Teacher Screecher (6 page)

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Authors: Peter Bently

BOOK: Teacher Screecher
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“Quick!” said Lee. “Now's our chance!”

The four bats swooped down to the Monster Megacharger.

“There should be a special knob here somewhere,” said Billy, peering at the buzzing, whirring machine with all its flashing dials and buttons and glowing tubes and different colored wires. “Geez! Where is it? It's all very confusing.”


“Any second now!” grunted Mr Gore. “Hrurgh! Hrurgh!”

The brass tip of the conductor was now sticking out of the hole into the storm. Gore was attaching a long cable to a socket in the base. The other end of the cable was plugged into the Monster Megacharger.

Miss Fitt's eyes flicked open.

“Vampires!” she muttered—too quietly for Mr. Gore to hear, but loudly enough to startle the bats.

“Ouch!” said Boris, walloping his head on the machine.

“Now!” yelled Gore. “It is time!”

“Oh no!” cried Bella. “Look! We're too late!”


A stupendous bolt of lightning struck the conductor with a great

As the thunder exploded overhead, brilliant blue sparks flashed down the conductor, along the cable, into the Monster Megacharger, out through the wires—and into the bolts in Miss Fitt's neck. She jerked and twitched and bounced into the air, nearly snapping her straps.

“Come on!” hissed Lee. “Time to get out of here!”

The bats darted into the rafters just as Gore swung around and lurched back toward the bench.

“It is done! It is done!” wailed Gore, switching off the Monster Megacharger. “Zose pesky vampires do not know vot is comink! Hrurgh! Hrurgh! Hrurgh!”

As old Gore cackled hysterically, the bats shot out of the attic and into the stormy sky.

“Well, that was a waste of time,” said Lee gloomily.

“And now Miss Fitt will be even more horrble,” said Bella.

“I'm going home to get out of the rain,” shivered Billy.

“Me too,” said Lee.

“And me,” said Bella. “See you both at school later—”

She suddenly hesitated.

“Hang on,” she gasped. “Where's Boris?”

Chapter 7

After the Storm

Before lessons the next evening, Lee and Bella told everyone about their adventure in old Gore's attic.

“What?” said Big Herb, between chomps of chocolate Screme Egg. “You mean old Gore has made Miss Fitt even worse? How can she be worse than she was yesterday? It took me so long to do my math homework, I didn't get into my coffin till it was almost daylight.”

“We don't know what happened to Boris,” said Bella. “I hope he didn't have to spend the whole day hiding in the attic from old Gore and Miss Fitt!”



“Yikes,” said Lee. “Here she comes! Where's Billy?”

“He's late,” said Bella. “Miss Fitt will go ballistic!”

As the stomping got closer, Mr. Gore suddenly appeared with his tool bag and pretended to check the classroom door, which was still broken from the night before. But he kept glancing at the class and chuckling unpleasantly.

“Look at him,” whispered Lee. “He's waiting to see the results of the Monster Megacharger.”



A few seconds later, Miss Fitt stood in the doorway.

“Good mornink, Miss Fitt!” smarmed Gore. “Anysink you need, Your Monstrosity, just let me know!”

Miss Fitt stomped to the front of the class. And just at that moment, Billy hurtled through the door.

The whole class gasped in horror. Poor Billy! What would Miss Fitt do?

Mr. Gore smirked and rubbed his hands together in glee. Little flakes of finger snowed down onto his boots.

“I-I'm really s-sorry I'm late, miss!” panted Billy in terror.

Miss Fitt stared at him.

“M-my watch stopped,” said Billy. “I-it got wet in the rain.”

The other children held their breath. No one dared to move.

Miss Fitt opened her mouth.

And smiled.

“Never mind, Billy,” she chuckled. “These things happen. Just run along and sit down. That's a good boy.”

The whole class gasped again—in disbelief.

“S-sorry, miss?” said Billy, not quite daring to move.

“I do hope your watch can be mended,” Miss Fitt went on. “Perhaps Mr. Gore would be kind enough to look at it for you?”

Mr. Gore had stopped rubbing his hands together. His mouth had fallen open, and he was making a strange gurgling sound.

“Dear me, are you all right, Mr. Gore?” said Miss Fitt. “You look a little green.”

“That's just his normal color!” whispered Lee to Bella.

“I-I'm … fine,” croaked Mr. Gore. “But you … you're supposed to be … I thought …”

“Oh good,” interrupted Miss Fitt firmly. “I'm delighted you're well. Now do be a dear and fix Billy's watch. By lunchtime?”

Billy handed over his watch. He still couldn't quite believe what was happening. Nor could anyone else.

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