Teacher Screecher (2 page)

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Authors: Peter Bently

BOOK: Teacher Screecher
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He opened his mouth and made a weird noise like someone coughing, gargling, and throwing up all at the same time.

“Hrurgh! Hrurgh! Hrurgh!”

“Good grief,” whispered Lee. “Old Gore's actually laughing!”

“Wow!” said Billy. “Do you think he's sick? There's a lot of bat flu about.”

“Don't be silly,” said Bella. “Only vampires get bat flu. And bats, of course.”

“So why is he so cheerful?” said Billy. “Old Gore doesn't do cheerful.”

“I bet it's something to do with that crate,” said Lee. “Maybe it's a new floor polisher. He's always moaning about the old one.”

Lee was right. It was something to do with the crate. But it wasn't a new floor polisher. Inside the crate was something much, much worse.

Chapter 2

Miss Fitt

Lee, Bella, and Billy entered their classroom to see Mrs. Garlick, the school principal.

“Settle down, please, Miss Gargoyle's class!” said Mrs. Garlick. “I am afraid Miss Gargoyle has a nasty case of bat flu. She will be off school for at least two weeks.”

“Oh, poor Miss Gargoyle!” said Bella.

“While Miss Gargoyle is away, you will have a substitute teacher,” said Mrs Batty. “She has also worked at Chaney Street Elementary School and Mr. Savage, the principal, tells me that she is very nice.” Chaney Street was the werewolf elementary school down the road. “In fact, she should be here any min—”

She was interrupted by a noise in the corridor.





“Yikes!” said Lee, as the whole classroom shook. “What on earth is that?”




The heavy stomping sound was getting louder and louder. And closer and closer.




Tables wobbled and windows rattled. Pencils and crayons jumped out of pots.

Mrs. Garlick's glasses fell off her nose. The Monster Munches that Big Herb was secretly eating bounced out of the packet and onto the floor.




The noise stopped. Everyone held their breath. Then—




The classroom door was torn off its hinges. It toppled to the ground with a


But the young vampires weren't looking at the door.

They were looking at what was standing in the doorway.

It was ten feet tall and five feet wide. It was dressed completely in black and clutched a little pink handbag. Two stiff braids stuck out horizontally from its head. And two steel bolts stuck out horizontally from its neck.

Attached to one of the bolts was a label that said:


It was a monster. The children gasped.

“Now we know what was in that crate!” whispered Lee.

roared the monster.

Mrs. Garlick smiled nervously.

“Ah, children,” she said. “Erm—allow me to introduce Miss Fitt. Your new teacher.”

Chapter 3

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