Taking Charge (7 page)

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Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

BOOK: Taking Charge
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You need an early night. I can see you are
tired.” Jordan smiled.
“I am so tired because this has been the longest day in my life. I
wanted to come up here the whole time.” Joy chuckled.
“Must be the Banana loaf.” Jordan smiled.
“This is the first time I have had anyone here. Ever. No one has
ever made me a meal in my kitchen. No one has ever baked for me.”
Joy smiled.
“Get used to it.” Jordan nodded.
“I like this.” Joy nodded.
“I do too.” Jordan smiled and Joy looked at him.
“Take a seat.” Jordan took a seat and took his coffee. He sighed.
Joy sat next to him and he pulled her into his arms.
“An early night for you young lady. Big day tomorrow.” Joy
“Go and have a nice soak in the bath and hop straight in to bed.”
Joy smiled. She kissed Jordan and got up and walked down the

Jordan smiled. It was so nice to come home
to someone. Not just anyone. But someone who was concerned. Someone
who took an interest
him. Jordan smiled as he lay on the couch and took his shoes off.
He listened as she ran her bath water. He closed his eyes and
smiled. He felt his jeans straining and he suddenly sat up. That
was the first time that he had ever felt himself come alive just by
thinking of someone. He lay and listened. He couldn’t hear a thing
through the walls. But he could imagine her getting out of the bath
and getting dressed. Jordan took a deep breath. Joy came through
dressed in her pajamas. It was a nice warm pair of pajamas with a
pair of pants and a top.
“And are you ready for bed?” Jordan got up and nodded.
“I think I am.” Joy smiled.
“Do you shower or bath before you go to bed?” Jordan smiled.
“Generally I shower. But sometimes I soak.” Joy smiled.
“I am going to turn in as well. Sleep tight.” Jordan smiled and
pulled her in to his arms. He held her body against his.
“And sleep tight you too.” Joy smiled and kissed Jordan.
“See you in the morning. I might be very early and miss you. Where
do I find the key for the back door?” Jordan pointed.
“The one with the red tag.” Joy smiled and nodded.
“Remember. It will be open when you get downstairs.” Jordan smiled
and nodded. He kissed her and held her in his arms.
“Have a lovely day tomorrow.” Joy smiled.
“And you.” He let her go and she walked down the

Joy hopped in to bed. She felt tired but
she lay in the bed for hours. She could not get to sleep. She
tossed and turned. All she could think of was Jordan. And when she
had heard the water when he was in the shower her whole
body reacted. She imagined
Jordan standing in the shower with the water cascading down and
over his body. Joy punched the pillows and closed her eyes. She got
out of the bed and walked over to the door and opened it up. She
walked to the kitchen and took a glass of water and stood at the
sink. She put her glass down and put her hands on the sink and held
her head over the basin.
“You okay?” Joy whipped around and looked at Jordan. Joy nodded and
looked at her feet.
“What is bothering you?” Joy looked up and sighed.
“You.” Jordan stepped closer and took her in to his arms. He leaned
down and kissed Joy. He took possession of her mouth and kissed her
properly. Joy’s hands worked their way up to his neck as she pulled
him closer. Jordan put his hand beneath her top and held her back.
He pulled her closer. They slowly pulled apart. Joy smiled.
“Wow!” Jordan ginned and nodded.
“You can say that again.” Joy smiled.

Jordan looked at Joy. He pulled his
fingers through her hair.
“Joy.” She smiled.
“I am fine. Honest.” Jordan nodded.
“Tossing and turning. Joy?” She nodded.
“Nerves. I think.” Jordan nodded and smiled.
“I wanted to do things differently. I wanted to be organized. I
wanted to surprise them. This is all just so rushed.”
“Well then you go in there tomorrow and plod for the week. Do the
things you want and get organized.”
“But they are expecting something.”
“They don’t know what to expect. So go in there and get organized.
Do this properly. Don’t rush in to anything. This is very
important.” Joy nodded and whispered.
“Thanks.” Jordan smiled.
“Now go and put that head down and sleep.” Joy nodded and walked to
the bedroom.

Joy hopped in to bed. She put her head on
the pillow and fell asleep. Jordan got in to bed. He smiled and
closed his eyes. He need
ed to hold Joy. He sighed and smiled as he drifted off to


Joy got up early. She dressed in her suit
and sat in front of the mirror and applied her make up. She put all
her paperwork in her briefcase. Joy sighed. She was ready. She
looked the part in her suit and her heels. She quietly walked over
to the keys. The key with the red tag was missing. She smiled to
herself. Jordan had probably opened the door for her. Joy walked
down the stairs and walked to the back door. Jordan smiled as he
opened the door. Joy smiled.
“Oh Jordan.” He gently kissed her.
“And this is your lunch.” She smiled as she took her lunch
“See you later. Take it easy today. You look beautiful!” Joy smiled
and sighed.
“My nerves are shot.” Jordan kissed her.
“Relax.” Joy nodded and smiled as she walked out. She turned and
“Oh Jordan.” He smiled and blew a kiss at Joy. She smiled and
walked to her van. Jordan had reversed her van out and turned it so
that she climbed straight in.

Joy headed for school. She walked through
to her office. The reception desk was empty. She could hear the
teachers in the staff room. She put her briefcase on her desk and
looked around.
looked at the time. Assembly should have started. It was already
time. She walked out. She walked to the staff room and looked
“And what time do you start work then?” Everyone stood up and
stared at Joy.
“What time would that be then?”

roared with laughter.
“Oh what? You a wanna be teeny boy?” Thomas shook his head. He
pointed at her hair.
“What? You had a dare. Well they sure as heck won.” Joy
“And you are?”
“Thomas who?”
“Thomas Carter.” Joy nodded.
“I would take that as a Mister Carter then?” Thomas grinned.
“Yes Ma’am.” Joy looked at everyone.
“And you are?”
“Wayne Reid Ma’am.”
“And you?”
“Paul Green at your service. How can we help young lady. I know
just what you need. I can sure as heck help.” Joy looked at him and
looked at the woman who was giggling.
“Penny Rose.” Joy smiled and looked from Penny to Thomas.
“Going to miss the assembly. Best you move.” Thomas roared with
“No need. Someone has it covered.” Joy nodded.
“You don’t seem to understand Mister Carter. You. And each of you
better be in that hall in the next five minutes. Or your jobs will
be terminated within the next five minutes. Do you get my drift?”
They all stared at her as she walked out of the staff room and made
her way to the assembly.

Paul groaned.
“Oh my gosh! That is our new Principal!” Wayne stared at Penny with
huge eyes.
“Scramble. Back route!” They literally sprinted. Penny grabbed her
shoes and sprinted with the men. They reached the assembly hall and
slowly walked inside and took their places.

The assem
bly was noisy. The pupils seemed to chat and talk
while the teacher stood on stage. Joy walked to the door and looked
around. The teacher stepped off of the stage. Joy put her fingers
to her mouth and let out the loudest whistle. It was suddenly quiet
as Joy walked down the center of the hall. She walked up to the
stage and looked around.
“In future. On a Monday. This is how it is going to be. You will
keep quiet. And you will behave.” One of the boys let out a loud
rip roaring laugh.
“Stand up young man.” He quietly stood up.
“And your name is?”
“Barry Gibb.”
“Barry Gibb, Ma’am.”
“Barry Gibb, Ma’am.” Everyone looked at Joy.
“Mister Gibb. If you could head straight to the office and call
either one or both of your parents. I will see the three of you in
my office in half an hour.”

Barry stood
rooted to the spot.
“Now Mister Gibb. Head for reception and use the phone. At my
expense.” Barry slowly walked out. Joy looked around.
“Anyone else that would like to comment. Now is the time.” She
looked around.
“Well. Let me tell you how this is going to work. You will be here
at assembly on a Monday morning. On time. Your teachers.” She
looked at every single teacher. She looked at Tanya and winked. She
looked at Thomas, Wayne and Paul.
“Your teachers will be seated in their chairs. And if someone is on
this stage you will not open your mouth.” It was quiet as she
spoke. She walked down the stairs and picked up the little
“You, young lady.” Jane looked at her.
“What is your name?”
“Jane who?”
“Jane Smith Ma’am.”
“Miss Smith spit out that gum. And you can walk up and down and
collect gum from every single person who is chewing.” Jane stepped
out and slowly took her gum out of her mouth and put it in the bin.
Joy held out the bin.
“Here we go.”
“I won’t.” Joy smiled.
“No problem. Kindly remove yourself from this assembly and join our
Mister Gibb and give your parents a call Miss Smith.” Jane
“Ma’am.” Jane whispered.
“I am sorry.” Joy nodded and Jane took the bin and walked up and

Joy walked back up the stairs to the
stage. All you heard was pieces of gum hitting the bin. She waited
a few minutes until Jane stood at the back.
“Thank you Jane. If you can deposit the bin here on the stage. We
will save that for next Monday. If you are chewing gum next Monday
you will be exchanging with what we have in the bin. Clear?” It was
very quiet.

Joy nodded.
“Right. On to business. If you could all stand up please.” Everyone
stood up.
“Ladies please roll your little waistbands down. And once you have
done that could I ask you to please pull up your socks.” The
movements were swift. And if you could make sure the top button is
done up or we will resort to polar necks. Gents. If you could roll
your sleeves down. Neaten your ties and if you have to, fasten the
shoe laces.” Joy nodded.
“Now that we are dressed you can sit down and we can start this
assembly properly.” Everyone sat down.

I am Miss Sheridan. I am your new
Principal. From now on we will be doing things a little
differently.” They all looked up as Henry, Dorothy and Barry Gibb
stormed in to the a
ssembly hall. He pointed and yelled.
“I have something to say to you.” Joy nodded.
“Mister and Mrs. Gibb. Welcome! If you could take a seat. Barry
resume your seat.” They all sat down right in front.
“Welcome to the Gibb family. Thank you for being here today. As I
was saying. We are going to be doing things a lot different from
now on. Your classes will all be changed. I will let you know by
Monday what will be changed. This school has a very low pass rate.
We are going to be changing that. And we will start working on that
today. You will get your weekly newsletter.” Penny cleared her
throat and shook her head. Joy nodded.
“You will get your weekly newsletter from next week. Everything
will be included. When you get to school you will be given your
newsletter as a handout in this assembly.” She looked at

In future. You will be on time for school.
The school gates will be locked at exactly seven forty five. School
will end on time. I expect to see you at school every day. There
will be incentives. Look forward to those. There will no longer be
detention classes. I will keep you busy if you step out of line. My
office is open. I work on an open door policy. If your parents
would like to see me you can make an appointment with Miss Rose. I
am free in the afternoons and the evenings.”

They all watched as she took her laptop
and wired it up
to a
projector. She shone it against the wall. There was a little hum in
the hall.
“What do you think of these sneakers?” Everyone nodded and
“As of today I have a wall of fame in reception. Your name is going
up there. Three strikes ladies and gents and your sneakers have
gone. Never to be worn. But if you toe the line and you play by the
rules each of you in this hall will be walking out of this school
the last day of this term. Wearing a pair of those.” Everyone
cheered. Joy smiled and looked at Barry.
“I see we do not have Prefects in this school. What a pity. You
will be handpicked. By me. I will make my selection by Friday and
you will be called in. But the announcement will be made on Monday.
You might get a call on the weekend so that your parents are here
for that important day.” It was quiet.
“I have noticed that everyone has a cell phone. Your parents as
well.” There was a silent nod from everyone.
“Miss Rose will be punching your cell numbers and your parents
numbers into my cell phone during the week. I make calls on
Saturday’s and Sundays and in the evening if need be.” It was all
“My number is not listed.” Everyone roared with laughter.
“But the office number is.” Joy smiled.

She walked off the stage.
“Can you all hear me?” There was a little whisper of a ‘yes’. Joy
walked up and down. She stood in front.
“At the end of this term. If we can all get the grades up. And if I
see an improvement. This hall will be turned into a rave.” There
was loud shrieking. Joy smiled.
“That is a big if ladies and gents. Mister and Mrs. Gibb could I
ask you to arrange four more couples to head up the end of the term
function?” Dorothy smiled and nodded. Joy walked back up the
“If we could all stand up and let’s sing the school hymn.” Penny
shook her head.
“We don’t have a school hymn?” Everyone shook their heads. Joy
“Right. That will be remedied. I have a little something that we
can all sing. Give me a second to get the lyrics up on the wall.”
Joy fiddled with her laptop and put the lyrics of a song on the
wall through the projector. She started playing the backup music.
She took the microphone.
“Everyone on their feet!” They all started to clap and sing Queen’s
We Will Rock You. Dorothy and Henry stood up and joined in. Joy
stood and sang and stomped her foot as she sang. Tanya stared and
grinned. She could feel her heart beating. She felt

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