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Authors: KC Royale

Taken Love (5 page)

BOOK: Taken Love
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Chapter 7


IT WAS MONDAY morning, and another week had passed in the blink of an eye, so it was now the following Monday morning. I was standing at my locker, waiting for my bubbly best friend to jump on me, and tell me how great her weekend was. But when she was arrived, it was as if someone had stolen the fire from her furnace. She looked as if she hadn’t slept all night, her eyes were red, and she looked like she wanted to kill someone, or… die! The sight of her made me literally gasp in horror, as I took in her appearance. In all my years of knowing her, I’d never seen her look like this. Her clothes were wrinkled, and she had no makeup on.
Who was this person? What the hell happened?

“Blair, are you alright?” I asked, as she stood in front of me, staring at me in silence, her eyes boring into mine, as if she didn’t recognize me.

“No, I’m not. You were at Johnathan’s house, while I was away?” She asked me in a tone I’d never heard from her before.
Oh crap!

“Yes, I was invited to his party.”
Why would he tell her?

“Why didn’t you tell me Kat?” She snapped.

“I forgot. Did I need to?” I asked, trying to show a little guile.

“You should know that answer, so why would you not tell
?” She snarled.

“I’m sorry, but what does that party have to do with anything?” I needed to know where this was going, before I snapped, and lost my cool.

“He broke up with me Kat. He ended it, and told me I wasn’t even his girlfriend this whole damned time.” She whimpered, and I could sense her hurt and pain immediately.

“He what??” I uttered. A sudden wave of shock hit her, and she hugged me. I felt her tears on my arms, and I held her tight. JP was a professional at making girls cry. The boy deserved a medal. He had managed to hurt me, and my best friend, in a matter of a few months of his arrival.
Bravo, JP, Bravo!

“Why? Why would that ass—,” I stopped myself, but shouldn’t have. “Why would he do that?” I muttered into her hair, as she hugged me, knowing that I knew already, why. He just chewed them up, and spit them all out, one by one, as if he studied for this game. She pulled back and looked me in the eyes, before saying something that stopped me cold.

“He said it was because of
.” I felt the blood drain from my face, as I gaped at her.
Oh JP! What are you trying to do to my friendship?

“What?” I uttered, as my breath caught in my throat and she glared at me.

“He said he only wants to be with you, and he wants
to be his girlfriend. He made that part very clear. I wonder why that is?” She crossed her arms, and I stepped back from her. It was an amazing sight to see Blair like this. One minute she’s my best friend, and then the next she’s glaring at me like I’m her ultimate competition in life. So in that moment, I decided to let my bitterness die, regarding the fact she went after him deliberately. But it also became painfully obvious, that she wouldn’t do the same for me. It was at this point, when I knew our friendship was really at a standstill… all at the hands of JP.

“Oh, that’s what he said, huh?” I spit out at her, as I felt my rage take center stage. I didn’t know who I was mad at more, him or her. I just knew that I was pissed. I threw my bag in the locker, and I was now on the hunt. I needed to find him, and give him a piece of my damn mind. “Where the hell is he now, Blair?” I asked her, seething so intensely I was shaking.

“I don’t know where he is. Maybe he is at his locker down the hall?” She muttered. I felt so bad for her, then again, I felt that she knew this would happen, just like it happened to all the other girls. I was so angry about all of this, I knew exactly who I was going to take my anger out on. I slammed my locker, leaving her there, as I made my way down the hall. I didn’t know where his locker was, but I was searching for him. I walked with determined strides down the hall, looking for my prey. He was going to  pay  today,  for  hurting  us  both,  and  trying  to destroy my longest friendship to date. I couldn’t find him anywhere, after turning another corner, it was then that I saw him, and I halted. He turned and saw me looking at him, he then smirked at me. My legs  immediately started  moving, I was  heading  towards  him,  as  I huffed. He turned and headed towards the exit, and I followed him. He was heading out of the school building, but I continued to follow him.

The chilly air made me cover myself, as I looked around the front of the school for him.  I  crossed  my  arms,  as  my  head swung from left to right, and then I saw the back of his  book  bag  as  he  turned  the  corner.  I steady walked towards him, and turned the corner following him. Once I bent the corner fully, I was then grabbed and pushed against the wall. His mouth covered mine in a searing kiss, and I gasped as he cupped both sides of my head, holding me to him. His kiss was hot and demanding, I went to yell at him, and he slipped his tongue inside of my mouth, groaning into me. “No, JP!” I gasped.

“Yes, kiss me.” He muttered against my mouth, kissing me as if he needed his lips on mine. Short gasps of air filled my ears, as I felt my body betraying me, and I moaned softly into his mouth. “Yes, that’s it.” He muttered, and deepened the kiss. And I kissed him back, my hands pulling him closer to my body. I was drowning and soaring, my body falling and floating high above me. I didn’t understand the pressure that was rapidly building inside me, it had my wits scattered. With each touch of his hands, or his lips, this pressure grew into more of an ache. He had touched me before, but this time was different, somehow more intense. Maybe because of my anger and hostility towards him, maybe because of the week hiatus of no contact. Maybe because of Operation ignore that asshole, or maybe because I still had feelings for him. The unfamiliar ache seemed to be clawing at me deep in my bones, surrounding me, conquering my entire being. I knew only one thing at that exact moment, one thing only. I needed more, I wanted more, to satisfy this need that I didn’t fully understand. My body was turned inside out, and in need of the promise that he was making with his kiss. I was so close, yet so far, to exploding inside.

He then pulled away from me, panting hard, as he tilted my head in his hands, to look him in the eyes. He had the same look from before, that intense smoldering look. “You taste so good… and you’ve nicknamed me, JP?” He asked, amused, as he licked his lips, gazing at me. It took me a few minutes to consider his question. I was still soaring, but I nodded in response, because that was all I could do at that point. He had literally kissed me senseless. I could barely stand up straight. “JP, huh?” He smirked, and kissed my lips quickly. He pulled back to look at me, I was still dazed, speechless and trying to breathe. He stared at me in silence, looking deeply into my eyes. “I think I love you, Kathleen.” He murmured.
I gasped, and felt my knees buckle, but his arm swept around my waist and caught me before I fell. I could hardly breathe, I felt as if I was in-between life and death, as I started to hyperventilate. “Hey, calm down baby. Slow your breathing.” He pulled me closer to him, and tried to comfort me.

“You... not… I’m... JP...” I muttered, in pants to him, and he smiled.

“You need a moment. Come on, let’s go to my house.” He stated. It wasn’t a question. I knew going back to class after all this was pointless, and one day out of my almost perfect attendance wouldn’t count against me.

“You... just… love...when.” I panted some more, as he led me to his car.
He drives a BMW?! What was going on here? Why was he doing this to me?
What my mother said to me came to my mind, as he started the engine, and backed out of the parking space
. ‘He used to make me so upset, and turns out, he was the love of my life.’
I couldn’t speak, hell, I could barely breath
. He said love, didn’t he?
How could he love me, when we’re not even together? Ten minutes later we arrived at his house, and he came around to open my door.

“Come on, baby, let me help you?” He asked, leaning down to help me get out the car, his sleek grey BMW. I stood, and leaned against the closed car door, taking a few deep breaths. “You okay? Tell me what do you need, baby?” He looked so concerned, and I scowled at him.

“Stop calling me baby. I’m not your baby, JP.”

“So you can call me JP, but I can’t call you baby?”

“I only call you that, so I can stop calling you asshole.” I breathed.

“I like it. Only you can come up with the perfect names for a guy like me.” He grabbed my hand, and we walked to the house, where he opened the door and led me inside.

“Are your folks here?” I asked, suddenly nervous. “No, they’re out of town.” He muttered.

“Maybe I shouldn’t be here, you don’t deserve my company.”

“I do deserve you, and I won’t let you go Kat, I promise.” His words made my heart flutter. I had never had anyone say the things he’d said to me today.
I think I love you… I won’t let you go… I deserve you.
I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I knew it felt right somehow, he felt right. I wanted him, and my feelings were evolving by the second, the hate I felt earlier was now being overpowered with something else. We entered his bedroom, and he was on me in a flash, kissing me until I couldn’t think straight again. Pulling my clothes off, while aggressively pressing my body against his, as his hands explored my body, while he kissed me deeply. He was everywhere, as I trembled and moaned in pleasure. He was all over me, as if he was a caged animal, who was now released. We ended up on his bed rather quickly, and I was trapped in a fog of lust and seduction.
What was I doing here with him? Why was I letting him have his way with me?

“Oh, JP.” I moaned, as he licked around my exposed nipple, and the feeling was
, so good. It’s been exactly one minute since entering his room, as I now laid on his bed in my bra and panties. He had lowered my bra cup, as he licked around my nipple, with only his boxers on. He had a nice, muscular chest. I could tell that he worked out in his spare time.

“I need you, Kat, I want you… I’ve told you repeatedly,” He looked up at me, panting. “I meant it.” He growled. I didn’t know what came over me, but in that instant, I actually believed him. All his notes and words were one thing, but his passion was another. Whenever he was touching me, he looked different, he seemed so open and raw. To see him like this now, was a moment of clarity for me.

“What about the other girls?” I breathed.

“There is only you, now and forever.” He muttered.

“Do you love me, Johnathan?”

“I think I’ve loved you since you slapped me, Kathleen. It’s been hard to admit it to myself, but I have.” He exhaled.

“I believe you.” I uttered. I’m not sure why I told him that, but it was true, admitting your feelings to yourself was hard.
I should know!

“You do, really?” He muttered, searching my eyes for any signs of doubt, but I was sure he wouldn’t find any.

“Yes, I think I feel the same way. All my feelings combined for you, I think, totals love.” I ran my hand through his hair, as we gazed at one another. I saw it in his eyes, he really cared for me.

“Will you share yourself with me?” He uttered against my lips, his eyes filled with need and want. It felt good to be wanted, especially by the only one you’ve ever wanted. Just then, the reality of what he was asking crashed over me, and I tensed.

“I’ve never… umm...” I muttered.

“I know.” He uttered, and kissed my lips, his tongue entering my mouth, as his teeth grazed my bottom lip.

“Have you, ever…” I uttered, knowing the answer already. He just knew entirely too much about the body of a female, and how to make me feel good, to be a virgin. He nodded his head, answering my question, and I swallowed, and felt the jealousy rising in my veins.
But this all happened before he moved here, right?

“You’re overthinking again.” He smiled at me, and I snorted. “I’ve only been with one person, and it was long before I moved here, she was my first.” He stated.

“So, you want to be my first.” I smiled, even though I was nervous and scared.

“I do, and you want to know why, baby?” He asked, and kissed my lips softly.

“Yes, please tell me.”

“I want to be the only one to kiss you,” he leaned down and kissed me again, softly. “Taste you,” he swiped his tongue over my bottom lip, and I gasped. “And claim you as
, Kathleen.” I felt my mind draw a blank, and my emotions exploded at his words. I began to slowly pant against his mouth, as I felt his hand lower on my body. With his eyes locked on mine, he then slides my panties to one side, and ran his finger up and down my wetness. I could hear his breathe hitch, as my panting increased. I was nervous and excited, and I didn’t know what I was feeling, but it felt so good. With his eyes on mine, he slowly pushed his finger inside me, causing me to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

My body trembled, as my insides clinched down repeatedly around his finger, his penetration sent me flying over the moon. My eyes closed, my back arched off his bed, as he lowered his head, sucking hard on my nipple. I cried out as the internal ache was back, taking me higher than before, as he touched me. I didn’t want him to ever stop. “I want only you,” he muttered, as my nipple popped out of his mouth, allowing the cold air to make it harden even more. “Just you, baby.” He uttered, as his tongue circled my nipple, and I moaned loudly, as his finger continued to move slowly inside of me. “I love you, Kathleen.” He muttered, as he looked into my eyes, panting slowly while silently asking for permission to claim me.

BOOK: Taken Love
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