Taking Charge (12 page)

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Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

BOOK: Taking Charge
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The next song had everyone dancing. Jordan
grinned as Joy sang ‘Freeze everybody I’m Ma Baker’. The band
chuckled as they played. They were all soon singing. Everyone in
the pub was singing. Frank stood and sang and danced. He had been
pouring little liqueurs throughout the evening. Every single
variety was a hit. They were so popular. He shuffled up and down
behind the bar counter.

They took their break and Joy walked over
to the bar counter.
“Coffee please Craig. One of those.” Jordan nodded.
“Two of those.” Craig smiled as he headed to the kitchen and made
their Irish coffees. Sarah smiled.
“Isn’t she marvelous!” Craig nodded.
“Fantastic!” She smiled as he walked out of the kitchen.

Jordan and Joy drank their coffees and
walked back to the stage.
“Hit it with our Queen tune.” Dean roared with laughter. Joy picked
up her guitar. Jordan smiled as he picked up his guitar. He didn’t
sit anymore. He stood with Joy. Joy stomped her foot and smiled and
roared with laughter as everyone got up and stomped their
“Hit it!” Chase grinned as he played the drums. Jordan smiled and
looked at Joy as she sang. They both strummed to the beat. He
looked at Tanya and smiled. She gurgled with laughter.

It was just
gone one in the morning when Joy closed her eyes
and moved her head to the side. Tanya watched Jordan. Jordan
nodded. They finished their song.
“Last song ladies and gents.” Joy smiled and nodded. They sang
Beautiful Sunday by Daniel Boone. Everyone sang along. The dance
floor was full. Jordan smiled and looked at Joy. She smiled as they
both strummed on the guitars and sang. The band sang the chorus
line. Everyone in the pub sang. The song came to an end and
everyone clapped. Lloyd called out.
“Queen! Last song.” Joy smiled. The band struck up again and the
pub came alive. They finished the song and all got up and took a
bow. Joy smiled.
“Night ladies and gents.” She walked out the front door and looked
around and quietly walked around the pub. She walked through the
back door and headed upstairs.

The pub was still very alive.
Jordan said goodnight to his
parents and Tanya and walked over to Frank.
“Frank can I ask you to lock up?” Frank nodded.
“Sure.” Jordan walked through to his office and closed the door and
locked it. He smiled and walked up the stairs. He heard Joy in the
shower. He walked through and took his clothes off and joined her
in the shower. Joy smiled as she looked at Jordan. She put her
hands around his neck and they stood and kissed in the shower. Joy
smiled as they both hopped out and dried each other off and headed
for bed. Jordan made love to Joy like a man possessed. He was
feeling the adrenalin rushing through his body. Jordan
“I want to thrust in to you. I want to make love to you so badly.
You are driving me crazy. Don’t let me hurt you.” Joy flipped him
over and Jordan stared. Joy grinned. She started making love to
Jordan. He felt as his body surged. He felt his body starting to
shake. He looked at Joy and she slowed down. She moved up and down
his body. Jordan smiled and flipped her over. He thrust in to Joy
and felt as her whole body shook and shuddered. Jordan groaned as
he ejaculated. He slumped over her body and smiled. Joy smiled as
she turned and looked at Jordan.
“I love you.” Jordan smiled.
“I love you.” Jordan held on to Joy and kissed her. They soon fell
fast asleep.

They both woke up early and made love for
ages. Jordan couldn’t get enough. He wanted to make love to Joy
over and over again. Joy smiled as they lay and kissed and cuddled.
They soon got up and had their breakfast. Jordan walked down just
after nine and opened the pub. Joy pottered about upstairs and did
a little tidy up and started cleaning. She made a list of the
groceries they needed. Joy walked out just after ten. She
hopped in the van and phoned
“Hey sweetheart.” Joy smiled.
“I am heading to the school.”
“Pick me up.” Joy giggled.
“See you out front.” Joy drove around and Jordan hopped into the
van. He looked at Joy.
“Nope.” Joy shook her head and hopped out and ran to his side. He
hopped in to the driver seat and smiled as he drove to the

Dalton walked in to the pub.
“Where is Jordan?” Craig grinned.
“School.” Dalton grinned as he sprinted out and drove over to the

Joy and Jordan hopped out of the van. Tony
pulled up behind them. She smiled as he greeted. Joy showed Tony
where every name plate would go. Jordan was soon helping Tony to
drill the holes and put the name plates on the classroom doors.
Penny stood by and watched. Dalton walked up. Jordan grinned. They
both held the name plates and Tony drilled and put the screws into
the wood. It took a while but they soon had every name plate on the
doors. Joy smiled.
“Oh thank you!” They all smiled and nodded. Tony smiled and looked
at the name.
“They came out so grand!” Everyone looked at the plate and nodded.
Penny sighed.
“Oh this is wonderful!” Tony shook hands with everyone and headed

Dalton smiled.
“Anything else while we are here?” Joy smiled.
“I need blazers moved to the hall.” They both nodded. They carried
the blazers into the hall and hung them up in a cupboard behind the
stage. Penny made sure they all hung perfectly. Joy closed the
cupboard door. Dalton opened the door. He took a blazer out and
“This is so smart.” Jordan nodded and smiled. Dalton put the blazer
back. Joy put the brooches inside the podium.
“Monday.” They all chuckled. Dalton walked out with Jordan and
“The lawn is looking a lot better.” Joy chuckled and nodded.
“I love my gardeners!” Penny grinned.
“Those shears are doing a good job!” Jordan roared with laughter
and nodded. Dalton drove off. Penny smiled as she left. Jordan and
Joy headed back to the pub.
“I have to do a little shopping.” Jordan smiled.
“Fancy some company?” Joy nodded.
“You okay with this?” Jordan nodded.
“I think it is time.” Joy smiled and nodded.
“I think so. But I still live at the motel.”
“Yes you do.” They both chuckled.

They walked around in the grocery store
and they both loaded the trolley. Jordan smiled as they walked out.
They each had a packet. Jordan had two. Jordan put out his hand and
Joy slipped her fingers through his and looked at Jordan. He winked
and smiled as they walked off. Everyone greeted as they walked by.
Joy smiled as she greeted everyone. Jordan smiled proudly. They got
in to the van and Jordan looked at Joy.
“I think this town needed a wake up. Don’t you?” Joy roared with
laughter and nodded.

Jordan parked at the back of the pub and
they hopped out. Jordan carried their parcels. Joy smiled as they
walked straight up the stairs.
“What would you say if I made a few changes in this lounge?” Jordan
smiled and nodded. They stood in the kitchen and packed everything
away. Jordan smiled. The cupboards and the fridge were full.
“Now how do we want to change things?” Joy smiled. They moved the
entire lounge suite into a different position. The round bar table
was moved. Jordan smiled.
“It looks twice as big.” Joy nodded and smiled.
“Looks nice. Do you like it?” Jordan smiled and nodded. Joy hugged
Jordan and kissed him.
“And now I am going to get busy. And you have a pub to run.” Jordan
“I haven’t done that before.” Joy smiled. Jordan smiled. He kissed
Joy and headed downstairs. He ran back upstairs.
“Busy doing what?”
“Goodbye Mister Inn Keeper.” Jordan grinned.
“Pub.” Joy chuckled as he ran down the stairs.

Jordan took all the dockets for the
evening before and headed for his office. He sat for hours until
everything balanced. His safe was almost bulging with all the cash.
He had meant to go to the bank and make his deposit. He got up. He
ran upstairs.
“Heading for the bank.” Joy smiled as he walked over and kissed
“Busy doing what?”
“Out of my kitchen!” Jordan chuckled as he ran down the stairs. He
made his way to the bank. He made his deposit and Gretchen
“A lovely lady your Joy.” Jordan smiled and nodded.
“Miss Sheridan is making a lot of good changes.” Jordan
“She sure is.” Gretchen smiled.
“I am glad you two are dating.” Jordan smiled.
“News spreads fast in this town.” Gretchen smiled and nodded.
“She suits you. I am glad for you.” Jordan smiled as he headed back
to the pub. He took his statement in his hand and walked to the
office. He smiled as he put it down on his desk. The pub was doing

He ran up the stairs.
“Mister Inn Keeper. What are you doing up here?” Jordan roared with
laughter as Joy stood with her hands on her hips.
“So what are you so busy with?”
“Out of my kitchen!” He smiled and pulled Joy in to his arms.
“Have I told you I love you?” Joy smiled. She kissed Jordan.
“And I love you.” Jordan smiled as he walked down the stairs.
“If you turn around you are going to get a walloping!” Jordan
roared with laughter and made his way in to the pub.

Craig and Frank both stood with their arms
folded over. He looked at them both.
“Yes?” Frank grinned.
“Miss Sheridan?” Jordan smiled. Craig grinned.
“Well, well, well. Now the other bit of information we would like
to know.” A couple walked in and Jordan smiled. They all got back
to work. Jordan knew what they wanted to ask. Jordan started doing
his stock check. He looked at the bottles in the cupboard.
“Frank. Is that it?” Frank grinned and nodded.
“They kind of drank a whole box last night.” Jordan grinned and
“Are you serious?” Frank nodded.
“That is a hit. They all are. Oh your Mum drank a bottle on her
own. Your father left us with the phone number of the bank
manager.” Jordan roared with laughter.
“So we order a few more boxes?” Frank nodded.
“We might need to order a few more of those glasses. I noticed a
few of them found feet.” Jordan smiled and shook his

He headed back to his office and caught a
whiff of biscuits being baked. He walked in to the kitchen and
looked around. Sarah smiled.
“Mister Lewis!” Jordan smiled.
“Just checking. How is everybody doing?” Sarah smiled and
“We are doing just fine. I know why you are here.” Jordan
“Really?” Sarah nodded.
“Uhu. And it is not wafting from this kitchen. And I would like to
know what it is that we are busy with. I think I am smelling butter
biscuits.” Jordan chuckled.
“Must be next door.” Sarah grinned. Jordan walked out. He sprinted
up the stairs.
“Enough!” Joy roared with laughter as he took one of the hot
biscuits and bounced it in his hand. He took two more and ran down
the stairs. He walked in to the kitchen and handed a biscuit to
Sarah. She smiled and held the hot biscuit. She took a bite and
“Now this is divine!” Jordan roared with laughter and walked out of
the kitchen.

Frank walked up to Jordan.
“See here. We have a problem.”
“And what is the problem?”
“That smell. It is driving us all nuts!” Jordan roared with
“My oven is baking.”
“Clearly!” Jordan ran up the stairs and Joy handed him a barrel of
“Kind of have a problem with the formulae!” Jordan roared with
laughter and took the barrel. He kissed Joy and ran down the stairs
with the barrel. Everyone had a biscuit or two. He walked into the
kitchen and everyone had a biscuit. Sarah smiled.
“See. Butter biscuits. I told you!” Jordan grinned. He walked out
of the kitchen. Craig and Frank dived into the barrel and had a few
more biscuits.

Jordan walked up the stairs with the
barrel. Joy smiled as she took the tray of biscuits out of the
oven. She took the barrel and filled it up. She handed Jordan a
huge tub of dough.
“Tell Sarah to do little ones. About the size of a coin. Serve them
with the coffee.” Jordan chuckled and headed downstairs. He walked
through to the kitchen. He handed the tub of dough to Sarah.
“To be done the size of a coin. To be served with coffee.” Sarah
grinned. She roared with laughter and nodded. Jordan chuckled as he
walked out. He walked back to his office and smiled. He ran up the
stairs. Joy smiled.
“All done!” She started to laugh. Jordan roared with
“Do we have enough for the month?” Joy was in fits of laughter and
nodded. He grinned and Jordan doubled over with laughter. He looked
at all the tubs of biscuits. Joy smiled.
“What can I say?”
“The formulae thing?” Joy smiled and nodded.
“And I am done. We have loads of biscuits. Loads!” Jordan smiled
and nodded.
“And they are divine. What are we going to do with all those
biscuits?” Joy smiled.
“Sell them? Per kilo?” Jordan grinned.
“No. We are going to keep the big tub. Now these I really like. The
rest I will take downstairs.” Joy smiled.
“I have a tub for Tanya.” Jordan hugged her and kissed her.
“Thank you.”
“What for?”
“For making my life exciting!” Joy smiled. She hugged Jordan. He
grinned and walked downstairs with two huge barrels of biscuits.
Frank smiled as he took a barrel. He sealed the lid.
“Thank you.” Craig smiled. He took the barrel. He sealed the lid.
Jordan grinned. Sarah walked through with a huge glass jar.
“Now you serve one of these with every cup of coffee.” Jordan
“Only one because those are in a class of their own!” Jordan
“And that is it?”
“Stay out of my kitchen Mister Lewis!”

Jordan grinned and Sarah chuckled. Frank
“I have never had such a nice tasting biscuit. This barrel is going
home with me!” Jordan smiled and shook his head.
“I am not stepping on a scale.” Craig opened his barrel of biscuits
and took one out. Frank and Jordan both put their hands inside and
took one. Craig grinned.
“Going home! Breakfast, lunch and supper.” Tanya walked in.
“Now let me have one of those!” Craig grinned.
“One!” She took her biscuit and Craig sealed his tub.
“Oh these are so nice. Where did they come from?”
“The naval bake!” Tanya roared with laughter.
“I need to relax. May I use your suite?” Jordan nodded and smiled.
Tanya walked down the passage and ran up the stairs.
“Oh it smells divine!” Joy smiled. Tanya took a biscuit and sat
“I like what you have done in here. You don’t have to fall over a
chair when you walk up here. Very nice!” Joy chuckled.
“Much better.” Joy nodded.
“And don’t forget your barrel of biscuits.” Tanya

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