Take Me (42 page)

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Authors: T.A. Grey

BOOK: Take Me
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“I don’t know about that description,” Felicity muttered.

“Oh, yeah, like a little frightened mouse. So I run after you. There’s Helena looking smug and righteous and you, the most beautiful woman in my world, climbing into his fucking car.”

He managed to compliment her and make her blood run cold all in the same sentence. “Dom, I’m sorry. I was scared.”

“You were scared,” he said flatly. “I get scared too. Felicity, doesn’t mean you can run away from it.”

Anger came to a slow boil. “Not everyone is like you, and I’m certainly not like you. Not everyone is as strong as you are. I was scared shitless. I had no one in that room but you. Not even my mother was there, was she? You know what, I don’t talk to her but it would have been nice to have my only family at my mating ceremony. How could I even been excited about the greatest day in my life when I knew I’d be fighting a battle the moment I stepped into that room?”

“Is that what this is about? Helena?” He slowly turned his head to look away, those big hands curling into tight fists, and then he turned back to her with that same level of patience. “I had her taken care of.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I had a financial trap set up for her. If she dared to try to challenge you, I’d ruin her. I know Helena and she loves nothing more than money. She wouldn’t have touched a hair on your head. I never would have let her touch you. How do you not know that?”

Felicity reeled, started pacing around the room as her voice grew louder. “What? But that’s illegal. If someone wants to challenge then they have the right to do that. You couldn’t threaten her like that.”

His eyes flared. “I can do anything I want and if it means protecting what’s mine then I’ll do

The fight went out of her, or at least, most of it. “Baby, why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you what exactly? I didn’t have a lot of time from the campaign ball, to dealing with the mess there, then work, and the ceremony the next night.”

“You could have found a minute to tell me your little plan! I wouldn’t have been worried that I was going to get my ass kicked in front of all your family and peers and be the biggest embarrassment of the century, Dominic!” She was breathing hard now, chest rising and falling.

“Maybe I should have and maybe you shouldn’t have run from me. We could have talked about it.”

“You never even came back to me that night. Just patted me on the head and shooed me off to bed. What, I wasn’t supposed to worry about being challenged over you? I’m sorry I wasn’t privy to all this ‘financial ruin’ information so naturally I was a bit worried that I’d lose you to that red-headed bitch with claws.”

Dominic took a hard step towards her and then stopped as if physically trying to hold himself back. His own breaths deepened, eyes grew liquid. “Your fangs,” was all he said.

Confused, Felicity parted her lips and touched the tips with her tongue, just as surprised as he was. She’d grown so angry her fangs had dropped without her knowing it. That meant her eyes were glowing too. Suddenly her eyes shot straight to the pulse thudding at his thick neck. Her mouth watered. She loved the tan skin there, the strong neck with healthy tendons and concave crevasses. She wanted to dip her tongue there to taste him

“Felicity.” A warning, something close to a growl in his voice.

“What?” she said, already walking towards him.



“I’m pissed at you.”

“I’m mad at you too but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you, baby.”

She was close now and he the one backing up. “Don’t,” he said, voice a growl.

“Why not?”

His chest hammered with breaths, beating them out into the air. His legs hit a table with a lamp making him stop his retreat. She followed him, pressing her body into his as she slowly melted.

“I need time to think about this, Felicity.”

“Baby, I love you and I’m sorry. We’re going to get mated but we’re going to do it right. I’m gonna bring my mom and her little boyfriend, we won’t have the worry of the election standing over our heads, and it’ll just be me and you. Now, why don’t you come here so I can get a taste of that vein, baby.”

He groaned, she sighed, and then they were in each other’s arms as if they’d been aching to be there from the start. Her arms wrapped around his neck, mouth nuzzled the pulsating veins as he swept her up, arms tight around her waist, lifting her off the ground, and planting her back against the door he’d slammed into her face. She licked the pulse, held her tongue against it feeling it bounce against her before she struck. He didn’t jerk but growled, digging his erection between her legs.


Their bodies wrapped around each other, legs around tight hips, groin to groin, chest to chest. They moved together like a piece of beautiful music with Dominic taking the lead. He directed everything and she didn’t care because nothing felt more right than having him in her arms, holding her, loving her, once again.

She drank him, sweet, warm mouthfuls feeding her, pumping her heart to beat faster, wetting her between her legs. The gown came up. No longer was the dress an elegant gorgeous thing but was covered in splotches of mud, torn at the hem and along the bodice, but she didn’t care. He was lifting it, touching her bare legs and making her shiver. His hot breath panted against her bare shoulder as he kissed her, licked her skin.

She broke away from the bite as he cupped her between her legs. A wild, incoherent moan bubbled out from her lips and he caught sound, thrusting his tongue deep and kissing her. He shoved yards of material up between their hungry bodies. The metal of a belt clinked as it opened; a zipper hissed as it was shoved down, and material ripped that covered her between her legs.

Then he was hot, round, and hard at her entrance, slipping along her folds getting wet along her seam. He caught her moan with his kiss as he fitted himself to her then pushed inside slow and hard, pressing and filling.

It was perfect. They were one again.

She broke away from the kiss to breathe. “Dom!”

He grunted as he filled her to the brink then started moving. Only his strong grip at her hips kept her up against the wall, kept their bodies angled the right way as he moved.

“Fel, missed you.”

“I missed you too baby.”

He rocked between her thighs, mouth crashed down on hers. She knew then everything would be all right. Whatever it was they’d work through it.

“Touch yourself, baby. Between your legs in that sweet spot.”

Her hand moved down her body, pushed past the folds of material then found the tender bud.

Groaning, he drew back to look down at their joined bodies but material fell in the way.


He pulled out, stepped back with his hard erection jutting from his tight hips. Then he turned her sideways, grabbed her dress at the bodice and the back and pulled hard. Seams ripped apart as if they’d been barely holding on, as if they were the weakest thread in the world

Then she stood in her heels before Dom, shaking and aroused. His eyes trailed over her body with
the look

“We might not have been mated tonight but you are my mate. You are my woman, and I’ll never let you go.” He began tearing his clothes off.

“Good,” she said, her words not nearly as eloquent.

“Now get on the bed.”

She didn’t just go to the bed, she ran and threw herself on it. Watching him, panting, her legs spread as he strode towards her with a predator’s grace, pulling off his coat, unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes moved from her hard nipples to the flat of her stomach and even further to linger where she was pink and wet.

Upper body bared, she took in the sight of sculpted hard muscles. A pair of pecks that moved as he did, and abs that flexed and bunched as he shoved his pants down and kicked out of  his shoes.

“Touch yourself.”

Her hands went to her breasts, cupping the warm flesh. “No, no. Touch the sweet spot.”

Oh. A blush crept over her as she reached down, feeling the dips and curves of her stomach then finding her wet heat. She rubbed small circles over her bud before dipping a finger inside where he’d been rocking only minute before.

His eyes grew heated, cock bobbed. He ran a hand over that straining shaft, swiping his thumb over the tip. “Good baby, good. Make yourself come for me.”

Her cheeks turned very red. “What?”

He walked around the side of the bed so his hips were at the level of her face. “You heard me and you’re going to do it while sucking my cock.”

He didn’t let her utter a protest, just grabbed the back of her neck and ushered her lips to his cock. She did the rest from there, rather eagerly she found out. She loved the taste of herself on him mixed with his own flavor, loved the hardness of his shaft and the incredible softness of the skin. She sucked him deep and found her fingers flicking quickly over her bud.

He cupped her breasts, tugging her tender peaks. Pleasure grew inside her like a wave gaining height. Little spasms jerked throughout her body, in her hips and legs, her stomach. When the pleasure became too much she let him take over and thrust into her mouth.

His hard breathing encouraged her, let her know that he loved what she did to him...a lot. And when her pleasure came to climax, she felt his cock swell in her mouth, his hand squeeze around her breast.

 She moaned and wailed around his cock as he swelled then spurted in her mouth. They came together like that. Her body shook from the ferocity of it. Only after he pulled away did she stop rubbing as she grew too tender to be touched.

Her eyes fluttered shut then flew open when the bed dipped between her legs. He climbed up between her legs with that sinewy, predator’s grace. His tongue and lips found the center of her and played against her aching flesh. So soft, so gently he licked her, cleaned her, and tasted her.

“Dom,” she whispered, hands finding his hair and holding on.

Ever so slowly he sank a finger inside her, moved as he swirled his tongue around her tender clitoris like he had all the time in the world. It felt so good it hurt.

“Oh, baby, please.”

She had no idea if it was a plea for him to stop or to continue.

The pace picked up and when he shot her over the edge it was short and sharp like the point of a blade. She cried out, body shuddering beneath him, his name a whisper on her lips. As the waves still trembled inside her, he climbed up and sank hard and ready inside her. She opened up to him and let him have her. He claimed her body, heart, and soul.

“Love you,” he said against her throat a moment before he bit her.

This time wasn’t for her, yet it was so beautiful and perfect. She held on to him with open arms and legs as he surged inside her moving faster and harder. When he finally tore away from her neck and groaned, spilling inside her, she was right there watching it happen with a kiss on his lips.

“I love you, Dominic Blackmoore.”

He kissed her back and that night she fell asleep with Dominic Blackmoore sprawled across her body, the taste of him on her body, and had never felt better.



Chapter 27


A week came and went.

Dominic and Felicity hardly left the bed.

They acted like two newly mated couples though they’d yet to actually do the mating part. Whenever Felicity broached the subject of mating Dominic would find some way to shut her up, by either distracting her with his vein or with his talented mouth. It wasn’t fair, and at the end of the week she found herself struggling in turmoil.

Why didn’t he want to talk about mating? Why was he hiding around it? What if he didn’t want to mate with her anymore?

They explored each other’s bodies, and he never ceased to surprise her with how intense their lovemaking was. However, just because they had a great week together, a stress-free one where they finally begun to grow accustomed to each other, did not mean he could keep something so important from her.

She made her decision. Today she would make him tell her what was going on. If this was some kind of sick punishment then she wanted to know so she could end it. As it stood she’d been with him for one long, glorious week without interrupting phone calls, brothers, work, or bodyguards barging in. Just her and Dom together for one great week.

Naturally, having such a great week made her wary that something bad was going to happen. After all, good things rarely came without steep prices for her. Felicity decided to face this day like she might a job interview. She showered and dressed putting on her game face.

Now she stood wringing her hands outside his office where he’d closed the door. She couldn’t help but stare at the door. It was the first time the door he’d shut the door since she arrived. What did it mean? And why did she have that nagging sensation in the pit of her stomach that something
wrong? She heard a low rumble and cocked her head to the door, bringing her ear closer so she could hear better.

The sound still came out as a low rumble which meant he had to be whispering or at least trying to keep his voice down. What was he hiding from her?

He said he loved her. He said he still wanted her, that he forgave her. He said he’d find other work there was always other work, so then why did sweat bead along her brow?

“Come on Fel it’s now or never,” she muttered under her breath.

 She didn’t hesitate any longer and turned the handle. It didn’t move.

Shock hit her first. He’d locked her out. She stepped away from the door, staring at it as if it’d slapped her. Then she heard his voice speaking something rapidly and his steps coming to the door. As soon as he opened it she said, “Who were you talking to?”

His brows shot up, a grin curled his lips. “Hello to you too, sweets. Come in. I was just having a phone call, business.”

She followed him in, scanning the place like she might find something suspicious. It was ridiculous but she did it anyway. “What kind of business?”

A moment, then, “It’s nothing.”

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