Talent Storm (6 page)

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Authors: Brian Terenna

BOOK: Talent Storm
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She returned the kiss, pressing her body firmly against mine. I felt her soft breasts yield against my chest. I was intoxicated by the scent of her perfume floating around me and by the feel of her body. I could get used to this. Maybe we should date again. We did have fun together, but could I trust her?

Abruptly, she ended the kiss and coyly pushed me backward. “Maybe later,” she said, shrugging and looking as calm as ever. “Let’s go play Sink the Card.”

“Is that a euphemism?”

She leaned in close to my neck, exciting me further. “Yes,” she whispered. Her nearness thrilled me.

I grunted as she pushed me back again. I breathed deeply to calm my racing heart, attempting to compose myself. Relax. She was just teasing you. After a second deep breath, I managed to get myself under control. I grabbed her hand and led her into the living room where the cards were.

On the way, a tall, good-looking guy I didn’t know, said, “Good to see you Danessa.”

She pulled her hand away from mine and looked him up and down. “Mmm, it’s always good to see you.”

He grinned. “Want to join me in the kitchen?”

“Sounds enticing,” she said, then looked over at me.

Annoyed, I shook my head, breathing out.

She turned back to the boy. “I’ll meet you there later. Warm up for me.”

I couldn’t believe that I considered dating her again. It must have been the alcohol. She hadn’t changed.

We entered the living room, and after we positioned the hat and sat on the floor, Ben staggered over.

“Mind if I join you?” he asked, partially slurring his words.

“Not at all. Have a seat,” I said while patting my lap and grinning.

Laughing, Ben made his way over to Danessa. “I think I'll sit over here if you don't mind.”

Ben lowered himself next to Danessa and they smiled at each other. I felt an absurd tinge of jealousy at the interaction.

Shaking my head, I shrugged off the feeling as I handed Ben a card. “You first.”

Although Ben was clearly drunk, his card sailed into the hat.

“Cheers,” I said to Danessa.

She smiled and we clinked glasses for the first drink of the game.

After progressing through several more turns, I felt warm and relaxed. Throwing cards into a hat was another one of Ben's skills. No matter how drunk he was, he sank more than he missed. Danessa, her face flushed, had steadily moved closer to Ben throughout the game.

Why wasn’t she leaning toward me? Feeling my jealousy return, I stood. “I’m going to go get another drink. Play without me.”

They didn't seem to notice as I left the room.

I walked to the kitchen and surveyed the now filled room. Guests played games, laughed, and chatted. While refilling my drink, I spotted Jasmine speaking with a few people. My heat quickened at her beauty. The short black dress she wore hugged her curves. Her dark eyes hooked me, but her long exposed legs drew me in. My breathing accelerated. If I messed this up, I’d hate myself forever.

Immediately after I tore my eyes away from her smooth legs, she noticed me and waved. My heart fluttered. Calming myself, I raised my head to meet her eyes and smiled. She conversed for a moment more before approaching me, her hips swaying. I relaxed against the wall, head held high. My nerves shook me, despite the alcohol.

“Jasmine.” I smiled broadly. “I'm glad that you could make it.” Inhibitions weakened, I took her soft hand in mine and kissed it.

She smiled, toying with the pendant of her silver necklace. The motion tugged my eyes downward, dangerously close to her cleavage, an image that threatened to capture me. I yanked my gaze up and cleared my throat, feeling my composure unraveling.

She slowly looked me up and down, smiling. “You look good. Do you—”

“Thanks,” I said. Talent, why didn’t I let her finish? My confidence shattered at the social blunder. “Sorry for cutting you off.” Her beauty completely unnerved me. I consciously relaxed my tense shoulders, trying to regain control. “You were saying?”

She laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “I was asking if you wanted to have a seat on the couch.”

“Sure.” I decided to keep it simple so I wouldn’t blow it again.

Following her, I admired the sway of her hips all the way to the vacant couch. Danessa looked up at me and then to Jasmine, her eyes narrowing. Oh, now she cared again. After glaring for a few seconds, she turned back to her conversation with Ben, leaning closer to him.

Jasmine and I sat, our legs pressing together. I reveled in the contact. “So, tell me about yourself,” she said.

Alarmed, my stomach tightened. She wanted me to talk? Why was I so nervous? I talked all the time.
Calm down
, I screamed in my mind. It wasn’t a good relaxation strategy. “Well... I just finished basic and I live here with my uncle... Umm...” I panicked, my mind suddenly a barren wasteland of words. Unable to think, I stared at the ground awkwardly. Talent, I was pathetic.

“Where are your parents?” she asked, saving me from further embarrassment.

“My parents were killed during the third border war. It’s just me and my uncle now.”

She touched my arm, leaning closer. “Ohhh, I'm sorry.”

For a moment, I enjoyed her touch before breaking the tension. “It's all right; it’s been a long time.”

She relaxed back into the couch, dropping her hand in her lap. “It’s tough anyway.”

I smiled. “How about you, tell me about your life?”

“Well, as you saw, I work as a medic. It’s military, so it’s not unionized, but at least I’m not on patrol. The best perk is that I get to meet cute boys while working.” When she winked at me, I smiled, glancing down timidly. “I live with my parents in the eastern section of the city,” she said. “It's a long walk to work, but I don't mind. It keeps me in shape.”

“What do you do for fun?”

She sipped her drink. “Well, I enjoy attending exciting parties while hanging out with awesome people.... Let me know if you see any.”

“I think there’s some next door. Want to go check?” I laughed, feeling some of my tension fade.

She giggled while punching my shoulder lightly. “Oh here’s one.”

I rotated my head from side to side. “Where?”

“I mean you.”

I chuckled. “Aww, thanks.” I gulped my drink while shifting my body to face her better. “How do you like living with your parents?”

She shrugged, smiling. “I like it. My parents are great. They let me do pretty much whatever I want and help me out when I need it. We get along really well. How about you, how do you like living with your uncle?”

I swallowed my drink, giving myself a moment to think of how to explain my hatred. “It's not as pleasant as your situation sounds. Fortunately he isn’t around much. When he is here, he’s very controlling and angry. He has a knack for making me feel worthless. I can't wait to be on my own,” I said, letting loose a bit.

She rubbed my thigh. “Aww. That's too bad. You must be so lonely.”

Not while I was with her. I loved her touch, even if it was due to pity. At least my rough home life was good for something. I met her eyes and smiled, feeling more confident. “It's too bad I didn't meet you sooner. You could have been keeping me company.”

She held my gaze, twirling her hair while her lips curled up into a smile. “You’re sweet.” She looked away, ending the perfect moment. “Could you excuse me for a minute, I need to use the bathroom.... Where is it anyway?”

I pointed to a door across the room. “Right there.”

She pushed off of my thigh as she stood before striding away. After I ripped my eyes away from her long, silky legs, I surveyed the room for any of my friends. I saw Ben, his arms around three giggling girls. Talent, he was good.

I spotted Danessa facing away in her purple skirt. She was talking to some guy I recognized from class. I started to stand to go say hi but then paused. My eyes were locked on her skirt when I thought of a way to get her back. I settled into the couch while taking a deep breath. Hmm, how did my talent work; I’d never wielded it at will.

Well, no time like the present. Taking a second slow breath into my abdomen, I calmed my mind. Then, ready to strike, I thought really hard, straining my mind... nothing happened. I exhaled in a loud, frustrated huff. Grumbling, rolling my eyes, and shaking my head, I squeezed my fists into tight balls. Why did this have to be so hard?

All of a sudden, talent emerged from the depths of my mind. So... my anger fueled my power. Clearing my mind of all distractions, I strove to subdue my talent, to control it with precision. Then, realization struck me... it wasn’t so difficult after all. When I raised my hand, her skirt elevated revealing skimpy black lingerie. Looking at her long toned legs and rounded smooth cheeks, my heart quickened. Almost instantly after, she screamed, drawing everyone’s attention. I began to laugh anticipating her expression. She whirled around searching for the culprit. After our eyes met, mine shot open. She wasn’t Danessa. Damn. That’s right. Danessa was wearing a blue skirt.

Her fiery eyes fixed on my raised hand, and she squinted. Face burning, I dropped my hand. Her skirt fell with it. Everyone around us laughed and pointed at the Danessa look-a-like. Her face grew a dark shade of crimson before she scowled. She stomped toward me, huffing loudly. I raised my hands, trying to plead innocent. It didn’t work. Her hand whipped around and smacked into my face, jarring my head.

My cheek blazed in pain as I started to blabber. “I’m so sorry. I thought you were someone else—I didn't realize—I'm so sorry.”

She glared at me. “Pervert!”

In an instant she stormed out of the party, without glancing back. I sat rigid on the couch, my jaw slack and my heart thumping hard. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jasmine standing in the doorway gaping at me. How much did she see?

When she marched over and slapped me, I had my answer. “You're a bastard. I thought you were worth my time.”

She slapped the other side of my face and took off before I could explain myself. Both of my cheeks burned and stung, but not as much as my dignity did. Ben and Danessa stomped over to me, shaking their heads, both flushed and frowning.

“Why did you do that?” Danessa asked. “People were here to have fun not be embarrassed.”

I couldn't have Ben and Danessa mad at me also. I stood up and lifted my hand to the side of my face. “I thought she was you. I was just trying to get revenge for when you pantsed me.”

Ben and Danessa immediately burst out laughing, their drinks sloshing on the floor. “Looks like I win again,” said Danessa.

I shook my head, sighing. “You’ll get yours.”

Ben shrugged, then nearly toppled before Danessa caught him. “Oops. That sucks. You'll have to apolosize... I mean apologize to the girl at some point. Maybe I can help her understand. Don't think about it now though.... Let’s have another drrrink.”

What else was there to do? I swallowed the last sip of my wine before throwing my arms around my two besties. “How about those drinks?” Maybe I could turn the night around.

On the way to the kitchen, several people began shouting, their voices thick with alarm. I flinched, dropping my glass. It shattered, sending out glistening fragments across the floor. I released my friends and sprinted into the kitchen, wondering how my night could get worse.

My eyes widened at the sight of flames licking the kitchen wall. Smoke billowed into the room, berating my nose with the smell of burning wood and paint. Two male guests were hitting the blaze with their removed shirts, trying unsuccessfully to extinguish the flames. I skimmed the room, searching for a solution. Wait. My talent sparked to life, giving me an answer. With a wave of my hand, the bottles jerked off the table, to smash onto the ground, creating puddles of sticky alcohol. Then, directing all of my will at the round kitchen table, I unleashed a wave of talent. The boys jumped back as the surface of the table slammed into the wall to cover the flames, immediately quenching them.

All the party guests stared at me.

“Wow,” one said, “Amazing.”

Others murmured agreement.

I threw my hands up into the air, burning with fury. “What the heck, guys?”

“That was stunning!” one of the shirtless boys said. “You’re telekinetic.”

He must have missed my skirt raising fiasco.

“No,” I yelled. “It’s not stunning. You’re destroying my life. Everyone out!”

The now glowing green front door abruptly swung open. Guests gasped in the living room. Both boys squeezed by me to run out the front door. The rest of the party quests quickly shuffled out of the house. I examined the wall. The paint and wood was burned and blacked with smoke. I slouched, defeated. My uncle was going to kill me.

Ben and Danessa appeared behind me. “Oh man dude,” Ben said, covering his mouth.

Danessa put her hands on my back. “I’m sorry Jaden for how things turned out.”

I circled to face my only remaining guests, my only friends. “Thanks. Tonight was ridiculous. Will you guys help me clean up?”

They nodded together. I walked to the living room to survey the rest of the damage. The furniture was moved, my glass was broken, and there were cups everywhere. Not too bad.

Ben and Danessa helped me clean up while I scrubbed at the smoke stains on the wall. There was no way I could hide the damage from my uncle. Eventually, we returned the house to a respectable state, minus the burn damage.

The three of us walked to the door.

Danessa kissed my cheek, then pulled me in for a close hug. “Good luck with your uncle. Let’s hang out again soon. I’ll show you a better time than tonight.”

“Thanks, we will,” I said.

Ben hugged me while patting me on the back. “Man, your uncle is going to be furmious... I mean furious,” he said, slurring his words. “Want to stay at my house tonight?”

I shook my head. “I’ll have to face him at some point. I might as well get it over with.”

He nodded. “If you need anything, let me know.”

Danessa squeezed my hand. “Bye kiddo.”

They strode out the door, arms encircling each other for support. With nothing left to do, I ascended the stairs to bed to await my uncle's wrath.

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