Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2) (50 page)

BOOK: Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2)
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know, if we need to I am sure we can get a statement from the
hospital saying how hurt I was compared to him.” My uncle sits
in his chair and flicks through papers. This goes on for two hours
until we walk across the street to the courthouse. I guess my uncle
plays golf with the judge and got us a hearing on short notice. We
walk inside and I can smell furniture polish and stale cigarette
smoke, I walk beside my dad rounding the corner I grab his hand like
I did when I was a kid.

you didn’t tell me he would be here.” I completely panic
on the inside as I see Ben sitting outside one of the court rooms
with a fucking smug smile on his face.

dad squeezes my hand. “I didn’t know.” He hisses
looking at my uncle’s back. I stand down the hall away from
them and pull out my phone calling Knox.

darlin’. Shit, I’ve been waiting.”

swallow hard trying to keep my voice even. “Hi babe just got to
the court now.” It comes out like a squeak and Knox jumps on

wrong, Bailey? I know by your voice something is wrong.” Good
God I love him so much.

my back, I look out the window at the traffic whizzing by. “He’s
here,” I whisper and hear a crash.

What the fuck why is he there? Where are you? Are you with your dad?”
He fires one question after another at me and my eyes fill up.

standing down the hall away from him,” I whisper hearing Knox
breaking more stuff. “Babe, what are you doing?”

sighs, “Nothing, just cleaning up the cup I broke. Jesus
Christ, I knew I should have went with you.”

stay on with him for a few more minutes. “Okay babe, I’ll
call when we come out. I need to pee.” I chuckle.

darlin’. Remember I love you.” Hanging up, I walk into
the restroom and run my hands under the cold water to cool down,

it together, Bailey. You were never afraid of that asshole,” I
scold myself looking in the mirror. Stepping outside I am turning my
phone to silent when I feel his breath on my neck and his chest
against my back trying to run he bumps me into the wall and stands
against me placing his hands on the wall either side of my shoulders.

so tough without your bodyguard are you? I’m gonna get what is
mine and you are going to pay you fucking cunt.”

spits the word at me than walks away smirking. Running back into the
restroom I lock myself in the stall and cry. My whole body is shaking
and my mind is flashing back to when he beat me. I try to text my dad
but my hands are shaking so much I drop my phone sending it into the
next stall, kneeling on the floor reaching under to grab it feeling
sick. My stomach tightens as I expel my breakfast and my eyes burn
from the tears, I am so fucking stupid. This guy is an asshole but I
can’t help it I am truly afraid of him now I never used to be
but maybe I should have been all along.

phone lights up with a call. Grabbing it blindly, I answer. “Hello?”
I whisper, wiping my eyes while I sit on the floor of the bathroom.

I was going to leave you a voicemail telling how much I love you
and..” dropping the phone I don’t even hear Knox, as I
retch again and again. Once I’m finished I can hear him
shouting my name,

here,” I whisper resting my head against the cool wall.

the fuck is going on?” he shouts.

shout at me” I manage as tears fall again.

baby, no I don’t mean to shout at you, what happened? Are you
okay?” I nod closing my eyes. “Bailey hang up, I’ll
call you back.” His voice is soft and tender when he hangs up.
My phone lights again with a video chat I swipe the screen and see
him, it’s the best I am going to get until I get home his eyes
widen when he sees me, “Where’s your dad?” he asks
bristling with anger “outside” I pull some tissue and
wipe my eyes and mouth cleaning myself up a bit at least the black
mascara rings are gone now.

baby, stand up. Come on,” he coaxes me to the sink to rinse my
mouth and wipe my eyes properly taking a deep breath I step outside
and look around not seeing my dad.

don’t see him Knox.” Biting my lip I look around and walk
over to the door they were all sitting outside and open it. I walk
into the courtroom and sit beside my dad with Knox still on video
chat my dad turns to me.

did you go? I was looking for you?” my dad whispers and Knox
hisses at him from my lap.

was puking, Frank. What the hell happened?”

dad lifts up my phone and ends the call. We listen to my uncle talk
in circles and argue with the other attorney and then it’s
over, just like that. We walk back to his office and I wait for him
to speak.

well at least we have two weeks to get this shit sorted out,”
he says looking at me frowning. “Where the hell did you go?”
he snaps.

was in the restroom.” Mumbling he opens his briefcase and I
tell them what Ben said and did. My dad grabs me into a hug as I cry
again. He calls my mom to come get me and take me home.

My mom grabs me, hauling me out of the office so fast I think het
feet are on fire, once we are home I change into a t-shirt and wash
my face then crawl into bed. This place is horrible now all my good
memories are tainted my mom brings me some tea “Here
sweetheart.” She sits on my bed and rubs my hair.

looks different now reaching for the cup she grabs my hand staring at
my ring then looks up at me.

engaged?” I nod, taking my hand back and grabbing the tea.

mom, and I don’t want to fight about it.” I’m
exhausted and I want to sleep for a few hours until I can get on a
plane and go home.

She smiles at me and I think it’s a genuine smile like when I
was ten.

I say sipping my tea. “Okay, I’ll let you get some sleep
and check on you in a little while.” I nod as she leaves.

my phone, I call Knox back.

I can hear buzzing.

you getting a hair cut?” I ask not really able to hear him.

he’s not sis,” Max laughs.

okay, you guys having fun?” I ask setting my cup down.

loads, how about you?”

the bed covers up to my chin I close my eyes. “No not so much,
just tired now.” Max says he has to go and will get Knox to
call me in a few minutes. “Okay.” I hang up shoving the
phone under my pillow I fall asleep. My dreams are full of old times
of Summer and I hanging out after school in the park or one of our
houses, soon though they turn to nightmares of Ben and pain, my face
tingles as I’m waking up. My phone vibrates from under the
pillow. “Hi,” I whisper rolling onto my back.

darlin’, where are you?”

a few times, I stare at the ceiling. “In bed.” I yawn,
stretching my body.

are you in bed? I thought your flight was at eight.” Checking
my watch, I sit up pushing the covers off me cursing my mother for
not waking me on time.

call you back in a minute, babe.” Hanging up I press my dad’s
number and wait and wait until finally he answers.

sweetheart.” My mind is racing trying to remember where my
stuff is.

what time are we going to the airport? Mom let me sleep and I just
woke up.”

know, I told her to leave you. I changed the flight to eleven so I
will leave in about an hour.”

thanks.” Shit, I almost missed my flight. I text Knox telling
him the plans and grab my purse. Running down to the kitchen, I see
the familiar yellow scratch paper on the table; a note from mom
saying she and Thomas went to dinner and the movies. Grabbing a pen,
I write goodbye on the end of it and text my dad I am ready to go now
to come get me.

through the airport I sigh when we step outside. Seeing dad’s
car waiting for us I send a quick text to Knox that I’m leaving
the airport now.

I have to go back for the next hearing?” I ask settling, into
the soft leather seat.

don’t know but I will find out. Hopefully not.” My dad
gives me a sad smile.

did I become this scared woman? I don’t even like her, dad. I’m
usually strong and in control but now.” Shaking my head I look
out the window at the freeway flying by.

still strong, sweetheart, but sometimes things happen that shake us
up a little.” I nod as the lights of downtown appear beside me.
I wonder if Summer was scared of Ben, if she knew a side of him that
none of the rest of us did. Maybe he was a different person around
her. I know for certain she changed when she was with him and I
usually suffered from it.

you going to be okay? Do you want to stay at the house tonight?”
my dad asks looking at me.

good, dad. I have Knox; trust me he won’t let me out of his
sight for the next few days.” He nods. As we pull into the
parking lot of the apartment, I give him a hug and kiss goodbye.
Stepping out of the car I am met with a topless sweat pants wearing

babe, you tryin’ to cause a stampede?” He grabs me in a
hug, kissing my temple before taking my bag. “See dad,” I
say closing the door to his laughter. Slipping my hand into Knox’s,
we walk up to the apartment.

need anything?” he asks bringing my bag into the bedroom.

just going to grab a quick shower,” I say pulling off my
sweater. Knox follows me into the bathroom and sits on the toilet lid
while I shower.

he hurt you, darlin’?” His voice is controlled as he asks
but I know he is flipping out.

babe,” I say letting the water cascade down my back. I close my
eyes for a few minutes before turning it off. Knox holds out a towel
for me and wraps me in his arms.

happy your home. Now I can sleep.” He kisses my shoulder while
walking me to the bedroom. “Do you want to talk about it?”

my head, I dry off and climb into the nice soft bed. “Not
tonight.” He nods running his hand through his hair wincing.
“You okay, babe?” He smirks opening the drawer of his
nightstand taking out his medication. “Knox,” I sigh as
he pops a pill.

fine, darlin’. Just stress.” Climbing in beside me, he
wraps his arm around my stomach. “Naked Bailey. This feels like
an invite.” He smirks.

it is,” I whisper. I kiss his neck running my hand over his
back feeling something. “What’s that?” Turning on
the light, he rolls onto his stomach showing me the gauze from the
tattoo shop. “Can I?” He nods and I slowly peel it back.
The Celtic piece is finished and it looks amazing.

beautiful, babe.” Leaning closer, I inspect it looking at the
way the knots intertwine.

out the middle,” he tells me. I’m looking but all I see
is a big knot. “Don’t see it, huh?” he laughs at

what am I looking for?” Climbing out of bed, he brings me to
the mirror.

over his shoulder, he tries to point. “In there.” Leaning
in more, I see our names through out the knot, tied together.

I gasp, Leaning down, I pretty much press my nose is to his back as I
look at all the tiny Knox’s and Bailey’s that make up the

check this out.” He points to the tree covering his bicep and
chest. Standing I see my name with a purple hue around the leaf.

me?” Biting my lip, I swing my arms around his neck. “I
love you, Knox Porter.” I am blessed with his beautiful smile
as he holds me.

love you too, darlin’. Now bed.” Knox wraps his arms
around me holding my back to his chest and rubbing his thumb across
my stomach as he kisses my shoulder. My eyes drift closed enjoying
his touch.


day I have been waiting to hold her in my arms again. Seeing her
sitting on the bathroom floor in that state knocked the wind out of
me. Getting my tattoo finished was a spur of the moment decision only
because I needed to focus my attention elsewhere, or I would have
hopped a plane to Grove and finished that bastard off. Max and I
fought; I think that was the first time in years we argued and of
course, it was about nothing just being our usual selves. I don’t
know what to do with Bailey anymore. I love her to death but I don’t
think I can help her; every fiber of my being adores her and yet I
feel helpless.

can’t sleep anymore. Ever since I went away, I have been
finding it hard to close my mind down and relax. These fucking
headaches are getting worse which is making me pissed off and now,
this whole court case bullshit. I watch as she moves around her hands
fisted and little mumbles coming from her lips, another bad dream.
Lifting my hand I push her hair off of her face, kissing her temple
and she relaxes back against me.

feels good like this. At least I can keep the bad dreams at bay if
only for a few hours. My own nightmares finally stopped; every night
since she stopped breathing in my arms I have dreamed she never woke
up and I was lost, all alone wandering the town looking for her.
Looking down at her sleeping form, my heart swells. How the hell did
I get so lucky? Maybe my mom sent her to me. God knows I needed
someone to love me the way I loved them. More mumbles and head

I whisper in her ear she; moves closer to me, well tries to because
she can’t get any closer. Her head is now jammed under my chin
and her arm latching onto my shoulder holding tightly.

don’t sleep at all. Instead I watch my girl all night holding
her. Now the sun is peeking the horizon and I can feel my eyelids
getting heavy.

sighs as she rolls onto her back. “Hi,” she whispers to

BOOK: Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2)
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