Talent Storm (53 page)

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Authors: Brian Terenna

BOOK: Talent Storm
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I flinched back when I saw my uncle sitting in the fourth row. The gray of his temples had spread through the rest of his hair, leaving not a single brown fleck on his head. His eyes still held the same strength as they always did though. When those eyes met mine, I had the urge to run. I laughed to myself. I was well beyond that now. He nodded to me, with a slight smile on his face, looking proud. He was rough to live with, but the sting of abuse had dimmed, maybe due to time or maybe because I’d survived a nightmare. Maybe, he was raising me the best he could. Who knew?

I nodded back to him, and his smile increased a small degree. It felt good to not be enemies at least.

Rae stepped over to us with a broad smile, then pinned gold suns on both of our shirts. I touched the pin, admiring it. It was the most wealth I’d ever owned.

“Thank you from the CSJ. We’d love to have either of you run for political position. You’re worthy of respect,” Rae said.

Politics. No way. I’d earned the right to relaxation. Let anyone tell me otherwise.

Rae turned to the audience and shouted, “To the heroes of Liberty!”

The audience erupted in a loud cheer.

I clasped Sofia’s cool, rough hand and basked in her warm eyes and bright smile. She winked at me and then we turned toward the audience again and bowed low. Their cheers redoubled. Sofia held up a hand and the room fell silent.

“I’m Sofia Kesari and I’ve lived a rough life because of Goldwater, but I’m not going to let him beat me down any longer. I’m moving on and focusing on the present and future. I know we can succeed as a society because Liberty’s citizens are tough, compassionate, and devoted. My parents dreamed of a better Liberty, and I’m glad I could help deliver on their dream. Friends, neighbors, and country folk, know this. You are all amazing and Liberty Kingdom will be great again!”

I squeezed her hand in the midst of more applause. When the room fell silent, I said, “When I was young, I was lazy and self-centered. As the events of my life unfolded, I began to think of others more. I didn’t want to come to Liberty, and my time here has taken an unimaginable toll on me. I thought that helping my friends and loved ones was all that I was responsible for. My experiences in Liberty, the horrors I saw and the victories I partook in, showed me differently. When The Underground took me in, they saved my life. They showed me the importance of freedom, teamwork, and dedication. I learned to love again and to care.”

I glanced at Sofia, then back to the audience. “I’m glad that my talent could help make your lives better and pay you back for all you’ve taught me. Never forget Goldwater and the horrors that are possible. You’re free now. Don’t let
take that from you!”

Applause thundered. Receiving their cheers reminded me of when my potential was first read. I loved the feeling of praise then, but now I deserved it. I shut my eyes for a moment, reveling in the sensation of victory, happiness, and hope. Families would be free to live and love in peace. And finally, I too was free.





Sitting on our porch, Sofia and I leaned against each other on a love seat, her arm draped around me. The bright sun shined, songbirds chirped, and a smile was etched on my face. I felt safe and loved, without a worry in the world. It was
. As long as I was with Sofia, nothing else mattered.

I sipped my spearmint tea, enjoying its tartness and basked in the warm sun and steady breeze. After a few deep breaths, I glanced at our self-built cabin, then at our raised bed gardens. Abundant bell peppers hung off bushy plants. Dozens of large, red tomatoes were ready to be picked. String beans and peas clung to winding plants that climbed up mesh. Raspberry bushes hung low with clusters of fruit, and bees flitted around, pollinating flowers.

I squeezed Sofia’s hand and said, “I can’t believe that just five months ago we were at war. Now, I finally have what I’ve always wanted.”

“What, tea?” Sofia asked, grinning and pointing at my mug.

I nodded. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it. Finally, my life is complete with this tea.”

She poked me in the ribs, a smile on her lips. “You tease.”

“Well... there is one more thing.”

She leaned forward. “Oh?”

I pointed, and she twisted, so her eyes could follow my finger.

walking stick
?” she asked.

“Yeah, it’s a really good one. Sometimes they’re hard to find.”

She turned back, a pout on her lips, but when she saw the rose I had floated over, her eyes lit up.

“For you,” I said, “because you’re what I’ve always wanted.”

She beamed, tilting her head and lifting her shoulders. “Aww. You’re so sweet.”

I couldn’t resist her. She was too adorable. I leaned in, and she met me half way. Our lips touched, then yielded together in a slow, passionate kiss. I massaged her neck, and she rubbed my back, our bodies pressed firmly together. My tongue glided between her lips, tasting her mint lip balm. She moaned and shivered against me.

Her mouth caressed mine, lingering with each sensual, sweet kiss. I touched her hair, feeling the bounce of her curls, then slid my hand down over her neck and jaw-line. I leaned back to gaze into her warm, inviting eyes and traced a finger up her rosy check and down to her lips.

She leaned in close, her breath tickling my ear lobe. “You’re magnificent. Come show me what else you can do.”

She pulled back and stood, tugging me to my feet. I didn’t need to be prodded. I glanced downward as we walked to our room. Sofia rubbed her round stomach that stood out from her athletic frame. For a moment, I simply admired our accomplishment, radiating in happiness. Then my eyes jerked open. What? Impossible. How could it be? He wasn’t even born yet. But there it was... talent. I paused, trying to wrap my head around the implications.

“What’s up?” she asked, tilting her head, her curls jumping.

I refocused on the present, met her loving eyes, and flashed my best smile. “I was just thinking about how beautiful you are.”

Her full lips stretched into a wide grin before she covered her mouth. “Aww... come on, you flirt.”

She pulled me into the bedroom, her touch warming my arm. I smiled, tingling with delight and shut the door behind us.


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Brian Terenna

grew up in Doylestown, PA. He is currently striving to become a full time author. He’s a journeyman chess player, an avid reader and writer, and a practitioner of meditation. “Talent Storm” is his first novel.


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