Teach Me Love (12 page)

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Authors: S. Moose

BOOK: Teach Me Love
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Chapter 17



When Abigail told
me she knew Katherine and Ryan was Lucas’s father, I was shocked and wasn’t sure what to say but I knew I wasn’t be mad at her. She was in a bad position and I understood why she kept it from me. I wanted to know more about their falling out but tonight wasn’t the night for that. I wanted everything to be perfect and wanted to show her I was the one she should be with.

Her laugh makes me smile and makes me feel whole. I haven’t been this happy in so long. I want to make her mine. I send a text to Gary letting him know my plans. Tonight is the night. I’m ready to fall in love again and let her in; all the way in.

We finish dinner and I pay before leaving the restaurant. When we get outside, I take her hand in mine and we start walking. It’s a nice evening and the skies are clear. With each step, I get fearful. I don’t want to pressure Abigail or make her feel as though she has to say yes but I want to make her understand I want to be with her. I want to take care of her and Lucas and make sure Lucas gets all the care he needs and deserves. I see her looking at me and she’s looking at everything but me. I like watching her take in her surroundings and making little comments about the buildings we pass. There are lights all over the park when we make it on the next path. There are benches all over and the smell of the garden is near.

“Jacob, where are we
going?” Abigail anxiously asks. “You’re making me nervous.”

I shake my head and make sure I don’t reveal anything about my plans.
I want this to be a surprise and sweep her off her feet. I hope Gary has everything in place. We make it to the gazebo and within seconds the lights come on. I hear Abigail gasp as the lights on the gazebo flicker on. There are red rose petals all over with soft music playing.

, what’s going on?” Abigail asks still looking around. I let out another laugh and guide her to the white bench by the rose garden. When we sit down, Abigail is still looking at me. “Are you going to talk at all?”

I take her hand in mine again and
her sexy eyes draw me in and I forget what I want to say. Abigail keeps looking around and stammers over her words. Her hand shakes in mine and her eyes shoot all over the park. Without thinking I bring my lips to hers and when we touch, I feel sparks. Her lips are soft and tender. I bring my hands to her face as I deepen the kiss. Our tongues touching, driving my body crazy. At first she’s hesitant but when I bring her closer, she lets me in and begins to relax.  I want to be the only man she kisses and loves. I realize, with this kiss, how much she means to me. I slowly pull away from her and our breathing is labored. “Abigail, be mine. You’re all I think about. We’ve been friends for months now and I think it’s time to take our friendship to the next level. I care about you Abigail; you and Lucas. I can give you and Lucas everything and I can make you happy. Both of you.”

Abigail doesn’t say anything but
I see a flicker of hope in her eyes, or at least I think I do. My heart pounds against my body and I’m not sure what to expect her to say. I know she’s scared to commit to me but I want to take those fears away. Her rigid and tense body slowly starts to relax as she lets my vow to her sink in. I don’t want her to think she has to be alone anymore. We’ve both been alone for too long and it’s time to make things official. Before I can say anything, Abigail softly answers, “Yes Jacob. I’m yours.” I quickly pick her up and spin her around in my arms. I wrap my arms around her waist and bring her lips to mine again. This time, our kiss is intense and full of want. The dance our tongues create makes me want more. She grabs me and pulls my head closer to hers. My dick goes instantly hard. I’m scared Abigail can feel it but if she does, she isn’t moving away. Her fingers run through my hair as she lets out soft moans from our kiss. I have to stop kissing her before things get out of hand. I pull away and bring my lips to her forehead. “You don’t know how happy you’re making me right now.”

, just promise me you won’t hurt me or Lucas. Please?”

The tone is her voice breaks me. How can she think I would hurt her? There’s nothing anyone or anything can do to tear us apart. “I promise sweetheart.”

“I’m giving you my heart Jacob. Just please, I am begging you, don’t break it because I don’t think I’d survive.”

“Sweetheart, believe me please. I promise to always be here by your side. Nothing will ever make me leave.”

And I intend to keep that promise.


Sunday morning rolls around as I go over to Abigail’s and pick them up for our first Sunday get together. I hate leaving her at night and going home by myself but I know I can’t ask us to live together, well at least not yet. I put my SUV in park and get out of the car. I see Lucas looking out the window vigorously waving at me. I wave back. As I am about to step on the porch, he opens the door and jumps in my arms.

“Hey buddy. How are you?” I hold him out at arm’s length as he smiles. “Thank you for my picture. Your mom gave it to me last night and it’s now hanging in my room.” Lucas starts laughing and throws
his tiny arms around me again. The hairs on my arms stick up and without looking up, I know she’s standing there - my beautiful Abigail. I look up and see that brilliant smile on her face. I slowly stand up while holding Lucas in my arm. I step closer to my angel and slide my free arm around her waist. I lightly kiss her lips and hold the kiss for a few seconds. Abigail pulls away and smiles.

“Good morning,” she breathlessly says.

“Good morning beautiful. Are you guys ready to go?”

“Yes just let me grab m
y purse. Lucas do you want Mama to get your backpack?” Lucas shoots his head up and nods his head once. “Okay go with Jacob to the car and I’ll be right there. Jacob can you get his booster seat out of m

“No need.” Abigail shoots me the death glare as I laugh.
“Easy killer. I have one. I bought it this morning.” Her expression softens as she brings her hand to cover her mouth. We look at each other for a moment until Lucas starts wiggling in my arms letting me know he’s getting impatient. “Alright buddy let’s get in the car.”

“Thank you for taking us to the beach Jacob. Mama was excited this morning.”

I look at Lucas and smile. “Little man, I love spending time with you two.”

“Us too!”
Jacob gives me a high five and we both laugh.

We drive to beach and walk hand in hand on the sand to put our things down. We find a spot and start placing a large beach blanket on the sand as Abigail puts sunscreen on Lucas. I
watch the two of them and my heart warms. This is the life I want. The love I have for the both of them grows and I want to always show them how I feel. I bring over the bag of toys for Lucas and we start building a sand castle.

The beach is beginning to get busy
and Abigail starts looking around the beach as if she’s looking for something. She wraps her arms around her knees and stares out to the ocean. I bend down and stroke her arms. “Where’s your head at?”

She leans in and kisses the tip of my nose.
“Just taking it all in. Don’t worry honey.”

“Well relax baby. I’m going to go help Lucas with a castle.” I kiss her again and run off to play with Lucas in the sand. I look over at her and she’s taking out a book to read.
Out of nowhere I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and see Mila running towards me.

“Uncle Jacob!” Mila runs faster and jumps in my arms. “Daddy didn’t tell me you would be here today!”

“Oh I didn’t know you were going to be here sweetheart. How are you?”

“So good!
Where have you been? Mommy said you’ve been busy but you shouldn’t be too busy for me Uncle Jacob!”

I start laughing as I pick her up and see Logan walking towards me with Hayden. “Hey guys. Nice day to come to the beach?”

“Hi Jacob. I didn’t know you were going to be here. You should’ve called.” Hayden gives me a hug and kisses my cheek. “Hey Abigail.”

Abigail gets up and picks up Lucas to come over to us. “Hey! I didn’t know you would be here too. Sorry I didn’t ca
ll you! Today’s our first Sunday outing and it completely slipped my mind.”

I notice Hayden’s eyes go wide and Logan hiding his laugh.
“Oh no worries sweetie. I see that you have your

comes closer to Abigail and gives her a hug. “Hey you.”

“Hey Logan.
Lucas say hi to everyone.” Lucas smiles and moves but then his eyes go directly on Mila. “Do you want to go back and play with Mila?” Lucas nods his head as we let them down so they can go back and play in the sand.

Hayden and Logan get situated next to us as we talk about the previous week and what we’ve been doing. Abigail and Hayden go back to the blanket and start whispering. I look over at them as Hayden lets out a high screech and hugs Abigail. I shake my head and take out the football to throw with Logan.

After about an hour, the sun is beaming down on us and the temperature rises. I watch Abigail take off her shirt and shorts, my eyes widening and my mouth going dry. Her black bikini looks incredible on her, her tone and tan body making me hard. I want to take her away from here and have my way with her. My mind starts thinking about all the things my tongue wants to do to her. Logan slaps my back, “Stop being a perv!” He laughs.

Abigail looks over and her face turns bright red. “Fuck,” I mutter to myself. I shake those thoughts as Logan and I take the kids to the water. I need a cold shower now. The water feels cool on my skin. I hold on to Lucas
as we start moving into the water. He tries to let go and swim away, “Lucas be careful. Just hold on to me.”

He looks at me with angry eyes and swiftly shakes his head. “Jacob I’m old enough to swim!”

Logan and I start laughing. I hold up my hands, “Alright little man, go for it.

To my amazement, Lucas starts swimming and he’s actually really good. He starts laughing and throws his arms in the air. A part of me feels bad I didn’t listen to him but Lucas doesn’t look like he’s upset anymore. I walk over to him to make sure he doesn’t go too far. The water is already at my waist and this seems far enough. “Lucas, just swim around here okay?”

Lucas nods his head and swims to Mila who is clinging onto Logan and won’t get in the water.  Lucas, with a smile on his face, looks at Mila and motions for her to come in as well.

“No Lucas!”

“Mila come on! I won’t let anything happen to you. It’s fun in the water.”

“Mila, do you want to go with Lucas? He looks like he’s having fun.” Logan asks.

“Bu-but Daddy I’m scared.” Mila nuzzles her face in Logan’s chest.

“Baby girl you don’t have anything to be scared of. Uncle Jacob and I are right here so
don’t worry. Let’s try.”

“O-okay Daddy.
Uncle Jacob, are you coming?”

“Right behind you Mila.”

The three of us get closer to Lucas. His face beams as we approach him and he sees Mila. Without thinking, Mila squirms out of Logan’s arms and gets in the water. Logan and I watch her get in the water and when she tries to get to Lucas, he comes to her side and helps her swim. “Looks like Mila just found a boyfriend,” I laugh as I smack Logan’s shoulder. His face goes pale and stern.


Abigail and Hayden join us in the water within minutes. Everyone is laughing and having a great time. I throw Lucas in the water and the same with Mila. Abigail comes behind me and rests her chin on my shoulder, “Thanks for a great day.” She kisses my cheek.

“You’re welcome, beautiful.” I quickly grab her before she swims away and toss her in the water as well.

“Jacob! I’m going to kill you!”

“If you can catch me.” I splash water in her face again as Lucas swims to me and climbs onto my back. “Hey! Be careful! I have Lucas.”

You can’t use him to protect you!”

After spending the morning and most of the afternoon at the beach, we start packing up to leave. Lucas and Mila are passed out as we put away the toys and blankets. I take Lucas in my arms and most of our t
hings as Abigail takes his backpack. We say our goodbyes to Logan and Hayden and promise to catch up later in the week. I put Lucas in the car and make sure he’s safely in. When we’re all in, Abigail takes my hand and strokes my neck, “Thank you again for today Jacob. It was so fun.”

I squeeze her hand and kiss her softly. “Anytime, you know I enjoy spending time with the both of you.”

“We love having you around.” Her sweet voice brings a smile to my face. Things are going well but a part of me is scared something will happen. Nothing seems to last forever.

When we get back to Abigail’s house, she takes in Lucas and I let her know I’ll bring everything else in. It’s about seven in the evening and I’m exhausted when I bring everything inside. I see a water bottle with a post-it note on it.

Here’s some water for my incredible boyfriend. Get comfortable and I’ll be down soon.

I smile as I read her note. I twist the cap off the water bottle as I relax on the sofa. I turn on the TV and make sure the vo
lume is low. The news is on and I feel my eyes getting heavy. Before I know it, I close my eyes and drift off.

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