Taking Charge (11 page)

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Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

BOOK: Taking Charge
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Jordan smiled as he gently rubbed her
“I can see on your face you have had a really good day.” Joy
“And what about your day? Have your special liqueurs arrived yet?”
Jordan chuckled and nodded.
“Boxes and boxes arrived. I doubled up on that order. Got two boxes
of each. And Frank has been packing away like crazy. He had to make
a Kahlua coffee!” Joy giggled and shook her head.
“And I am going out again.”
“Now where to this time?”
“Going to buy some fresh fish. And tonight we are having fish for a
change.” Jordan grinned.
“How were the sales last night?” Jordan grinned and nodded.
“With that voice of yours you could make me rich.” Joy
“Oh I had so much fun. You didn’t recognize me did you?”
“No Ma’am.” Jordan chuckled.
“You hide those little markings very well. Foundation?” Joy
“They will wash off eventually. But we all dressed the part for the
beginning of the rally.”
“False tattoos?” Joy chuckled.
“I would rather not live with the real thing. Henna tattoos.”
Jordan chuckled and nodded. They drank their coffee and Joy got

Jordan looked around. He
aned forward and
kissed Joy.
“See you later.” Joy winked and walked out smiling. Jordan watched
as she walked out. She turned and waved and headed to the grocer.
She chose a few nice pieces of fish and bought a few things that
she needed for their supper. She stood in the queue and waited. Two
women stood in front of her and they both turned and Joy smiled.
They both turned around.
“We went for a quick bite at Jordan’s Pub last night.” Hilary
“Well. We were absolutely amazed. There was this young girl
singing. I hate to gossip.” Ruth nodded.
“He will never change. I think he is a monk. Sworn to celibacy.
Don’t even dare stand too close to him. He does not like women. I
don’t know why.” Hilary chuckled.
“I was saying. Well. This young girl had us dancing.”
“Ben danced?” Hilary chuckled and nodded.
“Ben and I danced till our feet hurt. And I think Jordan might have
his eye on the young girl.” Ruth giggled.
“Never in this world. Jordan is anti-female.” Hilary smiled and
shook her head.
“I don’t think so. Ruth. If you saw him you would think there is
something going on.”
“So who is this young girl?”
“Haven’t a clue.” Ruth shook her head. Joy smiled as she paid for
her purchases. She handed her card over. The teller smiled.
“Good day Professor Sheridan.” Joy smiled.
“Good day.” Penelope the teller smiled as she handed Joy her bank
“My son is in your school.” Joy smiled.
“I am glad. Nice to have met you.” Penelope smiled. Joy
“Just one thing.” Penelope leaned forward.
“Don’t let him know I am a Professor. They get all scared.”
Penelope laughed and nodded.
“Or maybe we should.” Joy chuckled.
“Rather not.” She smiled as she walked off. She looked at her
watch. There wasn’t anything else to do.


Joy headed to the pub and drove in at the
back. She parked her
and walked inside. She checked as she walked in and walked through
and ran upstairs. She was soon busy in the kitchen. She had their
fish grilling and she got busy with the vegetables. Their supper
was ready at six. Tanya ran in just before six. Jordan chuckled and
shook his head. Tanya ran up the stairs.
“Only me.” Joy smiled.
“Fish tonight.”
“Oh yum!” Joy smiled as she dished up the three plates.
“And where is Mister Lewis?” Tanya chuckled as they both heard
“Right here.” Joy smiled as he leaned down and kissed her.
“Oh look at that!” Jordan rubbed his hands together.
“Now this is different.” They all sat down and started

Zeba and Lloyd walked through. Craig stood
in the passage.
“Jordan will be down shortly.” Lloyd nodded.
“We will go up.”
“No Sir he is taking his break.” Zeba smiled and whispered.
“Is he entertaining someone?” Craig smiled.
“Yes Ma’am. He is in consultation with Miss Lewis.” Zeba
“Step aside Craig.” Craig slowly stepped aside. Lloyd and Zeba
walked up the stairs. They all looked at them with huge eyes. Zeba
“Now this is what I like to see.” Jordan smiled.
“Care to join us? This is Miss Sheridan.” Zeba grinned.
“Oh we know Joy by now.” Joy smiled.
“Here for supper?” Lloyd looked at Zeba.
“Hell! Now that is an invitation and a half.” Joy chuckled.
“Jordan we need a perch and a branch.” Zeba roared with laughter as
Jordan got up and ran down the stairs. He came upstairs carrying a
table. He ran back down and fetched two chairs. Craig shook his
head. Lloyd took a seat and Joy put the two plates down.
“Heavens alive! This looks absolutely divine!” They all tucked

Joy smiled and looked at Jordan. He
“Well Miss Sheridan.”
“Joy.” Lloyd smiled.
“Joy. I am hearing a lot of good things about the school. I am
impressed.” Joy smiled and nodded.
“Wait till Monday. This town is going to be one big buzz.” Zeba
“Well your first assembly got them all going. The anthem. What a
hit.” Joy smiled and nodded.
“That is one way to get to youngsters. Through music. And
sneakers.” Zeba grinned.
“And what is it about these sneakers. So the grades have to be up.”
Joy smiled.
“The morale is already up. If you have positive children the marks
increase by themselves. So they are all working for a pair of
sneakers. Oh we have had two youngsters slip up. But I must say my
patch of lawn is looking rather neat.” They all roared with
laughter. Lloyd grinned.
“Wherever we go someone says something about the school. Hand
shears? You she devil!” Joy roared with laughter.
“Oh I went one step ahead. I planted the shears in strategic spots.
Come break times they will be shearing that lawn as if it is
groomed! I love a manicured lawn. Don’t you?” Everyone roared with

Zeba smiled.
“And are you staying at the motel?” Joy nodded and didn’t dare look
at Jordan.
“You should have joined us last night. Jordan had a guest artist
who had everyone on their feet.” Joy smiled.
“I have so much to do in the evenings. Getting sorted out. Takes
time to arrange things.” They all nodded. Tanya smiled and looked
at Jordan. He looked up and suddenly looked away. Zeba
“This was nice of you to cook supper. Have you heard from your
family?” Joy smiled.
“They have strict instructions to leave me alone this week. So next
week I am sure to have a call.” Zeba smiled.
“You are all rather close.” Joy nodded.
“We are. We keep in touch. Which is nice. But we don’t see each
other all that often. I lived quite a distance from them all. Made
sure to see them once a month. Which seems to work rather well.”
Zeba chuckled and nodded.

Zeba and Lloyd soon left. The table and
chairs were carried downstairs. Craig shook his head. Zeba smiled
as they walked out.
“Hold on Lloyd. I spotted something.” They walked back inside. Zeba
sat at the bar counter. Lloyd shook his head.
“And now?” Zeba smiled.
“Frank. I would like one of those.” She pointed at one of the new
stock items. Frank smiled and poured the little drink in the smart
little glass. Zeba took a sip and smiled. Lloyd took the glass and
took a sip.
“Oh Frank. Be a darling and give me one of those.” Frank roared
with laughter as he poured another. Lloyd sighed and sipped.
“Oh this is so classy!” Frank smiled as Lloyd paid for their two
little drinks. Zeba finished her drink and sighed.
“Lovely!” Frank smiled as they both walked out for the second time.
Lloyd smiled.
“Zeba. There is something going on.” They hopped in the van and
closed the doors.
“Now. This is what I am thinking.” Zeba nodded and looked at
“Our son has fallen for the young Joy.” Zeba smiled.
“And young Joy has fallen for our son.” Lloyd nodded.
“I think they suit each other.” Zeba nodded.
“And why do you think Joy was there. And making supper?” Lloyd
“Getting to his heart through his stomach?” Zeba grinned.
“She got to my heart with that meal!” Lloyd grinned.
“I like her. I like her a whole lot you know.” Zeba nodded.
“There is something different about Jordan. He definitely is
different. Oh I do hope.” Lloyd nodded.
“That little liqueur was nice.” Zeba nodded and smiled.
“Oh very tasty!” He chuckled as he started the van and headed

Jordan sat chatting for a while. Joy and
Tanya packed away the left over vegetables. Tanya smiled.
“Your fridge is getting nice and full.” Jordan chuckled.
“Yes we feed an army.” Joy chuckled.
“I was never very good at portions.” Tanya grinned.
“So a Professor. What in?”
“Mathematics.” Jordan chuckled.
“And portions are not calculated.” Joy giggled and shook her
“No there is no formulae which can help.” Tanya grinned and shook
her head. Tanya dried her hands.
“Tomorrow.” Jordan smiled.
“And I need to be off. Again.” Jordan hugged Joy and kissed
“See you later. Early night.” Joy chuckled.

Jordan and Tanya walked down the
“Jordan. Has Joy got a tattoo all the way up her arm?”
“Slowly washing off. Henna.” Tanya smiled.
“I see.”
“You didn’t see a thing. You don’t know a thing.” Tanya smiled and
“That meal was divine.” Jordan smiled and nodded.
“I could get used to this.” Tanya nodded.
“I think she was sent to earth for you.” Jordan smiled.
“I think she was. On a Harley.” Tanya giggled and


Joy was busy at school. It was Friday and
everything was arranged. The rosters had slight changes which had
already been made. Penny stood and copied them with the newsletter
that Joy had compiled. Everything was ready for the assembly on
Monday. Joy smiled as Penny put the piles of copies on her spare
desk. Joy ran through everything in her head. Everything was

See you tomorrow at ten.” Joy
“See you then.” Joy smiled as Penny walked out. It had been a very
busy week. Joy couldn’t wait to see the reaction on Monday morning
when all would be revealed. Joy headed to the pub. She went for her
cup of coffee and sat with Jordan.
“A late night tonight I am afraid.” Joy smiled as they held
“What time do you let rip?”
“Nine?” Joy nodded and smiled.
“Fine by me.” Jordan chuckled. Joy got up.
“Going home for a nap.” Craig smiled as he walked by.
“Are you joining us tonight?” Joy smiled.
“Oh I will have to see. I would hate anyone to think.” Craig
“Yeah, yeah. We can’t have our Principal slacking off.” Joy
“See you.” Jordan smiled.
“See you.” Joy drove around to the back and hopped out. She opened
the back door and headed upstairs. Joy smiled as she lay on the
bed. She nodded off.

Jordan walked up just before six and
smiled. Joy was dishing up Macaroni and Cheese.
“Oh Tanya is going to be so chipped.” They heard the giggle.
“No she isn’t!” They all chuckled as they tucked in to their
“So are you joining us tonight? It is Friday night you know.” Joy
“I might stop for one of those little liqueurs. But one is my
limit.” Joy smiled.
“Mum is raving. Dad and her had one the other day. Dad says Mum is
hooked!” They all chuckled.
“What time can we expect you then?” Joy smiled.
“I have so much to do. So probably at eight. Just for one. Then I
have to head home.” Tanya nodded. She looked at her wrist. The
tattoo was gone. Jordan smiled. Tanya got up.
“Would you like me to take that home with me?” Jordan
“The macaroni and cheese is home thank you.” Tanya grinned.
“See you at eight.” Joy nodded and smiled. Jordan kissed her and
headed downstairs with Tanya.

Joy had her shower and changed into a
trouser suit. Jordan ran up the stairs. He kissed her and hugged
“I have to have a quick shower.” Joy smiled. She finished getting
dressed. Jordan stepped out of the shower and looked at Joy.
“Now that looks nice.” Joy smiled.
“Smart enough?”
“For my pub? Oh yes!” Joy giggled and shook her head. Jordan headed
downstairs. Joy soon left through the back. She drove around the
block and drove up to the front of the pub. She hopped out of the
van and walked in. Tanya waved.
“Over here!” Joy smiled and took a seat. They each ordered a little
“Fancy going on a breakfast run Sunday morning?” Tanya
“Really?” Joy nodded.
“Oh yes.”
“I will pick you up at six.” Tanya beamed and nodded. Joy had her
one drink and smiled as she got up.
“Night all.” They all greeted as she walked out.

Jordan looked at his watch. Everyone
looked through the front door. Joy walked in wearing her jeans and
boots. Her normal shirt and her wig which she wore. She walked over
to Jordan.
“Mister Lewis. Nice of you to call.” Jordan smiled. The band all
headed to the stage. Chase grinned. Joy smiled.
“ABBA. Does your mother know.” They all chuckled and nodded. Joy
started singing. The dance floor was suddenly jam packed. Joy
smiled at Jordan as they both sang. The band had huge smiles. Joy
danced up and down. Tanya roared with laughter as Joy looked at
Jordan and sang ‘does your mother know that you’re out’. Everyone
roared with laughter. Jordan burst out in laughter. Joy grinned as
she sang. The band all shook their heads. Joy brought so much life
to the pub. They sang so many different tunes. Everyone sang

Joy smiled as she looked at the band and
told them the next song. Jordan whispered.
“You can do that?” Joy winked and nodded. Dean took the tambourine
and nodded.
“You go girl!” Joy started singing Sandi Thom’s Wish I was a Punk
Rocker. Chase pounded his drums. Jordan smiled as he played the
guitar. Dean smiled as he played the tambourine. They all smiled.
Sarah and the kitchen staff all came out to come and watch and
listen. Joy finished the song and everyone stood up and clapped.
She smiled and looked at Jordan.

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