Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2) (56 page)

BOOK: Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2)
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it, I fill out the screen and wait, it takes about ten minutes, and
we have his books.

we have gotten Max’s?” I ask walking home.

he’s good, he got his weeks ago.” Man, sometimes those
two are so opposite and other times they are scarily alike. I spend
about an hour on the phone with my dad; he fills me in on the court
hearing and how it’s looking like Ben will loose, which I am
thankful for. He invites us for dinner on Sunday making sure to
remind Knox.

watch him patch the wall he punched before the landlord charges us a
fortune, when someone knocks on the door. Reaching over to open it I
point at him.

working.” Pulling the door open, my smile turns in a scowl.

His cousin and her friends are
standing there looking pissed off. “Is Knox here?” she
asks with attitude.

do want him?” I am so being a bitch but I don’t care;
they deserve much more than my bad attitude.

he here or not?”

steps up behind me, and she smiles at him. “What?” his
voice echoing mine.

wanted to come by before we leave to go back to school.” He
nods but doesn’t invite them in. “Okay.” His face
turns murderous when he looks over at the chick that stole his stuff.
I watch as she shrinks back a little under his stare.

sorry,” she mumbles and he scoffs at her.

fucking should be. I should have called the cops for that shit you
pulled.” His voice is harsh and brutal. I wrap my arm around
his waist making him step closer to me

we come in for sec please?” his cousin asks. Knox looks at me
raising his eyebrows.

you want,” I reply and he nods.

back, we let them into the apartment directing them to the sitting
room we follow. Knox stays standing beside me and folds his arms. He
looks menacing with his bulging biceps, scowling face and the
screwdriver in his hand. His cousin looks at us,

sorry, Knox, I didn’t know the girls were planning a joke on
you guys.” She says sweetly trying to diffuse the situation.

doubt it was meant as a joke.” I level a glare at her and Knox
puts his arm around my shoulders.

that it? Is that why you came? To try pretend like what she did was a
joke?” he asks his cousin as she stands to look out of the

we just wanted to apologize and I wanted to say goodbye to you and

runs his hand through his hair. “He is with Paige.”

nods and smiles. “Oh that’s right she is coming to our
school this year.” Her smug attitude pisses me off no end.

does that mean?” I ask looking at her then the other two.

just that we will see her there.” In three strides I am in
front of her face.

you or your fucking bitch squad do or say anything to my friend, I
will be on the next flight and you will be fucking sorry.”

at me, she moves to hug Knox goodbye. His body is stiff and she lets
him go. “You know dad is right about her,” she says
flicking her head in my direction. “She is trouble, Knox, be
careful.” Knox turns her to the door.

he says and points to her friends to leave too. He slams the door
behind them and walks back into me. “Don’t listen to her
darlin’, I told you before she turned into a bitch when she
took off for school.” Leaning down, he kisses me and takes my
hand pulling me down the hall to watch him fix the rest of the wall.

can just put a picture over it,” he muses.

Knox, fix it.” Sitting on the floor, I send Paige an email
warning her to be on the look out for those three. “Oh I forgot
to tell you we are going to dad’s for lunch on Sunday and don’t
worry, I’ll be making sure you make it this time.”
Rolling his eyes, he mumbles at me then blows me a kiss.

takes him an hour to the fix the hole smiling when he is done proud
of his home improvement skills.

if takes you that long to fix a hole. Remind me to hire out when we
buy a house,” I tease chuckling at him.

he looks at me. “Who says I want to buy a house with you?”
Standing I stretch and smile at him sweetly.

right babe, I’ll live on my own. It will be better, a big ole
house all for me and the kids while you and Max can chill in your
bachelor pad.” Frowning he stalks towards me.

kids?” Inching backwards I smile at him and shrug my shoulders.

maybe I’ll find myself a freshman this year and fall madly in
love with him then have wild outdoor sex making babies.”

grabs me before I can finish. “No fucking way, you’re
mine,” he growls lifting me onto his hips smirking. “So
what do you think?” he asks, turning to face the wall.

job babe, but no more punching the walls okay?” His eyebrows
shoot up as he tries to look innocent.

Nope that was Max.” Nodding, I lower my mouth to his.

it was.” His hands cup my ass as I kiss him, another knock on
the door has him groaning. “This better be good!” he
shouts before opening it revealing a very upset twin brother.

jump down from Knox and grab Max in a hug, his tears soaking my
shoulder as his body shakes. Knox pulls us inside closing the door
lifting his face; Max rubs his hands over his eyes.

he whispers, Knox grabs him hugging him close and I leave them to
make coffee. I can hear them talking quietly as I make coffee and
hand out my cupcakes

is ready,” I call down to them Knox stands letting Max and I
sit at the table.

He smiles and I nod peeling the wrapper off.

my nan used to say cupcakes make everything a little better.”
He gives me a small smile and takes a bite. We sit in silence for a
while Max eats and drinks resting his back against the wall.

said I could move into her apartment to be close to you two.”

at least I can still do my secret code.”

his head, Max asks what is my secret code so I explain what Paige and
I came up with, both Knox and Max look at me before he speaks he

do know that you wont be coming home alone at night right, darlin’?”
Pursing my lips, I raise my eyebrow at him.

know, but Max will.” I smile, making them both grumble at me.

you would come up with something crazy like that.” Max laughs
pointing at the cupcakes

I have another please?”

sets the container down in the table. “Help yourself bro.”
Turning I whack Knox on the leg.

you don’t like cupcakes?”

away from me he laughs. “I do, I just don’t want another
one right now. I’m going to get ready for work.” He
kisses my head on his way to the shower.

bites down getting frosting on his nose. “He is missing some
nice cakes.” Max smiles.

need to hit the gym extra this week,” I say taking the
container away from him laughing at his face.

need to go get ready too, see you later sis.” I walk him to the
door giving him a hug.

here if you need to talk, Max. You helped me during the summer so I
owe you one.” He squeezes me tight then leaves. Walking into
the bathroom I peek into the shower at Knox.

fun?” I ask, making him jump with fright.

Bailey!” he shouts at me, laughing I run as he turns off the
water and chases me wrapping a towel around his waist, leaving wet
footprints on the floor. I am laughing so hard tears are rolling down
my face. Grabbing me, Knox throws me on the sofa climbing on top of

funny darlin’.”

whole body shakes with laughter. “Yes is was.” Shaking
his head he drips water all over me like a wet dog. “Get off,”
I laugh pushing his slick chest.

Grabbing my hands, he pulls them over my head and tickles me.

babe, I’m sorry,” I cry trying to wrestle out from under
him, my clothes are wet from him sitting on me and I squirm.

stops after a few minutes my breathing is rapid and my ribs hurt form
his fingers and laughing, he kisses my lips.

babe my ribs hurt.” He lets my hands go so I can rub them, his
grin tells me he is not finished with me yet bending down he nips my
neck. “Ouch Knox.” I punch his arm, which feels like
punching a brick wall.

up he smiles then climbs off me. “Don’t do that again,”
he warns walking out of the room with me following to change my
clothes. “Darlin’.” He nods at me like we are two
business people, laughing I nod back “Knox” I catch him
biting his lip to stop from smiling. I change into jeans and a shirt
Knox frowns when he sees me. “That’s what you’re
wearing?” I slip on my heels I smile.

what’s wrong with it?” Walking into the closet, he looks
through my clothes. “Excuse me just, because I let you dress me
last week, doesn’t mean you get to decide what I wear.”

his head he grabs a tank top that sparkles. “How about this?”

I like what have on.” Shrugging he throws my tank on the shelf.

asking is all,” he mutters walking out of the closet. Rolling
my eyes I change and step out.

time unless I ask for your help.”

grins at me. “Thanks darlin’.” We leave the
apartment to go get Max my phone beeps with a text.

Hi thanks for the warning Lol just settled into my dorm, so miss my
own place.

OMG!!! Miss you already we are on the way to the bar are you tired?

No too fucking miserable to be tired, need a drink though.

Come home!! We miss you.

Miss you guys too need to find my PJ’s then I will call to
watch them play.


you texting?” Knox asks me when I smile putting my phone away.

she just got to her dorm.”

looks at me then his phone beeps. Knox takes my hand as we walk
through campus a cool breeze blows causing my skin to break out in
goose bumps I shiver.

knew I should have left my shirt on.” Knox wraps his arm around

you look better like that.”

huff at him following his line of sight to my chest. “Perv.”

He laughs at me planting a kiss
to my lips. “All yours darlin’.” Arriving to the
bar it is wall to wall with people. Knox steers me through the crowd
to the edge of the bar but I stop dead when I see his uncle serving

worry about him,” Max says walking behind the bar, and Chase
waves at us smiling like a nut job.

a drink darlin’?” I nod and wait while he walks behind
the bar making me a drink. His uncle looks over at me and shakes his
head but says nothing. Knox hands me a drink then he pops the top on
his beer.

busy babe,” I say stepping closer to him.

good for us darlin.” he kisses my head holding me to him Eric
and Dave find us.

shit bro this place is rocking” Eric says stopping beside Knox.
Dave the drummer never really talks when I’m around he just
sips the beer Max brings over for them. Abbey from class pushes her
way over to us.

Bailey.” She grabs me in a hug then stands beside Eric.

how are you?”

she smiles. “Good.” Hooking her arm around Eric he kisses
her. Knox raises his eyebrows.

been holding out on us, Max.” Both Knox and Max nod smiling at

one of our life long best friend.” Max shakes his head taking a
pull on his beer.

up fuckers,” Eric laughs. “This is Abbey.” He
points to her smiling then turns to the guys, “and this is Dave
way nicer than these two. Knox and Max.” She smiles at them.

Know Bailey and I are in class together.”

up my fist, she bumps hers off mine and we laugh. Dave and Max look

lets rock this place.” Knox kisses me before making his way
through the crowd.

sit with us.” Abbey grabs my hand and we walk to one of the

where is Paige?” she asks sliding into the seat,

she transferred to NYU left this morning.”

eyes widen. “What about Max?” one of the other girls ask.
Turning I smile I think her name is Becky.

they are still together.” she nods but her eyes are glued on

rolls her eyes at me smiling. The guys tune their instruments before
turning to face the packed bar. Knox finds me, and smiles then starts
to sing a Mumford & Son’s song.

taps my arm. “You guys are so cute together.”

I nod. “Thanks.” We watch Knox sing for a few minutes and
I video call Paige, who is in bed with a drink waving I laugh at her
and turn my phone so she can watch.

grabs my hand pulling me to the dance floor. Standing in front of the
stage, I wave at Max pointing at my phone bending down he grins and
winks at Paige, turning my phone I smile at her.

you got a wink!” I shout at her.

I saw that.”

I hold the phone at the same time checking on Paige every few minutes
to confirm her status.

good,” she yells holding up her vodka and cranberry.

Knox is on the last song for this
set my body is sweaty from the heat of all the people in here, Knox
finishes so I turn the phone to me.

you enjoy that?” I ask Paige.

it was fun.” She smiles back at me, Knox strums his guitar
again looking up he winks at me,

know we usually stop about now but just one more song” He
strums a few more times “I’d like for my fiancé to
join me up here” I look at Paige then around the bar shaking my
head at Knox who nod’s yes.

BOOK: Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2)
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