Pattern form (Grade 5)

Polygons: definition of; solving problems involving perimeters of

Polygons: Definitions and Properties form (Grade 5)

The Prime Challenge activity (Grade 4)

Prime numbers: list of prime numbers less than 100; two factors of

Problem Bank for Multiplication and Division Bingo form (Grade 3)

Problem Grid form (Grade 3)

Problems and Reasonable Answers form (Grade 4)

Problems, Models, and Equations activity (Grade 4)

Products and Problems form (Grade 3)

Protractors: Angle Estimate and Measure Game activity using; Measuring Angles Virtually activity using


Quadrilaterals: description of; naming and classifying; organizing; using different shapes with shared attributes to define

Quadrilaterals form (Grade 5)

Quotients: definition of; Demonstrating Division activity to find; Dividends and Quotients form on; Division Puzzles activity to find; Finding Dividend, Divisors, and Quotients form


Rays: definition of; draw and identify in two-dimensional figures; Rays form (Grade 4)

Recording the Metric Monster Mass form (Grade 3)

Rectangles: description of; formula for finding area of a; formula for finding the perimeter of a; measurements and conversion of measurements for; square as both a rhombus and; tiling to find the areas of

Rectangular Prism Net form (Grade 5)

Relating Fractions to Division activity (Grade 5)

Rhombus: description of; square as both a rectangle and a

Round the Number activity (Grade 5)

Round the Number Game Cards form (Grade 5)

Rounding decimals

Rounding Numbers activity (Grade 4)

Rounding Numbers form (Grade 3)

Rounding whole numbers


Scaling Numbers for Multiplication activity (Grade 5)

Scaling (resizing) multiplication

Shapes: classifying quadrilateral; generating a pattern of; parallelograms; partitioning into parts with equal areas; rectangles; rhombuses; squares

Shapes and Structures activity (Grade 4)

Squares: as both rhombus and rectangle; working with fractions of

Squares and Fractions activity (Grade 3)

Standards and activities (Grade 3): geometry; measurement and data; number and operations– fractions; number and operations in Base Ten; operations and algebraic thinking

Standards and activities (Grade 4): geometry; measurement and data; number and operations– fractions; number and operations in Base Ten; operations and algebraic thinking

Standards and activities (Grade 5): geometry; measurement and data; number and operations– fractions; number and operations in Base Ten; operations and algebraic thinking

Stepping Forward with Multiplication activity (Grade 4)

Subtraction: equivalent fractions used for fractions with unlike denominators; fluently add and subtract within 1,000; multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm; place value, addition, and subtraction of decimals

Sums and Differences form (Grade 4)

Symbols: description of; evaluating numerical expressions using


10-Centimeter Square form (Grade 3)

Tiling and Finding Area activity (Grade 3)

Tiling Rectangles with Fractions activity (Grade 5)

Time to Read activity (Grade 3)

Two-dimensional figures: attributes belonging to both subcategories and category of; classify based on parallel or perpendicular lines; classify in a hierarchy based on properties; draw and identify lines, rays, points, angles in; identifying any line symmetry in classroom; recognize a line of symmetry for

Two-Step Equations form (Grade 3)


Unit fraction: building fractions from; description of

Unit squares: measuring areas by counting; partitioning shapes and expressing area of each part as; polygon area made up of; understanding area measurement of

Unit Squares for Constructing Rectangles form (Grade 5)

Using Formulas to Find the Volume of Rectangular Prisms activity (Grade 5)


Visual fraction models

Liquid volumes


What Does It Equal? activity (Grade 3)

What Time Is It? activity (Grade 3)

What's My Number? (Grade 5)

What's the Problem? activity

Which Equation? activity (Grade 3)

Which One Does Not Belong? form (Grade 3)

Whole numbers: build fractions from unit fractions by applying operations on; determining the unknown; dividing unit fractions by; find all factor pairs for whole number in the range 1– 100; finding whole-number quotients and remainders; interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison; interpreting products of; interpreting whole-number quotients of; measure angles in whole-number degrees; multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10; multiplication to multiply a fraction by a; multiply a fraction by a; place value for multi-digit; rounding; solve multistep word problems with whole-number answers and posed with.
See also
Multi-digit whole numbers; Numbers

Word problems: using four operations to solve two-step; involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes; involving different units of measurement; involving division of whole numbers leading to answers in form of fractions or mixed numbers; involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities; involving liquid volumes, masses of objects, and intervals of time; Measurement, Conversions, and Word Problems activity; multiply or divide problems involving multiplicative comparison; solve equivalent fractions to add and subtract fractions; solve multistep problems posed with whole numbers; visual fraction models used to solve

Word Problems with Measurement activity (Grade 4)






Zero: multi-digit arithmetic and understanding of;
A Place for Zero: A Math Adventure

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