Taken By The Karate Instructor (2 page)

BOOK: Taken By The Karate Instructor
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I took a deep breath and turned back around, facing the guy who had just manhandled me like I was a helpless rag doll. He was standing on the mat with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

“Come on,” he said. “One more time...hit me.”

I knew that if I hesitated, he would see it coming. So I ran up instantly and threw a punch toward his stomach, trying to catch him off guard.

Once again, though, he casually stepped out of the way. This time, he grabbed me by the back of the neck as I passed. The strength of his hands was incredible and he squeezed softly, slowly my momentum. He didn’t throw me to the mat; instead he stood behind me with his hand around the back of my neck.

Our backs were facing the classroom and I felt as he pulled me close, pressing his body up against mine. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck as he leaned in.

“See,” he whispered. “I would have had you there, had this been a real fight.”

Air escaped my lungs as I tried to think of what to say. I was speechless, standing there with this mountain of a man behind me, his hand holding me still. It felt comfortable, yet a intimidated, knowing that he had total control and I was completely at his mercy.

The moist heat in my crotch became noticeable and I found myself really beginning to crave Sensei. It was hard to rationalize my attraction to him, especially because he was probably the same age as my dad, but still; I couldn’t deny his power and how much it turned me on.

I pushed my butt back against his crotch and I could have sworn I felt something hard underneath his robe.

Oh my gosh,
I thought.
Is that what I think it is?

The logical side of my mind kicked in suddenly, realizing that what was happening wasn’t right. There was no way that I could keep going forward with this kind of flirtation, without it somehow turning into me being grounded for the rest of my life.

As soon as that thought kicked in, I took a step forward. Sensei kept his grip on my neck for a moment, but then released me.

“You have a long ways to go,” he said, seeming angry that I had walked away from him. “Don’t think that you’re going to just be able to squeak by in this class.”

I put my hands on my hips and cocked my head to the side, turning around to face him.

“But Sensei Domka,” I said. “It’s my first day. What do you expect from me?”

Rage flashed in Sensei’s eyes and the kind face that I had seen a few moments before was gone in an instant.

A student tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear.

“Becky, don’t ever talk back to a Sensei,” the boy said. “Especially Sensei Domka.”

I looked down at the ground, afraid that I had pissed off Sensei for good.

“You’re staying after class,” Sensei said.

I pouted out my lower lip and responded, “I can’t, though, Sensei. My mom is coming to pick me up right at 6.”

Sensei grabbed the black belt that held his robe together and readjusted it. When he did, I noticed a large bulge that was pushing out from underneath, right at the level of his crotch.

Oh my...
I thought.

“We’ll call your mom and tell her you have to stay late,” he said. “It’s a common punishment for talking back to your Sensei. Plus, it will give you some more time to practice anyway.”

Shrugging my shoulders, I responded, “I mean, okay. I doubt she’ll mind.”

I knew that I needed as much practice as I could get anyway. I figured that the faster I got caught up with the class, the better.

The other students in the room continued sparring as I jogged over to my purse and grabbed my cell phone. I quickly texted my mom asking her if I could stay at the dojo a little later than we had planned. She of course said yes, clearly excited that I had actually found something that I was interested in.

I ran back up to Sensei Domka and said, “My mom said it’s okay if I stay a little later to go over some moves.”

Sensei nodded approvingly and then glanced at the watch. It was already almost time for class to be over.

“Class!” he shouted, in his deep, loud voice. “Time is up! You guys did great today and I will see you next week. Don’t forget that we have a tournament coming up, so practice as much as you can.”

All of the students faced the front of the room where Sensei Domka was standing and then they bowed in respect. Sensei bowed back and then motioned for the students to leave.

I watched as the students filed out of the front door and in a few moments, Sensei Domka and I were completely alone in the dojo.

“So...” I said, trying to fill the awkward silence with my voice. “What kind of Karate moves are we going to go over?”

The look of rage flashed in Sensei’s eyes again, as he silently looked me up and down, giving me a complete once over.

“Enough of your bratty bullshit,” he said, changing his tone completely from when he had spoken to me earlier.

He began walking towards me, with a look of hunger in his eyes. I began to back up, immediately feeling apprehensive. He was so strong and the way that he moved was intimidating.

"You know, ever since you first walked in this door an hour ago, it was clear what we both wanted from each other," he said.

"Oh?" I asked nervously. I could hear my voice wavering. "What do you mean?"

"I think you know exactly what I mean," he said, a lustful look crossing his face.

I smiled nervously. "Sensei Domka, I think I know what you’re talking about, but I’m not sure. I mean, I hardly know you..."

He closed the distance between us quickly, making me gasp. His hands shot out to my hips, rubbing against the soft fabric of my robe. I tried to break away for a moment, but he was just too strong.

"You can’t tell me that you didn’t feel that spark between us when I had you pinned down on the mat," he said.

I wanted him so badly, but I just didn’t know what I should do. As much as the logical side of my mind knew that it was wrong, the instincts inside of me were much stronger. With his face close to mine, I leaned in for a kiss. He leaned down so that his face was at my level and our lips met. He hungrily kissed me, his lust flowing through his mouth and into mine. His fingers tightened their grip on my hips. It started to hurt, and I thought I might have bruises by the time that we were finished, but I didn't care.

His hands ventured up to my tits, and I moaned as a man touched them for the first time. His fingers traced back down my front, parting open my robe. Within a moment, he had pulled my robe wide open, exposing my perky breasts to the air.

I moaned again, as he brought his lips to my nipple. It was pink and puffy, but quickly hardening. His hands moved back to the lower part of my robe, pulling it all the way up to my waist. Then he quickly pulled down the white pants that I had on, which were covering my lower half. His fingers began to quest forward, touching my little white panties that were now exposed.

I pushed him away. This wasn't right, this wasn't how imagined it at all. "Stop. Please go slow, Sensei," I said.

That familiar flash of rage crossed his face, quickly replaced by a smile. "Please, don’t tell me what to do. Don’t forget who the Sensei is around here." Then, he grabbed me roughly by my hips and turned me around, grabbing me by my hair. He pushed me against the concrete wall, his hand fondling my breast as he whispered in my ear, "Just relax, I thought you wanted this."

My mind raced. I
wanted this, but I wasn't sure anymore. This wasn't the sensual love making that I had anticipated for my first time. He kissed from my ear down to my neck, and I loved the way it felt. He let go of my hair and traced his fingers down my bare back, slowly pulling my robe off of my body, rendering me almost completely naked except for my panties that were still clinging onto my teenage body.

"You’re so fucking hot," he said.

I smiled. "Really, Sensei?"

"Really," he said, then slowly began to spread my legs open. I let him, figuring I could let him touch me there.

Instead of just touching me sensually, though, he quickly put his fingers on the inside of my cotton panties and
, ripping a hole right through the crotch. I screamed at him. "What are you doing?" But it was too late. The remnants of my panties quickly worked down my legs, ruined.

His fingers touched my clit immediately, and it was nothing like what it felt like when I played with myself. His touch was rough and intense. I felt my nails scratch the concrete wall as waves of ecstasy pulsed through my body and almost immediately, I felt myself rising toward orgasm.

Before I could get there, however, he suddenly stopped. I cried out as the sensation left my throbbing pussy, but his hands were on my hair again in an instant. He pulled back firmly, causing my chin to lift away from the wall.

His voice was like a growl in my ear. "I love your tight little body.”

I nodded quickly, overcome with pain and pleasure all at once. He continued pulling me away from the wall by my hair, moving me back to the mat where we had sparred earlier. I walked on my tiptoes the whole way, feeling the bulge underneath his robe as he brushed against my ass.

When we got to the mat, he turned me around and gave me another kiss. I returned it, more lustful than ever. His hands went to my ass and he squeezed it softly, right before throwing his weight into me. His strength caused me to fall back onto the mat and in a second, he was on top of me. His hand went to my chest, fondling my tits again before pushing me down so that I sunk down into the soft foam mat. He quickly spread my legs, baring my sex to him.

I watched him lick his lips, then disappear out of sight, my perky breasts blocking my view. I felt him lick each of my toes, then move to the other foot, giving them equal attention. Then, he worked his way up my freshly shaved legs, up my calves and my knees. He paused at the inside of my thigh, letting his tongue drag slowly over my smooth skin.

He inched closer to my pussy and as he did, I put my hands down there and felt his hair. Suddenly, a new wave of pleasure rocked my body, and I looked down to see his mouth suckled around my clit. I grabbed fistfuls of his hair, trying to push him away, the feeling was so intense. He didn't relent, just kept the same pressure, intensity, and speed.

It was amazing. I had never felt anything like it in my life. "Yes! Yes, Sensei!" I screamed, feeling myself going toward the edge. When the orgasm hit my body, I pressed my arms together, pushing my tits together and toward my face. He saw this and moaned right into my pussy, and it made me cum even harder.

Just as my orgasm subsided, he pulled away from my opening. A strand of my thick cum stretched between my open flower and his lower lip, eventually breaking and falling to his chin. I brought my hands to my face and started to giggle, I was in such shock. I was in such a state that I didn't even notice him open his robe and pull his own dick out. Imagine my surprise when I opened my eyes to find the biggest cock I had ever seen, hovering directly in my face.

I gasped. I figured he was well endowed from when I had noticed the bulge under his robe earlier, but I had no idea it was like this. As he stood next to me, his towering figure made me feel vulnerable and out of control.

"Sensei!" I cried out.

Without any hesitation, he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in toward his cock. I closed my mouth and let his dick press against my lips.

Sensei Domka sighed, then grabbed me under the chin. "Becky, trust me, you're going to want this to get as wet as possible before it goes where it's going next."

I began to tremble. I wanted this, but I had no idea it would be like this. Still, I opened my mouth. He jammed his cock between my parted lips. I gagged a little as he began to thrust into my mouth. I put my hands on his hips and tried to hold him back, and that seemed to slow him down a little bit. I licked the bottom of his cock with my tongue as it worked in and out of my mouth.

It seemed he liked what I was doing with my tongue. He began to groan, then quickly pulled out of my mouth. In a moment, he moved back between my legs. I tried to close them, but I was too late.

He began to position himself to take me, and I let out a whimper. "Sensei," I said softly.

"What is it?" he asked, as he began rubbing the head of his cock against my opening. It felt so good but I had promised myself that everything would be perfect the first time that I made love to someone.

"Please, be gentle, Sensei. I've never done this before."

He stopped. "You're a virgin?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. I bit my lip and nodded slowly.
he said, before pushing his cock into my little body.

I gritted my teeth and managed to keep from screaming as he stretched me to my limit immediately. I felt him encounter resistance and slowly slide out, and I let my breath out. Before I could relax, he plunged into my body again, this time tearing through the resistance. This time I did scream, but as soon as the pain started, it was over. After that, I just felt a satisfying fullness and a dull ache.

I watched as he put my legs up on his shoulders and began to slam into me. Each time he thrust into me, I moaned loudly, feeling like he couldn't possibly go deeper. Then the next thrust would come, and it would be even deeper, and I'd feel the same way. Finally it seemed like he was all the way in me, his balls rested up against my ass.

Sweat broke out on his forehead as he slammed into me over and over again. The muscles in his chest and arms rippled and contorted with every thrust. I could feel my tits bouncing around on top of me as my body moved back and forth. My hand went to my clit out of reflex, and I began playing with myself to accentuate the pleasure I was feeling from his cock.

"Oh yeah, you like this, don't you?" Sensei Domka grunted.

"Uh huh," I said in agreement.

Suddenly, Sensei stopped and pulled out. His body was hovered over me and I leaned in to kiss him, my tits pressing back up against his chest. He ignored my attempts at a kiss, though, and instead, stood up from the mat, bringing his cock to my lips once again.

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