Read Taming Eric Online

Authors: J.A. Melville

Taming Eric (39 page)

BOOK: Taming Eric
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When he stopped by the Porsche and unlocked it he glanced down at her and saw the hint of amusement on her face as she studied his car before raising one eyebrow at him. His expression darkened when he realised she was again teasing him over his choice of car. “Don’t start baby. Don’t diss the car.” Frowning when she laughed a
t him.

“Just how many cars do you have Eric? You just keep getting better and better at the cliché don’t you?” She smirked a
t him.

“Not that many. Only 5 and that doesn’t include the limos either.” He tried not to sound too defensive but he was sensitive when it came to his cars. They were his pride and joy and no one dissed his cars although Natasha seemed to have no problem giving him a hard time about

He helped her into the car and walked around to climb into the driver’s seat. Once she was comfortable and had her seatbelt done up he started on the drive to the restaurant. Terrigal was one of the more affluent areas of the Central Coast. Right on the beach, plenty of roadside cafés and expensive homes perched on the side of the cliffs that looked over onto the beach and stunning ocean views. The restaurant was the same, built so it hung almost precariously on the side of the cliff with beautiful views. People could eat inside or take advantage of the outside deck and din
e out.

Once he’d parked he led her inside and waited for someone to come and seat them. “Do you want to sit inside or out on the deck baby?” She wanted to sit outside since it was a mild evening and when they were finally seated they both picked up their menus to start going through

“Unless you have something you want in particular Eric, why don’t we get the seafood platter for two? It seems to be a popular choice.” She indicated the number of tables that obviously were having the pl

“Ok baby, whatever you want.” He was prepared to give her whatever she wanted too but he did wonder why she tried to suppress a smile before she turned away fro
m him.

When the waitress came to take their orders he got the oysters done three ways for entrée and the seafood platter for their main. “What do you want to drink?” He asked but Natasha only wanted water. “Are you

“I’m pregnant Eric, I’m not having anything alcoh

He ordered a scotch on the rocks for himself and the waitress left them alone again. He could feel the tension rising in him since he was still waiting on her answer as to whether she would come back to work for him as his PA. It probably wasn’t the best time to ask, but his patience was wearing pretty thin. “So have you decided whether you’ll come back to work or not?” He finally

“Seriously Eric? You’re asking me that now? Well, I don’t know. I’m not interested in working right up until I’m due. I don’t need the money. I’ve got my own money from my Father’s life insurance and my inheritance. I’m good for a few years at least before I have to go back to work, so make me an offer I can’t refuse. Sounds like you need me more than I need you.” She tilted her head to one side and gave him a smile that was far from innocent. “How much do you wan
t me?”

Fuck she really was playing dirty now. He could tell from her expression that she was toying with him. There was definitely a double meaning to her question about how much he wanted her and that double meaning was not lost on his cock as it hardened, straining against his jeans. He shifted uncomfortably and her smile widened. Fuck her, she was aware of his discomfort, he was sure. He leaned forward, his voice low. “Oh I think you know exactly how much I want you

“It’s going to cost you though.” She peered at him through her lashes and Eric had to bite down hard, his teeth grinding together as he fought the urge to drag her out of there and lay her over the bonnet of the car she liked to tease him about so much. “So how much are you willing to

With his mind still no higher than his groin he ground his teeth harder, wondering how much they could take before he snapped them. For her, he’d pay anything and not just to have her back in the office either. He’d never paid for sex, but fuck it, he’d pay to have it with her, just for that chance to bury himself deep in her hot wet pussy. Fuck, he had to get himself under control. This was neither the time nor place for his focus to be centred solely on the sweet delights that lay between Natasha’s legs. He closed his eyes as he struggled to get his mind higher than his cock and finally figured it was safe to look at her without fighting the need to throw her over his shoulder and go all cave man o
n her.

“I’ll double your wage.” He finally told her and her eyes wi

“Wow, you want me that much?” Her surprise making his teeth crash together again. He really needed this conversation to get right away from the topic of how much he wanted her since he was having trouble focussing on how much he wanted her as his PA and not constantly thinking about how much he wanted her sex

“Stop it Natasha. I know what you’re trying to do and if you don’t want me laying you out on the table and fucking your brains out right now, I’d stop if I was you. Don’t make the mistake of toying with me unless you’re prepared to follow through and I know you aren’t. I know exactly what this is all about. You’re trying to punish me.” He sat back in his chair daring her to deny what he was s

“Fine Eric, no more games. I’ll come back to work for the next few months or until I’ve had enough but I will advertise for a replacement for me if that would make life easier for you and I can train them too. How’s

Finally she was giving him a break from the sexual tension and providing a solution to the problem of what to do about a PA. “I can live with that. Now let’s eat.” He glanced up as the waitress arrived with their oy

They had been prepared Kilpatrick, Mornay and Rockefeller. Since they were having the seafood platter which was huge he’d only ordered one dozen oysters for them to share. He had to endure watching and listening to Natasha eating the way she ate all food she enjoyed with a lot of moaning and eye rolling. He ate his oysters, fighting to keep his cock under control while h
e ate.

After they’d finished their entrée he started to ask her about her childhood and listened as she told him about the death of her father who she had obviously adored. The life insurance plan he’d had in place had provided her Mother and herself with more than enough money to survive, part of which had been put in trust for her which she’d had access to at 21 years of age. She’d bought the townhouse outright and her BMW. “Dad worked so hard to provide for us, but he still found time to play games with me, he made me feel loved and cherished. He and Mum were very happily married too. When Dad died, for a long time I didn’t think Mum would ever recover enough to get on with her life. She would cry all the time, it was awful.” Tears shone in her eyes and he reached out to cover her hand with his. She was so lucky to have had a Father that loved her as much as he obviously had and who had made sure they were well provided for even in the event of his death. He often wondered what his life might have been like if he’d had a Father who loved him and who hadn’t killed himself because he’d got behind the wheel

He steered the conversation onto lighter topics to let her get herself composed and they ended up arguing about what sort of books and music they liked. He found he was really enjoying this time with her. Their relationship had started out all about the sex and as mind blowing as it was, he found learning more about her, her past, what sorts of things she liked held his interest too. It was no longer just about the sex wit
h him.

Their seafood platter arrived and they both looked at in awe. It was three tiered, an art form in itself the way all the seafood had been arranged on it. It was piled high with prawns, crab, calamari, pieces of deep fried fish and Balmain

They each got stuck into the food, both too busy eating to bother with more conversation. Although Eric’s love of seafood was not quite as big as Natasha’s, he had to concede the food was bloody good. By the time they both had eaten their fill, they felt full, so much so they both had to lean back to make some room for their bloated sto

He grinned as he watched Natasha rub her stomach and moan. “Over eaten baby?” He

“I think I’m going to burst.” She groaned before suddenly yawning widely, although she put a hand up to her mouth to try and ma
sk it.

“I think it’s time to get you home and in bed.” He la

“I’m not having sex with you Eric.” She frowned when she met his

He raised an eyebrow at her. He knew they weren’t having sex, but fuck if it wasn’t going to kill him to give her a chaste kiss and walk out her door. She didn’t need to know that though and he had to admit he was a little curious that she seemed to be the one mentioning the sex, or in this case, reminding him that there would be none. He was beginning to suspect she wasn’t as immune to him as she appeared to be. His PA might be putting on an act for his benefit. He hoped so because if she was still interested in him, there was hope for them to have a relationship after all. “I never said I wanted to have sex with you baby.” He told her lying through his teeth to her. Fuck he wanted to have sex with her so badly he knew he was going to have to take care of business when he got home if he wanted any chance of getting any sleep tonight. “You know for someone who is so determined that we not have sex, you seem to be the only one bringing it up an awful lot sweetheart.” He grinned at her while he dropped a hand under the table to squeeze hard on his cock to get it under control. If she could see what was going on in his jeans she’d know he was blatantly lying to her. “Just who are you trying to convince? Me or you?” He cocked his head to one side as he studied her

He had to hide his smile when she ignored him and told him she wanted to go home. “I’m sorry Eric, but if I stay here much longer I’m going to end up face first on my plate.” She yawned

He decided not to push her for an answer about her preoccupation with reminding him there would be no sex. “Ok baby, come on, I’ll get you home.” He stood up and helped her to her feet before paying for dinner and leading her back out to the car. Once they were both seated, he started the car and headed for Natasha’s town

He was about halfway back when he noticed he eyes dropping shut and her head ended up resting against the passenger window. He took a quick glance over at her and saw she’d succumbed to her fatigue and was a

When he got back to her townhouse he pulled up by her garage and gently shook her. “Come on baby, you’re home, wake up.” She mumbled something and settled deeper into the Porsche’s seat. He tried a couple more times to wake her but she was in a deep sleep. He had no choice, he was going to have to carry her i

He grabbed her handbag and dug around until he had her keys and before lifting her from the car, he walked to her front door and unlocked it ready for when he came back with Natasha in his arms. Gently he lifted her from the car, locked it and carefully positioned her head on his shoulder as he carried her inside, kicking the door closed behind him. She opened one eye briefly but before he could ask her where to go she was asleep again. He had no idea where anything was in her home but his guess was her bedroom was ups

He lifted her closer against him as he started making his way up the stairs. Her soft pliant body weighed nothing in his arms. He found what was obviously her bedroom, glancing around the attractive room with its queen size bed, dressing table, chest of drawers and a door which led into a walk through robe with the ensuite beyond

Eric pulled the bedding back on the bed and gently lowered Natasha onto it. He stood for a moment looking down at her. He couldn’t leave her dressed in her figure hugging dress but if he removed it he was worried she’d wake and panic, thinking he was trying to take advantage o
f her.

He removed her shoes so he could at least cover her but he really wanted to take her dress off so she’d be more comfortable. “Baby, can you hear me. I need to take your dress off.” He spoke softly, his lips against he
r ear.

“Mmmmm.” Was all he got in response. He decided to take that as ok and rolled her onto her side so he could undo her dress. When he peeled it off her body he groaned softly at the sight of her wearing nothing more than a tiny lace thong, her breasts bare. The dress had support built into it since there was no back to it but he hadn’t thought about that when he’d made the decision to remove it and seeing her almost naked instantly had him

He pulled the blankets back further and rolled her onto her back, quickly covering her over with the quilt so he wasn’t distracted by the sight of her naked breasts. He reached down and tenderly pushed her hair back from her face, dropped a kiss on her cheek and when she didn’t move, he whispered that he loved her and went to

Suddenly her hand grabbed his arm and she pulled him towards her, one eye opened sleepily to look at him. “Can you stay with me please? Even just for a few hours. I don’t want to be a

Eric groaned. How the fuck was he supposed to lie next to her and not be affected by being close to her? She was going to kill him at this rate but how could he refuse her? She looked so adorable giving him a sleepy one eyed

He didn’t want to lie down fully dressed though so he pulled off his t-shirt and jeans which left him naked since he was always commando except for in the office. He carefully lifted the blankets and slipped in alongside of her where he lay rigid, his body tense, not sure what to do. Did he hold her, lie as far away from her as possible? He had no fucking idea. He just didn’t want to scare the crap out of her if she woke, forgot she’d asked him to stay and thought he was trying to take advantage of her. He didn’t need her accusing him of trying to rape her,

BOOK: Taming Eric
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