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Authors: J.A. Melville

Taming Eric (43 page)

BOOK: Taming Eric
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The door burst open and Kathryn bustled in. “Oh baby girl, you’re a

Eric sat up again as she leaned down to kiss Natasha and he watched the exchange between Mother and daughter for a moment before dropping his head back on her

“Mum.” She smiled. “Mum, do you think you could give Eric and I a minute?” He could tell Kathryn wasn’t happy about being asked to leave the room but a few minutes later he heard the sound of the door opening and then closing

“Eric. Eric, come on, look at me.” Her voice although softly spoken, was firm. She wanted him to pay attention to her that was obvious. Reluctantly he lifted his head, still embarrassed to have her see him all emotional. He swiped at his cheeks to wipe away his tears before tentatively meeting her eyes. She reached out and cupped his cheek pulling him down to her and he went willingly groaning softly when her lips touched his. He covered her mouth with his, coaxing her lips apart before sliding his tongue i

He felt her hands come up and tunnel through his hair pulling him closer and he groaned again when his cock started stirring in his jeans. Fuck but this was hardly the right time to be getting fucking turned on. He pulled away, his breathing rapid and while he cursed himself for his lack of control, there was a knock at the door and Kathryn stuck her head inside to look between the two of

“Can I come back in now?” She asked. Eric stood up and moved back to give Natasha time with her M


“Kathryn.” He gave her a warning look. It was time to let Natasha know what her new living arrangements were going
to be.

“Ok you two, what’s goin
g on?”

“Natasha the doctor is concerned about your health baby girl. You got severely dehydrated and you’re malnourished.” Kathryn started round one of the convincing Natasha she’d be better off at his

“Yes but I’m ok now aren’t I? The babies are alr

“Your babies are fine baby girl, but you’re not. You need lots of bed rest and you need to be built back up again. I can’t tell you how upset I am with you that you didn’t tell me or Eric just how sick you were. When was the last time you ate and kept the meal

Eric almost felt nauseous himself when he heard her admit she couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten and not vomited it back up. He stood quietly listening to the exchange between Mother and daughter as Kathryn slowly worked up to letting her daughter know she’d be coming home with him. He was nervous about what her reaction would be. He hoped she didn’t put up too much of a fight because it wasn’t open to negotiation. He needed her close, he had to know she was ok and having her under the same roof would ease his mind, plus just having her with him was going to please him, although having her living with him and not being able to touch her was probably going to drive him insane. He’d be having a lot of cold sh

When Kathryn finally dropped the bomb on her daughter about coming to live with him that’s when he stepped forward, walking to the bed to look down at her, joining forces with her Mother. “You’re coming to stay with me Nat

“Eric be sensible, you have to work so I’ll be alone anyway. I can take care of myself at home, seriously.” She a

“Baby I can take time off work, I am the boss and you didn’t do so well taking care of yourself otherwise you wouldn’t be

Natasha continued to argue with him and her Mother but this was one thing Eric refused to back down on and he was pleased that Kathryn was backing him on this one. There was no way he was going to allow her to go home alone. Like it or not she was coming to stay wit
h him.


Two days later and Eric was on his way to the hospital in the limo. His stomach fluttered with nervous tension at the thought of not only seeing Natasha, but today she was being released from the hospital which meant this was the day she was coming to live wit
h him.

She hadn’t exactly jumped at the idea but between Kathryn and himself, they’d both ganged up and had given her no choice. Everything was ready for her, all her clothes were in his home and Alice had been given instructions to stock up the fridge and pantry with plenty of nutritious food to tempt Natasha’s app

She looked better but she was still too thin and he wanted to see her gain some weight especially when she had two babies growing inside her. He broke out in a nervous sweat over the thought of two babies. He’d only just come to terms with the idea of becoming a Father now he was going to be a father to twins. The thought terrified him, despite Natasha making it perfectly clear that she was thrilled to be carrying his babies, he still had trouble accepting what she was saying that just because his own father had been a bastard didn’t mean that he would make a shitty father, but old habits died hard for him and he couldn’t help worrying about what it would be like when the twins were

He snapped out of his musings when the limo pulled up at the hospital. Kathryn was meeting him by the main entrance so they could go in together to take Natasha to his home. They figured if they were united then she wouldn’t be able to try and argue her way out of it. Plus Kathryn was coming to his home to see where her daughter would be staying. It was only fair given she’d been so good about agreeing to him taking care of Na

Kathryn was already waiting for him when he arrived at the main entrance and together they walked in and rode up to the ward in the elevator. When they got to Natasha’s room the door was closed and when Eric enquired as to whether they could go in or not, they were told to wait because the doctor was in seein
g her.

When the door finally opened and the doctor walked out, they entered the room and both greeted her. Kathryn packed her bag while Eric helped her out of bed. She was still a bit weak and he kept his arm around her to help hold her on her feet. He was so happy to have her in his arms, even if he was helping to hold her up

They all made their way out of the hospital and when Natasha saw the limo she turned to him in surprise. “You brought the limo? I thought you would have dr

“I thought you’d be happier with the limo baby. More room for you and if I don’t have to concentrate on driving, I can concentrate on

“Eric I’m going to be sitting down, in a car, not doing anything. I think I could have coped without supervision so you could drive. Seriously, what could have gone w

“With you baby, I’m not taking any chances.” He laughed as he helped her into the car and waited while Kathryn climbed i
n too.

“You’re coming to Eric’s too?” She asked her M

“I won’t stay long baby girl, you need to rest, but Eric invited me over to see where you’ll be staying and to help you settl
e in.”

She rolled her eyes at both of them. “Is this how it’s going to be up until the babies are born? You two treating me like an inv

Eric reached out and pulled her against him tucking her head in under his chin. “Of course baby. You didn’t do such a good job of it when you were supposed to be looking after your

“Exactly.” Kathryn agreed and she winked at him. He was pleased that she seemed to like him. It made it easier for him when his focus was on winning over her dau

He was relieved when the limo finally turned into the circular driveway of his Point Piper home. It sat right on the Harbour front with stunning views over Sydney Harbour. This was his home, his private sanctuary. He’d never brought any of his ex girlfriends here. They didn’t even know about this place as he’d always taken them to his city apartment. Natasha was the first woman he’d ever had in his home besides Alice and Maggie so he was a little nervous about what she’d think
of it.

He loved his home with its large heavy front door flanked by imposing white columns. There were verandahs upstairs and floor to ceiling windows across the front and back of the home. He watched Natasha’s expression as she stood looking around, her eyes

“Come on baby, this is your home now, don’t just stand there.” He took her elbow and led her up the few stairs to the front door. Once he’d opened the door he stood back to let her and Kathryn walk in ahead of him but they both stood in the large entry way as if reluctant to go further. “Baby, what’s wrong? Go and have a look around. You’re looking nervous. I haven’t booby trapped anything sweetheart. It’s safe to move around you

Slowly she started wandering around and Kathryn took off towards the back of the house and out the large French doors onto the back terrace where views of the harbour could be

The house was built on three levels with an elegant staircase leading upstairs and another smaller set that led downstairs to a gym area. Off one side of the entry foyer was a long wide living area and to the right of it was the kitchen. Another room was the dining room and a room with a grand piano and a pool table. Eric had made sure that his home although filled with expensive furnishings, still looked like a comfortable, welcoming

He trailed after Natasha trying to see his home through her eyes. When they finally ended up back at the staircase he asked if she was ready to go up to see the bedrooms and she nodded before walking to the bottom stair. He grabbed her elbow then swung her into his arms carrying her to the top of the stairs despite her protests that she could walk for he

“I don’t care baby. You need to preserve your strength and you’re only just out of hospital. From now on you don’t use the stairs, you take the lift.” He tol
d her.

Her eyes widened. “You have a

He grinned at her expression. “Yes baby. I don’t use it but while you’re pregnant, you use i
t ok?”

She sighed but agreed that she would use the lift, giving him a sweet smile and sticking her tongue out at him. She looked so adorable he couldn’t help himself and bent to drop a hard kiss on her mouth, nipping at her bottom lip. God it was good to have her in his home. To know she was staying with him. “You and that sassy mouth baby. Just do as I as
k ok?”

She turned away from him to look around the large living area at the top of the stairs. There were lounges, coffee table and a huge flat screen TV mounted in one corner of the room. Doors opened onto a small verandah and there were three doors leading off from the room where they

He watched as Natasha wandered out onto the small verandah to look around and then she followed him into the master bedroom, gasping when she saw it. It was a massive room decorated in cream and green. A huge four post king size bed stood in the centre of the room and all the furniture was heavy and solid looking to match the bed. The room was masculine but not overwhelmingly so. Eric had already decided if she wanted to change anything to add her touch he wasn’t going to stop her. He wanted her to feel at home while she stayed wit
h him.

She walked over to the six foot long fireplace that ran along part of one wall, elevated about two foot off the floor and with a sitting area at the front of it. She looked over at him. “Does it

He nodded. “It’s not wood burning baby although it looks like it when it’s going. It runs on

She turned away and continued exploring the room, walking into the ensuite to look around at the spa bath and huge shower with its four shower heads. She wandered through the walk through robe with its mirrors and rows upon rows of hanging space, shelves and dr

Natasha didn’t say much just left the room and walked across the living area to see the other two bedrooms. Neither were as big as the master bedroom but they both had their own bathrooms. When she’d finally looked all around she turned to him a huge smile on her face. “Your home is beautiful Eric and not what I would have expected, that’s for

He grinned, relieved that she liked his house. “So what did you expect baby?” He was cu

She waved her hand around. “Certainly not this. I just thought Eric Rothman, CEO, that you’d have one of those ultra modern homes, very sterile, very clinical and probably quite bare in

“How could you think that baby? You saw my Tasmanian home. I don’t do ultra modern, clinical and sterile. That’s not me. I designed the renovations for this place myself but I didn’t do the actual work. I got trades in on this

They were interrupted by Kathryn suddenly turning up. “Ah there you two are. I’ve been nosing around downstairs. Have you seen the views from the terrace and Eric, you have your own jetty? It’s a stunning home. Baby girl if you don’t want to stay here, I will.” She la

“Thank you Kathryn. How about you come to the terrace baby and see the views your Mother is talking about.” Natasha nodded and he stared in amazement when she walked to the stairs. “Natasha, what did I tell you?” His voice was firm and she looked back at him in surprise. He folded his arms, raising one eyebrow at her as she continued to stare at him question

He grinned to himself when he saw realisation dawn in her expression before she rolled her eyes at him. “Oh for crying out loud Eric. I’m sure I’ll be fine to walk down the damned st

“No baby, you might slip and fall on them, take the lift like I told you. It’s not open to de

She stomped over to the lift and stepped inside. He followed her but he nearly laughed out loud when she shut the doors in his face forcing him to use the stairs instead. “Witch.” He murmured to hi

Feeling more light hearted than he’d felt since they’d been together in the hotel and then Tasmania before it had all gone horribly wrong, Eric rushed down the stairs, taking them two at a time, ignoring Kathryn’s astonished expression as he shot past her. He wanted to beat the lift to the lower level and he made it just in time, leaning against the wall in an attempt to appear nonchalant as the lift doors opened. When she stepped out, a mutinous look on her face, he bent down and kissed her. “My home, my rules baby.” He whispered in her ear, feeling her shiver. She wasn’t completely immune to him it appeared and that sent a spark of excitement through him. “Come on, stop sulking.” He took her hand and led out onto the back terrace with Kathryn following

He walked Natasha to the edge of the few stairs that led to the lower level with a path that ran right up to the

“No boat?” She

He shook his head. “I have a yacht baby, but she’s too big to moor

“So you do have a boat then?” She smirked a
t him.

“No baby, I don’t have a boat. The Bella Rose would be greatly insulted if you referred to her as a

Natasha looked over at the cottage that was on one side of his property. It was painted white with blue trims and a garden filled with flowers in the small yard around it. When she asked who lived there, he told her it was Alice’s home. “I told you she lives here

“So where is Alice?” She

“She’s out shopping sweetheart. I gave her instructions that I wanted the house well stocked with food for

She rolled her eyes at him. “Seriously Eric? You don’t have the poor woman running around for me do you? I’m sure whatever she would normally prepare for you will be fine fo
r me.”

“Baby you heard what the doctor said. You need to build yourself back up. You lost weight, a lot of weight.” His eyes travelled over her body. She still had such a fragile look to her and he wanted to see her back to her normal weight again. “You’re pregnant and you need plenty of good food. Not just for you but for our ba

Natasha stared at him looking slightly annoyed and he met her gaze stubbornly. He was not backing down when it came to her health. The whole idea of having her in his home was to take care of her and between himself and Alice he was damned well going to make sure that hap

Kathryn cleared her throat drawing the attention from their mental locking of horns and back to her. “I think it’s time for me to leave you two a

“You don’t have to go

“I do baby girl. I just wanted to get a look at Eric’s place, see where you were staying and I’ve done that. Now I need to go and give you a chance to get yourself sorted and settl
e in.”

They all headed inside and after she had hugged Natasha and even surprised Eric by hugging him, she climbed back into the limo which was taking her back to the hospital so she could pick up her car and go

Once she’d left, there was an awkward silence. Eric felt suddenly nervous and Natasha wasn’t looking much better than he felt. “Can I get you something to drink baby?” When she nodded he led her to the kitchen. “Come and see what we

He went straight to the fridge but when he turned around she was staring at everything. “Wow. I bet Alice loves this kitchen.” She wandered around running her fingers over the granite benc

Eric loved his kitchen. He might not cook for himself much anymore, but he still liked a good kitchen and he’d made sure his one was exactly what he’d wanted. The fridge was huge, double doors with an upright freezer next to it, both in stainless steel as were the stove and

BOOK: Taming Eric
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