Talent Storm (8 page)

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Authors: Brian Terenna

BOOK: Talent Storm
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Four Years before Present


Ben and I walked up to Rapid Park in the waning sunlight for a summer party. Scores of students chatted and milled about. Some started campfires while a group of girls did cartwheels and handstands. School had just let out for summer. We were ready to let loose with our classmates.

I turned to Ben while patting him on the shoulder. “We’re going to have a great time tonight. I’m well rested and in a positive mood. Maybe we’ll even meet some girls.”

“For sure, Man. It’s going to rock. Speaking of girls, look at those hotties over there.” He pointed toward a group of unfamiliar girls in short dresses.

I looked them over and smiled at seeing several dark eyed beauties. Just my types. “Let’s go.”

Ben tore his eyes away from the girls. “Let me take a leak first. I’ll be right back.”

I nodded, excited to talk to the girls. “All right. I’m going to walk around. We’ll meet up.” I started to walk toward the girls. Before I was halfway to them, my heart began to pound, and my sweaty hands shook. I suddenly veered, walking the other way. Cursing myself, I shook my head. Why did I have to be such a chicken?

“Look who it is,” a boy said behind me.

I’d recognized that scratchy voice anywhere. My breath caught in my lungs as a shiver ran down my spine. I froze, unsure what to do. Deciding, I slowly turned to face him while my body trembled. A burly kid with thick eyebrows on heavy ridges stood before me.

It was Sven... the one who once dropped kneed me in the stomach in front of teachers and students. No one helped. The one who punched me in the nose, making me bleed in the middle of class while others laughed. The one who intimidated me and abused me countless other times. No one ever helped me or seemed to care including my uncle, except Ben, but he wasn’t around.

Cursing myself for not running sooner, I turned and darted away. After I heard him set off after me, I accelerated to a furious pace.

“I’ll catch you!” he yelled.

Guests screamed while we dodged around them. If I could just find Ben... then I saw him. He exited the woods, pulling up his zipper. I pumped my arms to reach him. He’d save me. Just then, a huge meaty arm wrapped around my neck. My stomach lurched as my feet lifted into the air. When my back slammed on the hard ground, my breath escaped me.

I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut while clenching my jaw against the pain. A spasm ran up my back before his huge hand constricted on my neck. Grabbing his wrist with both hands, I strained to remove it. It was just like the countless times before. What could I do against someone so powerful?

Suddenly, Ben slammed his shoulder into Sven's body, throwing him backward off of me. I clutched my neck as I gasped for breath. I almost blacked out this time. Thank Talent for Ben.

“Leave and never mess with him again,” Ben said to the dazed boy lying on his back.

Sven shook his head and then stood. While they were both tall, Sven’s muscular chest and massive shoulders dwarfed Ben's slimmer frame.

Sven growled. “You're going to regret that.”

Ben didn't flinch as his eyes burned holes into Sven's. Standing rock still, Sven stuck out his chest, inches from Ben. When Ben refused to back down, Sven lifted his burly arm, making a fist. Still, Ben didn’t move.

Just then, a slim, blond girl in a tank top, walked up next to Ben. “Leave them alone Sven.”

Who was she, and why was she sticking up for me?

Sven glanced from Ben’s eyes to the girl’s and then back. Amazingly, after a few heart beats, Sven glanced away and stepped backward. “Take it easy. I was just playing around.” He turned, shoulders drooped, then plodded away.

When the girl turned around, our eyes met. Her big dark eyes were a cool breeze on a summer day, her lips sweet caramel that begged a taste. Her heart shaped face was framed with dirty blond hair and decorated with a single small braid. My stomach fluttered at her beauty. I loved girls that stuck up for me, but I loved them even more when they were beautiful too. Ben winked and smiled at me before walking away.

“Hey, are you all right?” the girl asked.

Now I was. Nothing else mattered. Kneeling down next to me, she placed her hand on my shoulder. I was thrilled by the contact.

“I’m sorry for what he did... Sven’s a real jerk!”

“Uhh.” I moaned, struggling to lift myself to my feet but collapsed back down on my backside.

Embarrassed by my weakness, I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. I hated when he did that. Why did he always have to pick on me? He made me feel so powerless, like a child defying a hurricane.

“Hey, it's okay,” she said, sitting down.

I stiffened at her closeness, but at the same time, I was elated. When I met her eyes, she smiled, bringing light to my dark day. If this was the result, maybe I should get bullied more often. I drank her beauty in as she faced me. My heart began to pound, driven by nerves and excitement. Attractive women always intimidated me.

“So tell me. What do you do for fun?” she asked.

Calming my nerves with a deep breath, I gazed into her midnight eyes. “Ben and I hang out a lot.” I pointed to where he stood, chatting with the group of girls. “I also love hiking and the outdoors. I always feel better outside.”

She held my gaze, smiling. “Yeah, I love the outdoors.”

“I like hanging out at the river mostly.”

“I’ve been there a few times. It’s really nice. Maybe we should go some time.”

At the suggestion, my body tingled in anticipation. Was she into me? “I’d love to.”

She smiled sweetly, her cheeks dimpling.

“How come I’ve never seen you before?” I asked.

She shrugged her smooth, exposed shoulders. “What grade are you?”

“I’ll be in ninth grade.”

“Oh... I’ll be in eighth.”

“Ahh. Thanks for sticking up for me, by the way. You’re quite intimidating.”

“Are you scared?”


She laughed. “I just hate it when people bully. It’s not right.”

Wow, she was great. “I agree, especially since I’m the brunt of it. As you can see, I’m not huge.”

“Cute though.” I smiled, looking down. “For a scrawny boy,” she said poking me in the ribs.

“Hey, I’ve got some muscle.” I pulled up the front of my shirt, revealing my six-pack abs.

She ran a single finger down my stomach and my skin tingled. “Ooo, you do.”

I couldn’t believe she was touching me. It was suddenly the best day of my life. I met her eyes, feeling bold. “You know, you’re real pretty.”

She raised her shoulders while batting her long eyelashes. “Aww, thanks.”

We locked eyes and held the contact for a minute, smiling dumbly at each other. Finally, I glanced away, unable to maintain the contact. “So how did you do on your exams?”

“I aced them all.”

The corners of my mouth drooped as I nodded. “Impressive.”

“I studied but didn’t think they were very hard anyway.”

I probably shouldn’t tell her that I got a D on one of mine. Her studiousness was an admirable trait, just one that I couldn’t find the time for. “I aced them too.”

She squinted at me, but then nodded. “

What are you up to this summer?” I asked.

She bit her lip, looking off into the distance. “Oh, I’ll probably volunteer somewhere like I always do.”

Impressive. I was just going to bum around with Ben all summer. “I could use some help cleaning my room.”

She laughed. “That’s not exactly what I was thinking.”

After that, we talked about our life goals, beliefs, and interests. We traded stories until the campfires were quenched. Boys and girls gathered their things in the moonlight and began to leave. I looked up as a brunette in a short sundress approached.

“Let’s go Lilly. I’m tired,” she said to girl next to me.

Her name was Lilly. What a beautiful name.

“One sec,” said Lilly.

Next thing I knew, her warm sweet lips were pressed into mine. My first kiss. Although the kiss lasted but a second, I’d worship it forever. I was hers; I’d do anything for her. She squeezed my hand and left. I stood, watching after her, smiling the whole time.

“Hey, Jaden. I haven’t seen you all night,” said Ben from behind me.

“She was the one for me, Ben. She was so compassionate, so caring.”

“Awesome, so you hit it off?

My smile stretched. “She kissed me.”

He slapped my back. “Stunning. Did you get her address? Maybe we can hang out with her again this summer.”

I frowned. “No, I didn’t.” What had I done? How was I supposed to see her again now?

“You know her name at least, right?”

“Yeah.” So there was hope. I’d ask around. Someone must know where she lived.


Present Day


Two weeks later, I sat in Ben’s living room with Ben and his mom, playing cards. I hadn’t seen Lilly yet to apologize. Waiting was agony, but I didn’t know where she lived. I’d have to wait to see her again, just like last time. I sure hoped it wasn’t another four years until I saw her again. A successful apology became my top aspiration. She was so perfect for me. Damn Danessa for fooling—
Bang, bang, bang
. A pounding at the door startled me from my thoughts.

“This is the police. Open up.”

My hands chilled at the threat in their voice.

“Oh, Talent,” Ms. Lockhart said as she jumped up from the couch and scrambled over to the door.

Ben and I shared a look. Did my uncle turn me in? Maybe it was the bullies. Either way, I was in trouble.

After she opened the door, two officers with swords at their hips pushed her aside to enter the room.

“There he is,” one of them said as he pointed at me. “Get him.”

Ben jumped up to stand in front of me. I sat frozen, with sweat dripping down my sides. The officers marched across the room before tossing Ben aside. He sprawled on the ground with a thud.

“No,” I yelled, leaping to my feet, my body glowing.

His mom gasped, her hands covering her mouth.

The lead officer eyed me, shaking his head. “Back down, son. You’re already in a lot of trouble. Using your talent to assault a police officer is punishable by death.

My eyes flipped open, my talent fading to oblivion.

“Turn around. I’m going to cuff you.”

“What did he do?” asked Ben’s mom.

“He assaulted three citizens with his talent. He’s under arrest and that’s all you need to know,” said the officer.

I turned around and felt cold steel clamp around my wrists. So it was the bullies. What was I supposed to do, let them beat me up? I had been abused my whole life by bullies and no one ever helped me. Finally, I stood up for myself and now I’m being arrested. What a joke. Why did they wait so long to turn me in anyway?

Ben jumped to his feet, his face red. “He didn’t do anything.”

The officer who cuffed me laughed. “Save it, kid.”

Something pierced my back, and I felt cool liquid enter my body. What were they injecting me with? A sedative? The two men grabbed my arms and tugged me out the door.


A single officer escorted me into the prison through iron-studded doors. The lobby was dimly lit and filled with wooden benches. Across from me, a rack of pre-war rifles and new swords hung from the wall. The officer pulled me to the left.

“Hey, Sam,” he said, waving to a tall red-haired officer behind a chest-high counter. “Can I get the key for Isolation One.”

Sam’s eyebrows rose as he whistled inward. He stood straighter, and I noticed his hand hovering around a revolver. “Sure thing Max.”

Sam tossed a ring of keys and Max caught them. Max jerked me in the opposite direction. I still hadn’t felt any effects from the shot he’d given me. Clearly, it wasn’t a sedative like I thought.

After we turned a corner, we walked down a hall lined with cells. Each cell was packed with up to five prisoners even though there were only two beds. I never knew that so many people in the Coalition were criminals. Was I a criminal? I didn’t feel like one.

When we passed the prisoners, they called out through the bars. “Watch out New Fish,” a small-eyed, flat-nosed man said.

“Hey honey, want a piece of this?” a woman asked.

I twisted to regard her. She might have been attractive if not for her missing front teeth. The officer tugged me forward. We turned a corner and ascended a flight of stairs, then strode down another hall containing cells with iron doors. Small barred windows were the only break in the cells. No one called out to me, and I heard no other sounds. I caught a glimpse in one window. A male prisoner stood gagged and chained against a wall with cuts and bruises on his face. I gasped. Would they abuse me too?

At the end of a hall, the officer unlocked an iron door and shoved me inside. He un-cuffed me and chained my hands and feet to the wall. He stuffed a ball gag into my mouth, strapped it behind my head, and left, slamming the door behind him. The sudden darkness weighed heavily upon me. Cold sweat dripped down my trembling body as reality set in. I injured citizens with my talent, and there was a zero tolerance policy. I had known that, but the memory was absent during the fight. I would be in jail

My legs began to tremble, rattling my chains. I craned my neck to see the thick, iron chains securing me, then examined the door. It was stout; I saw its thickness when we entered. The bars on the window were thinner, but the opening was no more than a few inches wide. If I wanted to escape, I’d have to smash down the door and shear through my chains. I had no idea if my talent was strong enough.

I shut my eyes, feeling lightheaded. Forever. The thought sickened me. I escaped my uncle’s prison, only to be shut in this one. Now, I’d never sit by the creek or laugh with Ben and Danessa again. I’d never be able to apologize to Lilly. She’d hate me forever.

The thought marinated in my mind, becoming more putrid and sour as time passed.

No. Forever was unacceptable. I gritted my teeth and sought my talent. I felt it swirling and twisting inside me, promising freedom. I reached out to its power... but my will slammed into an invisible barrier. My eyebrows dipped, and I growled, low and menacingly. I wouldn’t be controlled. Rage exploded inside me, and I fanned its flames. Damn you Talent, Work! I battered my will against the obstacle, putting the full force of my determined fury behind it.

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