Take Me (32 page)

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Authors: T.A. Grey

BOOK: Take Me
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The warmth of her hands on her skin sent little zaps of pleasure shooting inside her. She didn’t stop to think about what she was doing. She did it, for him.

Her hands trailed up to cup her breasts, to tug at the points of her nipples until they formed harder, longer peaks, and she didn’t stop there. Slowly, nervously, she gave him her back and curled her fingers into her underwear. This was torture for her, not being able to see him and know his reaction. Her fangs elongated with arousal, the little tips biting into her bottom lip.

Spreading her legs a few inches, she heard a low growl—the scent of his arousal hit her like a punch to the gut, knocking the wind out of her. She rocked on her feet sucking in wild breaths until a minute passed and she came back to. Dark male spice. His scent flooded the room.

“I need that done now, Vas. Yes, get that here tonight if you can. If not, earliest tomorrow.”

The sound of his voice urged her to continue, so she did, and pulled the scrap of panties down her legs. She bent over slowly with the movement, obviously displaying her backside to him. It took all her willpower not to look over her shoulder and see if he still watched her, but she managed to refrain. Kicking away the material, she finally turned back around and what she saw made her own eyes match the erotic expression he wore. His dark eyes, that devouring look he had, made her nipples throb to be plucked, and her sex pulsate with need.

His lips were parted, his breathing pronounced. He had moved to lean his back against the bar with his legs stretched out in front of him and parted in a man’s confident stance.

Felicity eyed all that glorious, tall strength and wanted what he’d had of her last night, to lick and touch every inch of his body.

“That isn’t good enough. I want you to take care of it. Yeah—I don’t care how you do it—just get it done. What about him?” Another grunt. “Shit. Yeah, I know it’s not good.”

Felicity strode toward him in nothing more than a pair of black high heels and the skin she’d been born in. She had almost reached him when he slammed the phone down ending the call.

Her bravado wavered now that she had his full attention. Not that he noticed. He didn’t notice because the second he slammed the phone down, one of his arms curled around her waist and pulled her flush against his body.

No sweet words, nothing. Only his mouth slamming down on hers, plundering her mouth. Tasting her, sucking her tongue into his mouth until they formed a passionate dance.

Felicity crawled her hands up his strong chest, hating the suit shirt he wore then thrust her hands into his thick hair.

His lips pulled back to trailed hot, wet kisses across her jaw to her ear. “What did they do to you?” he said, his voice making her shiver.

“What?” How could he ask her a question at a time like this. Didn’t he know that every time he touched her she couldn’t think clearly?

“Your hair.”

Her eyes flew open as she remembered. She looked into his eyes. “Do you like it? It’s for the campaign ball tonight. I think it’s beautiful.”

He grunted, looking unfazed at the sight of her glorious mane. She couldn’t quite hide her disappointment.

“You don’t like it then?”

He caught her look and pressed a soft, wet kiss to her lips. “Sweets, I like it, but I like being able to grab your hair even more. If I touch a strand of this it’ll be ruined.”

“Oh, good point.” Quite disappointing too, she realized. She loved it when he grabbed her hair to control a kiss, or bend her neck this way or that. He had such a domineering touch. It made her feel weak and feminine at the same time.

His dark eyes trailed down the front of her body making her squirm. “What’s all this for?” The pad of his thumb stroked over one nipple at his question.

“I wanted to make you feel better. You looked so stressed.”

He cupped her whole breast in his big hand, lifting the globe and squeezing it until bursts of pleasure shot to her brain and down to her clitoris making her ache.

“What did I do to deserve you?”

Felicity stiffened in his arms, though he didn’t realize it. Inside, her heart melted at his soft endearment voiced so softly, so offhandedly that it was as if he hadn’t meant for her to hear it. He said it was if he was voicing his own thoughts aloud and she happened to hear it.

“Oh baby, I love you,” she whispered.

One corner of his mouth lifted at her words. Then his phone rang and the effect was ruined. With a vicious curse, he put the phone to his ear and growled, “What?”

At once she knew the fun was over because his arm loosened around her waist and his head fell back in the look of a lost man, or of a man wishing he could be lost.

“Promise them anything, I don’t care. I need those votes. Yes, I’m amending the mating laws. Spread that word like wildfire. Well what else do they want? Everything’s been the same for hundreds of years and now suddenly people want change because of some mad alpha with crazed thoughts for the
? I will not allow inter-pack mating. It’ll be a bloody battle if we go there and you know it.”

Felicity had lost him. Their shared moment gone. It didn’t have to be, she decided.

He was still stressed with the weight of a presidential election sitting on his shoulders, and at this new phone call his body had tensed up again, his lips flattening into a hard line.

Felicity started tugging his shirt out of his pants.

Startled, dark eyes flew to hers then glowered with
the look
. Warm skin met her fingertips as she feathered a touch over his lower abdomen and tight hips. Slowly, she squatted in front of him. Her hands, eager to feel him, opened his pants and pulled back the material.

“I’m supposed to already have that district. What did he promise them that I didn’t?” he said, his voice thick with arousal.

His cock was hard and heavy, hidden behind the confines of black briefs. Some animal part inside her had her leaning into him, rubbing her cheek against the stiff, hot length of him, inhaling his rich, dark scent.

When his palm curled around one of her bare shoulders, her stomach quivered. Her body burned with arousal, impossibly turned on and he hadn’t even touched her. She hadn’t even touched him yet.

Working slowly to draw out his enjoyment, she inched his briefs down his strong, muscular thighs. Strange, but each time she darted a look up at him her stomach quivered into knots. How he could still make her nervous, she didn’t know. When she looked up at him, a fierce blush stole over her. Not in embarrassment but because he gazed down at her with parted lips and the hungriest expression she’d ever seen. As if her touch undid him utterly. She loved it.

The material gave way and his cock escaped from his briefs, buoying in front of her face. Her mouth watered for a taste of him. She touched his thighs in a mirror of what he’d done to her last night. Instead of squeezing his inner thighs and trapping his legs open as he’d done to her, she continued her caress up until one hand curled around the base of his cock and the other around the heavy sac hanging between his legs.

He hissed above her as he spoke into the phone. He spoke in a natural, albeit sexier voice, all the while his muscles flexed and rolled with erotic tension at her touch. She felt so powerful in this moment, like a queen before her very own army.

She tightened her grip around his hard length, loving the feel of velvety soft skin over rock hard organ. She’d felt that organ plundering inside her and the reminder made her core wet.

He was dusky colored, golden, the tip darker than the rest of him. A spattering of trimmed dark black hair covered his groin, framing his glorious staff.

Felicity held him at the base and ran her tongue along the crown. A soft moan escaped her as she tasted salty seed there. With a mixture of her saliva and his seed, she rubbed his wet tip around her lips as if she was applying lipstick. The strong hand on her shoulder bit into her skin with a fierce grip. His losing control only made her want to please him more.

So she parted her lips and slowly sucked him deep, working to wet his hard cock with her tongue until she covered him. She pulled back to glance at her handiwork and smiled at the sight of his glistening cock. The sac in her palm now weighed heavier as if his seed pooled.

“Patrick, call me back later.”

She’d forgotten he was still on the phone until his phone clattered to the bar and both hands caught her. He touched her everywhere he could. Caressed her shoulders, her neck, and her jaw. His fingers touched her wet lips and he whispered raw words of encouragement as his hips jerked and cock twitched to be back in her mouth.

She loved the sight and would always remember this one moment of him at her mercy.

...How sweet your mouth is. I want to fill it. Take me deep...
Ego petere vos.

His rough voice mumbled, straining the words into one long sentence. She had no idea what he said in that dark, sexy language, but she’d find out...later.

Felicity didn’t need any more encouragement. She used the hand around his cock to pump his shaft and sucked him deep, her lips and fist meeting. Her fist glided smoothly on his hard muscle.

His ragged breathing caressed her ears; their aroused scents clung to them like a wet coat, and when his hips started to work that hard shaft in and out between her lips in a fast rhythm, she opened up to accommodate his size.

Soft moans escaped her, muffled by his cock. He tasted like everything sexy and man. And when she felt his cock grow, thicken with a pulse, she knew he was ready.

A guttural growl sounded from his throat as his hands caught the back of her neck in a punishing grip and pulled her mouth down completely on his cock. She removed her fist from him fast. The crisp, curly hairs at the base of his cock tickled her lips and then his shaft pulsed again.

The hot burst filled her mouth in a creamy, salty pool. His growls never ended as he clenched her to him, giving her all of his pleasure. She drank down all of him, somewhat taken aback by the force of his orgasm, yet proud at the same time.

She gently released him as he softened. He had to help her stand since her legs trembled.

When she caught his gaze, she smiled. He looked completely ravaged in the best of ways. His eyes were relaxed, his mouth slightly tipped up instead of down. He looked sexy and hot as hell and she wanted to go back down and do it all over again, only this time slower.

“Baby, that hot mouth of yours is going to keep my hard all night.”

Her smile nearly burst. “Well, I love you too.”

His eyes dimmed, darkened. Almost distractedly he said, “Yeah, I love you too.” He said it as his eyes roamed over her naked body. Then in a move so fast it took her several seconds to comprehend what had happened, he had her lifted into the air and her back against the bar.

A split second later his cock plunged into her in a hard, unforgiving glide. His pants had fallen around his ankles but his cock hung free and hard. He used it. Only the hands on her ass kept her from falling.

He felt so damn good inside of her, filling every possible inch she could want. He took her hard, pelvis’s slamming together in a wet smack.

“Touch your pussy,” he growled, his eyes locked on where their bodies joined.

Felicity wrapped her legs around his working hips, steadied herself with one arm on the bar behind her, then quickly glided her hand down her stomach to her clitoris. All the while he pummeled into her, working that stiff organ in and out of her tight channel.

Her moans mixed with his grunts in sensual music.

“That’s right. Touch it, baby.”

“Mmm,” she moaned, obeying his command. Her fingers circled her clitoris finding it wet from her own arousal. A shiver racked over her at the first touch. Something pleasant coiled inside of her. “This isn’t going to take long,” she warned.

The hands on her ass kneaded as he altered his rhythm, becoming faster, bruising. “I’m going to take this part of you, baby. I’m going to own it and make it mine. I’m going to claim it until I’ve come in every part of you over and over again. Until my scent saturates your skin and everyone knows who you belong to.”

Eyes fluttering closed, Felicity moaned. A vision of him filling her in all those places and releasing inside her made her sex spasm around him.

“Yeah, you like it. My baby likes my touch.”

“Yes, yes, Dom.”

“The sight of you working that little pussy makes me so hot. You make me hot. Coming in here, getting naked for me, and sucking my cock makes me hot.
I’m going to fill you up now. Come with me now. Come for me, baby.”

Her fingers pressed harder. Pleasure boiled up and over. Everything squeezed inside of her, becoming unbearably tight and warm. All that pressure had to go somewhere had to release. Felicity shouted incomprehensible words ecstasy shattered inside of her.

He was right there with her, his grip crushing, his shaft pounding into her. With a final groan, he shoved deep and burst inside her.

Felicity came down like a leaf floating in the wind. Dom was there to catch her. He picked her up and took them to the sofa, positioning her over his lap.

All of her muscles relaxed and it became difficult to keep her eyes open.

“Baby, that was...” she trailed off not know what to say.

His low chuckle made her smile. “I don’t know if I deserve you.”

“With how good you just made me feel I’d say you plenty deserve me.” Smiling up at him, she gave him a soft, lingering kiss then hopped off his lap. Energy surged through her body like lightning. She could do anything in that moment. She could run twenty laps around his house at her fastest speed and not even break a sweat. Hopping on the balls of her feet, she smiled down at him and started pulling on her clothes.

He groaned at her. He looked like a sexy mass with his hair disheveled from her hands, his pants down around his ankles and his cock hanging wet and soft against his thigh. Her heart shuddered at the sight. The stress lines around his face had completely disappeared. She couldn’t help but be proud of herself. She’d done this. She’d helped him, and it’d been prettying damn fantastic too.

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