Taken By The Karate Instructor

BOOK: Taken By The Karate Instructor
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Taken By The Karate Instructor

Tiffany Madison

Published by Tiffany Madison, 2014.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. April 18, 2014.

Copyright © 2014 Tiffany Madison.

Written by Tiffany Madison.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


Taken By The Karate Instructor

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All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older. 

My mom was going on and on, telling me about the new boyfriend she had met online. I hadn’t been listening, though, and instead kept my gaze out of the car window as we drove through the parking lot and parked in front of the dojo.

Her words faded out as I brought my attention to the large window on the front of the building, where I saw a handful of people dressed in their white Karate robes.

All different colored belts adorned their robes and I didn’t see a single person inside who was wearing a belt the color of mine. I sighed, as I looked down at my developing body and the white-colored belt that held the robe tightly to it.

“Becky, are you listening to me?” my mom asked, slapping me lightly on the knee.

I glanced over at her, still completely unaware of what she had been talking about.

“Uh, yea...” I said. “I’m listening.”

Without any more hesitation, she continued blabbing on. I brought my gaze back to the large window and this time, my eyes locked on one particular person.

Standing at the front of the room was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He was instructing the entire class and even from where I was sitting in the parking lot, I could see his strong authority. I couldn’t tell if it was his large, muscular figure or the fact that he was the only one wearing a black belt, but whatever it was, it was clear that he was in charge.

Immediately, I felt a moist heat in my crotch as my teenage pussy began to throb. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the man, as he picked up one of the students and threw them to the ground, demonstrating some sort of karate technique.

The muscles in his forearms rippled and I could see his powerful chest that was just slightly revealed at the top of his uniform, where the robe was just barely open.

I thought.

He looked like some sort of ex-special forces guy, or at least what I had imagined they would look like. With every single one of his movements, his muscles rippled and my crotch grew hotter. My young body began craving a man that I hadn’t even met yet and I was having feelings that I had never experienced before.

As I sat in the passenger seat of my mom’s car, I admired his thick black hair and beard, which were perfectly trimmed. It gave him a mature look that made me even more attracted to him.

Suddenly, I became even more excited for my first day of karate class, knowing that I was actually going to get to meet this man.

“Honey!” my mom shouted, slapping me on the knee again. “Did you hear a word I said?”

I smiled and shook my head, finally admitting that I hadn’t been listening at all.

“You’re going to be late if you don’t get out of the car and head inside,” she said, as she practically pushed me out of the car.

I glanced at the clock on the dashboard.

“Crap...” I said, before quickly grabbing the door handle and jumping out of the car.

I closed the car door and then looked down, pulling my white belt tight. Then I casually grabbed the top folds of the robe and pulled them apart, just slightly, so that a little more of my developing cleavage was showing. I pushed my shoulders forward, admiring the way my boobs came together.

I thought, smiling.

Then, without any more hesitation, I made my way to the front door of the dojo, listening as the sound of my mom’s car faded into the distance behind me.


chi, ni, san, shi!

The entire class was counting out pushups in Japanese as I walked into the dojo. A burst of adrenaline shot through me and I began to feel like I had bit off more than I could chew by joining a karate class.

I was mostly in pretty good shape, but I wasn’t sure if I could even do one real pushup.

Nervously, I stood in the doorway, waiting for the shouting to stop. It only took a second, though, for the instructor to notice me.

He turned to look at me, while the students continued shouting and doing pushups. His dark blue eyes cut through the room, locking with mine. His piercing stare was demanding and authoritative, but also very sexual.

I smiled coyly, hoping that he would smile back. His serious facial expression didn’t change, though, as he eyed me up and down, giving me a slow once over.

Without even being conscious of it, I pushed my chest out a bit, trying to make the most of the mounds of flesh on my chest that men seemed to enjoy staring at. He seemed unimpressed by it, though, and immediately brought his attention back to the class.

“Students!” he shouted. “We have a newcomer!”

The class stopped shouting immediately and they all turned to look at me. I felt my face get hot as blood rushed to it, causing me to blush. I didn’t feel comfortable being in the spotlight, and the instructor had just brought the focus of 30 students to me.

“I’m Sensei Domka,” the instructor said, giving me a traditional bow.

I awkwardly bowed in return and said, “My name is Becky. I’ve never done this before...”

A half smile crossed Sensei Domka’s face, as if he had already figured that out by the way I was acting.

“Join the class,” he said, in his deep voice that both turned me on and intimidated me at the same time.

The students all watched as I set my bag down near the front door and made my way to the back of the room.

“No, up here,” Sensei said, pointing at the front row of students. “All newcomers start in the front.”

Still blushing, I walked to the front of the room. I looked at myself in the giant mirror that was hung behind Sensei as I stepped forward, noticing how red my face was.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest and I began wondering if I should just leave. It felt like I was joining something serious and I was having second thoughts on whether or not I belonged.

Sensei watched me all the way until I got to the front of the room. Then he said, “Okay, students. Begin again.”

Ichi, ni, san, shi!
They shouted in unison, starting their pushups again without any hesitation.

I got down on my knees and then leaned forward, putting the weight of my upper body on my hands. Gravity caused my robe to pull off of my breasts a bit and when I looked down, I noticed that I could see all the way to my nipples.

I pushed my feet back so that I was holding myself up completely with my arms, and began doing pushups.

I counted in my head, as the rest of the class shouted in Japanese.

At three pushups, I was spent. It was all I could do to get up from the fourth one, my arms shaking as I pushed.

I thought.
I’m a petite girl, not a freaking drill sergeant or something.

The students continued, and I stopped. I sat back so that I was sitting on my heels and when I looked up at Sensei, he was shaking his head in disappointment.

“We’ll have to work on getting you stronger,” he said, as he kneeled next to me. “Karate is mostly technique, but it does also rely on strength.”

His voice seemed less intimidating than it had earlier and I felt like I could relax a little bit around him.

Go, ruku, shichi, hachi, ku, ju!!!

The students finished counting out their last set of pushups and then stopped in unison. Sensei slowly looked down at my chest and then brought his eyes back to mine, before stepping back in front of the class.

“Okay students,” he said. “Today we will teach our newest student, Becky, the basics of Karate...”

“Yes, Sensei!” they shouted.

Then Sensei Domka smiled before saying; “Let’s try to go easy on her.”


ll of the students had paired off into partners and they began sparring. I looked around the room, realizing that I was the odd number and that everybody else already had their partner.

It felt weird having nobody pick me, since I was used to being the popular girl in school. I guess here, though, I was just a regular nobody.

Suddenly, I felt Sensei’s strong hand grip my shoulder. He turned me around, his strength bending me to his will.

“You need a partner?” he asked.

I nodded and shrugged my shoulders.

“I guess so,” I responded.

Sensei kept his hand on my shoulder as he led me to the exercise mat that was in the front of the room. I felt submissive as I followed his lead.

I glanced over to the mirror as we walked, noticing how much taller Sensei was than me. He made my petite figure look even smaller and I found myself blushing again, nervous in his presence.

“Okay, Becky,” he said, as he positioned himself on the mat opposite me. “There are forms in Karate that you must learn and I will start teaching you those next time. But today, I’m going to show you some simple sparring techniques, just to get you used to being on the mat.”

I thought.
I have no idea what I’m doing.

I smiled nervously and watched as Sensei put his hands together in a praying position and then bowed traditionally in front of me. I did the same and smiled coyly when I brought my eyes back to his.

“Okay,” he said. “The first thing you must remember is that Karate is a martial art. It’s not just a game or a sport. It’s an ancient art form. But don’t ever assume that because it is an art, that it’s not useful.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed several of the students watching on, probably judging whether or not I was going to be a good fit for the class.

“Hit me,” Sensei said.

I raised my eyebrow and cocked my head to the side.

“Seriously?” I asked.

Sensei nodded, giving me a piercing look with his beautiful eyes.

“I don’t know about that,” I said.

I had only ever been in one fight, but I knew that I could have a pretty mean right hook if I wanted to and I didn’t want to hurt the man.

“Do it,” he said. “I’m going to show you a deflection throw.”

What in the hell is that?
I asked myself.

“Are you sure?” I asked, nervously balling up my hand into a fist.

Sensei nodded again, the look on his face unchanging.

“Okay...” I whispered.

Then I reached back, with my balled-up fist at eye level. I swung forward, bringing my fist toward his perfectly square jaw. I thought for sure that I was going to land the punch and that Sensei would be knocked out cold on the mat. However, that’s not at all what ended up happening.

Before my fist made it to his face, Sensei casually took a step to the side and grabbed my wrist as it was in motion. Then he used my own momentum to flip me over onto the map so that I landed on my back. Within a second, Sensei was on top of me, holding my arms above my head, pressing me firmly downward.

“This is called a grasshopper hold,” he said, his lips just inches away from my own.

I could smell his wintergreen-flavored gum as he spoke and out of reflex, I wanted to lift the back of my head up off of the mat and press my lips against his.

With all of his weight on me, though, I was completely vulnerable and I couldn’t have moved an inch if I had wanted to. Luckily, though, I didn’t want to.

I felt my pussy grow damp underneath my robe, immediately creating a sticky concoction that caused my panties to cling to my skin. I bit my bottom lip, looking up into Sensei’s eyes, falling deep into the dark blue and completely ignoring the fact that there were students watching.

It felt like we had laid there for a few minutes, but I know it was only a few seconds. Sensei picked himself up off of me and as soon as he did, I missed his presence.

He reached down and grabbed my hand, picking me up off of the floor. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. Some of the students began clapping for me and I smiled.

“Way to go down like a champ!” one of the students shouted.

I began laughing, knowing that it would be better if I just went ahead and made fun of myself. It was clear that I had a long ways to go if I couldn’t even land a punch on a guy.

I bowed jokingly in front of the class, as if I had just ended a star role in a play. Then I began to walk away from the mat that had just stopped my fall.

“Wait,” Sensei said, firmly. “We aren’t done yet.”

Shit, really?
I said to myself.

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