Taken by the Wolf: Collection (8 page)

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“I’m sorry,” Eva said. “I didn’t mean to wake you, I just wanted to check on you.”

Rowan hopped off the bed, shifting
before he hit the ground. He stood up straight, looking down at Eva, no words leaving his lips. He knew he was an impressive sight, all six feet four inches of chiseled muscle. Her mouth hung open as he followed her eyes, tracing their way over every line of his body. He was an alpha wolf in all his glory, presenting himself to his mate for the first time.

* * *

Eva couldn’t believe this was happening. She had gotten up to use the bathroom and on her way back she had caught Rowan, in wolf form, lying on his bed. He was so beautiful in that form, so regal looking; she had to get a look at him. Unfortunately she had awakened him, and now he stood before her completely nude.

His manhood was long and almost fully erect as he walked towards her. What was he going to do? He still hadn’t said a word: instead, he just looked at her with hunger in his eyes. She could feel a growing warmth between her legs. She’d had it since she went to the bathroom. She couldn’t quit thinking about Rowan laying claim to her. It was so bold, so confident, so erotic.

Instinctively her hand ran down her stomach, between her legs. The cotton panties she wore were thin and it didn’t take her fingers long to find the swollen nub of her clit through them. The way Rowan was looking at her, getting turned on just by the sight of her, was too much to bear.

Without warning he lunged forward, lifting her off the ground and pushing her against the wall. He was so strong, so powerful. She had never been with a man who possessed this much brute strength, a man who could manhandle her with ease.

Her thick legs wrapped around his waist, squeezing his muscular midsection. His mouth was on her, furiously delivering kisses down her neck. She moaned, arching her back and pressing her wet sweetness into his body, wanting to feel him pressed hard against her clit. She returned his kisses, exploring every square inch of his thick, corded neck.

They both stopped at the same time, turning their faces towards one another, their eyes locking. He had the most beautiful eyes of any man she had ever met. There was so much life, so much determination, so much confidence behind them. No woman could resist a man who could tell you all that with just his eyes. For several moments they stayed locked on one another, not moving an inch. Then, like a dam breaking, their mouths came together, their lips hungrily meeting as their tongues found their way back and forth.

Eva felt a tingling sensation over her entire body, her stomach filling with butterflies in anticipation of the pleasure to come. This was what she had wanted since this primitive god had entered her life the night before. The feelings he had given her when she’d first laid eyes on him were enough to send any woman over the edge, so it was only a matter of time before she gave her body to him.

With a yelp she was weightless, hanging in the air as Rowan spun around towards the bed, tossing her down in front of him. One powerful hand reached up to the collar of her shirt, rending it in two with one swipe. Her heavy, milky white breasts fell out of the shirt, exposing her pale pink nipples. Rowan looked at them, a gleam appearing in his eyes as he looked over every luscious curve. She had never seen such a look in a man’s eyes before.

He dove forward, burying his face between her breasts and squeezing them together with his big hands. She moaned and pulled at his hair as his tongue explored every inch of each breast, stopping on top of her erect nipples to deliver special attention.

Her hips swayed back and forth, wanting to feel every inch of his girth inside of her. Rowan reached down, sliding her panties off. As he did so, one of her legs went into the air, close to his mouth. His hand gripped her ankle as each, black-painted, toe found its way into his mouth. Then his tongue was out of his mouth again, the warm moistness of it sliding down from the tip of her toes, all the way to the inside of her thighs.

She shuddered as he stopped, every inch of her longing for his touch. Rowan held the length of his cock in one hand, teasing the moist folds of her labia with the engorged head. She looked down at it, licking her lips as she slid forward, signaling that she was ready.

His hands shot around to her round ass, squeezing each cheek hard as he lifted her off the bed. Her fingernails dug into the meat of his big arms as she felt all of his hardness entering her. He moved his hands to her hips, using his strength to rock her back and forth on his big cock. His hips thrust back and forth, driving all of him into her as his hands pulled her onto him.

She bit her bottom lip, the mixture of pain and pleasure one she had never felt before. Her eyes rolled back as she stared at the ceiling, the pain slowly leaving her as the pleasure began to take hold. The sheer size of his sex stretched her out, creating great friction as it rubbed against her inner walls.

She looked back into his eyes, locking with him again. His eyes were focused on her as his movements intensified and his breathing quickened. Short, animalistic growls escaped his lips as he pounded into her. She began to squeal and moan as she felt her orgasm gripping her entire body. In that instant she felt as connected to the wolf as she ever would. She let out a scream as Rowan released an inhuman roar from deep inside. Her whole body shook uncontrollably as all the stress of the last two days melted away. She could feel his hot juice filling her up as he released everything he had into her.

Rowan collapsed on top of Eva, his body spent from the intense lovemaking they had both experienced. She could feel his heart beating through his chest, hers doing the same. Without another word Rowan rolled off of her, pulling her over onto his chest in the process. They didn’t say anything to one another the rest of the night, and they drifted into slumber as one.


Taken By The Wolf Part 2


Chapter 11

Rowan opened his eyes to bright morning sunlight shining through his bedroom window. He looked down at his chest and found a ray of sunlight illuminating the beautiful creature that lay peacefully sleeping there. He smiled, knowing that he had staked his claim last night and Eva had reciprocated.

It’s morning already?
he thought as his sleep-addled brain finally began functioning.
I didn’t have any nightmares.

Every time Rowan drifted to the land of nod, as a human, his brain recounted the events of the faithful day he and Aster had removed Satan’s Angels from Bucklin for good—at least what they’d thought was for good. Now the werewolf biker gang was back and it was only a matter of time before they found their way to Bucklin. Those thoughts were far from his mind though, he was too happy about the lack of rewind in his dreams.

This one is special,
he thought, looking at the sleeping Eva.
I’ve never had a calming influence like this in my life.

He took in a deep breath as her bright blue eyes opened and looked at him lovingly.

“Well, good morning, Mr. Rowan,” she said, stretching out like a cat rousing from its slumber. “Good to see you again.”

She chuckled as she sat up, her large breasts hanging perfectly for him to see. He could feel the blood rushing to his cock again as he took all of her in, but unfortunately duty called—he was going to be late for work if he didn’t get a move on.

“Do you have to go to work?” she asked, a sullen expression on her face.  It was as if she could read his mind.

“Unfortunately,” he said. “This town isn’t going to police itself.”

“Is there really much police work for you to do?” she asked, standing up and wrapping a sheet around her body. Rowan cursed inside his head—he didn’t want all those beautiful curves to be hidden from his sight.

“Of course there is,” he said. “It’s like any other small town.”

“I just thought with everyone being wolves, it would be easier,” she said.

“That makes it worse,” Rowan said, sliding on a pair of briefs.

“Worse?” she asked. “How?”

“Well, you have to look at it like this. In a normal small human town everyone knows each other, but for the most part they’re not related and they have no duty to someone else. In this town everyone is a member of one of the five packs, meaning they gravitate towards their pack. They take on a lot of the traits of their pack and they follow the alpha and his personality.”

“I had no idea.”

“It can get trying. Luckily the Dawnguard are the main enforcers of the town, so we’re the strongest physically.”

“Does that mean all the cops are in your pack?”

“Only three of them. The other two are in the Skyvale pack. They’re good watchers—nothing happens without Hawk knowing about it. I need their eyes on my team.”

Eva took in a deep breath, her cheeks puffing out as she thought. “I didn’t know things could be so complicated.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Rowan said, laughing. He walked down the hallway, heading for the bathroom to begin his morning ritual. “What are you going to do all day?”

“You mean you don’t have anything special planned for me?” she asked, following him to the bathroom door.

“Why would I?” he asked.

“Well, I
your captive,” she said.

Rowan stopped and put his toothbrush down, looking at the water. Did she really still believe that? Was she still playing the victim?

“You aren’t my captive,” he said, giving her a deadly stare. “I’ve claimed you as my mate. You’re my partner now.”

“I see,” she said.

“My wolf has imprinted on you,” he said, hoping she would understand. “That means I’m connected to you now more than ever. When I first saw you in that bar I knew I was interested in you. When you were attacked by Axel I knew I couldn’t leave you to die. I couldn’t let something so beautiful perish like that.”

He reached up and stroked her soft hair. She smiled at him and turned her head into his hand.

“But now nature has taken over,” he said. “My wolf won’t allow any harm to come to you. It will drive me to protect you at all costs. You’re safe here in Bucklin, but I still can’t let you go home. It will bring too much danger to you. Besides, do you really want to go home?”

“I only thought about it because I thought my dad could protect me with all his money,” she said.

“But he disowned you,” he said.

“He did,” she said, looking away. “Surely he would help his little girl if she was in danger.”

“You would hope so,” Rowan said, pulling his hand away and returning to brushing his teeth.

“I don’t need him to do that, though,” Eva said, rubbing the back of his head. “I have you for that now. My wolf.”

* * *

Eva felt a little sadness as she watched Rowan’s truck pull out of the driveway, heading to work. She sat down on the bed in her little room, trying to figure out what to do with herself.

“Two days into captivity and I’m a housewife,” she said, with a laugh.

She silently cursed herself for thinking of it as captivity still. Rowan was protecting her and he had done everything possible to make her comfortable, yet the thought still lingered in her head.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be here: she was really digging the entire town. After growing up in the fast-paced city, surrounded by enough money to make anything she ever wanted happen, this was a nice change of pace. It was one of the reasons she’d chosen a college so far from home, in a more rural part of the state. Perhaps she was a farmer or druid in a past life; she definitely felt a connection with nature.

Still, she wanted to be able to tell her rotten parents she was okay. Surely they’d heard their little girl was missing. They had hearts, they had to care. She didn’t have many friends, thanks to Jason, but she wanted to at least let her bosses know she was still alive and not tied up in Buffalo Bill’s basement.

The lack of freedom to truly do whatever she wanted was what irked her, but Rowan had his reasons. She didn’t know anything about these Satan’s Angels, but they were clearly enough of a threat to shake a mountain like Rowan.

“Damn it all to hell,” she said, going to her drawer to find some clothes. It would be a lot easier if she’d had a wonderful life back home, one that she couldn’t wait to get back to. Then she’d be escaping while Rowan was at work, although she was forty miles from Cedarville and escaping a town full of werewolves with expert noses probably wasn’t going to happen. The hot sex from the night before was enough to keep her bolted in place, too—she had never experienced anything like that.

For the first time in my life I’ve found a man who cares about me and wants to protect me,
she thought.
Why do I want to mess that up and escape?

Eva walked to the window and stared out at the neighborhood before her. Beyond that was the wonderful little town of Bucklin.

“Dammit,” she said out loud. “This is my home now. I’m not a captive. I want to be here.”

Just saying the words out loud lifted a huge weight from her chest. For the first time in two days she felt like she could breathe easily again. No, for the first time since her father had disowned her she felt like she could breathe again. She had spent her time with Jason feeling trapped, alone and unwanted as he toyed with her. Then she spent every day hustling for money, barely able to keep her head above water as she tried to make ends meet on her own, all with the dream of one day making it back to college. She could barely afford electricity in her tiny apartment—how could she ever afford tuition again? This was where she belonged now; she had a whole new life. Eva Thompson the victim was no more, a woman of the past now dead. The thought brought a smile to her face as she got dressed. The walls didn’t feel like a prison anymore.


Chapter 12

Rowan parked his old Chevy in the parking lot behind the police station, as he did every day. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, another perfect spring day. Sometimes he lost sight of how sweet he had it compared to most humans.

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