Taking Charge (3 page)

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Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

BOOK: Taking Charge
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He looked through everything in the
brochure and started making a list. He kept on thinking ‘I
wonder if Joy would like that?’
Jordan smiled as he made the list. He thought back to the Friday
evening and the fun that they had had. She was full of fun and she
laughed all the time. She had made such a big difference and had
really drawn the crowds. He wondered if she had a boyfriend.
Whether she was dating. If she was on her own then there probably
wasn’t a boyfriend. But then she would be settling in town. And
there were a lot of men. A lot of men who would be interested in
her. Jordan sighed. He wondered if he had any chance. He would find
out later when she came for coffee.


Joy took a look around town. She walked
over to the barber and smiled as she walked through the door.
Alfonso looked at her.
“Yes?” She smiled and looked at everyone.
“I just need a trim.” Alfonso looked at her and roared with
“I have never had a lady in here ever before. They always go over
the road to the hairdressing salon.” Joy smiled.
“Can I take a chance on you?” Alfonso grinned and nodded and waved
her to the chair.
“Are you sure about this?” Joy nodded. Alfonso smiled as he took
the spray bottle out and wet her hair. He chuckled as he started to
trim. He did a perfect job. Taking off just a few millimeters. Joy
got up and looked in the mirror.
“Now that is how I like it. See you in a few weeks Alfonso.”
Alfonso smiled as she took cash out of her pocket and handed it
over. He took one note and handed the rest to her.
“There we go lassy. Are you happy?” Joy nodded and smiled.
“I will definitely see you in a few weeks’ time.” Alfonso smiled as
she walked out.

Joy headed over to the town and walked in
to the Mercedes dealership. She looked at the four by fours and
took a good look. She got in to a few and decided on the one that
she wanted. She hopped out and the salesman walked over.
“Young man! Please do not climb in the cars like that. I have been
watching you.” Joy nodded and turned around.
“And you are?” William backtracked and looked at Joy.
“William Scott.”
“Well then I take it a test drive is out of the question.” William
“Heavens no. I am sorry. I didn’t realize.” Joy smiled.
“Forgiven. Now this one here. I would like to take it for a test
drive. How do you work? Can I buy off of the floor?” William
“These are our demo models. We do have stock at the back.” Joy
“I would like to test drive the navy one.” William nodded and they
walked over to the four by four. He handed the key to Joy. She
hopped in and adjusted the seat and the mirrors and started the
van. William smiled as he watched. Joy drove out of the dealership
and drove through town. She drove back to the dealership and parked
the vehicle on the shop floor. Joy nodded.
“Do you have this. Exactly the same. Navy.” William nodded.
“Yes we do. It arrived yesterday.” Joy nodded.
“I have a few things to do. How fast can you push through a sale? I
would like it this afternoon.” William stared.
“Good. If we can do the paperwork please.” William nodded and
walked through to his office. Joy filled in all the paperwork and
signed and handed the forms to William.
“William I would like a discount for cash.”
“Cash? I have never sold a car cash before.” She nodded.
“Cash. Can you please find out for me. When I come back I will have
the cash. Please make sure my vehicle is ready.” William
“Real cash?” Joy smiled.
“In the form of a cheque.” William smiled and nodded. Joy walked

Joy took a slow stroll through town.
Everyone greeted as she walked by. The folk seemed quite friendly.
But she knew it would be a bit of a battle to get them on her side.
But she would. She had plans for her school. Things were going to
change. And so would the results that came from the school. The
school was
far below
average. Most of the pupils seemed to be failing. She would change
all of that.

William sat at his table and looked over
the forms. He stared. He whispered to himself.
“Professor?” He was on the phone in seconds. Finding out what to
do. How to do a cash sale. How he could register the van in an
afternoon. There was so much to do. He had to get the forms to the
bank for them to approve the loan. William got up and sat down
again. There was no loan involved. He didn’t need to go to the
bank. All he had to do was phone the bank and get approval on her
account so that he could accept her cheque. He smiled as he got
busy making arrangements. Life had always been so slow paced. Just
one sale had really made William work for his money.

Joy smiled to herself. She had asked for
information to be sent to the post office so that she could go over
the details of each teacher and the rosters that they were
following. She walked over to the post office and Jill
“How can I help dearie?” Joy nodded.
“A parcel for Professor Sheridan please.” Jill nodded and took the
parcel from the shelf.
“Did she send you? I don’t know if I am allowed to hand this over
to you. This is school business. But then again. You did ask and no
one else has been in.” Joy smiled as she took the parcel.
“It will be fine.” Jill nodded.
“I see you have fresh goods for sale.” Jill nodded and walked from
behind the counter. She showed her the packs of biscuits and cakes.
Joy smiled as she took a pack of biscuits and put them on the
counter. Jill smiled and took her cash. Joy walked to the
“Where do I find the wholesaler?”
“And what is it that you are looking for?”
“Exercise books. The hard covered ones.” Jill nodded.
“And a few other things.” Jill walked out the door and pointed to
the wholesaler. Joy smiled.
“Thank you.”
“Jill.” Joy smiled.
“Nice to meet you Jill. I am Joy.” Joy shook her hand and smiled as
she walked off.

She walked into the wholesaler and took a
look around. Garth walked up.
“How may I help?” Joy nodded.
“I don’t see anything funky.” Garth blinked and shook his
“No Ma’am we keep the basics. We don’t really do funky. We don’t
have any need.” Joy nodded.
“Do you have a brochure?” Garth nodded and they both walked to the
counter. He took out a brochure. Joy smiled and nodded.
“Take notes Garth. I am going to tell you what I need.” Garth
nodded and took his notepad. He listed everything that she wanted.
He didn’t say a word.
“Once I have these I will be ordering more. How soon can you get
these?” Garth smiled.
“By Wednesday.”
“No sooner?” Garth smiled.
“I could try.” Joy nodded.
“Try. And once they have arrived give me a call and tell me how
much it is and I will come to pay and collect.” Garth nodded. This
was going to be a huge sale. Nothing like he was used to. Joy
smiled and walked out.

Joy walked to the bank. She walked up to
the information counter. She waited for the customer to finish and
walked up to the teller. She looked at her name.
“Gretchen.” Gretchen nodded.
“Gretchen I am new in town. Now. I would like to give you a copy of
my I.D. so that if someone needs to verify something on my account
then you know I am in town. And if anyone asks, you have seen me.”
Gretchen nodded. Joy gave her I.D. and Gretchen made the copy. Joy
wrote her cell phone number on the copy. Gretchen smiled and
“Do you have an account with us then?”
“Not with this branch. But I need you to arrange for this to be my
branch.” She wrote her banking details on the copy and handed it to
“Could you arrange that for me?” Gretchen nodded and looked at the
“Certainly Miss Sheridan.” Joy smiled.
“Thank you. The minute I have a permanent address I will let you
know. For the time being I am at the motel.” Gretchen nodded and
“I will do this for you. Right away.” Joy nodded and

made her way to the motel. She wondered how long it would
take to walk over to the dealership to collect her van. She thought
about half an hour. She had no one to ask to drive her over. She
walked in and walked out again. She rode back in to town and walked
into the local little restaurant. She ordered herself a plate of
chips and a toasted sandwich. She sat and quietly ate. She soon got
up and paid for her lunch and headed out.

Joy rode back to the motel and took the
huge envelope and opened it up. She looked at her watch and walked
down to her bike. She smiled and drove to the pub and parked at the
back where her bike would be safe. She spotted what she thought was
probably Jordan’s four by four. She hopped off of the bike. Craig
walked out of the pub and looked. Joy smiled.
“Craig can someone keep an eye out on her?” Craig nodded.
“Sure Ma’am.” Joy nodded and started walking. She walked and
walked. She eventually walked in to the dealership. She smiled at
“And?” He smiled proudly. He pointed at her new van.
“There she is. Cleaned. Polished. Registered. The works.” Joy
smiled and nodded.
“Now for the final detail.”
“Yes Ma’am.” They walked over to the table and Joy took out her
cheque book and looked at William.
“And the final figure is?” William gave her the figure and she
filled it in.
“Nice discount William.” He nodded and smiled.
“Ma’am I hope you don’t mind. But I had to have you verified. So
that I could accept your cheque.” Joy smiled.
“I like a man who is thorough. It is nice to do business with
someone like that. I hope you have earned a good commission!”
William smiled and nodded.
“Yes Ma’am.” Joy smiled and handed him the cheque. He walked her
over to the van and Joy smiled. The key was in the ignition and
there was a huge bouquet of flowers on the passenger seat and a
bottle of a lovely liqueur.
“Thank you!” William smiled. She started the van and drove out

Joy drove over to the motel. She parked
her van and took her flowers. She left the liqueur on the seat for
later. She walked through to her room and sat down again. She went
through the details in her envelope with a fine tooth comb. She sat
and made a few notes of the changes she would be making.

She gasped as she looked at her watch. She
ran out of the motel and hopped in her van. She started up and
drove to the back of the pub. Jordan stood at the back door and
opened up. He smiled as he watched the vehicle driving up. He
walked down the stairs and smiled. Joy hopped out and chuckled. She
took the bottle of liqueur and her bag.
“I think I like this a whole lot!” Joy chuckled.
“A better image maybe? First impressions and all that.” Jordan
grinned and nodded.
“I think it is a beauty! Let’s take a look.” He walked over to the
van. He looked at Joy.
“Hello my sweetheart.” He leaned forward and kissed Joy on the
“Thank you for my new van.” Joy roared with laughter. She looked at
“Sorry sweetheart.” She kissed him. She held up the liqueur.
“This is for you.” Jordan chuckled. He climbed in the van.
“Fancy a test drive?” Joy nodded and hopped in at the passenger
side. Jordan drove a little way and turned back. He parked beneath
the pub where no one would see the van. He looked at Joy.
“I am not hiding you. But it is safer. I moved your bike. I hope
you don’t mind.” Joy smiled and nodded.
“Everyone is always moving her.” Jordan chuckled and nodded.
“This way it is out of sight and I don’t think you want the gossips
to get going.” Joy nodded.
“Thank you.” Jordan smiled.

They walked up the back stairs of the pub
and he let Joy walk inside. She handed him the bottle.
“This is for you. I don’t know what it is like. I was given it as a
gift today. They gave it to me with a lovely bunch of flowers when
I bought the van.” Jordan smiled.
“Thank you. I don’t know what it is like either.” Joy chuckled. The
pub was empty and everyone had already left for home. The doors
were locked. Jordan smiled.
“I live upstairs. Would you mind going up there?” Joy stood and
looked at Jordan. He took her hand in his.
“I did invite you for coffee.” Joy smiled and looked at
“Come on. I won’t bite.” Joy looked at Jordan. He smiled.
“Let’s sit at the bar.”
“No. Jordan. We can go upstairs.” Jordan smiled. He took her hand
and led her down the passage to his office. They walked through and
walked up a staircase. Joy smiled.
“You really live here?” Jordan nodded.
“Much easier. I just can’t entertain. Not quite the place to have
the family for lunch on a Sunday.” Joy stared as they stepped in to
his lounge.
“Oh wow this is lovely!” Jordan smiled and looked around.
“I like it. This was the attic. Had a little renovation done so
that I could live on the premises. Kind of a cost cutting exercise.
I didn’t want to pay rent for the pub and then have to pay rent for
home as well. I spend a lot of time here so it kind of made

Joy nodded.
“I just sold everything off. My car. My house. Everything. So that
I could come out here. I could have rented the house out but it was
never home. So I am going to start again.” Jordan nodded.
“And all your stuff?” Joy smiled.
“Is in storage for a little while. At the folk’s house. I sold all
the furniture. I can replace that. There wasn’t anything that I
really wanted to keep. The car. It was time to sell.” Jordan
“So you bought the Harley.” Joy shook her head.
“No that I have had for quite a while. I built her up slowly.”
Jordan smiled.
“You built her up?” Joy nodded.
“Amazing what you learn when you do it yourself.” Jordan
“Do you want to take a look?” Joy nodded.
“Sure.” He walked her to all three bedrooms.
“This is home. The three bedrooms, bathroom, and the main with an
en-suite. And then the lounge. I don’t have a dining room. And then
the kitchen.”

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