Tangled Web (12 page)

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Authors: Lizzie James

BOOK: Tangled Web
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I looked back at his parents and noticed they were no longer
smiling but glaring at mine and Nathan’s clasped hands.
I wanted to smirk at how obvious they were
I had no doubt that they liked
In their eyes I was Chloe, a great
As a person they liked me.
But that’s where it ended.
Right now in their eyes I was Chloe
The daughter of their
Attempting to lure their baby boy
I wanted to laugh it was so

“Living in Paris was wonderful,” I said, smiling.
Big fat lies but no one needed to know
“I realised something living in
Paris and decided to come home.”
I took
a sip of my wine and heard Adam chuckle next to me.

“And what was that, Chloe?” Adam asked, smirking at me.

I turned to look at Nathan and smiled at him.
He grinned back in response.
I could stare into those beautiful brown eyes
of his for days.
I turned back to Adam
and smiled sweetly at him.
Adam frowned
at me when I did this.
There wasn’t a
lot of love for me at this table.
cocked an eyebrow at me reminding me that I hadn’t answered.

I looked back at Nathan and he was frowning at me.
It was obvious he was scared I was letting
his family get to me.
Normally they
would have and I would have been out the door by now.
That wasn’t the case.
When I was with Nathan I felt strong.
I knew what we were doing was worth fighting
I tightened my fingers around his
and smiled at Nathan.
I could feel Adam
peering at us.

“What I realised is that my life is here.” I smiled, winking
at him.

Nathan grinned when I said this, leaning down and kissing me
on my cheek.
Much to the dissatisfaction
of his entire family.

With the tension mounted at the dinner table, all I wanted
to do was escape.
But I was also glad
that I handled myself well.
If I allowed
them to, this family could rip me apart.
As I wiped my lips with my napkin Sylvia drank the last of her
Looks like I won this round.

“Would you like more dessert?” she sweetly asked.

It was a shame it had come to this.
Over the years I had developed what I thought
was a strong relationship with Sylvia.
wouldn’t have called us close but I would have said that if push came to shove
I could go to her with my problems.
looks like that was no longer the case.

“No thank you,” I replied, draining the last of my wine.

“Actually, I was thinking Chloe would like to take a walk
around the gardens,” Nathan said, standing and extending his hand to me.

No need to ask me twice.
Looks like he was as eager to get away from this table as I was.

Once we left the house, I sank into Nathan’s side.

He laughed as I did this, wrapping his arm around me.
“Well done,” he proudly said, kissing the top
of my head.

I laughed. “I thought my family was difficult.” I
“I thought your mother liked
I said it to lighten the mood but I
obviously failed to keep the disappointment out of my tone.
Nathan slowed his pace and pulled me around
so I was facing him.
I was too
embarrassed to look up at him.
I didn’t
want to cause trouble between him and Sylvia but I was genuinely hurt at the
way Sylvia reacted.
Was I such a
horrible match for her son?

“Don’t do that,” he whispered, roughly pulling my face up so
I was looking at him.
“Don’t hide from
I can’t stand it when you do
I smiled tightly in
“My mother loves you.
To her you’re the double of her best friend
that she misses.”

“My mother.” I nodded.
“I guess when she walked out on us she also walked out on your
I appreciated his agreement.
“I never thought of it like that.”

“You were just a little girl,” he reasoned.
“Left with a father that was married to his
My mother only wanted to take care
of you but then everything happened and sadly here we are.”

“So what you’re saying is I’m good enough to play dollies
with but not to be sexually involved with her son?” I asked, teasing him.

He threw his head back laughing. “That’s exactly what I’m
saying.” He chuckled, pulling me closer to him.

Even in heels I wasn’t tall enough to reach him.
I leaned up and pressed my lips to his.
He immediately opened his lips to me and
pulled me closer by my waist.
I pulled
away wrapping my arms around his neck.

“What are you smiling about?” I asked, stroking my fingers
through the back of his hair.
His eyes
closed as I did this and he let out a sigh.

“You.” He smiled, pulling the ends of my hair and twirling
his fingers through them.
“How happy I
am right now.”
I beamed at him when he
said this.
“I don’t care what our
families say.
I knew they wouldn’t like
We’ll be getting it from both sides
but I couldn’t care,” he said, shaking his head.
He pressed his hand to the back of my neck
and tilted my head up.

As he leaned in to kiss my neck my hands dug into his
His lips should be
He pressed several kisses to my
neck while gently nibbling.
His lips
trailed up to my ear and he gently nipped my lobe.

“I still want you,” he whispered, sucking my earlobe.

I moaned out loud.
pressed my face into his neck and sucked his neck with a gentle bite.
I felt his shoulders tense and smiled to
“Then what’s stopping you?” I
whispered seductively in his ear.
I felt
him tense before he moved.

He spun me around and pressed me roughly against the side of
the garage.
He hoisted me up and I
gasped as my dress rode up.
In no time
at all he was undoing his belt buckle and pulling his cock out, pumping himself
a few times.
I moaned at his need for me
and rubbed myself against him.

“Fuck me now, Nathan.” I gasped, licking his neck.
As I wrapped my legs around him, he quickly
rolled a condom onto himself, slipped my thong aside and pushed into me.

My head rolled back as he did this.
My body gave no resistance to him.
It was almost like my body was welcoming him

His hands slipped down to cup my ass and he began thrusting
Enough,” he said in between thrusts.

Fuck, he keeps going any further and I’ll be feeling him in
my throat.
Shit, my boy can move.
I was coming apart already and by the way
Nathan was pumping inside me I would say that was his plan.

“Open your eyes, baby.
I need to see you,” he said, pulling my face down.

The second I looked at him his lips fastened on mine and I
pushed my hands into his hair, fucking his mouth with my tongue the way his
cock was fucking me.
He growled as I did

I moaned out loud pulling away and his hand came up to pull
my strapless dress down so his lips could pay attention to my nipples.
As he did this I heard a creak.
My eyes popped open and immediately met
He stood near the conservatory
blowing smoke in the air, staring straight at us.
Fuck, Nathan wasn’t stopping.
He had no clue Adam was watching.
This was creepy as hell but I couldn’t stop.

Adam smirked at me as if he knew what I was thinking.

“Nathan,” I whispered, planning to tell him to stop.
He pulled my head back roughly and dug his
teeth into my neck.
Not savagely but
rough all the same.

My eyes drifted back to Adam. I watched Adam bring his hand
down to adjust himself and he licked his lips extremely slowly.
At the same time Nathan bit my earlobe.

“Come for me, baby.” He gasped in my ear and I came around
him, shamelessly moaning as I did so.
then Nathan pushed himself into me one final time, spilling himself into

He panted into my neck and gently kissed where his teeth
undoubtedly left a mark.
Nathan pulled
back grinning at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.
He placed me down so my feet touched the
ground and gently pulled my dress down back into place.

My head shot up as footsteps approached and I tensed.
I’d completely forgotten about his creepy ass brother watching us have
‘Have sex’ was probably the wrong
term to use.
‘Fucked roughly against the
wall’ might be a better description.

“There you kids are,” his father said as he came around the
“Your mother was worried you’d
left without saying goodbye.”

Nathan winked at me before turning around. “Actually, Dad,
we were just getting ready to leave.” He gestured to the house.

Mr. Walker looked at me and smiled.
I smiled in return grasping Nathan’s hand but
he quickly frowned.
I had no chance of
pleasing these people.

As we made our way towards the house, Adam pushed the
conservatory door open.
He smiled when
he saw us.

“You found them!” he exclaimed, sounding surprised.

Surprised, my ass.
if he didn’t know where we were.
I went
through the doorway behind Nathan, Adam grinning as I passed.
I glared at him, completely mortified.

“I love the sound of your fuckable moans,” he whispered in
my ear.

I shot forward and grabbed a hold of Nathan’s arm, wrapping
myself around it.
He looked at me in
surprise and I leaned up to kiss his cheek.

A short while later we were saying goodbye to his
I had just hugged Mr. Walker
and had been passed to Sylvia.
As I
looked over her shoulder I noticed Adam was next.
No fucking way was I hugging him.
As I pulled back, Sylvia immediately hugged
her son.
I could feel Adam staring at me
but no way was I going to look at him.

Nathan took my hand and shook Adam’s hand.

“See you at work, bro,” Adam said.

Nathan nodded and smiled down at me.

I smiled back in response and we both speed-walked to the
Looks like I wasn’t the only one
who couldn’t wait to get away.

Nathan wanted to escape his family.

I wanted to escape his creepy brother.

Chapter Nine


We were silent the whole way home, both lost in our own
I couldn’t get the way Adam
looked at me out of my head.
I should
have stopped Nathan.
I should have been
firm and told him to stop.
This wasn’t
Being so caught up in the feel of
Nathan inside me that I continued to have sex in front of another man?
What the hell was wrong with me?
I was no better than a slut.

“Hey,” Nathan said, squeezing my knee.
“Where did you go?”

I smiled tightly in response.
There was no way I could tell him where my
mind had actually gone.
Oh by the way, your creepy brother was
watching you fuck me against the wall and while we’re on the subject he said
something inappropriate about my moans
He frowned at me when I failed to answer.

“I don’t care what my family thinks,” he said, brushing his
thumb across my cheek.

I held his hand to my cheek and pressed a kiss to his

“I’ll walk you up.” He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

At the door, I invited Nathan in.
He didn’t hesitate to follow me inside.
I quickly took my shoes off and shed my
I stared out the window at the
busy streets below.
I loved this
Watching all of London lit
I could stand here all night looking
at this view.
Nathan’s reflection
appeared behind me at the same time I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
His lips gently caressed my neck and my head
fell back against his chest.

“Do you want me?” he asked, tightening his arms around me.

“I do …I always want you.”
He turned me around slowly so I was facing him.
I could feel him looking at me.
The guilt I was feeling was choking me.
I shouldn’t be feeling guilty for what Adam
The guilt I was feeling was mostly
due to the fact that I should have stopped Nathan.
I should have said something!
He tilted my chin up so I was looking at him
and he frowned when my eyes met his.
do want you,” I whispered, sliding my arms around his neck, “but right now I
think I just need you to hold me.”

He nodded as I said this pressing his lips to mine. “Come
on, baby,” he said, sliding his arm underneath my knees and carrying me to my
He placed me on the floor and
slipped my dress over my head.

I felt extremely vulnerable even though we’d had more sex
than I could count.
My arms
automatically came up to cover myself even though I was still wearing my

Nathan frowned as I did this and immediately pulled his
shirt off and slipping it over my body.
He slipped his trousers and shoes off and placed me in the bed, quickly
sliding in behind me.

He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his
muscled chest.
He was so warm and
He could be hard and rough
at times but also sweet and loving at the same time.
He was an enigma and I was so lucky to have
him for my own.

“This is nice,” I said, pressing a kiss to his chest.
His hand smoothed the top of my head and he
placed a kiss to my forehead.
“Are you
staying the night?” I asked.
I felt him
turn his head and it seemed like he was hesitating.
“It’s okay if you don’t.”
Still silence.
“I mean, I have work tomorrow as well and I
understand if you can’t stay…”
I shouldn’t have said anything.
Nathan wrapped his other arm around me so
that both his hands were resting on my back.
This resulted in him squeezing me to him tighter.

“I have no plans to leave you tonight,” he whispered.
“We can travel to work together in the morning.”
I looked up at him as he said this.
“Everyone can see and there will be no
Deal?” he asked,
cocking his eyebrow.

“Deal” I kissed him briefly on the lips.
As I laid my head back down, I felt him rest
his cheek on my head.
I quickly fell
asleep surrounded by no interfering families, no awkwardness.
Just utter bliss in Nathan’s arms.

The following morning I woke up to someone pounding on my
What the hell?
I grabbed the clock off the side.
6am! I didn’t have to get up for work till
another half hour.
As I stretched I
suddenly remembered I didn’t go to bed alone.
Shit, Nathan.
I looked behind me
and there was no sign of him.
Guess I
won’t be traveling to work with him, after all.
As the pounding grew louder, I rapidly slipped off Nathan’s shirt and
pulled my robe on rushing to answer the door.
I’m sure the neighbours would love it if I answered the door completely

The whole time the pounding at the front door continued to
get louder.
“Be right there,” I called
Whoever was at the door better
have a good reason?
I opened the front
door, shock rooted me to the floor.

“Hi Chloe.” She beamed.

No one should look that stunning this early in the
She was wearing a
redshirt-dress that hugged her curves perfectly with matching killer
She extended her arm and I
noticed she brought a peace offering.

“Chase said you start every morning with a coffee?” she

I accepted the coffee cup with the Starbucks logo on it and
inhaled. “Thanks Sophie.”
She smiled
when I said this.
“Come on in,” I
offered, holding the door open for her.
As she squeezed past me I felt like the frog to her princess. I was
barely dressed and my hair was like a haystack.
“So, what can I do for you?”

“I wanted to apologize for the way I acted yesterday.
I had no right to treat you that way.
Especially over a guy.
Your family and I were raised better than
that.” She looked me straight in the eye.

“Thank you, Sophie, I appreciate that.”

She smiled as I said that and quickly reached out to hug

As I wrapped my arms around her and patted her back I saw
Nathan walk past the divider between the living area and the kitchen.
I must have tensed as Sophie quickly pulled
Nathan was making coffee by the
look of it.
I thought he’d left.

“I’ve also come here for another reason.” She

I quickly shook my head but she carried on.

“No Chloe,” she continued, ignoring my head shake.
“Yesterday wasn’t about you.
Not really.”

I frowned when she said this.

“Nathan Walker is not the man you think he is.”

As she said this, Nathan came around the corner with two
cups of coffee in his hands.
He was
dressed in nothing but his boxers.
mouth watered when I saw him.
He frowned
when he saw me talking to Sophie and gently set the cups down on the
He was like a ninja the way he
stealthily settled himself onto the settee.

All the while, Sophie
had no clue he was there.
I should tell
As I went to open my mouth Nathan
quickly lifted his finger and pressed it to his lips.
He looked sexy as hell as he told me without
words to be quiet.

“He uses women.
he cares about is his company.
worried for you, sweetie.”

How dare she?
only wanted him for herself.

“I’m scared what he could be using you for.”

At this point I was glaring at her and she noticed.
She cocked an eyebrow at me and as she went
to open her mouth to continue with her
& rip Chloe apart”
rant, Nathan made his presence known.

“Wow, Sophie.”

She froze and stared straight at me.

“You just can’t quit, can you?” he questioned,

Sophie spun on the spot and Nathan quickly shot off the sofa
and began walking straight towards us.
As he passed Sophie his arm grazed hers and I noticed she visibly
Sophie wanted Nathan for
There was no other reason she
was trying to warn me off.
Nathan placed
his arm around my waist and rested his hand on my hip, squeezing me to

I blushed as he leaned down and kissed me on my hairline.
Without heels I was so much shorter than
I barely came up to his chest.

I thought Sophie was going to try and apologize but instead
she turned her glare on me.

“Are you stupid?” she yelled.

She shocked me so much I actually paced back a little.
Nathan’s arm tightened around me so I
couldn’t go too far.

“Who do you think you are?!
This is Chase’s home!” she shouted, throwing her arms out to draw
attention to our surroundings.

“This is my home too,” I defended.

“No it’s not,” she shrieked.
“This is Chase’s home and then you invite him in here,” she yelled,
pointing at Nathan.

“I’m insulted,” Nathan sarcastically replied.

I stepped closer to Nathan and he angled his body towards

“You disgust me!” She spat at me, pushing me out of the way
to get to the front door.

I jumped as the door slammed and instantly felt bad.
Sophie seemed genuinely offended I would
bring Nathan here.
Was I being naïve or
were they being too judgemental?
only saw him as a Walker.
To me he was
just Nathan.

“I think we upset her,” he stated, seriously.

I was too busy staring at his chest to look up at him.

“Hey,” he whispered, tilting my face up so I was looking in
his eyes.
“This was to be

It was?
He rolled his
eyes as I just continued to stare at him.

“Come on, Chloe,” he impatiently replied.
“None of our families are going to take the
news well that we are together.”
squeezed my hips as he said this.
“Sophie’s just more vocal about it.”

“So what are we going to do?” I was concerned.

“Nothing.” He smiled.
“You and me need to stop worrying about them.
Just Nathan and Chloe, okay?”
I nodded when he said this.
“Good,” he whispered, grabbing me by my hips
and lifting me off the ground so he could kiss me.

It was like my body knew what he was offering.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and parted
my lips for him.
Nathan pressed his lips
to mine and it was so soft and gentle I melted right there.

“I need to shower,” I whispered and smiles at his cheeky

“That’s a coincidence … so do I.” A teasing glint in his
Nathan quickly placed his arm
behind my knees and carried me to the bathroom attached to my room.
As he placed me down on the floor I noticed
he was biting his lip.
He knew what that
did to me.
As I looked down at his hands
I noticed he kept clenching them.
quickly looked up at him as I felt his hands on my hips.
“May I?” he whispered.
Nathan had seen me naked several times now
but this time felt different.
The energy
in the room was more charged and I felt extremely vulnerable.
I nodded slowly.

Nathan’s fingers quickly undid the tie at my waist and the
robe quickly fell open.
His eyes
darkened as my body was revealed to him.
He quickly placed his hands on my shoulders and slipped the gown down my
arms so that the gown pooled around us on the floor.
Nathan’s brown eyes didn’t budge.
He made sure to keep looking into my eyes for
some reason.
I may have been naked
physically but Nathan was starting to make me feel naked emotionally.
I didn’t like it.

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