Taken Love (9 page)

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Authors: KC Royale

BOOK: Taken Love
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Chapter 14


ANOTHER DAY IN Paris, and I took another hard swing at the bag, causing it to jolt forward. I heard my phone chime, I glanced at it, and saw that it was my uncle again. Ignoring his calls was becoming easier these days, he had already cost me greatly over the years already. To not surprise, he was still costing me. His firm got caught up in the beginning stages of a Ponzi scheme that almost ruined my company’s reputation, so I had to cut ties with him. He got caught early, when one of his employees reported him, and there was an audit and investigation started. He was later thrown in jail, and now called me constantly, but I hardly ever answered him. I didn’t have anything to say to him, and as long as I made sure my aunt was taken care of and that he had money on his books, I felt that my job was done.

He was lucky I did anything for him. Anything at all. He was the one who made me lie to Kathleen about the stipulations of my trust fund all those years ago, and it cost me greatly. I sighed, and went to get a sip of my Gatorade, as the sweat poured down my face. I looked over to the sitting area of the suite, and shook my head, as the nightmare I had two nights ago came flashing back. It was still fresh in my mind, and I wanted to forget it, but, it all seemed a little too real. I shook my head, and went back to punching the hell out of my punching bag. After I was done showering, I spent the rest of the evening preparing for my early morning meeting the next day. By nightfall I was restless, and in the hopes of getting a good night’s sleep, I left the TV on, hoping I wouldn't have another nightmare of me fucking another woman who wasn’t
. I was still tired when I woke up the next day, but I would still put my good foot forward, and secure this new deal. “The sacrifices we make for our careers.” I muttered, as I tightened my tie and grabbed my suitcase, heading out the door of the suite. I loved my suite here, at the Le Hotel Le Bristol in Paris, you could lease a suite here yearly, and it was my home when I’m here. It was a sunny today, and the fresh air was much needed, especially for someone who’d been up working most of the night. I exited the hotel, and saw my Paris driver Miguel waiting. I climbed inside the back of the Escalade truck, he held opened for me. I sent Sherman a text, letting him know that I was in route to the Paris office, and for him to confirm that everything was ready for the meeting with one of our potential international clients. Shockingly, he didn’t respond back. Sherman was always prompt and reliable. He always responded in the next minute, or maybe even five when I texted him, but not this time.

He knew what my expectations of him were, and now we were only ten minutes away from my Paris office, when my phone rang. I looked and saw that it was Sherman calling. “Finally.” I breathed and opened my phone, putting it on speaker. “Sherman, how nice of you to return my call. Is everything arranged?” I asked, irritated that he took so long to respond back to me.

“OKP has been located. We have a visual sir.” I immediately felt the air leave my lungs in a gasp, everything stopped functioning, as I digested his words. I realized that I had even stopped breathing, when I started choking for air. Trying to breathe in and out seemed very hard at the moment.

“Ugh, what was that Sherman?” I uttered.

“KP has been located sir. Your jet is fueled, and awaiting your arrival at the airfield as of now, sir. I’ve cancelled and rescheduled your morning meeting, with your sincere regards, and a car will be standing by, once you land back in the USA, to take you to the direct location of KP.” He murmured, all in one long, proud breath. But as for me… I couldn’t breathe at all.
They. Found. Her
They. Found. Her… I. Found. Her
. “Sir, are you there?” He asked.

“Good work Sherman, very good work indeed.” I muttered. Plans changed, jet readied, meetings cancelled, just like that. That’s the KP effect, only she could re-route my life, whether overseas, or US bound, in a matter of minutes.
Only her.

“I'll meet you on the jet, sir, I’m in route.” He stated proudly. Sherman was one in a million, and he understood better than anyone, about my need to not only find, Kathleen. But to be with her, again.

“Okay, Sherman, see you shortly.” I stated, and hung up, exhaling over and over again, not sure when I actually taken in those breaths. “Miguel, to the airfield.” I murmured, loudly, as I took a few more deep breaths to calm my nerves.

“Yes, sir.” He responded. I sagged in my seat, and the reality settled in. It’d been six years without her, including the two years after she vanished without a trace. Was she alright?
I found her.
Was she well?
I found her
. Did she need anything?
I found her
. Would I actually see her?
You're godamned right I would
. She may have changed her name back to Toth-Chamberlin, but that in no way meant that she wasn’t mine, legally or otherwise. I’d kissed her, I’d tasted her, and I’d claimed her. She was mine, and she would be mine again, completely. I would not stop until the love of my life, Kathleen Toth-Chamberlin, had changed her name back to Kathleen Pierce, once and for all.


I was somewhere on a business trip, as usual, and in need of release, especially after receiving an email from Sherman, with yet another disappointing update regarding OKP.
Where the hell was she?
Over the last two years, I would pick up a fuck buddy every now and again, taking them for drinks, or I’d meet someone at the bar. I approached all my fuck buddies with the same mentality, and always with honesty. Because I didn’t need much from them, only a very good blowjob.” That was the truth of the matter, and it’d been my preference, since Kathleen vanished. I had to make things simple for them, and myself, because I wanted what I wanted, take it or leave it. This time things went a little different, and what happened with this woman really surprised me. I was in the hotel bar, drinking and reading emails, until I noticed that someone sat in the empty seat at my small table. I was re-reading the disappointing email from Sherman, regarding OKP, for the fourth time. I exhaled, and looked up to see that I had company, in the form of a tall, brunette, with green eyes like mine.

With one look at her, I knew what she wanted. She was a woman whose posture screamed ‘
fuck me, now.
’ She had her breasts pushed high, her lips plump and coated in ruby red lipstick, sky high heels and a short dress, and she smelled nice. “Hello, may I help you?” I sat my blackberry down, and picked up my tumbler of club soda, taking a sip, while looking at her.

“Oh, I think I can help
, but perhaps we can help each other, Mr. Pierce.” I raised my eyebrows at her brazen demeanor, it was exactly what I was looking for in a fuck buddy. No muss no fuss, let’s just get down to the brass tactics, and fuck. I wasn’t surprised by anything she said, other than the fact that she knew my name. When you’re in the mainstream of the wealthy, you’d be surprised how people study your public profile and whereabouts. I still didn’t understand how she knew my name, I expected that kind of certainty in the USA, but not here in Paris.

“You think you can satisfy my needs?” I asked her. I didn’t need to know her name, I needed her to let me fuck her in the ass, and come in her mouth.

“Oh, baby, I can do whatever you want me to do.” She moved on her chair seductively, and I could tell she really needed to be fucked.

“I only have two requests.” I stated, and set down my tumbler, leaning towards her.

“What are they?” She urged.

“See my man over there?” I then pointed over to Sherman, and as she looked over at him, I discreetly held up two fingers that she didn’t see displayed. Letting him know what was happening, and what was required of him. She looked back at me in fear, as if I was suggesting a three-way. I chuckled at the thought, but then again, they all wondered that at first. “He is my assistant.” I grabbed her hand, and ran my finger across the back of her heated skin. “Let him swab your mouth, to check for drug use, and let him prick your finger for a three minute STD test. If all is well, I’ll fuck you hard and dirty… just how I know you want it.” I smirked at her, and could feel her body reacting to my words already. She was horny, and wanted her hand at trying to snag a billionaire… but they all did. Little did they know, this billionaire was already snagged when he was seventeen years old.

She  agreed  to  my  terms,  and  went  to  see Sherman, who had just arrived a few minutes ago to meet me, but stayed near the front until I gave him the all clear to come over. When he saw the two   fingers,   he   knew   what   that   meant, and accommodated her on my behalf, as required.  I watched her walk away, swaying her hips as she headed  over  to  him,  and  I  shook  my  head  and smirked. You meet a woman these days, and they’d do just about anything for a quick fuck. I was due for a round of fucking anyway, so she was perfect for tonight. I learned that I had to be more honest about what I wanted from them, and I have, whether they liked it or not. All this was on my time, and my dime, so I called the shots. Those shots being that I had no interest in emotional fucking, we only would fuck how I said, and never without a condom.  My life was too busy for drama and bullshit, so I always kept it straight, to avoid the chaser. I had her bent over the arm of the couch face down, ass up in the air. I gripped her hair with one hand, while the other was digging into her waist, she screamed and moaned as I showed no mercy, taking her like I wanted to, with no holds barred, and without emotions. But no matter how rough I got with her, she still loved it, loved it enough to ask for more. “Harder.” She screamed out, making me give her exactly what she wanted, she wanted to be fucked senseless in her ass.  . 

What could I say to that? Rough sex was definitely in these days, wouldn’t you agree? The craze of being dominated had become very popular from a new book trilogy, and now most women wanted that experience, rather than the so called
one. This fit my bill of distribution to a tee, and I fucked her hard and dirty. I was no dominant, but I liked rough, ratcheted sex with anyone I slept with, who wasn’t Kathleen.

There were a few who wanted the vanilla, the slow and sensual, the love making. But I only had that experience with one person, and I only wanted it with that
person. Having said that, vanilla was never an option for anyone else, but her, period. I flipped her over, not even remembering her name, and I didn’t want to know anyway. The only name I wanted to remember was the one I knew, Kathleen Toth-Chamberlin Pierce. She quickly fell to her knees, and sucked my cock in long, deep strokes, as I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, hoping and wishing she was KP. All of them thought they had a chance with me, they had no idea that they were just being used to fulfill a temporary need for release.

My hands gripped her hair, as I pumped my cock in and out of her mouth, until I groaned and released my pleasure. She screamed as she touched herself, I held her hair in my hand, tilting her head back so she looked at me as she came. She’s gasping and choking for air. “Pierce, oh God.” She moaned, as she shook.

I released her as she took deep breaths, lying down on the tan bear skinned rug on the floor of the Hotel Le Bristol in Paris. “Can we do this again, Pierce?” She asked, as she exited the bathroom, smiling at me. I pulled on my shirt, as she laid on the couch, looking at me as if she wanted to go again. I knew she was worn out physically, but my wealth had her ready to try to endure another round, just to please me. I was surprised at the lengths that some would go to, in their quest to secure fame and fortune. I wondered if I ever looked for a genuine relationship, would I even be able to find one now. It didn’t matter, I only wanted one with Kathleen. I wondered where she was, and what she was doing.
Did she think about me still? Does she still love me?
Does she love someone else?
“Pierce?” She called out to me, and I looked over to see the hurt in her eyes, she knew that she was already forgotten, and she hadn’t even left yet.

“You should go now. I’m heading back to the USA soon, and I’m not sure when I’ll be back.” I stated. She stood, and grabbed her clothes, walking past me to the door. I had no shame, and I had no time to pretend that this was something that it wasn’t. “Thank you. Have a good night.” I told her, as she just looked at me, waiting for me to reconsider my words to her, but I knew that would never happen. Truth be told, I didn’t know how much longer I could withstand not having penetrative sex. It wasn’t the ache to do it that bothered me, it was the desire to do it with
that consumed me, and the fact that I hadn't seen her in so long was making me crazy. I needed to find her, and make her love me again. Oh, Kathleen…
Where art thou?

“Pierce?” I felt my eyes flutter, slowly opening, to see Sherman sitting across from me on the jet. I groaned and sat up straight, yawning from a deep sleep, courtesy of the sleeping pills I’d taken right before take-off.

“Yeah.” I muttered, grabbed my water bottle from the cup holder, taking a few swigs, willing my memory to forget that crazy dream I had two nights ago. The one that was on repeat in my head, and even in my dreams, at thirty thousand feet in the sky. I was no Romeo, but I wasn’t a cold hearted bastard either. I just wanted everything that I didn’t give any other woman, with Kathleen.

“You were talking in your sleep. Anyways, we’re almost there, and we have the report summary from agent five. It’s uploading now,” Sherman stated, as he typed a few keys into his laptop. “Excellent.” I murmured. “Where was she?”

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