Taken Love (3 page)

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Authors: KC Royale

BOOK: Taken Love
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Chapter 4


Three months later…

TWO MORE HOURS left and spring break would officially start, and I was thrilled. This was a time when everyone was happy to be at school today, because we all knew we would have a week and half off right after. I loved seeing my classmates happily walking down the hall, laughing, joking, and making plans to see each other. I knew I would have a boring spring break, I had no plans so far, but that was fine. Blair would be out of town, and I would be here alone with my family, but I had much to be happy about myself. I had already received my early acceptance letter from both of my top two schools, and in that alone, I intended to celebrate during my spring break in some way. A smile had been plastered on my face since I’d received those letters a few days ago, nothing, I mean nothing, could break the trance that I was in. I went to my locker and twirled the lock, realizing that this lock would soon be useless to me. Soon I would be out of here, and on my way to the school of my choice, and that made me start to giggle to myself. “What’s so funny?” I turned towards the sound of the voice to my right, and my smiled slowly turned into a deep frown. It happened so slowly, and so in-depth, that he actually looked affronted by the time I registered who was speaking to me.

Pierce. Only this guy, can turn my emotions upside down in a matter of seconds. He hadn’t spoken to me since the stairwell, and I was glad. He had turned out to be a real jerk, running from girl to girl in our school like a dog in heat. Ever since the rumor about his trust fund got out, it spread within a few days, and every girl wanted to try their hand to be with him. If he was
before, well this tidbit of news, really upped the ante. Most of the girls failed miserably to keep his attention, after only a few days, or a week even, and it was a sad sight to watch unfold. One day he would have a new girl on his arm, prancing her around in the halls like she was a prized horse, she would look so happy and excited. Then a few days, or a week later, that same girl would now be walking the halls alone, sad and heartbroken. He was definitely making his rounds, and I just couldn’t comprehend why he was breaking up with them so fast, but it was none of my business. I already had my brief encounter with him in the stairwell, where he teased me and made me feel wanted, just to make me feel heartbroken later, so I didn’t need to see anything else. He was an asshole, and that was enough for me to write him off for good. He wasn’t a factor, or even present in my life, at first. But that had changed, somewhat, and it sucked. But there was nothing I could do about it. Unfortunately, he was now seeing my best friend Blair, and I absolutely hated it.

I tried to warn her, and convince her to date someone else, but she had somehow become fixated on him now. There was nothing I could say or do, and I didn’t want to be the one to stop her happiness. Even if it was a temporary one, she seemed so proud to say she was his, not only to me, but to the entire school. I knew better, I knew he would hurt her just like he did all the other girls. They had been going out for a little over a week now, it was her turn to experience him in all his splendor, just like the rest of the girls before her. I could never date someone who was more interested in how many girls he could pull, rather than the girl herself.
But there were a few of us, such as myself, who didn’t entertain him at all, and went on about our lives as normal high school seniors, who were preparing for college. We were not fazed at all by that asshole, I didn’t know about them, but I had my own reasons not to indulge in the cycle. Operation ignore that asshole, has kept me emotionally protected, and out of his sight and clutches. Until now.

“Are you going to continue to ignore me Kathleen?” He asked me, as I continue to silently glare at him.
Ignore you?

“Yes.” I stated proudly, slammed my locker door shut, and left him standing there as I walked to my next class. How dare he think he could just come and talk to me just because he’s dating my best friend? He’d been dating her for one week and five days now, and the one day she’s not in school, he decides to speak to me?
Blair and her family were traveling to Canada to visit family, and they left early this morning, but not before she asked me to keep an eye on her precious Johnathan for her. I didn’t understand why she was becoming overprotective towards him, he hadn’t even kissed her yet, from what she’d told me. What was with him and
kissing girls? He probably had her pinned against the wall, or in a dark stairwell too, almost kissing her, like he almost did to me. That guy was crazy, and I was happy I didn’t have to see or hear about him for the next week and a half. With Blair gone, and school almost out, I was free to be me, and celebrate my acceptances to my top two schools. After lunch I hurried to my locker, swirled the combination and opened it, and a note fell out. I looked around and didn’t see anyone watching me, which meant the person who slipped it in the slit of my locker was nowhere around. It was a white folded piece of paper. I picked it up, opened it, and read it.

House Party for a select few, at my house on Saturday night. You are invited. Only you. Address: 4321 Nathan Lane. See you there… xoxox

I grabbed my math book, closed my locker, and headed to class before I was late. I knew there were a few parties going on this weekend, but I wasn’t invited to any, so I didn’t worry about going. But now I was invited by someone, and I was kind of excited that I was even considered. I wasn’t popular, and had no intentions to become popular, I minded my own business and Blair’s business too. This was great, because I needed to have some fun. I had never been to a house party before, but it was something I wanted to experience before heading off to college, and now I would.


Mom, it’s just a house party, and I won’t be there long, I promise.”

“Kathleen, if there are any drugs or beer there, you leave immediately, understood?”

“Yes, mother, I know the rules. It’s just a few of us from school, I’ll be back in a few hours, if that.” I giggled, as she dangled her car keys in front of me like bait.

“I would feel better if Blair was going with you, but I know she is out of town. Call me if you need me, we’ll be up until you're back home.”

“Okay, and yes, she is having a blast. She emailed me earlier with a few photos of the border.” She dropped the keys, and a huge grin came across my face, as I kissed her cheek and headed out the door.

“Curfew is midnight.” She yelled.

“Okay.” I yelled back, and slammed the front door, heading to her car. I didn’t even know whose party it was, but I was going to have some fun, so it didn’t really matter. I deserved to have some fun, and my parents knew it. They’re so proud of me, and I loved that they were. I felt so accomplished to have made good on their expectations of me, so far. I started the ignition, put in the address of the party, and began my journey into the unknown. I decided to dress up, because I rarely got a chance to do it, so I went all out. I had on a purple dress, black short heeled boots, a long silver necklace, and a few bracelets. I had my hair down, and freshly washed, with diamond studs. I didn’t know if the party was at one of the rich kid’s houses from my school, so to be safe, I knew jeans weren’t going to cut it tonight. Twenty minutes later, I arrived at a huge mansion that was the biggest house I’d ever seen to date. I was never on this side of town, because this was where the rich lived. I parked, and took a deep breath, and pulled out the invitation, to double check the address. “Yep, this is it.” I muttered to myself.

I got out the car, and walked up the long driveway, and wondered why I didn’t hear any music or see any kids hanging about? Then I remembered the invitation said: ‘
select few, only you.’
I approached the massive black door, and a wave of anxiety had suddenly come over me. I wondered if I should just leave now, but I wanted to have some fun, so I pushed the doorbell twice and took a deep breath. I waited for a few moments and the door opened. The view in front of me literally knocked the wind out of me. It was him, Johnathan
Pierce. I wanted to run, I was mentally telling my legs to turn around and sprint back to the car, but I couldn’t move. I was sure my mouth was hanging open as he smiled at me. “Johnathan
Pierce, what are you doing here?” I snarled.

“Asshole? Am I really that bad Kathleen?” His amusement was evident, and it made me even madder.

“No, you, you’re worse. Is this where the party is?” I asked, stretching my neck as I looked behind him, pretending that he wasn’t even standing right in front of me, looking gorgeous in his black jeans and t-shirt. .

“Yes, come on in.” He moved aside, and I saw his eyes travelling up and down my body, as I walked past him, and into the massive mansion. He closed the door, and stood there taking in my appearance, I could literally
his eyes on me.

“Why are you answering the door for someone else’s house? That’s a little odd.” I stated. As I walked further inside this huge mansion, my eyes roamed all around, and I suddenly felt like my house was as small as a monopoly game hotel piece.
This place was massive!

“Well, this is my house, and I invited you, Kathleen.” My head snapped around, and I looked at him, taking a few steps back, and exhaled.

“Why did you, invite me?” I asked him, as if I barely could talk, my voice was so quiet. I think I was still in shock, knowing that he was the one who’d left the note in my locker.

“I wanted you to have some fun. I’d heard you got accepted into your top two schools.” He boasted.

“You did, did you?” I hissed. “Well, your girlfriend will be paying for that little breach of confidentiality, once she’s back from Canada.” I snarled.

“Well, don’t be too hard on her… I did ask.” He admitted.

“You inquired about me, what for?” I shrugged, shaking my head at the same time.

“Call it curiosity.” He smirked.

“Well, curiosity killed that cat, so be careful what you presume to find out about me. Let’s be clear, I still don’t like you, and to top it off, you’re an asshole.” He laughed out loud, a hearty laugh, as if he hadn’t laughed like that in ages.

“I love that you’re not scared of me Kathleen. You’re a pleasure to be around.” He chuckled.

“What are you talking about, you’re never around me.” I stated, exasperated with him already, and it’s only been two minutes.

“I don’t have to be in your face to be around you. I still see you when I want to, and I have ways of filling my curiosity about you too.” He muttered.

“So, I guess my operation failed then.” I muttered harshly.

“What operation?” He asked, perplexed.

“Ugh, nothing.  I meant nothing.”  I stuttered quickly.

“Oh no…” He stepped towards me, and gently grabbed my arm. Looking into my wide eyes, just like before, and I gasped. “Tell me. I want to know what
you’re referring to.” He demanded. “It’s called…” I bit down on my lip, and he narrowed his eyes at me.

“Go on, out with it.” He coaxed, and I exhaled and muttered it.

“Operation ignore that asshole.”  I breathed, feeling anxious.

“I’m assuming that,
the asshole you’re determined to ignore?” I nodded, as he smirked and leaned forward, even closer to me. I could feel his breath on my lips, and I started to pull my arm from his, but his grip tightened.

“Let, go.” I snarled. “You want me too?”

“I asked, didn’t I?” I snapped.

“What if I don’t want to let go? What if I want to do this…” He leaned forward and brushed his lips over mine, I then pulled back from him, and jerked my arm away from his grasp.

“You... you… asshole.” I growled.

“I think we already got that part covered Kathleen, don’t you think?” He stood there, ready and willing to kiss me this time. I mean
kiss me, I could feel it in my bones, and it made me mad.
Why now?

“You lured me here to kiss me, and to cheat on my best friend, who happens to be
girlfriend?” I yelled in his face.

“We’re just hanging out.”  He shrugged his shoulders, as if Blair meant nothing to him.

Hanging out
? Is that what you call it?” I tilted my head in disgust at him. This guy was crazy.

“Kathleen, I haven’t had a girlfriend since I’ve moved here. But I think I’ve finally found someone who I
to be my girlfriend, if she would have me?” He smiled at me, and I closed my eyes to take a deep breath.

“You, are an asshole!” I turned and headed towards the door, he grabbed my arm again, spinning me around, before he pushed me against the back of the front door and kissed me. His lips pressed into mine, sucking the air from my lungs. I fought him as best I could, I needed him off of me. I needed him to move, and let me get out of here, but he didn’t. He groaned and pressed his tongue inside my mouth, and I pushed him off of me with all my might, he fell back a step. Both of us panting, but for two different reasons. His panting was of desire, and mine of anger, which had the both us breathing harder. We both glowered at each other, speechless, I raised my hand and slapped him across his face, my eyes widening. The sound of the slap ricocheted off the walls as an echo. He grabbed my hand that was still in the air, growling, and pushed me back against the door, his lips ever so close to mine as he stilled. A moment later, I brazenly leaned forward and bit his bottom lip,
. He growled again, and I felt his tongue on my top lip, licking slowly at my mouth, and I knew then that I’d lost the battle. I slowly licked his bottom lip, feeling the bite prints I’d just left embedded in it, while my body trembled against his. I pulled back, as we both just looked at each other, in silent deliberations until he spoke. “You want me.” He stated arrogantly.

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