Read Take it Deep (Take 2) Online

Authors: Jaimie Roberts

Take it Deep (Take 2) (29 page)

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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He places his fingers inside my panties and
yanks.  I cry out, desire ripping away at my insides.

He lifts my
bottom up against the wall and enters me without hesitation.  I gasp as I clutch on to his back for support.  I know he won’t let me go.  I trust he will never let me fall.  I just want to feel him close to me.

“Ana, you feel so good
, baby.”

He thrusts himself deep
er and I cry out again, my head spinning with the beautiful sensations.  With every thrust it just makes my legs turn more and more like jelly.  The deep penetration is making my heart beat faster and faster—it just feels so good.

We try to kiss each other but both of us are so out of breath, it’s no use.  I’m so busy moaning and making too much noise that I have to face the loss of his mouth.

I grab the back of his head, pulling him to my shoulder.  The intimacy between us is so electrifying.  I know I could never have this with anyone else.  He is my everything and always will be.  Nothing and no one could ever top this.

“Ana,” he cries with such agony it makes my orgasm explode without warning.

I’m screaming in pure bliss as he’s still pounding into me up against the wall.  The orgasm just keeps going and going, never seeming able to stop. 

He gently bites into my shoulder as he releases his beautiful come inside me.  It seemed to be just as intense with him as it was for me.

“Ana, the things you do to me, I know it will never stop.  It just gets more and more intense.  It’s so hard to stay away from you.”

I was in agony at this point.  I know I will have to tell Jake soon, but the more pressure I put on myself, the worse
I felt.  It just makes it ten times harder.  I know this isn’t the time or place to tell him.  I’m not sure when it ever will be. 

I cling on
to him, never wanting to let him go.  I could feel the sob rising through my stomach, but I held on to it.  I didn’t want to show Jake that I was hurting, and I didn’t want him to see the pain in my eyes at the thought of losing him again.

I swallowed the agony back down and took a deep breath.
  The lump that was forming was burning a hole in the back of my throat.  I couldn’t lose him.  Not now.  I didn’t have the strength—especially now he’s holding me so close.  I wanted to savor every second I had with him, even if it was down the back of a dark alleyway.  I’m not sure how pathetic that made me look, but I just didn’t care.

I knew I had to break free from
him—I knew I had to get away—and that was the one thought that finally broke my silence. 

“Can you take me home now?” w
as all I could muster.  He breaks free from me, cupping my face.  He looks deep into my eyes like he’s trying to search for something, trying to figure me out.  Hell I couldn’t figure myself out at the moment, so where did that leave him?

ay, I’ll take you back,” he said sadly.

He grabs my hand and we set a
bout trying to find our way back into the hall.  I quickly write a cheque for the prize I won and nip to the ladies to clean myself up a bit.  We say goodbye to everyone we know, who by now are all heavily under the influence.  No doubt there will be plenty of gossip on Monday.  I just wanted so much to get out of there; I didn’t much care for anything else.  My heart was lost to Jake and lord knows how I’m ever going to get it back.  Who am I kidding?  It is his and always has been.

He parks the car in the parking lot, opening my door to let me out.  We walk the few steps to the entrance of the building and Jake pauses.  He looks like he wants to say something, but doesn’t know if and how to say it.

“Can I see you tomorrow?  I want to take you out for lunch.  I thought it would be nice to go to La Bistro again, but I don’t know how you would feel about that after what happened last time.”

I smile thinki
ng that whatever happened with the way Alan tried to spoil my experience, I didn’t want to let him win.  The memories I have there have always been nice, especially since it was the first day he and I met.  That can never be taken away.

I didn’t think it would be a good idea to go, but Jake had such hope in his eyes that I couldn’t let him down.  How could I ever say no to those turquoise green sparkling eyes of his?  “Ok
ay,” I say without even thinking.  The word was out, so there was no turning back now.  His face was such a picture of hope and happiness that it made my heart flutter.

He walked me to the door lingering as he kissed me gently on the forehead.  A
voice inside me was shouting, “Ask him in, tell him you love him!” but I held firm.  If I did that I knew I would be lost.

I got back
to the apartment immediately wanting to satisfy my next craving for ice cream.  I got out the two tubs I had saved from when Jessie went to the grocery store, and put in a scoop of each one in a bowl.  I mixed it all up, letting the flavors blend in.  The more strange it all tasted, the better for me.

Once I was
finished up, I went to bed taking off all the star jewelry that Jake had bought for me all those weeks ago.  I was exhausted now and I knew I would sleep for England—or should I say, America?  I decided to bring out the CD that Jake bought for my birthday and put it in the CD player.  I wanted to listen to the masculine tones of Bon Jovi’s voice, especially “In These Arms Tonight.”  It was the song Jake said reminded him of me.  I listened intently to the words, letting the tears flow.  I clutched onto my sheets for comfort and closed my eyes, willing sleep.  It wasn’t long before my prayers were answered.


Chapter 27


I woke to the sounds of a text message on my phone.  I knew it was late in the morning, as the sun was beating right through my curtains.  At least I knew it was going to be a nice day for lunch with Jake.  The thought quickly reminded me of what today will bring, as I snap my head up to reach for my phone.

‘I enjoyed every moment with you last night and can’t wait to see you later.  I’ll be round to pick you up at one.’

I looked at the time and was shocked that it was nearly midday already.  Boy, can I sleep at times.  I text him back quickly to let him know that I was looking forward to it too, and set about getting ready.

I was just apply
ing the last touches of my makeup when the doorbell rang.  I quickly ran to the door—trying to get Jake’s earring in—and when I opened it, I nearly gasped.  He was wearing a thick cream shirt with beige trousers, and boy did he look hot.  He had gelled his hair a little, making the spikes at the top his head stand up that little bit more.  His eyes were glowing, taking every inch of me in also.

“Ana, you look beautiful in that dress,” he says leaning in for a kiss.

I decided to wear a little floral number considering it was a lovely day outside.  I knew it was cold so I brought a cream cardigan with me, just in case. 

“Thank you
, Jake.  You look great yourself,” I said, hungrily.

“Don’t start
, Ana, or else I’ll never get you to lunch.  You look like you need to gain a few pounds.”

Oh bother, little does he know I will be shortly, with a vengeance.


We get to Reston in about twenty minutes
and it’s heaving with people enjoying the autumn sun.  We find our table inside for a change, and we sit in silence for a few minutes gazing over our menus.

“Hi, how
y’all doing?  What can I get to drink for you today?”

Oh great, it’s her.  Miss D
rooly into her Bloody Panties is here again.  This is going to get pretty old, fast. 

“I’ll have an orange juice,” I say loudly to prompt her attention away from Jake.  She seems to nod
absent-mindedly in my direction and turns back to Jake again, smiling.  I’m going to smack this bitch in a minute if she’s not careful.

“I’ll have
a Bud please,” Jake said, smiling back at her. 

he just about does everything to make her feelings obvious, aside from getting naked in front of him.  Luckily she saunters off, albeit rather reluctantly.

“Do you not want any Pinot? 
I know you liked to have a glass or two here at times.”

I was still scowling at the waitress.  “No, I’m fine thanks,” I said through my teeth.

“What’s wrong?  You seem agitated about something,” he asked amused.

“I’m fine as long as people stopped being arseholes,” I said
, a little too aggressively.

  Hmm, the potty mouth has returned.”

I couldn’t hold my anger for long.  The way Jake said arsehole, instead of asshole
had the giggles suddenly erupt.

“See, that’s better,” he said triumphantly, “
Who's being an ‘arsehole’ anyway?”

one, certainly not you.  I just don’t like it when people make their feelings so damn obvious… oh look, speak of the devil.” 

The waitress returned with our drinks and purred the words, “S
o what would you like to eat?” In Jake’s direction, I might add.

“I’ll have the double cheeseburger with fries please,” I said
, loudly again.

“I’ll have the same,” Jake said
, not once taking his stare away from mine.

One to Ana Sinclair, bitch,
I thought.  Man I was pissed.  What on earth has gotten into me?


The meal was pleasant and I happily sat there eating every last morsel.  I was super hungry considering I didn’t eat any breakfast this morning.  It may have been something to do with the fact that I had slept through it all.

After eating, Jake ordered the bill whilst I went to the restroom.  When I got back
I was mortified to see the same waitress leaning over showing her cleavage, trying to hand a Jake a piece of paper.  That was it, I snapped.  I ran over to the table and fumed, “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked.  My voice boomed so loudly that all the other people in the restaurant heard.  Good, they can all see just the kind of horrible person she really is.

m sorry, is there a problem?” a voice asked from behind.

I looked across my shoulder and spotted a man in a suit, o
bviously the manager or owner.

“Nothing’s the matter,” I said sarcastically.  “I just don’t take too kindly to a waitress trying to ply my man with her telephone number the minute I leave to go to the restroom, that’s all.” 
Oh shit, did I just call Jake ‘My man?’  I turn back to Jake and he’s now beaming from ear to ear.  My anger just rose even higher.

“I’m sorry
, ma’am.  Rachel I think I need to see you in my office a moment.  Next time you come, you have a free drink on the house.  I’m so very sorry.”

I nodded my head but didn’t stick ar
ound longer to argue.  I was still angry and wanted the hell out of there all of a sudden.

“Hey, hey, wait up, Ana!
” Jake shouted.

“Don’t talk to me I’m angry,” I seethed.  He went to say something else and I put my hand up.  “Just take me home
, Jake.  Now.”

The rest of the journey was made in silence.  I was still really angry about that waitress and it clearly showed.  When we reached the parking lot I shot out of the c
ar before Jake could react. 

I was heading home.

“Why are you so angry with me?” Jake asks, running behind me.

I didn’t bother answering I just got in the lift and made my way up, Jake following my every footstep.

Once at the door I slammed it in his face and ran into my room.

at’s going on?” Jessie asks, as Jake’s banging on the door.

“Nothing, Jessie.  Don’t let him in!
” I shouted, but it was too late.

“Thanks Jessie,” Jake panted
.  “Where is she?”

“She’s in her
room; I’m about to head on out so I’ll leave you two to it.”

” I shouted from my bedroom.  I heard the door shut and the sound of mine opening.

why are you so angry with me?  Tell me.”

I got up from
my bed in a huff and shouted, “I don’t know, okay!  She pissed me off, what can I say.” 

He walked over and placed
a finger under my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” he implored.

What could I possibly say?  The man was my everything, and if I told him now, my whole world would be destroyed.  I knew I couldn’t hide it any longer.  I knew I had to tell him the truth, tell him that he was going to be a father.  But there was one thing I wanted more right now, and that was him.

I thre
w my arms around him, the tears streaming endlessly.  This was going to be the last time Jake and I would make love together and I wanted it to be special.  I remember the words I said at the hotel and it all brought me back to that moment again.

BOOK: Take it Deep (Take 2)
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